Hmm, now that's a good point; perhaps something biological in nature (that would preferentially degrade/oxidize metallic structures) might be more appropriate if this is a mechanic the devs intend to continue developing. I'd guess that may not always be the case, as hopefully such strike teams will include proper ships in addition to ground troops in the future.
In PvE I always know what to expect, so I can prepare beforehand. If I know that there will be massive battleships that attack my base (which would look cool btw), then I will have massive defense on my main base, because I know that they will be coming sooner or later. There will only be a small time slice where I might get attacked by such a force but do not yet have all the defenses ready. But that would then be either an imbalance in the game or laziness on my side, and fixed the next time. Empyrion just doesn't work that way right now.
POI live by their own rules (like they never run out of power, or o2, or ammo), and 'immune to weather' can certainly be one as well.
Actually just started on swamp planet, my first vessel has open cockpit, acid rain comes, died, need leave server until its gone. How long is this epic gameplayfeature? Gameplay like checking forum meanwhile, google for a fix, watch youtube, waiting for the end to rejoin the server. Damnd thats all included in Empyrion, awesome. edit: btw, a ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD doesnt stop the dmg from the rain. To quote some of this posts here: WE NEED MORE OF THIS!
Its still raining man, halllujaah its raining man. So maybe try it tomorrow again, nice gameplayfeature! Sittung under a crashed capital doesnt stop the rain, good job!
Heavy acid rain occurs on the swamp planets roughly everuy 6 in-game days ... even in the starter system. Our co-op server starter system is Ellyon and the planet Io. Acid rain is a fact of weekly life here.
In that case, as the first and outdated reply in the thread, it deserved to be updated ... which i did with my reply.
Solution is simple. Dig a hole and hide in it until rain is gone. I have NEVER died from acid rain or hail, since even survival tool can dig you a nice hole to hide in.
As @geostar1024 is no longer around... Stay near a wreckage, put one L-Shaped thin Block on it and put yourself under its cover. Nothing hurts you.
Bad weather is set up to not occur during the first day or two usually. Of course if you're playing on a server then you won't get that protection.
Oh man, how cool would it be if environmental effects actually influenced the wear and tear on vehicles... Try landing that unshielded SV made out of plastic on a hell planet? Nope, ship melts and you die. Spend more than a few hours there in a steel SV? It starts to rust and show carbon scorching.