Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Well, those are the hardcoded flight model's problems. Which is a problem with the game.
    They've been systematically trying to kill off HVs for the last year or two.
    krazzykid2006 likes this.
  2. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    It does seem that way at times. I just got a new one. Laden HV, but well within its limits, and it's causing everything to shake when driving it. I don't know what's going on, but things can be pretty broken at the moment. This is a shame as the whole HV > SV > CV progression can be fun - especially on harder game start where you really value that first HV - but this early-game stage is being ruined by these issues.

    I had a little break from the game due to problems, but couldn't resist dipping back in as there had been several updates. Plus I was no longer on the Experimental Branch, which should suggest less issues, but things are as bad as they've ever been for HV's, since the bad old days of the original physics model for them.

    I get they're constantly adjusting and tweaking things, this is good, but a lot of this should have been kept to the Experimental Branch and never made it onto the main branch in my view.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm still having fun, but I'm working around certain things using God Mode more often than I'd like.

    krazzykid2006 likes this.
  3. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Hi I am now at the titan on the moon and went through over 2000 rounds of 30mm in my 5 cannons best I can tell they miss almost all the time. it looks like they are shooting in front of the drones. Every so often if the drones stay straight long enough it looks like they may run into a round. but not enough to get brought down>

    How did you envision we would complete this?
    What do you think is the most likely SV turret to be effective.
    what do you think is the most likely fixed weapon to be effective.
  4. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Handheld homing rockets will deal with them easily enough. Gatlings, rocket, plasma all work against them.

    Best SV turret would be the SV laser turret. Unlike other most laser turrets, the SV ones is hitscan. Plasma and Minigun do a decent job too, but require you to be chasing them.

    Homing Missile Launcher is by far the best weapon for fighting bombers and space drones. It's pretty OP against them. 2-4 missiles is usually enough to kill them and since they gain the speed of the ship that launched them, as long as you're moving towards them fast, the missiles become almost impossible to dodge.
    byo13, Sup, malrose1 and 2 others like this.
  5. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Have yet to find a heavy weapons upgrade kit.
    Also seems to be missing by shooting in front of the target

    Is it intended that the heavy bombers will show up on the planet when you next log in not the moon neat the titan but the starter planet where I ran to to regroup? I think they also brought the ground troops with them. there was lots of turret firing and I think I was seeing zerex handheld weapons fire. I did find a dead small mech.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2021
  6. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Ok, I'm gonna say it, this game is just broken when it comes to HV Physics and desperately needs a fix before anything else is worked on.

    My regular, nothing special HV is currently carrying just 43.6 tonnes of cargo. It's managed in excess of 100 Tonnes previously, albeit with some quirks. However, this time, it's totally undrivable. The moment I turned it on after loading up, it's doing constant little bunny hops for no valid reason. It's ability to accelerate is massively compromised due to this hopping.

    As I saw before, the rear of the HV is sinking down, then bouncing back up. The front is doing the same, but to a lesser degree. The HV isn't overloaded - it's carried way more without such a major issue - it has ample thrust to move and move well - again, it's moved with far more cargo than this - yet it's almost totally broken.

    My game is the latest Main Branch version with the Reforged Eden Scenario, that's it, nothing crazy, yet HV's are basically broken / behaving very badly.

    What is going on here? I know the vanilla game can be quirky, but is RE somehow exaggerating these quirks, or have things really degraded this badly?

    So, my HV is bouncing around while not carrying much and, once again, it's single RCS become MORE effective the heavier it gets *sigh*

    Surely I'm not the only one having such issues here? I'd expect more people to be talking about it though, unless most people ignore HV's?

    Edit: Using God Mode, I've unloaded the HV's 43.6 Tonnes of cargo into my personal inventory, which stops the issue. I then pop it back into the HV and...all is well again...for the moment.

  7. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    I had minimal problems with the interceptors. 5 cannons on a slow shielded cv did the job fine when there were only my 2 drown spawns. when there were drones leftover from other players (i am guessing based on the SV carcasses) and there were 6 of them it was a little tougher. But the bombers are another story the turrets are shooting well in front of the drone it is as if they did not have clearpivot run on them and the system thinks they are several meters in front of where they are. this may also be happening with the troop transport used in the repeatable Polaris mission, cannons take out the other drones fine but not the transport, they just seem to keep missing.

    This is on HWS RE and I realize that there are lots of layers that could be the problem.
  8. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    I no longer use HV. For that role, I have modified my CV warp sled, took the warp drive off, and put on some cargo containers.
  9. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I used to rush towards a planetary CV as a basic mobile base. However, HV's still had their place. Now, they're utterly broken, so our options are limited.

    I upgraded my HV to have six T2 Hover Engines replacing the six T1's. Now it can carry even less weight before they physics breaks. Mine is currently - while I touch NOTHING - will bounce, nose-dive - like the front Hovers switch themselves off - and randomly insta-flip onto its roof.

    Why can't Hover Vessels just HOVER? I think there's something quite fundamentally wrong with the Physics and Mass/Volume stuff.

    I would set up OBS to record this, it'd be comical if it wasn't so tragically broken, but I'm really past spending my time on this at the moment to be frank.

    Note: for my gamestart there are ZERO planetary resources other than a few Ore Rocks. Silcon and especially Copper are incredibly rare - I've not even found double figures of Copper rocks so far. There are wrecks to explore but the gamestart is very resource-poor, so having an HV during the early-game is exceedingly valuable. However, it's proving a frustrating experience to say the least.

  10. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    I feel your frustration
  11. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    You might not be the only one but the possibility exists that you're part of a very small minority.

    The base game is already neglecting HVs to the point where SVs and CVs do most jobs simply better. Even the last "Bunker Buster" (digging vehicle to go below a POI and cracking the hull from below) i built out of boredom ended up being a SV. Only reason to use HVs is first very cheap hover bike, big tree harvester and to some extent salvage vehicle parked right next to a CV to be unloaded immediately. At least i haven't found any other uses.

    From my personal experience Reforged is exaggarating this issue even more with POIs which you nowadays almost need double figure plasma turret fitted CV and go into their face unless you're a pro gamer who likes dancing around a POI for an hour like some ballerina. That's why i dropped my last RE run, i felt pushed to cheesing the game instead of playing it.

    And add on top of it impossible POI difficulty scaling, which is in itself a base game problem. You can have one or two POIs on a planet which could be fun in a HV but what about the other 15? And why should you carry a HV with you and stock its ammo if you're gunning the rest down with a CV anyway?

    On the other hand i wanna see the HV issue now myself. Might have a look at it later and have some fun. :D
  12. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    OBS was already set up, so I recorded this quick video. I'm sharing it to google drive, but I think you can just play video directly from there, no need to download it first or anything:


    Just tested it, and it works, though Google Drive MASSIVE compresses it and reduces it to 360p (it's a 1080p vid) - I guess this is just the LQ version available right away and the HQ version will take a bit longer to be least, that's what Google says.

    First few seconds are blank and I'm paged out starting OBS. While Alt+Tab back to the game is instant, OBS takes a few seconds to realise lol.

    I've checked the video several times, and the higher quality version still isn't available. Still, the base 360p does show the issue even if it's dead blurry. Edit: Best to DL it if quality matters to is rather horrible to view lol.

    stanley bourdon and Alhira_K like this.
  13. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Hilarious. But you forgot to add some music. Got your back.

    On a more serious note maybe this is related to filled containers center of mass not being where it is supposed to be. There was a thread in the bug report subforum a while back.

    EDIT: Do you mind sharing the blueprint?
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  14. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Heh, good music choice :)

    Well, there have been issues with CoM when it comes to Container Controllers for a while. However, every time someone - including myself - submitted a save that showed the issue perfectly in our games, the Devs said they did not see the same issue. Which was dead weird.

    Here's a link to the BP. It is a bit rear heavy, but then that's why it has extra Hover Engines there. If it simply sunk down and couldn't take off due to cargo weight, that'd be fine. However, it lifts fine with more than three times the weight carried in that video, it just does random stuff.

    I also captured how it will turn (yaw) MUCH faster when loaded with 30t+ cargo than it does when completely empty. That's pretty broken lol.

    Note: I've been making this sort of design of basic Hauling HV for ages, but they're more problematic now than they've ever been.

    stanley bourdon likes this.
  15. The majority of the current HV issues all started at the exact same time as the cockpit and storage COM issues popped up.
    Related or just coincidence? Unknown since the devs seem not too interested in getting it fixed.

    I can tell you that the COM issues aren't just off center but they sometimes constantly shift once weight is added.

    I think the constantly shifting COM issues are causing thrusters to constantly update with the wrong thrust and turning torque, which then also somehow screws with the HV mass, which then cause issues with the virtual lift that HV's still have (for some unknown reason).

    Long story short,
    HV's are currently absolute crap and it seems the devs aren't interested in fixing them.....

    All this happens in vanilla as well, so not related to the scenario.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  16. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I suspect you're right. I noticed that when I get the bouncing issue with my HV, I can see the various values in the Overview section of the Statistics panel changing in time with the bounce. So supposedly fixed values for a given BP are changing as I watch. Whether this is a symptom or part of the cause of the issue I do not know. I have reported this, along with a save, so the Devs should be able to see the issue as I do.

    I was pretty sure this was a vanilla issue, perhaps some aspects of it might be exaggerated by some of the tweaks Reforged makes, but thought sharing here, as I am actually playing this scenario, would be best. Like I said, I've already shared a save in a Bug report.

    stanley bourdon likes this.
  17. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    The SV laser turret only worked when in manual mode. In autonomous mode, it also just kept missing.
  18. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Multiplayer right?

    Was it only against the bomber drones?
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  19. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    yes multiplayer HWS RE
    Yes, the bomber drones are the things I am having the most difficulty with although the troop transport that is part of the polaris recuring mission is not hit well by the autonomous turrets. but have been able to get gats to work on them. I was not able to get the gats to do much on the bombers. perhaps my flying skills are not up to par. I found a spot that they did not bomb me out of the cockpit and was able to sit still and hit them when they made a run at me. Took a long time but got it to work.
  20. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Further to my earlier posts, I've got a CV now, having packed up my Base and moved on. It's like playing a different game now, no longer struggling with whatever the hell is going on with HV physics. I think HV's just aren't viable vessels in the game currently as they break as soon as they're carrying above a certain amount of cargo. Early-game exploration, sure, they can do that, but they simply cannot carry more than a few tonnes without glitching out constantly. Adding more / better Hover Engines doesn't help, so there's nothing the player can do to work-around the issue. Hopefully the devs can address this.

    In theory, the Reforged Changes have made HV's more like their old selves, having their top speed far less impacted by carry weight while retaining the feeling of added weight in how they drive. So, initially, HV's feel pretty good, driving and responding well. Once past a certain weight though, physics breaks and they are, in turn, broken. It's a shame.

    stanley bourdon likes this.

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