Reforged Galaxy

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Lootable from POI containers, buyable from traders, found in Asteroids in some systems (random).
    Whyuhaftobemad likes this.
  2. Steve Mc Queen

    Steve Mc Queen Ensign

    Feb 4, 2021
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    I try to apply the config to all my saved game, (replacing the Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Configuration) It work fine until I do save and reload a game, then I get the following error:

    Initialize engine version: 2020.1.11f1 (698c1113cef0)
    Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
    04-22:29:59.034 23_29 -EXC- System.Exception: No item/block with name 'HoverBike' existing
    at Assembly-CSharp.StubList..ctor (System.String , System.Int32 , System.Boolean , DeconstructionOverride , System.String , System.String , System.Int32 , System.Single ) [0x00045] in <7327228bf3c044b29b0ee6a9654c963f>:0
    at Assembly-CSharp.ActivatorScope.SplitView (Assembly-CSharp.RegistryTypeStreamContext+WindowLoaderStreamContext ) [0x000ee] in <7327228bf3c044b29b0ee6a9654c963f>:0
    at Assembly-CSharp.ActivatorScope.DisconnectOutline (Assembly-CSharp.RegistryTypeStreamContext ) [0x00015] in <7327228bf3c044b29b0ee6a9654c963f>:0
    04-22:29:59.046 23_29 -WRN- No template found for FuelTankMSSmall
    04-22:29:59.047 23_29 -WRN- No template found for FuelTankMSLarge
    04-22:29:59.047 23_29 -WRN- No template found for OxygenTankSmallMS
    04-22:29:59.048 23_29 -WRN- No template found for OxygenTankMS
    04-22:29:59.048 23_29 -WRN- No template found for GravityGeneratorMS
    04-22:29:59.049 23_29 -WRN- No template found for OxygenStation

    Some to do with the HoverBike :)

    Is there a workaround or it is not possible to apply the reforged config to existing saved game?
  3. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    It's recommended to use Reforged Galaxy as a scenario. If you're fully replacing files, you need to stick the Prefabs into the game's prefabs.
    Also, since RG hasn't updated to 1.4, there may be errors with everything else. I'm still working on it and it'll be a couple of days.
  4. Steve Mc Queen

    Steve Mc Queen Ensign

    Feb 4, 2021
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    Thanks for the tips and thanks for your work on this mod.

    we are 6/7 player on the server and we did not feel restart from scratch, so we decide to try to give it a go and upgrade the config with the reforged...
    And It looks like the Prefabs tricks did do the work, i'll test it a bit more tomorow.
    I'll will drop a message tomorrow with a status, if its work fine, you can update your first page with this info.

    Thanks again
  5. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Took me some time to figure out where those story missions are coming from. Good work so far, I like them. Any chance we get more with the next update?
  6. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Two new big ones in the next update (might be today, might be tomorrow) and some fixes for the older ones (ki'eve not spawning above ground, weaker pirates in relay 451, etc...).
  7. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    V1.4-68 Changelog:
    MASSIVE UPDATE. Will require a fresh game.

    It's finally here. The 1.4 update of Reforged Galaxy (and soon to be Reforged Eden as well) for 1.4 that adds a huge amount of content, removes exploits and introduces a small problem for players.
    You'll need to update your old BPs and replace the quantums and other Reforged blocks with their new versions. In survival you'll be able to retrieve a block with the Multitool and it will give you the new version, which you can place back down.

    Now, onto the changelog...
    • Added two new Story Missions that follow on after "The Cruel Stars" that you'll know as "Offworld Grave" and the new "Hostile Apparatus".
    • First implementation of the Karma system: Your actions when choosing dialogue in missions and NPC dialogue will affect your standing in the galaxy and change how other NPCs will react to you.
      Extremes of Heroism or Renegade will also open up new options of dialogue to produce different results (WIP).
    • The new Nutrition System: Eating a variety of food types (Fruits, Vegetables, Grain and Protein) will provide dietary bonuses that increase your movement speed, stamina regeneration, health recovery or reduce the rate your hunger goes down depending on what combination of foods you eat (Emergency Rations and Energy Bars do NOT give any nutrition bonuses).
      These bonuses are not visibly displayed. You can only watch your stats and hope you're healthy.
    • New Long-Ranged Detector: Available for SV and CV, the long-ranged detector will detect far further than the regular detector, but only display the results for 5 seconds. RMB will ping it as the regular detector, but will show detected objects for twice as long.
    • New Heavy Turrets: These new Tier 2 Turrets combine the CPU, firepower, armor and durability of two normal turrets into a single turret allowing your smaller ships to pack the firepower of larger ships without needing to be massive. These are available for CV, BA, HV and SV in normal and retractable versions.
    • New Heavy Weapons for HV/SV: Currently only includes the Heavy Gatling and Heavy Pulse Laser. Like the Heavy Turrets, they pack the firepower of two normal gatlings/pulse lasers into the space of one.
    • New Tech Tree Branch: The "System Upgrade" tree is used to unlock the new Ammunitions for the new weapons as well as the weapons themselves. Upgrading to heavy weapons requires an Upgrade Kit, which are found in Rare, Very Rare, Ultra Rare loot containers and some traders.
    • Hundreds of new and updated POIs: Yes, I updated and added hundreds of POIs to replace most of the game's default ones. No more Toveras that don't have Quantum CPU Extenders or POIs with their weapons off because someone at eleon broke the POI when adding a trader to it.
      Many military POIs will now be shielded, but usually with very weak shields. (see below)
    • New shield systems: More shield generators are available to the player, cheaper and earlier. The lowest tier of shield generators can be made without zascosium and erestrum, but won't hold up to much punishment.
      The new shield mechanics will stop minigun, cannon and rockets very effectively, but buckle from energy weapons. Those missile POIs won't be able to harm a well-shielded ship, but if you lose that shield and take a hit...
    • Rebalanced the flight model for SVs: SVs are now lighter than they were, with thrust adjusted to compensate with a bonus. You'll find SVs to be much more maneuverable now and able to lift higher weights.
    • Larger stack sizes: Stack sizes for components and ammunition has been doubled, depending on object's size.
    • Industrial Mechanical Drill for CV: Available earlier than the laser drill, the Industrial Drill is a big asteroid-eating monster of a device. It's also extremely heavy, so keep an eye on your weight.
    • Improved explosions: So you don't just explode instantly. Explosions were reduced in size (for the most part), damage reduced and the HP of key devices like generators and fuel tanks was increased.
    • Increased the amount of power provided by HV/SV Generators slightly.
    • Added Heavy Turrets for the AI: You didn't think it would be that easy did you? No, the AI get T2 turrets too. These are loaded onto the updated and new POIs and ships where relevant.
    • No more Windows in loot containers. I found them and killed them. Added Linux instead.
    • Rebalanced loot chances and drops: Won't get as much junk in ultra rare loot containers.
    • Changed all playfields and POI generation: Needed to accommodate the new POIs, but also included new troop spawns, ore and enemy distribution.
    • A Forest of Stars mission will correctly spawn Ki'eve and the Zirax Soldiers.
    • Replaced the Pirates on Relay 451 in "The Cruel Stars" mission with new, weaker pirates (Pirate Thug).
    • Reduced the number of Interceptors and Interdictors in the starting orbit (less than vanilla)
    • Covered the Zirax Homeworld in POIs.
    • Rebalanced Status Effects inflicted by enemies: Reduced number of Dermal Burns and Parasites and increased the chances of getting the weirder ones.
    • Disruptor Cannons obtained from the Legacy's Quantum Loot Box can be retrieved with the multitool instead of being salvaged. They consume less power and CPU now. Only Player-placed Disruptor Cannons can be picked back up. POI-spawned ones will give disruptor ammo instead.
    • Disruptor Ammo now costs less to buy from station services (still expensive), but is also obtained by retrieving Shockwave Emitters or Disruptor Cannons from Legacy ships and POIs.
    There's more, but it's late and i'm tired and i've been working on this update for over 4 weeks straight and it took a week longer than it was meant to. I'll add more when I can remember everything else I did.

    Note: The HV Swarm rockets currently use the default projectile model, but are planned to be replaced with multiple rockets launched at once but it requires a new model, which I don't have time for atm.
    Custom Crosshairs are also planned, I have the assets; but like the rockets I don't have time in this version. Since it's visual, it won't impact any existing savegame at a later date.

    Nutrition effects last up to 15 minutes and don't stack with themselves. Higher quality foods have a higher nutrition buff chance.

    New Tech Tree Branch:
    24 Invertible_2021-02-10_00-20-32.png

    Manual Download:
    Reforged Galaxy 1.4-68

    Also available on the thread OP.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2021
  8. Homunk

    Homunk Lieutenant

    Mar 22, 2020
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    This looks great! :) Thank you.
    electriclimbo83 and Vermillion like this.
  9. Mirosya

    Mirosya Commander

    Dec 9, 2019
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    Reforged Creative Studio is also updated? Will there be 1.3 versions in the title?
    electriclimbo83 likes this.
  10. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    This update is absolutely amazing! I dont even know where to start. I love the food change, always thought just getting to a point and living off of MREs really took the challenge away. And in a recent playthrough I was getting so many ration packs from loot that farming was no longer even needed.

    Smaller shields?! That totally adds a new dynamic that can make those early SVs actually worth more than just quick scouts. Enhanced scanners?! I understood the reduction in scan range V vanilla, as it did pretty much remove the requirement to actually explore a system, but now having the option to boost that is great.

    I also love your adjustments to the loot containers, I know I havent experienced it yet, but if you have even just removed windows from them I would be happy. Nothing like busting hump through a horde of bad guys, or fighting an enemy CV for an hour, only to come out with a bunch of windows...

    I could go on and on, but seriously...I find every change you made to be a massive boon to the game and am excited to test them out. Season 2 of my MP server is coming up soon, and this is going to be epic!
    Sup likes this.
  11. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thanks for all your hard work, it's much appreciated. Going to try out the Reforged Galaxy Scenario now, but will likely start again (I like restarting) once Reforged Eden is ready to go :)

    Edit: Sorta embarrassed, but I died within the first ten minutes or so of my start on the Ice Planet. There I was happily building my first HV when...I'm dead. It appears a Plasma Drone wandered in my direction and one-shotted me, then chewed up my WIP HV. To add insult to injury a Troop Transport turned up and chased me around before landing. lol. That's got to be my quickest death since I first started playing the game.

    The Drone thankfully wandered off again and I got the Transport to land some distance from my little camp and I quickly replaced the destroyed components and ran for it.

    Last edited: Feb 9, 2021
    Sup likes this.
  12. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Awesome update! Thanks for your hard work on it!
    electriclimbo83 likes this.
  13. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    Oh? What flavor?
    electriclimbo83 likes this.
  14. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    This sounds like it could be fun, but I fear it will suffer from the slot problem here just as it does for me in 7DTD. Slots are the limiting factor for personnel items, including guns, tools, ammo, charges, meds, food. I am always giving up some of those because I am slot bound since Eleon has chosen to have 2 systems to limit what can be carried/stored, both slots and volume.
    It is easy to carry a reasonable amount of personal items within the volume limits but slots fill fast when carrying 2 of this and 10 of that and 50 of the other leaving you with limited slots for the reward of the adventure (loot). Unless the buff is unreasonably overpowered I suspect that additional empty slots will be more valuable than the buff from always carrying multiple food types. Perhaps this all works different than I envision.
  15. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Just keep your food in your fridge and eat as necessary. :D
  16. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hey again,

    Enjoying my fresh Reforged Galaxy start so far, but have had a couple of odd issues where things appear to teleport.

    1) I can see a Rocket Drone the other side of some mountains about 800m away as I do a quick Ping from my HV while inspecting a crashed CV. I'm in the external view, still piloting the HV, looking around at this time and that is the closest Drone showing. About a second later my entire HV explodes as a rocket hits it. Dead. There was nothing near me a second before and that Rocket Drone doesn't have an 800m range surely? This is on the ice starting planet.

    I reloaded from a backup save, as I lost everything. My HV was decimated, almost nothing left.

    2) I've just arrived at another CV wreck, nothing dangerous nearby visually, and Ping reveals nothing. I'm just about to exit my HV when I start taking fire. The PV had suddenly appeared a little over 300m away, considering this vessel is rendered from quite a distance, this seems a little odd.

    Really not sure what happened but I'd previously seen that PV travelling East/West - seemingly patrolling backwards and forwards - near the South pole of the planet. I'd driven quite some distance North, almost at the pole. and suddenly it's there.

    Is their some situation where a Drone / PV might teleport? Say if it's gotten stuck? The PV was very near some mountains when I last saw it and that Drone was just the other side of some more mountains. Of course, there might have been a second PV - is that even possible? - but how it suddenly appeared was odd, considering the general really good render distance.

    I have gotten into the habit of making a backup save regularly, as weird stuff regularly seems to happen to me, it's not been a particular problem. Rather more a "what just happened" moment lol.

  17. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    If I can't subsist exclusively on Burgers it's going to ruin my immershun lol.

    (Damn, I miss burgers, not had one in literally months...not since before the prior lockdown in the UK...basically back in the summer! Only have them as take-out socially, no places deliver to my location....probably for the best)

    Edit: Hmm, that's doubly weird. I reloaded my save and now my HV won't turn - I checked the sliders and they're all fully right, yet Pitch/Yaw/Roll are all showing as zero....most odd!

    Last edited: Feb 9, 2021
  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    There's a vanilla bug where patrol vessels don't show up to scanners. Nothing I can do about it, so i'm guessing that it was the patrol vessel that got you the first time.

    Food made of a good amount of multiple different ingredients will provide two or more nutrition bonuses (e.g. Cake and Stew provide two bonuses). Fruit, Vegetable and Berry juices also provide nutrition and all nutrition bonuses last 15 minutes from consumption.

    Known bug:
    The Mobile Shield Generator (CV/BA) is currently not craftable since it's missing the constructor designation. Will be fixed soon.
  19. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Constantly staying within F4 range of a fridge limits fun. It is not like on HWS where my food is up to over 1600 and I can go a long time between eating. This potential issue is a consequence of a choice by Eleon that still baffles me.
  20. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    It's the Korat-Class Cutter I'm seeing, shooting some sort of laser by the look of it. Does quite a lot of damage, but then my HV isn't armoured at all.

    I was aware of the PV not showing on scanners issue, however, the fact that it wasn't rendered until within about 350m - I loaded and tested a couple of times - strikes me as a little odd. When I was seeing it previously, it was a good km+ away.

    Still trying to figure out why my HV will no longer turned ok before, if slowly (no RCS) but it was fully functional.

    Edit: If I add an RCS the HV turns just fine....however, it was working perfectly without an RCS prior to my reloading. It initially had the basic Ground Repulsor engines, but I replaced them with normal Hovers and a basic Thruster in each direction. Worked well...until I reloaded.

    Last edited: Feb 9, 2021

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