So, I created a directory named "Scripts" inside EmpyrionScripts and I put the code of FillBox at file named AutoFillBox.hbs I will restart server and c how it will go. Thx
SaveGameScript stored in the save game folder like this
It seems that there were changes in RE 16. My script doesn't work anymore. Code: {{~set 'H' 'Ingots'}} {{~set 'T' '8000'}} {{~#split '#15FC05,#8FF904,#F4DC04,#F99C04,#FC6305,#CE1818' ','}}{{set 'C' .}}{{/split}} {{~set 'IDs' @root.Ids.Ingot}} {{~#split @root.ScriptId ':'}}{{devices @root.E.S .1}}{{#split (substring (i18n .0/Id 'English') 4) ' '}}{{set 'SS' .0}}{{/split}}{{/devices}}{{/split}} {{~concat '<color=#FFF><align=center><size=200%>' @root.Data.H '</size></align>'}} <align=center>{{bar 1 0 1 45 '═'}}</align> {{#sortedeach @root.E.S.Items 'Count' true}}{{~#test Id in @root.Data.IDs}}{{set 'X' (concat @root.Data.X Id ',')}}{{setblock 'D' ~}} {{@root.Data.D}}{{Name}}:{{format Count '{0,6:N0}'}}: {{~#test Count geq @root.Data.T}}{{@root.Data.C.0}}{{else}} {{~#test Count ge (calc @root.Data.T '*' '0.75')}}{{@root.Data.C.1}}{{else}} {{~#test Count ge (calc @root.Data.T '*' '0.50')}}{{@root.Data.C.2}}{{else}} {{~#test Count ge (calc @root.Data.T '*' '0.25')}}{{@root.Data.C.3}}{{else}}{{@root.Data.C.4}}{{/test}}{{/test}}{{/test}}{{/test}};{{~/setblock}} {{~/test}}{{~/sortedeach}} {{~#itemlist @root.E.S.Items @root.Data.IDs}}{{#test Id in @root.Data.X}}{{else}}{{set 'D' (concat @root.Data.D Name ':' (format 0 '{0,6:N0}') ':' @root.Data.C.5 ';')}}{{/test}}{{/itemlist}} {{~#split @root.Data.D ';' true}}{{#each .}}{{#split . ':'}} {{~#test @root.Data.SS eq '1x2'}}{{~fontsize 6}}{{~#test (calc @Index '%' 3) eq 2}}{{set 'P' '67,90'}}{{else}}{{~#test (calc @Index '%' 3) eq 1}}{{set 'P' '32,56'}}{{else}} {{set 'P' '0,20'}}{{/test}}{{/test}}{{else}} {{~#test @root.Data.SS eq '1x1'}}{{~fontsize 4}}{{~#test (calc @Index '%' 2) eq 1}}{{set 'P' '52,85'}}{{else}} {{set 'P' '0,34'}}{{/test}}{{else}}{{fontsize 3}} {{set 'P' '0,80'}}{{/test}}{{/test}} {{~#split @root.Data.P ','}}{{~concat '<color=' ../.2 '><indent=' .0 '%>◉ ' ../.0 '</indent> <indent=' .1 '%>' ../.1 '</indent></color>' ~}}{{/split}} {{~/split}}{{~/each}}{{~/split}} And as a results in LCD I get : <color=#FFF><align=center><size=200%>Ingots</size></align> <align=center>═════════════════════════════════════════════</align> {{split}} error {test} [ 1x2 ]:TypeConverter cannot convert from System.String.{{split}} error {test} [ 1x2 ]:TypeConverter cannot convert from System.String.{{split}} error {test} [ 1x2 ]:TypeConverter cannot convert from System.String.{{split}} error {test} [ 1x2 ]:TypeConverter cannot convert from System.String.{{split}} error {test} [ 1x2 ]:TypeConverter cannot convert from System.String.{{split}} error {test} [ 1x2 ]:TypeConverter cannot convert from System.String.{{split}} error {test} [ 1x2 ]:TypeConverter cannot convert from System.String.{{split}} error {test} [ 1x2 ]:TypeConverter cannot convert from System.String.{{split}} error {test} [ 1x2 ]:TypeConverter cannot convert from System.String.{{split}} error {test} [ 1x2 ]:TypeConverter cannot convert from System.String.{{split}} error {test} [ 1x2 ]:TypeConverter cannot convert from System.String.{{split}} error {test} [ 1x2 ]:TypeConverter cannot convert from System.String.{{split}} error {test} [ 1x2 ]:TypeConverter cannot convert from System.String.{{split}} error {test} [ 1x2 ]:TypeConverter cannot convert from System.String.{{split}} error {test} [ 1x2 ]:TypeConverter cannot convert from System.String. I tried it at both 1x1 and 1x2 to check that I didn't do anything wrong. There is an update on commands and how to use them or something was ruined in 1.6 ?
I have (except for GalaxyNavigator) updated all my mods with the current package in the 1.6 and got them working
EmpyrionGalaxyNavigator 2.0 for MP (servers) deutsch: english: ModList and package is here
Thank you for this new mod. I tried to test in in a new 1.6 game.It does not work in single player survival vanilla :
The Mods, in the ModLoader package, are based on API1 with is only available in MP (server) settings. Unfortunately, there is also the bug that the HUD (in MP) does not update when bookmarks are inserted in the DB :-( Note: For SinglePlayer you have to use the mod from @HoberMellow (Galactic Waez navigator) which also searches the main memory for the (internal) galaxy positions.
You have to clarify in the description that your mod Navigator does not work in single player games. Avoid to confuse the players please.
Nice job, i liked your mods. (especially the EWA) Is there any way to adapt your code of the votingreward mod for antoher website ? I tried ffor 2 days lookt at it for myself but i dont know anything about C# or even API. Looks like the answer of the request has not the same format than empyrion-servers. I d like to get the same mod but for this website : (using the pseudo instead of the steamid) Empyrion servers return 0, 1 or 2 while top-serveurs return many things. Is it possible to adapt your code ?
Thank You for your mods, I just use EmpyriosScripting on my solo-server but I can't imagine the game without it. May I suggest yet another Mod? A command sets waypoints to all owned (or faction access) autominer on the current map (with delete on approach and show on HUD). clicking all the autominers to make waypoints is no fun, especially as mostly the deposit is selected so the waypoint is underground and not at the autominer. I tryed to reverse engineer the Navigator Mod as it already makes waypoints, but I never really learned c#, so I failed... (also I work on a NPC-farmer script for ES) finding the coordinates of the autominers is rather easy, if I remember right there is a table (I think 1 per map, but it could also be 1 big one) with all the terrain placeables in the database.
Possible in principle, but setting waypoints, which are visible on the HUD, does not work in MP. As long as Eleon has not fixed this bug, it is not worth the effort.
Version 4.4.0 can now be configured for the voting server ( and EmpyrionVotingRewardMod/release are up to date). Docu see here The portal "top-servers" seems to have problems with the voting with a SteamId. I only managed with the player name which the player has to enter himself and which has to match the name in Empyrion.
Greetings. Is it possible in your mod EmpyrionBackpackExtender to specify the utes that would be allowed to be stored and the unspecified utes are prohibited? The opposite of what is specified in the mod configuration: ForbiddenItems = { Id: 1234, Count:Max Allowed, ItemName: "Description for Player" } For example: AllowedItems = { Id: 1234, Count:Max Allowed, ItemName: "Description for Player" } There are a large number of items in the game now, and the list of forbidden items can be big. In some situations, it's easier to specify a shorter list of allowed items. This can be useful when there is a global game wipe, EmpyrionBackpackExtender is good for "old" players, but will not give a strong booster game advantage over other, "new" players. For example, allow the "standard" items (ingots, ores, modules) and exclude the ability to save all the other unique modules and their components, hi-end content (for example, which are given for quests), etc. The list will get a lot. And your mod will be more versatile in settings. If it's possible to do this already in a working mod, I'm sorry, I didn't find such a function like AllowedItems. I hope I was able to formulate this message correctly and the translator handled it. All the best and thanks for your work!
EmpyrionBackpackExtender version 2.1.0 are able to config AllowedItems in the config file Code: "AllowedItems": [ { "Id": 4421, "Count": 10, "ItemName": "FuelCell" } ] Release & are updated
Ah, I didn't even expect you to make changes to your mod so quickly! It's very timely with the new version of the game coming out soon. Thank you very much.