Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Are you able to put a turret on the SV then you can concentrate on ship control and let the turret do the target acquisition and aiming and firing?

    good luck
  2. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    I missed this in my last reply so responding in a new post...
    That's actually a really good point. From both a game play and logical prospective it really doesn't make much sense for what is just a smelter to require neodymium. Furnaces are a pretty low tech affair as long as you can provide the energy to melt whatever it is your trying to melt. Providing the power to operate them really should be a sufficient game play bar to get over without needing mid-game materials.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  3. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Any amount of salvage or just rummaging through cargo containers will get enough components to make a furnace.
    Failing that, you can buy the materials from traders.
  4. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    Not necessarily. I can see an edge case were you had looted/destroyed all the POIs on a planet, packed up all your belongings in a CV, left the planet and got the CV destroy and ended up in a death loop. If you were to do a fresh stare back to the planet you had already stripped of all resources you would be stuck until you died and fresh started to a world that you hadn't stripped bare. Granted it would be your own stupid fault for doing something like that to begin with but that's not really the point.

    The point was that generally it requires a repetitively large amount of energy (which the furnace already uses) to melt down ore, not any kind of advanced electrical engineering that neo is apparently used for. Keep in mind that people have been using bloomery furnaces to separate iron out from ore for over a thousand years. The furnace should not be a particularly high tech piece of equipment even if the means to give it power is high tech.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2021
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    There is no situation a player would get stuck in a starter system.
    Almost all deposits are set up with depletion meteors so if you mine them out completely you will get more ore dropped. Meteors can be a pain to mine but they will give you the resources that you need.

    Each system has enough ore deposits for probably a dozen starter CVs, and that's ignoring crashed capital vessels, drones, POIs, and traders.

    If someone depletes their entire starting system of resources, destroys all the trade stations, and can't find any of the meteors well, that's a lesson learned. :D

    As far as what devices require which resources, there does have to be some sacrifice of realism for game progression.
    Sup, Wellingtoon and Vermillion like this.
  6. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    Right, lets take a closer look at the progression here.
    The current progression is:
    Small Constructor (level 3) > Large Constructor (level 5) > Advanced Constructor (level 12) > Furnace (level 12)
                                                                             |------------------> Deconstructor(level 12)
    Each of the Constructors allow you to craft progressively more complex items. Ok, that's fine, especially with the added craftables in RE.

    The Furnace on the other hand allow you to craft ingots. The top tier device in the constructor line allow you to craft the most basic of base items at the cost of large amounts of power with the only benefit being that its faster and can melt down a select few items into ingots. That's it. As far as progression goes that's just weak sauce.

    The only reasons I ever build a Furnace are A) so I can have all the things. B) to clean out all that scrap metal that keeps building up in my storage boxes. C) for the very rare instances that I need ingot and all I have in my storage is plates.

    I personally feel the game would flow much better if the progression looked more like this:
    Small Constructor (level 3) > Large Constructor (level 6) > Advanced Constructor (level 10)
                 |                            |
                \/                           \/
           Furnace (level 5)          Deconstructor (level 9)
    This way you can make better use of loot to progress through the tech tree but you are still throttled by the amount of raw resources, your ability to generate enough power/CPU and loot at your disposal.
    Stampy likes this.
  7. cubesteak

    cubesteak Ensign

    Dec 4, 2015
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    This indeed fixed the problem.

    I believe this was added for RFE, as it isn't in vanilla this way. Shall I log a bug against RFE? You seem to be using Config.ecf more often so would be good to limit any custom config changes to that one file versus going across other files, IMO.

    Also, any tip on what the + actually does? Clearly it has something to do with persistence of the object, but is likely limited to just the config file parsing as declaration without the + still creates the block in game. Just wondering if you an "official" statement as to its purpose. :)

    TY again!

  8. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    The + allows it in config.ecf.
    cubesteak likes this.
  9. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    I just attempted plausible deniability for the second time. The first was in 1.3 on the server Spanj runs this went ok given the starter equipment I was using. Actually took out 4 drones because someone else had spawned in a set and then ran off. This time on HWS RE I failed. I had the same SV with 2 gats, the same HV with a minigun, and a CV with a cannon. I was blown out of the SV when the cockpit was destroyed and it seemed the minigun and cannon were never able to hit the drones. I was only able to hit the drones 2-3 times with the SV when using extreme lead only ever saw the minus rep the 2-3 times.

    It appears to me something has changed with these drones or the mission. Whether it is 1.4 or HWS I do not know.

    I ran away I think. Had to log out due to a headache. I will try to build something that lets me complete the mission once the headache leaves.
  10. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I've had reports of the gatling and cannon turrets either not doing damage or missing, but haven't been able to reproduce, and no one can clarify if they're missing or doing no damage.
    It may be an MP thing of course. In which case it's an Eleon problem.
    stanley bourdon and ravien_ff like this.
  11. Homunk

    Homunk Lieutenant

    Mar 22, 2020
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    Minigun and cannon turret in single player work, at least for me. They don't hit with every shot, but often enough to bring those fast and erratic moving bombers down.
  12. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    visually it looked like they were missing but that is so subjective as I was trying to keep moving to not get hit by the bombs. My turrets were firing and seemed to be tracking but not keeping up.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2021
  13. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    Gats are working fine for me but I stopped using cannons for drone defense entirely after a base attack in late 1.3 were 5 cannons went through over a 1000 rounds and weren't able to shoot down a single drone. No idea if this is still an issue in v1.4. That was in single player too so we can't blame eleons wondrous net code.
  14. .TGHS. Gabriel

    .TGHS. Gabriel Ensign

    Mar 5, 2020
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    I've noticed this too in mp on Hawkie's server... Cannon and minigun turrets burning through ammunition trying to shoot down light bombers and doing nothing until I landed and got out of the pilot seat of my cv. I wasn't moving in the air at all but as soon as I vacated the controls they went down in seconds
  15. Mirosya

    Mirosya Commander

    Dec 9, 2019
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    Does anyone have CV pulse lasers on the planet? Everything is ok in space, but on the planet the turret normally shoots in manual mode, but in automatic mode it does not even turn towards the enemy. It seems that AI was taken away from her.
  16. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Shorter range in denser atmospheres.
    Range is 190m on airless planets and moons and as low as 80m on dense atmosphere planets likes swamp. Most of the time will sit around 100m. It won't try and shoot what isn't in range.
  17. Mirosya

    Mirosya Commander

    Dec 9, 2019
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    I increased the firing range to values greater than that of the cannon turret - what else could be the reason?

    cut from ItemsConfig.ecf:

    { +Item Id: 123, Name: TurretMSPulseLaserWeapon
    Meshfile: Entities/Misc/DummyPrefab
    DropMeshfile: Entities/Misc/BagSmallPrefab
    ShowUser: NoButCSV # reported by HWS
    Canhold: false
    Material: metalweapon
    HoldType: 0
    StackSize: 500
    Mass: 11760, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
    Category: Weapons/Items
    RadialMenu: true
    { Child 0
    Class: LauncherSS
    AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
    # AllowAt: Space
    ROF: 0.6, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
    Range: 635, display: false
    RangeSpace: 925, display: false
    AmmoCapacity: 50, display: true
    AmmoType: PulseLaserChargeMS, display: true
    Automatic: true
    NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
    CameraShake: 0
    AutoReload: true
    UseSingleMagazine: true
  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    635m allows it to fire further than any ground-based POI turret can see the player. That is an exploit that allows you to beat any POI with a single laser turret without putting the player's ship in any danger.
  19. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    @Mirosya Did you increase the range of the ammo too?
    Mirosya likes this.
  20. Mirosya

    Mirosya Commander

    Dec 9, 2019
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    Naturally in my server I try to adjust the balance as I see fit. I do not like the current balance of the game and the bugs that turn the gameplay into torment. When CV ships on the planet have nothing but canons and miniguns, the pulse range is less than the size of my ship - any drone bomber can fly around your CV for hours without the slightest threat of being shot down because the guns don't hit it. Any hit on a ship not protected by a shield can cause a chain reaction and destroy it all. Over the past month, I have a list of complaints that are useless to tell someone - I'd better tweak what I need - and the rest will be corrected. What is the beauty of this game - if you don’t like something, you can tweak it :)

    Oh - every time you think that you have taken everything into account and in the end you will definitely find another place where you need to change something. It is not clear why the same parameter should be specified in a heap of places. The issue has been resolved - that was the problem.

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