Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Strange. I thought all "hitscan" weapons (projectiles) were the ones deemed "reliable". How could a hitscan projectile miss its target ?
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    They aren't hit scan. Weapons that use projectiles are launchers. Hit scan are ranged that may show a tracer but not actually use a projectile.

    Next update they will be hit scan so they can benefit from block penetration. To compensate their tracking speed is getting lowered and they aren't getting the same CPU+damage buff as the Reforged turrets (though I may adjust them if needed).
    Kassonnade likes this.
  3. vik.martinchuk

    vik.martinchuk Ensign

    Dec 29, 2021
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    Thank you!
    Will try those railgun turrets, as mounted railgun is my favorite weapon in the game. But I`m a kind of a noob, so what do you mean "on server"? Is this trouble concerned only multiplayer or customs servers? If I play your scenario in default single player game is there any issues with hitting? And do I understand right that now railgun turrets has the same behavior and chance to hit the targets as cannon and artillery turrets?

    P.S. Nice work! I returned to Empyrion a few months ago after 1.5 year of being away from the game, started your scenario and can't stop playing. :)
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Right. Railguns throw their "bullets" at speeds that far outclass any rifle but not in Empyrion. Laser pistols have a slow tracer and are still hitscan... go figure.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yeah exactly. If miniguns and cannon turrets are going to be hit scan then railguns definitely should be.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  6. Taski

    Taski Ensign

    Apr 24, 2021
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    Greetings! Please tell me why I don't have a single drone in systems like L or R? I really want to increase the CPU =)) . Solo game, latest version. The screenshot shows the console, if required.
    Let me clarify: maybe this is what is required by the script? In the Project Eden scenario, this did not happen to me and in every system of this type I came across drones

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    Last edited: Feb 12, 2022
  7. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    What faction territory is that system in?
  8. Taski

    Taski Ensign

    Apr 24, 2021
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  9. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    That would explain it. You won't find the drone swarm in other territories.
    Taski likes this.
  10. Taski

    Taski Ensign

    Apr 24, 2021
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    Thank you so much!!! And then I was already starting to worry that something had happened to my game =)))
    ravien_ff likes this.
  11. Schinken

    Schinken Ensign

    Feb 14, 2022
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    Hello there, first thing, maybe you cant hear it again, but thanks. Thanks so much. Empyrion is a hell ofa game. So much wasted potential and absolute not understandable decisions for gameplay.
    But with your mod, it is what i expect, yes what i hoped for (in the borders of whats possible with a buggy fundament).

    I have 2, no 3 Questions.

    1. Compact Shield Generator (CV) says in description, it makes nearly invincible from kinetic weapons.
    For the next Shield Generator (Advanced?) its not in the description, for the last, the heavy shield generator, its there again.
    Can i assume its just a visual thing and they all 3working in the same way?
    Or can i place the compact and the advanced shield generator and have a benefit from?
    I know i can place both(compact and advanced SG) on my cv. I know ican do this in vanilla too with the t1 and t2 shields. And i know it doesnt make sense in vanilla, because the second SG will just not work, not even as a backup.
    Its the same in RE?

    We (justme and my gf) started a Coop Game on Uai. After hours and hours as HV Nomadics we decided to take a look at the Storyline and missions. We was sad to see, there is no story for this planet. We tried it through the console, but it leads to odd issues and we decided to make a story playthrough later. So long, so good. But the Story unlocks all the faction Missions and i wondering, if its intendet that we can make no missions except these for the class system (what is great, but not a immersive lore). So, what kind of missions are reachable for us?
    I read something from missions after lvl 25 to get more Techs, but my gf is lvl 25 and we have no idea how we began that :).

    3. I found 2 Versions of explanations for Crew in RE.
    A: It lowers everys device cpu consumption by 1000. (Which would be very exploity, with 100 Crew every device under 100k would be for free)
    B: It lowers the total cpu consumption of a BA/CV by 2500.
    What, if any of that, is the implemented mechanic?
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  12. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    1: Shields protect your ship from damage. Kinetic and explosive weapons deal the lowest damage to shields, with energy weapons dealing the highest.
    This applies to all shields, the type of shield generator is largely irrelevant. They all provide roughly the same kind of protection in the current version. Using multiple shield generators will actually reduce their effectiveness as the weakest shield generator is usually the one chosen to provide the stats to your shield, while both consume power, CPU and have mass.

    2: The Main Story Missions are only available on Haven, Akua, Ningues, Roggery and Omicron. The other starting planets do not have the kinds of terrain or POI for the story to fit. It is not required to play the game, and you can travel to any of the above starter planets in a ship and start the missions there.

    3: Crew reduce the total CPU consumption of your CV/BA by 2500 points each. They can only be bought in small amounts, found rarely in cryochambers, or retrieved from some POIs. They also aren't replaced by station services (so no duping) and have a maximum cap of 50 for performance and balance reasons. They have a high class size, so using large numbers of them will impact your FPS.
    stanley bourdon and Schinken like this.
  13. Schinken

    Schinken Ensign

    Feb 14, 2022
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    I love it. Never in years i get such an informative answer from the devs. Not to speak from your unbelievable speed.
    Thank you a lot!

    One last question because i am curios: How can someone get Unlock Points after lvl 25?
    I (probably mis-) understand it like the missions i need for that are unlockee trough the story. But if you say the story isn't required i have to miss something.

    However, im so glad we can still play the storyline in this playthrough :).
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2022
    stanley bourdon and Myrmidon like this.
  14. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Missions and loot can give you unlock points. Check the empyriopedia in the PDA, there's a lot of info in there.
    Schinken likes this.
  15. MadRussian

    MadRussian Commander

    Jul 18, 2017
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    Hi, thanks again for the mod, wonderful stuff! I've been away from Empyrion for some time & thinking about jumping back in (mostly to try latest Reforged Eden). You guys know the ins and out of modding this game better than anyone, so seems like a good place to ask:

    Last I checked (probably a year ago), the whole "top speed limited by ship's overall mass (including cargo)" thing was hard-coded & not moddable. Is this still the case? Curious Vermillion what your stance on this is. Have you managed to mod this? Would you if you could?

    Even since the devs made that "limited top speed" change, I've had to carry around 8-14 extra boosters in the cargo space of my hauler, and once I load my cargo hauler full of ore, to avoid moving at like 3 mps (I'm exaggerating, but still), I have to get out and "strap on" all those boosters to get that full load of cargo back to base in any reasonable timeframe. And once unloaded, then remove all those "strap on" boosters and return them to ship's cargo so my ship will fly normal again. Not very fun or immersive imo. So I pretty much stopped playing until the devs either revert this or make it moddable.
  16. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    No, it's not changeable.

    What you can do is set up those thrusters to be part of a custom group or signal then you can turn them on or off as needed.
  17. MadRussian

    MadRussian Commander

    Jul 18, 2017
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    Thanks for the heads up. Still curious if / how much it bothers you guys? Also, I'm guessing by now you two probably have a huge amount of pull with the devs. Lobby for this to be moddable?

    Regarding signals, I wonder if one could have thrusters automatically turn on/off one-by-one (or pair-by-pair) as needed, based on cargo load?

    Finally, have they made the AI patrol ships any more moddable in the last year and a half? Like can scenario designer send them where you want?
  18. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    For 1, I mean it is their game. We can make suggestions sure and I've definitely brought it up but in the end it is up to them. I don't personally like it but it is the way they have it set up.

    For 2, no. You'll have to manually turn them on and off.

    For 3, yes. You can configure it all in the playfield and send them where you want. I set up random raider attacks that sweep through a sector attacking the other NPC factions. Can't tell them to specifically travel to player space bases though.
    MadRussian likes this.
  19. vik.martinchuk

    vik.martinchuk Ensign

    Dec 29, 2021
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    IMHO the easiest way to salvage drone parts for increasing CPU - search for B systems, they have lava/hell planets with high gravity (look for planets with orbits close to the sun in such systems). Every 4-th or 5-th system (in my Galaxy) has a planet with drone "infestation". Drone harversters are united in groups and can be taken out one group by one. One drone gives 2-5 drone parts, but the whole planet grants you totally 200-300 drone parts. Moreover there are tons of gold, zascosium and promethium. I`m farming now the third such a planet, so they are not so rare. And that is much easier than fight with drones in space.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2022
    Taski, Stampy and Schinken like this.
  20. MadRussian

    MadRussian Commander

    Jul 18, 2017
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    Sounds awesome! Curious, to send them do you give them WPs? Or list of POIs to visit? Also, curious the technical reason you can't send them to player space bases? (Is it a case of having to pick where they go prior to knowing where the player might set up their base?) Also, can you send multiple ships at once? Finally, is there anything in the scripting system to control them? (or is it all in the playfield) Sorry about all the questions, just super curious. Thanks again.

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