That is what i am saying, you have to set a password. It will not work without a password as far as i have seen
I'm having the same exact problem. My script I used to update is working fine, I can manually launch steamcmd and login anonymous. Doesn't appear to be an issue with anything other than the update tool.
Having this issue as well. Anon does not work I get an error and if I use my user/pass it just keeps checking config and never fully loads.
Works fine for me, though I have in the past had occasional server restart loops after a backup shortly after certain game updates, though they often resolved themselves after ~20 mins when I was not there to deal with it. I have this in my config: Steam & Game configuration Steam AppID: 530870 SteamCMD VALIDATE: unchecked Steam Branch: public Branch password, Steam Username, Steam password: all blank Anonymous: checked SteamCMD EXE: (custom path to my steamcmd.exe file) EMPLauncher EXE: (custom path to my server's .\Empyrion\EmpyrionLauncher.exe file) DedicatedYAML: (my YAML file, no path elements included, just the file name) Event(s) Send-Mail configuration: (all fields blank) Aut0-Updater & WatchDog OPTIONS Enable server auto Update: checked check update every X minutes: 15 Time before shutdown (minute): 5 Shutdown message: This server restarts for update in 5 minutes. Script before update/stop/start: None Enable server auto restart if down [WatchDog]: checked check server every X minutes: 1 Time before restart (minutes): 5 Launch [Emp server] with [E.O Auto Updater].: checked Launch [Emp server] - Initial updating before start.: checked Launch [Emp server] - Start [EAH] after Emp server going up.: checked Launch [E.O. Auto Updater] on booth with Windows.: unchecked Clear [Emp server] 'CACHE FOLDER' before start: unchecked E.O.S [Empyrion Online Satellite] OPTIONS (all fields default/bank)