Ewssc is for positioning your planets in the sectors.yaml file. It's not for creating custom planets themselves and doesn't set up the rest of the scenario for you.
Can you please make the FPS monitor optional via the setting window? Kinda irksome to see that monitor in my view and have no way to remove it.
Hi @RexXxuS ! I noticed that when you start fresh solar system and Galaxy Mode is ticked off, the program does not add 'GalaxyMode: false' key:value pair to the Sectors.yaml I have to switch it on and then right back off for the eWSSC to append this key:value pair to the Sectors file. Should be an easy fix.
Hello @Grandcrosser the reason for that is, that GalaxyMode: false is the default, as far as I remember. That GalaxyMode: false is exported in the yaml is the real "bug", but don't bother about it.
Hi Rex, Thanks for your reply. When I create a new solar map and Galaxy Mode is ticked off, then the result of loading the scenario is that I have Empyrion autogenerating the galaxy and introducing my solar system within that Galaxy. However, if GalaxyMode: false is appended to the Sectors.yaml; then Empyrion switches off in-game Galaxy Map, similar to how it is in Invaders & Defenders scenario. So, I am not so sure that this is a real 'bug' per say, but I will take your word for it. Which brings me to the second question that I failed to find an answer for. Do you mind explaining (or recording a short video if it saves time; I know it is the luxury that you don't have) how to configure the scenario NOT to autogenerate the galaxies that the Empyrion does by default. So, basically have a custom galaxy system similar to how it is set for HWS, without any autogenerated solar systems and the in-game galaxy map still ON? I had a feeling that there is some configuration that I need to do in a RandomPresets yaml? Am I correct or too far off? UPDATE: I might have just found the config file in the main Empyrion folder called GalaxyConfig.yaml. My answer must be there Thank you! [SYN] Grandcrosser
I'm having a problem where the tool moves multiple solar systems to random locations. Every time I update the location to the right spot and export the file, they are moved again when I reimport the sector.yaml file. Edit: I turned on Galaxy Mode after I had all my solar systems placed. Moving some after Galaxy Mode was turned on threw everything out of whack. I had to turn off Galaxy Mode.
I am using the tool to try and gnerate a scenarion in Empyrion V1.5 -- however am very confused as to how it is handling the Suns fro warping purposes. Every time i try to warp to a sun generated by the progrm , the game crashes (the random gen galsaxy stuff seems ok) do you have to add something to force like a warptarget.. or something or am i completely missing something. i can get around the other quirks i have found but this totally stumps me. is thee a multi-sun expample thta works i can look at ? theres nothing useful in the standard scenarios.
Hi, yeah, I guess I have to polish the docu in the tool a bit. To make warp to the sun ingame work, you need to define 6 fixed playfields around the Sun. Example: Even though the Vanilla game does not use a fixed Sectors.yaml, the game generates it for you. Look it up in the savegame folder. It looks like this for example: Regarding your order: yes it matters. At the bottom you need to define the sector and at the top the planets inside the sector.
Many thanks this works really really well While in this section i'll also document my days empyrion experience. as a warning to those who might try the same (shadows of the past) as it were Empyrion does not like Asteroid fields (empty ring types definitely not) which have moons attached - it Refuses to generate a Marker on the System Map so you can't warp there ... grrrr. Workaround : You can generate a SpaceEmpty sector of type Asteroid Field sort of at the same co-ordinates but one off Must Come after the Asteroid Field Ring (+planets) sector you are trying to get to - in the eWSSC file/Gui Its a Compromise -- You can then Warp to the Moons (but not the Ring Sector) -- and picks up name of moons. (Also get sort of empty or somet warp point you can add story to - a plus i guess) -- though not the name of the Asteroid ring (sector with the moons) itself (ps if anyone has a better workaround pleese tell me - this one took me about 12 hours to work out - and still feels a bit dodgy)
Hi Creators, just a quick one for better readability, overview of everything. Those nasty 6 Sun WarpTargets were too big. If I have more time I will streamline eWSSC to the other two tools (eWCCT and eWPDA) regarding top navigation bar, overall design (e.g. buttons), CTRL + S etc. making it the deserved v2.0.0. Old: New: 03.08.2021 | v1.9.100 Changed WarpTarget icons so they are way smaller and the rest can be better seen. Changed AU distance text smaller.. Fixed missing background image on front page. You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
eEWCCT since you made the 3.8.2021 change (to eWSSC) MalawareBytes gives the following error when i delete a dialog on the eWCCT it definitely was not giving this warning before.. no idea why, maybe its worth a check at your end. Attached screenshot of warning. Used your tool for weeks and have not had this problem before
Hi, nice to hear you are using my tool for weeks. But the eWSSC update has no impact on eWCCT. I installed this extension here to be able to reproduce your issue https://chrome.google.com/webstore/...guar/ihcjicgdanjaechkgeegckofjjedodee/related but couldn't. Overall it's fakenews and nothing changed in that regard. As always you add / remove / change values in your local indexed database of your browser. P.S.: Your program gives a quick reason "AlertLoop". I did not program any alert loop but depending on your dialog there can come up alerts if you forgot some next states etc. Those alerts come up on export though. And well, obviously there comes ONE confirmation alert, when you delete a Dialogue. Maybe you deleted too many dialogues to trigger your "malware" program... "Do not block this site again" sounds like the best solution for you here.
thanks ... i only responded cause if there was an issue, then you don't know if no one actually tells you ....
True, thanks for the info! Let me know if there are other issues or what you are working on. Maybe I can improve it.
Thanks for the offer, but i finnaly finished and issue to steam the thing i was working on.. just got a bit big.. the one thing i really understand well is State machines... https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2565321842&searchtext= However in line with any future stuff i may do , i Really didn't understand how the pda stuff fitted in with all this -- so ignored it... i mean does it superceed the methodology from the eWCCT tool stuff? or does it just sort of use the dialog options -- it seemed to do mainly the same stuff but with extra 'Event' syntax -- as is usual with empyrion -- could find no real explanation... and since i was already using 4 arguably 5 languages (Graphical Build - Logic System Logic - Yaml Files - EWSS and eWCCT) -- -- sort of the thought of an extra layer just blew my mind --- way too much mostly undocumented stuff.... .. and yaml is a nightmare with just a single extra space causing crashes .. while its very powerful -- its soooo easy to get lost in it.
Documentation is in Empyrion always the same: adapt by watching examples and try and error. This is how I do it since 5+ years. So yes, eWCCT and eWPDA can be connected together. Some info can be found in the tool documentation, if you click on the question mark.
06.08.2021 | v1.10.0 Added CTRL + S keyboard shortcut per request. You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
Hey, so it seems like I cannot enable galaxy mode if I already loaded a static fixed sectors.yaml. When I check the box, the window just says please wait and seems to stop responding. Reloading the page doesn't fix it sadly.