Feedback Required Version 1.5: Reworked story missions

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 8, 2021.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    The story missions 1-6 have been changed and adapted from a little up to a nearly full revamp.

    Note that playing the story now requires to play through the missions in a given order. The chapters will activate themselves when you reached a certain point. The information given are now a bit less intrusive, but still clear enough so you can continue even after you paused a chapter.

    The missions also have been spread over the starter system and are NOT located in one orbit anymore!

    To prove if the underlying ideas work out as intended, Iwould like to have you playing through the chapters 1-6 and send in your feedback on the following topics:

    - overall setup (position, availability)
    - immersion (story quality)
    - difficulty (enemies, puzzles, tasks)
    - guiding (do you always know where to go or what to do next)
    - bugs & things not working (how often did you need to use the manual completion feature)
    - errors with dialogues (please specifiy/screenshot with console opened + info where it happened)

    ... or similar hurdles that break the mission flow or the mission itself or just anything you want me to know.

    As this is one thread for all missions (for now), please clearly refer to the issue and the chapter you had the issue with or you are giving feedback about!

    1. Tales of the Past (big rework)
    2. Crashed Birds (big rework; formerly: Human Remains)
    3. Totally Overpowered (smaller changes on start)
    4. A Glacial Grave (smaller changes in story progress/setup; formerly: Offworld Grave)
    5. Ancient Revelations (big rework in terms of guiding through the vessel
    6. Uncertain Outcomes

    The other missions have not yet been adapted ((7)Meet the GLaD, (8)Sigma Fulcrum, (9)Unexpected Allies, (10)Wins and losses), but would be great if you can check them out as well, wo I can add the feedback to their rework schedule. ;)

    Reporting an issue, broken check or similar, please attach a screenshot of your HUD and a screenshot of the PDA (F1) with the mission progress being visible. At least that helps to track down where the issue might be located at.

    Tip: In case you want to play a particular mission, you need to have it "rewarded". To reward a mission without having to play the mission before, use the console. Type in 'pda rwdchap 3' for example. This will make the Totally Overpowered mission available. Check the details in the info card of the mission on where to go or where to start (This is usually told in the ending of the previous mission in addition)

    Thanks a lot in advance for your dedicated feedback! :)
    Thorwine likes this.
  2. Evolvei

    Evolvei Commander

    Aug 23, 2016
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    When I went down and found the infected Talon I did not pull the lever. Did not notice the step until ready to go back up after explosion. Had to manually check everything after that step. What was the point of the lever? I could still go down and complete everything.

    This was my fault for not seeing the Pull Lever message. I also avoided pulling the lever when I saw it due to experience of things blowing up when pulling levers in Empyrion POIs. Might be better if the lever had to be pulled to continue down since the auto checks won't complete unless lever is pulled.
  3. Evolvei

    Evolvei Commander

    Aug 23, 2016
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    Burial Chamber: Says Artifacts only found one, went through POI twice. Find Technical Artifacts did not check.
  4. TheGazbeard

    TheGazbeard Lieutenant

    Jul 1, 2021
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    Chapter 4 A Glacial Grave - ending is completely ambiguous (waiting for message to decode).

    There is zero indicator of whether or not there is another step in the mission (e.g. go to X for decoded message, or if it will just turn up on its own, or even if it will ever turn up). Meanwhile, going to the destroyed small vessel for the start of Chapter 5 results in nothing happening.

    I had a similar issue for the start of Chapter 3 Totally Overpowered, and sat in the Sky Guys Bar for over a week until I got our server admin to reboot the server, then the mission began. That has not worked for the end of Chapter 4.

    Also, on multiplayer servers - the availability of the hover bike at the end of Chapter 2 Crashed Birds (and the damaged UCH Dart) is only there for the first player to run that mission. After the first person has done it, no-one else gets to find the bike or the Dart.
  5. Mechastophiles

    Mechastophiles Lieutenant

    Apr 30, 2021
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    I guess you could call this a pacing or mission rewards issue.

    During Chapter 5 (Ancient Revelations), at the minefield you find a disabled warp-capable SV that can be claimed. When all the missions were in the starting orbit, this was likely intended to be the player's first warp drive. Now, we require a warp drive for Chapter 4, so the windfall feels a bit redundant.

    Although Chapter 8 (Sigma Fulcrum) hasn't yet been given a complete rework, I think the difficulty was tweaked slightly. It now feels about right.
  6. Hector G

    Hector G Commander

    Sep 26, 2017
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    I'd like to see a better solution for the teleporter that you are given as a reward (sorry I forget which mission) specifically as it relates to mass/volume being on. Yes it will go into your inventory and ignore m/v rules but it becomes this odd logistical exercise of where to put it and depending on a player's status could prove to be extremely inconvenient as we are limited to what we can now do with personal inventory being over capacity. Perhaps a voucher that we can turn in to get the teleporter once we actually ready to receive it?
    ClipperUniverse likes this.
  7. Ryner Lute (ライナ)

    Ryner Lute (ライナ) Ensign

    Jul 22, 2021
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    chapter 6 "Uncertain Outcomes" story mission not starting
    I'm playing my own dedicated server.
    I finished chapter 5. I found Gas Giant planet moon in Ellyon (Starter System). There is one "Waystation" in the moon sector. I approached the Waystation but nothing happened. No message, No waypoint and No UI.

    Free Colonists and Polaris relationship is both neutral.

    Is there anything need ?

    These are images!AiQ9i3n3ikZ8uu8M9O89ikM4PbQ7VQ!AiQ9i3n3ikZ8uu8K6FDM0cqRENWsqQ!AiQ9i3n3ikZ8uu8L4rFvJg-R0nXo7w
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2021
  8. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Is chapter 5 completed?
  9. Ryner Lute (ライナ)

    Ryner Lute (ライナ) Ensign

    Jul 22, 2021
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    Yes, completed. I updated with images.
  10. TheGazbeard

    TheGazbeard Lieutenant

    Jul 1, 2021
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    Chapter 7 "Meet the GLaD" is impossible to start once you've lost neutral status with the Free Colonists.

    Four of us have been searching for colonist territory (as a faction on our dedicated server) since the week after v1.5 dropped - one of the crew had an OOPS dogfighting a Zirax drone outside the starter orbital trading station and dinged the station with a stray round ... instant hostile with the Colonists.

    It's impossible to count how many systems we've surveyed trying to find Colonist territory to go kill predators (the only way to gain faction rep with them).

    There seems to be a major game breaking bug in that we've found loads of colonist bases, including Sigma's and HQs, but none have any territory.

    We've searched all the planets and moons in their territory bubbles (and got no rep gain for killing predators in there), and we're into hundreds of 100% surveyed and explored systems in neutral space now.

    None of us can start Chapter 7, nor can we go to the distillery, orbital trading station, or the orbital night club (only 2 of us got past that before the dogfight incident).

    I've seen lots of posts in the forums about this problem, but Eleon have said nothing in response.
  11. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    I am afraid this is a known issue - as said earlier we aim to have missions for Colonists anytime soon .. but I am afraid we are not there yet.

    Running the missions in MP is a problem of its own, though.
  12. TheGazbeard

    TheGazbeard Lieutenant

    Jul 1, 2021
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    The problem is not exclusive to multiplayer - the same "Colonists have no territory" problem exists in my single player games (v1.4 and v1.5) too.

    Also, if the missions for Colonists are planned to be "go kill 10 Pirates ships" then that will remain just as broken. In the starter system, the only stations to repair CVs (and other ships) are Colonist and Pirate owned. Start attacking the Pirates to repair Colonist reputation and you have no repair station available in orbit.
  13. TheGazbeard

    TheGazbeard Lieutenant

    Jul 1, 2021
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    I've also noticed what may be a bug in the reputation system - PDA says killing Free Colonists gives +15 to Pirates reputation, yet fighting and destroying Free Colonists ships is causing hundreds of rep points loss with Pirates each time you hit the Colonists' ship. Should be easy enough for you to replicate and prove.
  14. TheGazbeard

    TheGazbeard Lieutenant

    Jul 1, 2021
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    After getting past the "Colonists have no territory to kill predators and fix damaged reputation" problem (by having our server admin reset it) ... I played chapters 6 through 10 in one sitting (about 14 hours of gameplay) and have to saythat I simply couldn't stop - it was great. Well done Ellyon.

    Was I the only one that found the mega loot room in Omega Fulcrum? It almost filled my CV (I was flying a Nemesis with a lot of storage onboard). Took me almost 2 hours just to empty that one room. :D
  15. BDAKiwi

    BDAKiwi Lieutenant

    Dec 24, 2020
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    'To Be Continued' is the single most frustrating thing about this game, because it's been there for so long.
    The missions rework makes more sense and is a big improvement, although you've taken some POI puzzles away that were interesting to work out.
    While the PVE storyline is pretty good, it's obvious in quite a few places that the writer's first language is not English. For the English language version, I suggest getting it proof-read and edited by someone who speaks English as their first language.
    The missions end at chapter 10. It's very frustrating because it really doesn't take long to get there. Just as I get a decent CV capable of taking on anything out there, suddenly there's nowhere to go and nothing to do. Sure I can finish off the Zirax everywhere I go but there's no progression, no reason to do it. If part-time writers such as ravien_ff and Vermillion can not only rework some of the frustrating limitations of the original game but add new environments AND finish a story, it shows that Eleon aren't really trying.
    A couple of changes just have me scratching my head - WHY make the planet fragment Polaris property? So what if we get a bonus of raw materials? Bonuses are good in a game, they add interest and motivation. Another very frustrating aspect is the insanely accurate and deadly assault cyborgs and soldiers at Sigma Fulcrum, two bullets and I'm toast even with heavy armour and often there are several of them at a time shooting at me. I can't crouch, dodge, peek or do any of the usual FPS manoeuvres, strafing is useless and they just randomly spawn in front and behind (enemies spawning out of thin air is just ridiculous) so after about the 20th death I gave up and went in godmode. There's difficult and there's that'sjuststupid. To make it worse, because we can't change the core we can no longer loot the containers, so again you are removing incentives and rewards.
    But above all, the story. Why isn't it finished?
  16. dognosh

    dognosh Ensign

    Sep 4, 2021
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    Chapter 6 is not triggering for me, you didn't quote your reply. Where you replying to Chapter 7 post or Chapter 6 post ?
    Does Chapter 6 trigger work as mine isn't starting ?
  17. dognosh

    dognosh Ensign

    Sep 4, 2021
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    Ok, got it working.
    First time I went to waystation(ch6) with my CV, didn't work. Went back to my orbital base,changed ships and came back in an SV and it triggered.

    Chapter 7, do I wait till mission updates from devs or try to do it ?
  18. Soylent

    Soylent Ensign

    Sep 7, 2021
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    Not sure where this would go, but I think this is an issue or a mistake. In patch 2021-08-04 v1.5.5 (Build 3442), they introduced a change to the "Planet Remnant":
    • Changed: Planet Remnant now Polaris property to avoid "free resources" from the asteroid (Spawns have been adjusted to Alien/Legacy)
    Unfortunately this also has the effect of forcing you to ruin any standing with Polaris. I actually found this strange when I was playing this part, because the Planet Remnat is full of turrets that attack and have to be destroyed, and opening any boxes causes a negative hit. This doesn't happen on any other part of the storyline, so it seemed out of place.

    I ended up finishing the mission anyway, and had to use a Polaris token just so I could land back on my start planet without Polaris attacking me. It wasn't until later when I was reading the release notes and I saw this change, so I wanted to address it.
  19. TheGazbeard

    TheGazbeard Lieutenant

    Jul 1, 2021
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    The secret to finishing Sigma Fulcrum is to not go through the main entrance, but to go over the top of the asteroid ... and before you go down to the catwalks - do THOROUGH reconaissance.

    Look up as well as down - it's not the cyborgs and soldiers killing you with one shot. A T2 or Epic sniper rifle is your friend before you go near the catwalks - bring plenty of ammo for it.
    Germanicus likes this.

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