What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    I only have two CVs built around the new explosion vector calculation, or whatever you call it. Neither of them are meant for heavy combat. One only has mounts for turrets so it can "assist" in BA defense. The one I just finished today is a mining/salvage CV named the Perspiration. Hardened steel outer hull, and basic steel inner blocks. And while most of my stuff is built for the vanilla game, this newest CV was actually built with testing for explosions in a reforged scenario. I literally shot fuel tanks and thrusters in reforged creative to test how much it could take before catastrophic explosions ensued.

    To push myself in the use of colors, well, it is perhaps a bit on the bold side?


    NewGame_2021-02-26_22-25-01.jpg NewGame_2021-02-26_22-16-32.jpg NewGame_2021-02-26_22-18-29.jpg NewGame_2021-02-26_22-19-52.jpg
  2. xtended2l

    xtended2l Commander

    Oct 23, 2020
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    Tbh, my first CV, which was destroyed, you know, first, is really battle-hardened. This CV evolved with me through the game and was only destroyed because of my mistake. It is made entirely of Xenosteel and all devices are separated there, so no chain reaction + good maneuvers + 35 turrets.

    I also spent a couple of hours to upgrade the Trebuchet afterwards too, so I replaced all that carbon blocks inside with combat steel and filled the gaps between devices. So now it is ok'ish too ;)

    But you are right, it is always better to make tests first. My mind was just clouded by revenge lol

    I also want to mention, that in new version of Reforged Eden, all Zirax ships I saw are now buffed with lvl2 turrets, which makes them super tough, especially Imirat. I did not encountered Tovera though, if it is buffed too, god knows how to beat it now.
  3. DarkMaid

    DarkMaid Commander

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Waldo. That's what I'm calling my PV friend from now on. And yeah I changed my mind about giving up the snow planet start but I'm going about it as if it's a new game. No trying to hunker down and develop any bases: stay mobile in my battered Dart and keep going around collecting food, exploring and dropping in on my two outposts/re-supply stations as needed. "Where's Waldo" is my new M.O. and keep moving to where he isn't likely to show up soon.

    Killed my first ever Ice Golem. Holy moley those things give up good loot! Instantly solved my zero promethium situation which given the battered nature of my SV there was no way I could take on the drones guarding the only two promethium nodes on the planet. Now I'll know what to go after the next time I do a snow start.

    Finally recovered all my health and food from the 2nd base battle debacle; located several spots with decent food and marked them on the HUD (the escape pod crash site, a couple of hotsprings, and best of all an oasis that is connected to but just outside of Talon territory).

    Future base-wise I found a set of low hills that I'm going to tunnel out to locate a proper perma base that I can keep powered for grow pots, etc. From outside it won't be detectable from Waldo (I hope) and even if it is I'm going to give it two separate exits so that I can escape without risking an unlucky hit. Now that I have some promethium for drill charges I can get to work on that in earnest. I did start the entrance with my Survival tool but I discovered it is VERY cold inside mountains/hills for some reason; to the point that the portable heater is almost useless. I really, REALLY need a heated, protected garage so that I can properly repair and upgrade the Dart (and anything else) without constantly ducking back indoors to avoid hypothermia. Not to mention the Hoverbike is still sitting in the snow where I discovered it on Day 1, poor thing :)

    This is no doubt one of the most interesting games I've ever started (I know I've mentioned it before). I've got hours and hours worth of things already lined up to do for this one. And the day I can finally hunt down Waldo and burn down his house is going to feel great...


    Site of the 2nd base beside crashed Polaris-class CV where Waldo basically laughed at my double Projectile Turret attempted defense. Also the short jog between the base and the POI where I almost got cut down after spending 1/2 hour grinding out steel plates with a Survival Tool (for ammo). And the tunnel entrance to where the generator set is. The tunnel continues through the narrow hill side and exits onto a hot spring where I've already swum in a dozen times for plant protein, pentaxcid and those underwater Alien Plasma coral plants. Arachnids also regularly spawn around there which have provided a fair amount of meat and XP.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2021
  4. Darinth

    Darinth Commander

    Jan 11, 2021
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    FYI, a base does not need to be oxygenated (I don't even think it needs powered, but not 100% on that) to be heated. Use you drone to make an area just large enough to make an enclosed area underground, build a wooden structure with a door and go enjoy the warm subterranean base.

    From there, you can send your drone out again to tunnel out more space, build extensions, and only break the walls you already have down once doing so won't break air-tightness.

    That's how I survived my current play through on the snow planet. I drilled into a mountain and used it for cover until I could fight the PV.
  5. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Must be one of this Days...
    Finding a Trader with very interesting Stuff but his 'Offers' make no sense at all:mad:
    Who has Crew to sell? Besides of Traders I mean...
    Of course, I can sell Consoles and Furnishing - good for Jesus Daddy I presume:D
    jepbindawernoch and xtended2l like this.
  6. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    ...there goes another one...

    The difference what the Sales Pitch says and what he actually does -> Top line against Offer
    dpburke2 likes this.
  7. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Almost-Vanilla fresh start in a swamp today, but as usual large holes start opening in the terrain right next to my starting base.
    Am I the only one seeing this issue, would love to know what I'm doing wrong.

    May be forced to move base, it's a nice hilltop start location with plenty of XP farming and a stone golem spawn in the valley, so house move is kinda forced upon me, have been loving the sunsets from this hilltop.
    cmguardia and dpburke2 like this.
  8. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    You are not alone... I have encountered this Wholes several times, reported them each time but they are not reproducible, at least not by force, for the Devs. My last 'finding' was two days ago on the Arid Planet, Vanilla.
    and on the Snow Starter

    cmguardia and dpburke2 like this.
  9. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    You can use your Drill Tool and hold on the edge of the Whole - that 'closes' it...it does not appear there anymore.
    Slam Jones and cmguardia like this.
  10. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    I have 3 smaller holes nearby, last week I had a whole hunk of terrain rise by about 6 meters and eventually just deleted the whole save after it was taking too long to level the bump and fill the ditches. It sometimes works nicely and makes cool features, but it's far too random for my playing style, especially the floating grass. Which makes running away from aliens a bit harder to do than it needs to be even if it is fun to lure them into the holes as traps, one of the only time the glitches are fun. (Evil laughter ensues.)
    dpburke2 and xtended2l like this.
  11. xtended2l

    xtended2l Commander

    Oct 23, 2020
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    oh wow the crew under 5k, I like it ;) But I think it is vanilla though...
  12. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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  13. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    There are spots for 20 planet textures. The first 12 can be used on the surface or underground. The last 8 can only be used underground.
    If a planet has a voxel deposit it will show the texture for the ore IF the texture is present somewhere in the list of textures set.
    So for example if the planet has a voxel Promethium deposit but no PromethiumResource texture set, it will use the generic silver deposit texture.
    If it does have a PromethiumResource texture set, then it will use that texture.

    There's also a lot of customization that can be done to each texture in the texture editor, so while they don't really do this in the default game, in custom scenarios ore deposits could look very different. Think red glowing promethium, or green gold, etc. Only a visual change of course.
  14. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Maybe not constructive, but I like it.:)
    Sup, dpburke2 and Robot Shark like this.
  15. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Today (actually yesterday) I decided to do some additional testing of HVs in orbit. I selected this ship: 2021-02-28.png
    It's a prefab by @XCaliber that I've modified to suit my tastes and needs. It is parked on my R&D facility in Creative mode along with some 2 dozen other vessels of various types and sizes. When I tried to lift off, I got this:
    This is the only ship in the CV. 2021-03-01 (1).png
    As you can see, the "docked" icon is lit.
    I removed the offending HV, but the results were the same. All other ships behave normally including a second spawn of this same vessel. I searched all over and thru to find the invisible ship that kept me grounded to no avail.
    As it appears to be a singular anomaly, I will destroy it and carry on with the re-spawned version.
    I just thought I would share. :)
  16. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    You sure you are not suffering from the ever so famous by now "discontinued landing gear" bug/defect/undocumented-feature?
    Germanicus likes this.
  17. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Well, as I said, the HV was "docked" according to sound and display. In trying other ships, I had trouble docking a HV for one or two attempts and then it was fine. But then the HV simply did not dock for the first couple of attempts.
    If that's what your referring to, yeah!
    I do get a CoQ at the start-up. I would send it in except it asks what I was doing at the time but saying I turned it on didn't seem informative. And so far, it's just this one Default Creative game. The others seem fine.
  18. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Breath-taking view:

    20210301220814_1.jpg 20210301222109_1.jpg

    Got camped by the patrol vessel, but then I figured out he/it could see the remnants of the HV it destroyed outside of my underground base. So I multi-tooled the thing, then it came back!


    and I realized it could "see" my solar panels so it kept drifting in and out. This prompted me to dig out a large ramp so that I could exit and enter my base with a vessel even with the Patrol vessel on top of me.

    Was still intense.
  19. DarkMaid

    DarkMaid Commander

    Jan 26, 2019
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    ^^ I've been observing the behavior of the PV in my game. My base has no weapons, solar only, power on but as long as the PV doesn't make direct visual contact (windows don't count) with my character or I don't have a powered-on vessel in its detection range it'll sail right on by as if my base isn't even there. Once when I was placing blocks using the F5 drone (character was inside the base) it attracted its attention and it circled the base once only but then continued on its patrol. For example, here's a screenshot of me watching the PV fly almost right over my base without firing at my base or at me:


    The two instances when it went into endless circling around my base:

    1) I had a powered-up SV parked beside the base (it was my only fridge at the time). The PV shot out the genny and went into endless circling mode around my base forcing me to evacuate or else starve;
    2) My character was outside my base, the PV caught me off guard and I got shot at. After ducking inside, the PV continued to circle endlessly prompting another evacuation (eventually).

    Unpowered vessels parked in view of the PV were ignored. Solar panels on my roof were in full view also ignored.

    Using this knowledge I've been doing quick POI salvaging and building around my base after the PV passes and I duck back inside my base when the PV circles the planet and is approaching again. I've managed to build a hangar add-on to the base and a greenhouse add-on for grow pots. I just finished building a separate solar flak base 80m away. Once its capacitor is charged and I've built enough turrets and ammo I'll install the turrets and that should be the end of the current PV (and any others that replace it I'm hoping).


    Left to Right: Heidelberg POI, my base, flak tower (no weapons yet). PV has flown past many times now without stopping or shooting.
  20. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Sounds much better than being bombed into submission;):D
    Fractalite likes this.

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