Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. Mirosya

    Mirosya Commander

    Dec 9, 2019
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    Somehow you can find out where and what kind of merchant is approximately located and what he sells / buys? In the configuration file, you can find a list of products from certain merchants, but where to look for them is not clear. To sell loot, you have to constantly jump through the stations, roughly remembering who and what we are trading.
    Sup likes this.
  2. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    Is there a place to turn in undelivered cargo on Kenex Station? I found several of them looting POIs on the starter planet and it would be nice to unload them without having to leave the system.
  3. Mirosya

    Mirosya Commander

    Dec 9, 2019
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    In my opinion, now at each trading station there is a special terminal where you can exchange these containers for a reward.
  4. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    Yeah, I found the terminal in other trade stations but there doesn't seem to be one on any of the starter planets or their space trade stations.
  5. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    The Undelivered Cargo was added after the 1.4 release, so Kenex Station and the Polaris Trade Station on the starter planet are missing GIN consoles. They will be added in the 1.5 update, along with the first of the Pirate story missions and hopefully the Polaris ones too.
  6. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    I see. Good to know that the pirates are getting actual story content too. I was afraid they were just going to end up being a generic bad guy faction/loot repository.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  7. Apollyon

    Apollyon Lieutenant

    Dec 17, 2018
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    Some thoughts and questions:
    Spanj and his faction like literally skip 1.4 and coming back when 1.5 comes out in the future - based on his last video. Is 1.5 gonna really be a big deal compared to the game's present state with Reforged Eden? I see some new story missions will come, and I remember the ".5" updates were always huge (or at least bigger than the others).
    I think I'm gonna max out 1.4, then coming back to the game when 2.0 comes out, maybe in autumn? Or next year... If after the ".5" a new "point zero" version comes.
  8. Khaleg

    Khaleg Commander

    Nov 5, 2020
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    Question here is. How or which is the development / support plan for EGS for the future? I mean, when Eleon will consider the game complete / terminated and will jump to the next game?

    I am playing the game since not much time ago, and I have seen a continuous support, with short stop periods here and there, but how much time is reasonable the game being actively supported? In any development, there is a point in which the product is not longer profitable, even more true if it consume economic resources due to being actively supported.

    Which the end version will be?.... 1.5 ... 1.6 ... 2.0 ... who knows. Take into account that the EGS model is not games as a service. It cannot be eternally being updated / maintained, right?
  9. Apollyon

    Apollyon Lieutenant

    Dec 17, 2018
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    No, it cannot in its current state. But it can be futureproof, most of the content right now comes from the players through the workshop, like these scenarios and the POIs in them.
    Eleon should make the game more customizable and moddable in every way. Eg. the ability to add custom NPCs (models and sounds, speech and such) and factions, textures, as well as the UI needs a massive overhaul. Like different UI for the NPC and other interactions and a different UI for the PDA... In fact, if the PDA would be an actual PDA like the one we saw in Doom 3... that would be great.
    NPCs should be more alive, like walking and flying and even shooting around outside of the POIs randomly or even procedurally.
    There are a lot achievable potential in the game already. But for the most part, the key is the ability by user(player) customization, I think.)
  10. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    I did just manage to kill both bombers with SV laser turret but it looks to me that most of the time the shots were missing in front of the target drone. Lost all my equipment. The starter warp sled CV with 2 miniguns and one cannon turret was shot out of the air just after it started firing. I got in the SV with the laser turret and it started firing. I was hitting about every 15-20 shots. I did a little damage to both of them ran out of ammo. Landed near the crates that had fallen from the CV in hopes of finding ammo
    having a bit of a hard time WV and the bombs. So I moved away a bit and dug a tunnel back towards the crates and while underground about 75 meters away the bombers attacked the SV all that was left was 1 landing pad. They then destroyed about 1/2 of the HV. Died to get to safety. Had enough zecosium alloy to build 1 more laser turret and enough pentaxid to build 7 ammo. Tried with the SV stripped of everything but the turret. One of the bombers had glitched into the ground and was stuck so I was able to fight them 1 at a time. Still, the turret missed most of the shots but did good damage when it hit. I had to sit still to give the turret the best chance but if you sit still too long a bomb will get you. Got a couple of shots into the one glitched before it got free again finally got a good hit and it went down.

    This was much harder than when I did it in 1.3 and was really only possible because of regenerating poi that I got enough zasc alloy from. Not really appropriate to the stage I would normally be at when I get to this mission.

    This all occurred on HWS RE. I can not tell if it is 1.4, MP, or HWS RE but it is way different than it was
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2021
  11. Mirosya

    Mirosya Commander

    Dec 9, 2019
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    In addition to the fact that the Talons' reputation quests are not working, the Talon's main story quest also does not give the required number of reputation. (In the text of the quest, they promise to raise the reputation for Talons to the "Friendly" level, but as a result, the number of reputation points is not enough).
    After correcting these errors, will you have to start a new game again to see the result?
  12. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    They make you a friend of the tribe, not friendly to Talon.
  13. Mirosya

    Mirosya Commander

    Dec 9, 2019
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    Is this a joke or is the "tribe" some new faction? Should there be a separate tribe in the Polaris quest, or should you just become an honorary friend of the corporation? :)
  14. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    You become an friend of the Tal'ohn Tribe and allowed to perform the Tal'ohn missions. At no point and in no way does it say it would give you reputation to make you friendly to the Tal'ohn.
    I will change the terminology in the next update since a lot of non-native english speakers also have trouble with this.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  15. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    ...Is it normal to see desert gigas listed in the registry and with an SV icon? I came back to my starter planet base to find the SV I left there missing so I checked the registry to see if I could find it and found desert gigas more then a km away. I tried to waypoint it and just got a CoQ.
  16. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    No that is not normal. :D
  17. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    I didn't think so. I think I'm going to have to call it quits until v1.5 hits. As much as I appreciate the changes to how explosions work in 1.4 there are just too many bugs in this version to be enjoyable.

    On a side note I finished the last chapter of the story and thoroughly enjoyed the radar station. Zirax being able to open doors added a degree of tension and unpredictability that wasn't in previous versions even if it did mean I had to skip most of the dialog to keep form getting shot while I was reading. Threats were all well telegraphed and were reasonably well balanced for RE.

    I did have a couple issues with the mainframe though.
    The room that joins the entry, residential, and storage area gave me some grief with having to stand right in front of the shutters to keep them open. I died twice here because I was forced to either stay in the doorway and tank the hits or sprint right into the middle of the room and get shot to pieces.
    The spawn in the small dining area happened literately right on top of me while I was facing in the opposite direction. The spawn area of this one really should be larger.
    In the large U shaped room with all the blue glowys I ran into a large buildup a enemies stuck in the exit.
    In the last room the commander can climb up the wedge blocks and get stuck above the door like some kind of ninja. I would say this is an amazing feature if it was actually deliberate.

    I never did figure out how to get to the loot in the generator room without getting cooked.

    This was my gear loadout:
    Gauss Shotgun
    Anti Tank Rifle for sentry guns
    T2 Pulse Rifle that I never used
    30 Explosive Charges
    Medium Armor with three advanced multi-boosts
    Lots of meds

    Yeah, I took shameless advantage of regenerating POIs.
  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Shoot the containers, send in the drone.

    Also, did you spare the poor unarmed guard and get the cargo box code from him?
  19. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    Makes sense though I do feel like this could be telegraphed a little better. Looking at them again I can just barely tell that they are damaged now that I know what to look for. Maybe have an LCD with a maintenance log about needing to repair the fuel intake filters or something to make it more obvious or tie destroying them it progression somehow?

    Nope. I didn't realize he was a civilian until after I shot him in the face. I didn't even remember the locked box until I read this. Having a non-hostal here is unfortunately kind of unexpected. Having more of these kind of encounters would be a welcome change of pace and get players out of the habit of just killing everything that moves.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2021
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  20. Mirosya

    Mirosya Commander

    Dec 9, 2019
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    Have not fixed this error yet, I can offer crutches to solve this problem.

    1) On the starting planet with missions, start the Talon's quest for reputation, complete the first step (fly to the Talon's village using the marker) - you get an error ('Settlement' not found) and deactivate the mission.

    2) You arrive on a planet with a Talon's claim and the presence of "Settlement" - and it doesn't matter whether there are missions there or not (in my case it was the Beta star planet Roggery) and restart the same mission. It will start with the Settlement search step and give the desired marker - you fly to the place and a marker appears to the Huntmaster. Come to the point you need (there will be no NPC - only a marker) and speak with an empty space :)

    3) Then fulfill the conditions of the quest and return to the new marker (and it may even be on the territory of Polaris: D)

    To repeat the quest, repeat steps 1-2-3 :)
    stanley bourdon likes this.

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