Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Don't swap game modes in an existing survival game as you risk causing some pretty major issues in your save game.
    You cannot remove those if explosive damage doesn't work. But you can use console commands to do it:

    replaceblocks xxxx 668 0

    Replace "xxxx" with the structure ID of your ship.
  2. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I did revert to a backup save from before I used CM just to be sure. Thanks, I couldn't figure out the ID to use's also way too late for me to be braining lol. Thank you, that worked perfectly.

    ravien_ff likes this.
  3. Talondale

    Talondale Ensign

    Jun 23, 2020
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    Where do you turn in the data you find? Things like Economic Data, Maintenance Data, Transportation Data. (Not the DATA PADS that give research credit) Get them from hacking POI in space. The description says the Info Horders (GIN stations) but can't find a dialogue that accepts them. Is this future planned items? My google search and search of this forum yielded nothing. Playing multi-player and not running the main story line so maybe that's the problem?
  4. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    You can currently only trade these in to the Red Rogue's mechanic (Pirate story POI) or to a couple of Information Brokers on Polaris Trade stations.
    These will be reworked in 1.6 with a better hacking system and more places to trade them in with better rewards.
  5. skshroyer

    skshroyer Ensign

    Mar 9, 2020
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    I'm just getting started in RE and trying to find my future fleet. The Uriel has done pretty well for me as it is easily upgradeable to a point. I think I know what combat CV I'm going to go with, but what are your favorites for a mid/late game all rounder? I don't need a huge hangar as I plan on taking a modified version of the drill pup (to gather wood, it's no longer a miner) and an SV around with me. Ideally the SV should be accessible quickly from the bridge.

    It should be combat capable up to at least destroyers, battlecarriers would be nice. a couple of adv constructors and smalls (or room to put them), grow plots will be removed in creative so there's extra room for many builds. 4x 320k storage minimum with room for (or included) 6+ 16k cargo boxes. Ideally this would be pre-quantum, but I can hang on to the Uriel until I get a few of them if necessary
  6. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hi again,

    I have an issue but I'm not sure the cause...

    I'm recovering one of the "Shipwreck" CV's. I've brought another CV capable of lifting it, so I just need to get the Shipwreck CV able to lift off and land on it. The Shipwreck appeared to be missing a few thrusters, showing remaining thrust of -24 MN / -5.05 kt lift capacity. I added thrusters, but each time I add one, those numbers go down. I've added several thrusters now and the remaining thrust is now -38.2 MN and -6.05 kt.

    This Shipwreck is over CPU, but it had ample Generators for this not to be an immediate problem I thought, even at 10% CPU efficiency. I've never tried to fly anything with such a low efficiency before, but, reading elsewhere, this should just hugely increase power draw, which I have covered. Is the lack of CPU breaking the lift calculation somehow, or is this another penalty that gets applied?

    I might craft and add a CPU extender to see if that help...

    ...well, that was it! It seems if CPU is low, adding thrusters reduces thrust lol.

    Returning with my prize: RE 1.5.6_2021-09-02_23-22-59.png

    Last edited: Sep 3, 2021
  7. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Cpu penalty reduces thrusters effectiveness.
    Vermillion likes this.
  8. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Quite extremely so, each Thruster I added while over CPU (I was quite a lot over CPU) was lowering the lift capability further. Removing Thrusters improved it.

    Additionally, I ran into another weird issue. The Shipwreck I was salvaging was in a very hostile (hot) environment, so I repaired it enough that the bridge was sealed and air-tight. However, it simply would not cool down at all. I used the Debug menu to confirm it was air-right - it was - but the temperature still remained at external ambient and it would not hold O2. However, the second I placed the CPU Extender - taking the ship to about 80% efficiency - the bridge area temperature started coming down and it held O2.

    So, it's not just thrusters that behave oddly when CPU is low, ships act as if they are not air tight and move to ambient external temperatures.

  9. Banditman

    Banditman Ensign

    Jun 9, 2021
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    It's just math. The thrust gained was less than the penalty, makes perfect sense.

    Also makes sense that everything is affected. The CPU runs the entire ship, therefore penalizes the entire ship when it's "wrong". Thrust, Life Support, Weapons . . . all uses CPU and therefore should work less effectively when CPU is short. I get it, you were just trying to do the bare minimum to get it out of there, but the bare minimum should always include getting the CPU to ~80%.
  10. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I get it, just thought it rather amusing is all re: the Thrusters. I was posting about the air-tightness issue to highlight that other things are effected too, but perhaps maybe not in the way people think. Ventilators going down due to low-CPU is not unexpected, but general air-tightness / insulation provided by basic blocks failing was not. The ship was powered - with pretty much everything off, such as thrusters - the Bridge was sealed and the door closed, with force-field intact, yet I was fully exposed to the outside environment despite this. Only raising the CPU allowance helped. I've had things not work well due to low CPU before, but I've never lost basic integrity of the blocks like that.

    On an unrelated note, does anyone know how the individual Harvest Containers work as a group? I.e. if I have multiple Harvest Containers, will they each fill up in turn, or does the Drill Turret link to just one? I usually use Harvest Container Controllers, but have some of the basic (not extendible) Harvest Containers I was going to use on a CV I'll mine with.

  11. @Scoob If you are able to reproduce that airtightness issue in relation to being over CPU, in a vanilla save, that would definitely be bug report worthy.
    It is definitely not supposed to affect airtight true/false when being over CPU. At least, it has never been mentioned in the patch notes and it definitely did not do that before.

    I may have some time tomorrow to see if I can reproduce that in vanilla.
  12. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    If I can, I'll certainly report it. It's this that surprised me most about being over CPU, so I assumed it was unrelated initially.

    On another note... Is CV to CV docking know to be really buggy still? I've just claimed another "Shipwreck" CV, restored it to flight-worthiness and attempted to land it on my CV designed for this task yet it won't work. Landing gear are present, but won't deploy when I near touch-down on the deck. That said, it's like there's something blocking the ship touching down, it's stuck about a block and a half above the deck. I've tried a save / reload cycle and nope, not working. Will keep trying.

    Edit: It worked eventually, got the Shipwreck docked and brought it back to base.

    Thought: I've LOVE to see a BA-Class Salvage Turret. Give it a very good range so I can pop it on my base and bring ships back to pull apart quickly. A BA-Class Salvage Turret should be as good as it gets.
    (I'm aware RE adds salvage lasers for SV's, but they don't recover full blocks)

    Last edited: Sep 4, 2021
  13. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Attempted in the first versions of RG.
    Base does not support harvest functionality at all. Anything retrieved/salvaged with a tool turret is deleted.
  14. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Ok, that's a shame. So, regular CV Multi / Mining Turrets working on a planet then? :)

    Btw: I suspect this is a vanilla thing you cannot change, however, I've noticed the CV's I'm salvaging ("Shipwreck" POI's) always show on the Radar as a "something over there" red highlight bar on the NESW of the compass/mini map. Basically, I'd discover them in the usual way and the highlight would go away. I'd then recover them and bring them back to base and they'd be detected again but never resolved. My base is currently surrounded by red on the compass due to the salvaged CV's parked around it. A minor issue, sure, but a little irksome.

    Additionally, and more irksome, these ships being in range despite having a player Core now, trigger the "Cannot sleep / enemies nearby" warning when trying to use beds on my Base. Interestingly, using a tent or a bed on a nearby CV appears to work fine. No genuine enemies are nearby needless to say.

    Finally, I'm sure this has been discussed before, what are your thoughts on many Player CV-Class weapons being blocked from working on a planetary playfield? Ages ago, when Eleon first moved to having separate CV and BA-Class Turrets it was implied (or so I thought) that this limitation would eventually go. This would allow both BA and CV weapons to work on a planetary playfield, thought the BA version would have potential range, damage and/or cost advantages. Perhaps leave fixed CV weapons for space only, but isn't it time that CV turrets worked on a planet again?

    Just wondering what you think about this. To me, a someone playing solo, it's a shame I cannot use my decent CV's to suppress minor POI's but have to jump into a variety of SV's or HV's to do the job.

  15. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    The lock on CV weapons is required for fair gameplay.
    Standard POI design rules limit them to around 4 turrets, which no matter what combination you're packing onto a POI will never under ANY circumstances threaten a CV with shields.
    You want CV weapons to work in atmo? It will require a complete overhaul of every single POI in the game to be equipped with 12+ turrets each. Which in turn will end any functional use for HV or SV and leave player-vs-POI combat for endgame CV-only combat.
  16. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Gold Coins cannot be melted down in a Furnace in RE??
    Or is that a bug? Description of Gold Coins says they can.
  17. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    It's 25 coins per ingot. If you have less than that, nothing will happen.
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  18. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Fair enough. It's just that my fairly decent (20k shields) CV doesn't last long even against a single Laser (or other anti-shield) Turret. Combine that with the firing delay issue, I could be at 50% shields before my turrets even start shooting. Plus any shielded POI is pretty much beyond me due to my poor shield damage - even with Laser Turrets.

    I do rely heavily on shields, with the rest of the CV usually being basic Steel Blocks, depending on being nimble and able to move out of fire fairly rapidly to preserve shields.

    I guess it'd just be nice to be able to defeat lesser POI's in a CV and have them pose less of a threat than they do currently. I usually just jump into a fast SV armed with missile to take out turrets first rather than risk the CV. The SV can take the odd shot and get away, with a CV they have to be more tanky as the hit and run, jousting attacks that work so well with an SV and fixed weapons, will often see a CV's turrets not fire at all. Core / vanilla game issue re: the turrets of course, but it still frustrates.

    I will try building a CV aimed purely at defeating POI's - vs. my regular jack of all trades build - and see how I get on.

  19. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Duh. Thx. If you see my brain, send it home, OK?

    BTW- I came back to ask a second Q - I have an SV "The Mole" that's got a Ore Controller & Ammo Controller. Neither will scroll open additional rows of slots when filled, despite lots of addition Vol available. Is that normal? The Base ones do ...
  20. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Just my two cents on the matter, but there are some REALLY big kick-ass CV's in this game that would make childs' play of a 4 turret POI.
    It wouldn't last two seconds.
    So yes, your current CV poses no threat, but they have to account for all levels of CV when making the rules, eh? ;):)

    Edit: IIRR jrandal made a POI basher called the Beholder or some such. 4 leg creature that squatted over the POI blasted the cr@p out of it and let you salvage it all. Big beast.

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