v1.8 Experimental III

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Pantera, Jun 1, 2022.

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  1. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Hello Galactic Survivalists!

    Welcome to a new phase in Experimental Version 1.8! First of all, once again our heartfelt thanks to you for all the feedback and bug reports. Thanks to your efforts we are slowly approaching the end of the testing phase for version 1.8!

    If all goes well, we plan to release the final version in mid-June ;)

    The current version includes - besides a lot of bugfixes - numerous changes and adjustments for the start tutorial and the game start environment on the four starter moons. As always, you can read the details in the changelog below.

    A note: To test the changed starting fields and tutorial content, it is necessary to start a new game with the current Experimental III version.

    As always: Please post your feedback on the individual focus topics in the designated forum threads so that we don't miss any of your feedback.
    Experimental feedback threads can be found here https://empyriononline.com/forums/experimental-features-discussion.35/

    Report bugs and issues right over here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.34/

    Fixed Experimental version bugs can be found there: https://empyriononline.com/forums/fixed.90/

    Thanks in advance!

    Have fun!
    Empyrion Dev Team


    - Added: Ingame tutorial feedback form (F1 > click ‘Game Feedback’ chapter > press ACTIVATE TUTORIAL button > follow orders); WiP Test!
    - Added: BA Frame Module Concrete added to stock prefabs
    - Added: Preview of quest objectives added to mission dialogue
    - Added notification about the teleporter in the space station will not get the player stranded (they can teleport back)
    - Added fish to Ningues, Masperon, Barren; (Only spawn if water is deep enough, though)
    - Changed: Tutorial now only activates on Akua (new players starter moon; added notes to game start selection screens.)
    - Changed: removed all preplaced HV in favor of the new tutorial / improve challenge on other planets
    - Changed: Drops of golems now following their “biome” definition ( Swamp: Titanium ore chance, Ice: Cobalt ore chance, Desert: Neodymium ore chance); All golems have a chance to drop any of the base ores (iron, copper, silicon, carbon) plus chance of promethium ore and crushed stone.
    - Changed: Mosquitos now drop Alien Thorn (instead of Toxic Liquid)
    - Changed: Increased buds drop count for BigFlower from 1 to 2
    - Changed: removed poison food chance from berries and lowered indigestion chance)
    - Changed: Wreckage bases devices have been reduced and bases themselves are not airtight anymore ( you first need to fix them up !)
    - Changed: Non-story relevant ‘wreckage bases’ set to Alien faction (+core); Note: If your scenario uses Base-Wreckages (filenames BAW_*) without changes to the default BP group > these are now sorted into a BAW_Base blueprint group.
    -Changed: Updated moon snow starter, moon lava, moon and barrenmetal playfields
    - Butterfly particles updated

    Gamestart & Tutorial - Akua
    - Added: Full guided tutorial for building a basic HV (using a Frame) Note: The HV Tutorial starts when the player reaches level 3; For the BA tutorial to test, place a Portable Constructor, then pick up 100 carbon substrates.
    - Changed: Increased amount of cobalt rocks in Tundra area
    - Changed: Improved guided tutorial for building a basic BA (using Frame)

    Gamestart - Ningues
    - Added message to not approach convoy on Ningues unprepared
    - Changed: Updated Snow starter moon. Still WiP but can NOW be tested in terms of gamestart and survivability.
    - Changed: Increased pickable plants count in crash site area significantly to improve survivability. (Please retest on medium and hard mode if it is now too easy.Thx!)
    - Changed: crashsite temperature increased a little

    Gamestart - Masperon
    - Changed: Optimized Alien Swamp starter moon
    - Changed: Deactivated “deco/screen effect” mosquitos (replaced by the “real” mosquitos) to avoid confusion.
    - Changed: Added a few mosquitos to crashsite

    Gamestart - Skillon
    - Added: Gliding Overseer added to barren starter moon

    - Changed: Increased overall radiation +1
    - Changed: Reduced amount of Crashed Vessel
    - Changed: slightly reduced amount of mushroom in start area
    - Changed: Increased Radiation on NEST biomes (Pentaxid crystals)

    PDA updates
    - PdaDataOps can now include an optional 4th parameter "Reset" to reset the modified chapter-

    - Blocks (tables, windows, doors etc) can go missing when arriving at a structure
    - Change & rotate option changes don't render their changed position until reloading back in to the save & changing the tint on a window not working
    - Tales of Tash Archive did not close sometimes
    - Matrix key was generated several times (sometimes caught in a loop dialogue)
    - EVA Booster tutorial info shown although not completed
    - Butterflies did block players from sleeping (tent / bed)
    - Angled blocks do not provide oxygen in sealed rooms
    - Entering cockpit of HV did trigger ‘cold in space’ tutorial info
    - Asteroids in crown sector had wrong lables
    - Mounted weapons can get forced to reload.
    - Issue with Shadows of NPC's & structures when shadows are off or set to "Low"
    - Chapter repeats only twice when set to activate 'when rewarded' + chapter activate action

    Known issues:
    - Gliding Overseer cannot be looted yet
    - NPC's currently don't fire at the player & flee
    - Docking pads collison box prevents vessels from docking
    - The loca is not yet rolled out for other languages than English. The translations will be readded for the final release!
    - The quest system on Akua is not yet final. There might be issues in closing a quest or getting some quest items. Please test it anyways!
  2. markoredflag

    markoredflag Commander

    Oct 26, 2016
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    It's all very nice, but please guys, don't turn Empyrion into a "Super Mario bros", "Genshin inpact" or "Zelda".
    the new addition : - Butterflies that give "Bandage" heal to the player ( Akua > Forests ). Reminds me of the movie "Mothra", where she was nature's empathy with humanity. Bandagen is easy to do, it doesn't need help from mothra, ok?. Hugs :) ....[​IMG]
  3. Obcy

    Obcy Commander

    Apr 4, 2019
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    Empyrion got some new views. This is very nice.

    SacredGlade, Pach and byo13 like this.
  4. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    I'm in love with the scraper drones. This is the beginning of something great for the following reasons:
    1. Wreckages and crashed ships become useless mid game. This is a nice twist that will allow the player to seek them for drones because...
    2. Trading items as loot! W00t! That's fantastic, guys. So exciting to see you are considering people's feedback here about improving the trading system. It was never worth it to buy something as coolant from some trader, spend a lot of fuel to get elsewhere only for a profit of 20%.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2022
  5. Obcy

    Obcy Commander

    Apr 4, 2019
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    Just wanted to ask are there any plans for lighting rework? Reflections and shadows inside buildings are looking bad.
    I think that it could hit the performance but also will improve game immersion.

    Also some tiny change. When opening dialogue option or pda please pause the game. I can not focus on reading knowing that there is a predator waiting to kill me :)
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2022
  6. Pach

    Pach Rear Admiral

    Dec 16, 2017
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    Has anyone else reported (or is it already known) that in Multiplayer, any forward-facing HV thruster is always "blocked", no matter where you place it on the HV? I don't know of any server setting that would do this, but it's possible the admin screwed something up. :p

    I can use the same BP in SP with no issues (I spawned it in on Akua in a SP game with no problem), but even building a new HV in MP, we are finding this error. And it's ONLY forward-facing thrusters.

    If it's not known, I'll do a formal bug report for tracking, and I can get @Taelyn access to the server, if he feels so inclined.
    robo1983 and Germanicus like this.
  7. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    Not known i believe no, but neither heared anyone about it

    But i can come take a look
    Germanicus and Pach like this.
  8. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    ezbz14 likes this.
  9. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    Astic you can go complain in every post, but we looked at it already. We told you what to look at.
    Please check your own mod first before you throw it at us like this.

    The behaviour you are putting up is not wanted, neither needed
    Pach likes this.
  10. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    I will do that when YOU realize that YOU made a mistake here.
  11. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    Yes, I forgot this **thing*** and was checking my keyboard as I thought that some key was stuck on rapid bandage healing as I saw prompt messages popping on my screen saying that bandage was used.
    THIS IS TOTALLY NON-SENSE !! and immersive breaking.
  12. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    No pun intended....neither towards factions nor Eleon Game Studios. While doing some morning asteroid mining, I got a couple of visitors (friendly factions), They seem doing good job patrolling this play-field and exercise a careful inspection of my job. :D

    byo13 likes this.
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