Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Is it at all possible to get a CV-Class "Mobile Solar Panel Small" that sits flush with the surface? We have two angled ones - one with supports, one without - but the only flat one just floats. Being able to place a panel that's flush with the surface - as we can with the larger BA-Class Panels - would be great.

    I assume it is how it is purely because you've copied the BA Small Solar Panel and it too is missing the options of the larger panel. I suspect this is something that ideally Eleon could address.

    Anyway, thought I'd ask.

    Btw: there does seem to be (I assume vanilla) issue where solar Power runs out when the player isn't present. I have a moth-balled base that even in foggy weather outputs enough solar to keep the BA going forever. Yet, when I return after being away for an extended period, it's always out of power - having used up the "reverse" fuel I keep for the back-up small generator. I've calculated an excess of Solar Power for my CV - about 25% over what it needs when parked with just the basic Devices power such as Fridges - but have concerns that leaving it for an extended period will see it run out of power. Not an RE issue, but I do wonder if other people using RE are experiencing Solar Power issues too.

  2. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    Planetery solar wackiness is a vanilla issue. Basically if you log out when it's dark, the game thinks it was dark the entire time you were away (or it does it based on the time you get back? Haven't tested this yet). So it doesn't use the average solar power but the current power, and if that was too low your batteries will be gone.

    Space solar doesn't have that issue because the solar power is constant. But if you're on a server you probably want to replace your solar panels with the new mobile ones anyway so your ship doesn't get half-deleted.
  3. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    The CV-Class Solar Panels are working well for me thus far, it's just the vanilla (BA) ones that are broken. Interesting observation re: the day night cycle and when you leave your base. I never really pay attention to the time of day, so I fully expect I've been flying off at night and that's the reason the BA runs out of power. Cheers.

  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    That's all vanilla.
  5. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    If you try 250 x 250, you might as well go for 256 x 256 to keep the "powers of 2" dimensioning idea. You will surely not see any performance issue with just a few game icons, it's the sum of all these little details that result on positive or negative impacts on performance. For textures it's obvious, as games (and Unity) use mipmaps, and it requires to divide the original texture a number of times to get smaller versions of it. When dividing a 250 x 250 image only once we end up with a 125 x 125 mip image (odd numbers) which can't be easily divided by two (a fraction remains) so there needs to be another step to determine the size (there is no such thing as 1/2 pixel).

    For game icons it may not be a problem, but if they are packed into a bigger image to save space (each individual image has a header and some info) these bigger "atlas" typically use the "power of 2" system (ex. 1024 x 1024 or 2048 x 2048 "index"), then trying to fit non-power of 2 images in there means some of the bigger image index is wasted.

    So here with 256 x 256 you will have even a bigger image for your thumbnail. ;)
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
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  6. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    The blue ring system around the Dark Rogue starting it supposed to be a solid object?

    This ring system isn't made up of solid rocks like other rings, but more like a blue dust texture. It's so thin that it's not visible when flat-on to it, but that's not the only time it cannot be seen. It's not always properly rendered when the player's viewpoint is near a part of it, when it should fill the whole screen it does not. However, it seems solid enough when you fly through it, visible or not.

    I am engaging three "[Zirax] Damaged Convoy Vessel" POI's - great work btw - and one of them appears to be right in the rings. I approach in a small shielded SV to take out any turrets, but bounce off the invisible (at that point) rings so cannot actually engage this POI. The POI is happily shooting me all the time, not seen a single shot hit the rings. There might be an angle from which I can approach it, but as the ring keeps failing to be fully rendered - basically, parts nearest my viewpoint aren't rendered - I'm a little stuck.

    Dark Rogue of course is a Reforged Eden addition, but perhaps vanilla assets for the rings are the problem here?

    Btw: liking the shield rebalance that has occurred since the last time I played RE. One Zirax with a laser isn't taking down my shields in a few seconds now! Nice.

  7. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    The rings have asteroids in them. You can fly through the rings just make sure you don't hit any of the rocks.
  8. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I just used god mode to verify this. When flying a vessel, the parts of the ring closest to me are not rendered, so I literally cannot see anything. The parts that are rendered are sufficiently far away that the individual rocks do not appear and the ring appears just to be a dusty two-dimensional texture with no depth.

    Check out this screenshot:

    RE 1.5 Test_2021-08-08_01-12-00.png

    You can see the ring in the upper part of the screen, which is much further away, is rendered just fine. However, it cuts off within a certain range. This is true whether I'm using an external view, or the internal view from the Pilot's seat.

    How do I avoid hitting rocks that aren't rendered? :)

    Kassonnade likes this.
  9. Sinnz

    Sinnz Ensign

    May 26, 2020
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    I can't seem to get solar panels working on my CV. When placed, they stay dark and the system panel shows no output. Do I need to do anything special to enable them?
  10. Roberius

    Roberius Ensign

    Aug 9, 2021
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    First, loving this scenario, found an abandoned arkship yesterday, pure evil.
    My question, I don't understand warp ranges vs tank capacities. Had to make a 24au ish jump from a sun to a planet today, had 86 au in the tank, game said nope, I needed 94. On what basis does the text on the pentaxid tank make it's range assumption? Is affected by mass or engine type? Also, why does my tank after putting some more juice in say 223AU/223LY? A lightyear is a lot more than an AU.
    Apologies if this is the wrong thread, it was the first one I found that was specifically for reforged eden and seemed active.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2021
  11. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    1 Pentaxid = 1 AU of travel. (SV/CV))
    4 Pentaxid = 1 LY of travel. (CV-only)

    Advanced Warpdrive:
    0.5 Pentaxid = 1 AU of travel.
    2 Pentaxid = 1 LY of travel.

    SV Warp Drive can go 24 AU.
    CV Warp Drive can go 40 AU / 30 LY.
    CV Advanced Warp Drive can go 75 AU / 60 LY.

    Nothing affects jump distance or pentaxid use. Only the warp drive itself determines distance and consumption.
  12. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    The new CV solar panels don't output power to the Solar Statistics and don't use an efficiency meter. They output a constant amount (100% efficiency) since it cuts down on calculations and prevents the game from deleting people's CVs when it saves.
    The solar panels will instead reduce your power consumption rate. If it reduces consumption into negative values, you will stop consuming fuel as your solar production exceeds your consumption.
    They run constantly and cannot be turned off, but require any Generator to act as a capacitor.
    Sup likes this.
  13. Roberius

    Roberius Ensign

    Aug 9, 2021
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    Thanks, guess I need to work on upgrading my warp drive. My confusion was in the text on the tank not showing the range for LY (X4)
    pentaxid.png 168 Pentaxid in the tank makes 168AU / 42LY range but shows 168 for both.
  14. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I'm guessing it's a hard-coded display.
    It probably shouldn't be hard-coded, since the warp drive ranges are moddable and it's the most common thing changed.
  15. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hi, I'm experiencing some odd issues with the "Communications Centre" Zirax POI - which appears to have had some updates since I last tackled it. While this POI has plenty of normal spawners that can be destroyed by the player, it also appears to have several invisible spawners too, based on what I'm seeing. I'm not a huge fan of invisible spawners unless they're well-hidden, such as "here's a crack where spiders got in" and stuff like that. Things like "I just know something will spawn behind me when I walk through here" not so much. However, they seem to be more and more common now. One of the issues I'm having with these are NPC's spawning in invalid positions and clipping into the walls - thus able to attack the player with impunity of course. The game must have code for this, as such NPC's generally seem to be "pushed out" of whatever block they're clipping into after a moment or two. Often too late for the player's health bar though lol.

    In particular, I'm seeing those huge Mech robots spawning into enclosed spaces they cannot fit into. This inhibits their movement - I had two spawn (invisible spawner) stuck in place that were easy prey if approached from behind. I approach from behind obviously. However, a third one spawned in just after I took down the first two fully clipped into blocks and effectively invisible, yet it was able to shoot me of course. I did go God Mode after the first death to see what was going on, I could stand there being constantly shot at but there was nothing visible. The Mech did eventually get pushed out into the room - where it still didn't actually fit and it couldn't move - but at least I could shoot back at it.

    Other NPC's - Zirax troops, regular Mechs - have had the spawning in the wrong location issues too, but those three large Mechs are the most obvious example. Love the POI changes in general, but my raid on it was plagued with bug-caused injuries and a death due to mostly clipping issues. I also had some issue with things not taking damage. Some of these might be down to poor hit boxes - I.e. my cross hair is right on the target, but the game calculates a block as being in the way. Very frustrated, but not going away soon I expect. Another issue I had were hits not registering at all. I had a Sentry Turret I dropped down to - classic narrow space trap - after taking out the Zirax Commanders from above (had to jump shoot to work around the aforementioned hit box issue) but I had to pump almost three clips of the Starhawk Heavy Pistol to destroy just a regular Sentry. Never even had to use a full clip before.

    While the hit boxes and not taking damage issues are likely core game stuff, the issues with the Spawners spawning NPC's clipping into the structure is something, I assume, might be able to be addressed in the POI design hopefully. I'll reiterate that I LOVE the POI and pretty much every other one that's been added in RE but, over the usual base-game gremlins, the spawning issues were a real problem for me this evening. Legitimate injury and death in a challenging POI can be infuriating of course, but expected. Falling foul of clipping enemies, not so much.

    Please take this as an attempt at constructive feedback, the POI is great, but something really wasn't working right with the spawns clipping into the base structure. Just running a regular Single Player game here with RE.

  16. Sinnz

    Sinnz Ensign

    May 26, 2020
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    Thanks for the reply on the solar panels. Just so I am reading right, the panels don't give any indication they are working - no power nor efficiency lights. Is there any way to see their effect?
  17. Damonvile

    Damonvile Ensign

    Aug 10, 2021
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    Before you install the panel, look at how much power your ship is using. Install the panel and see if the usage went down.
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  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Which POI specifically? There are about 8 communication stations.
  19. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    How do I determine which one it is? I've dismantled a lot of it now, but it might be recognisable in a screen shot. I'll get one next time I'm in-game.

    Edit: Here's a screenshot of the POI in question:

    RE 1.5 Test_2021-08-10_16-42-05.png

    Last edited: Aug 10, 2021
    Vermillion likes this.
  20. Ceneraii

    Ceneraii Ensign

    Jan 14, 2016
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    Some feedback and a request;

    Also a little preface - Reforged Eden is absolutely fantastic!

    I was doing some CV ship designing and wanted to figure out which weapons to use but I already knew that the tooltip numbers are somewhat... unreliable. Turns out they're not just unreliable but inconsistent too xD I know some of this is due to different multipliers being in effect. (On a sidenote, the detailed info on the modulated pulse laser ammo is fantastic, although I didn't test them here - but I digress)
    I didn't test everything on everything since that's pretty intense and I was only interested in some weapons - but overall these numbers seem all over the place. I did some rounding here and there, mostly on the low RPM weapons where it matters less (the pulse laser is turreted btw).
    As for the legend - L=light, H=heavy, F=fixed, C=cruise, T=turret. All weapons are CV variants.

    Anyway, what I wanted to ask is if there is any chance of some clearcut logic being applied here to what the tooltips show regarding damage that would make weapon choices a bit more intuintive?
    (Such as showing the multipliers for all weapons like with the modulated ammo? Explaining tooltip dmg vs actual damage, or just straight up fixing the tooltip numbers? Explaining how AoE works in the PDA? Showing universal damage multipliers in PDA (SV, HV, CV, BA, Entity, Block etc)? - or whatever makes sense, just throwing ideas out)
    Also perhaps a bit of a balancing note - while most stuff seems to have a purpose in general, the CV multiple rocket launcher is... just really bad - but also extremely cool - maybe buff it a little :p.
    (Columns K, L, M show the inconsistency - it's just all over the place for most weapons)

    I'm also somewhat curious about the balancing philosophy/logic behind it all, but wanting that explained might be asking a bit much xD

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