[TOOL] eWCCT | Empyrion Web Content Creator Tool

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by RexXxuS, Apr 27, 2020.

  1. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Thank you for keeping this updated!
    RexXxuS and Vermillion like this.
  2. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hi Creators,
    The new year starts with a bigger patch for eWCCT. The more I work with my tool for HWS+, the more I find improvements that could be made. Also thanks to those who actively sending me feedback about it! The day I don't get any feedback about my tools anymore, will be the day I stop working on them.

    Anyways, with this update you get a super fast indicator how many variables you are already using. Counting them yourself and hope to stay under 30 is no more.

    Additionally it was annoying for me to scroll so much when jumping between states, so I added a dedicated async job, that takes care of that for you. Each state will remember the scroll position it had. Just click somewhere in the right editor window to store its scroll position. Last but not least I found some big performance issues and could improve it by over 50% in certain areas.

    11.01.2022 | v3.13.0
    • Added new feature: Used Variable count.
    • Added new feature: Remember Scroll Position from each state.
    • Big performance boost for certain workflows (CTRL+LMB for example).
    • Updated/Fixed some documentation.
    • Fixed imported input labels that had : at the end and created NOT with eWCCT throw errors.
    • Fixed new picked color does not get saved until reload.
    • Fixed not scrolling in left sidebar to state you jumped to with CTRL + LMB.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  3. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    12.01.2022 | v3.13.3
    • Added convenience when you clear the filter, that you jump to last selected state.
    • Fixed new added Remember Scroll Position not always worked.
    • Fixed finally exported double quotes in Option IF and Next IF

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    Taelyn and ravien_ff like this.
  4. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hi Creators,

    beside some fixes and performance changes I want to highlight a new Disclaimer I added due recent events:

    "eWCCT is provided for FREE but accepting Donations to keep it up to date. There is NO guarantee that I will maintain eWCCT forever. This tool is NOT allowed for people who doing malicious things with it. For example creating Quests that intentionally ruins the experience of players or working on stolen content and claim it as yours with the help of this tool."

    No secrets and obvious things here but nevertheless serious and important to have.

    30.01.2022 | v3.14.0
    • Added new Disclaimer. Read it at the Info page and scroll to bottom.
    • Updated docu
    • Changed auto click store scroll position feature into a ALT + SHIFT + S hotkey and an icon button at the bottom right corner.
    • Improved performance of top navigation.
    • Changed CTRL + S to async job to hopefully make export more reliable.
    • Removed Google Adsense Ads

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
    Taelyn, ravien_ff and jmcburn like this.
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Thank you for keeping these amazing tools updated!
    RexXxuS likes this.
  6. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hi Creators,

    I decided today to remove Google Adsense Ads from my eW tools (I added it with v1.7.2 | 11.02.2020).
    The result was underwhelming, <9€ last year as an example and only bothered you and took away content space.

    The idea was to get at least a fraction of the efforts back financially which was not really the case / not worth it.
    It also shows of course that not many Content Creators are out there...

    Anyways, since I realized how much time and money those tools cost me (all tools in total based on h/€ around 27000€ so far), I decided to try a "Pledge for your feature Program". Which basically means I collect feature requests from you or offer feature ideas I have and publish them on the tool website. Then you can pledge for each to get those implemented.
    It could look like this:

    I love working on my eW tools but I'm neither a full time coder nor can I spend so much time for free anymore either. The web server needed to make those tools public available to you are also not free.
    And no worry, if Eleon is adding a new property I'll still add them without running a pledge.

    This idea would also show me if there is overall interest in my work. If not, why even bother hosting it, right? ;)

    So if you have ideas to improve the tool, let me know and I'll collect them for a pledge.

    Attached Files:

    Kassonnade, Hardage and Taelyn like this.
  7. Hardage

    Hardage Lieutenant

    Sep 17, 2021
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    So I understand that you want to have money for your effort. I would also pay you but only if the payers get a download for an offline tool. ;):)
  8. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    NAbend Hardage,
    hmm interessant. Wieso liegt dir soviel an einer offline version? Vielleicht weil du denkst, dass ich es danach jederzeit offline nehme und du mit leeren Händen dastehst?
    Meine Tools sind seit 2+ Jahren online, 24/7, ich dachte das wäre ein ausreichendes Vertrauenpolster ;) (ganz zu schweigen von meiner Reputation in der Community)

    Letztendlich bin ich nur ein Web Entwickler und kann es nicht mal schnell als Desktop Programm konvertieren. Es gibt dafür tools glaub ich, aber die Kosten dafür allein, wäre niemand bereit mir zu bezahlen ;)


    interesting but what is the difference in the end? Do you think I would scam people and run away with the money and removing the web tools afterwards?
    My tools run for more than 2 years, 24/7, don't you think that is enough trust? ;) (let alone my reputation in the community)

    But in the end I'm a web developer and can't easily migrate it to a desktop application. I think there are tools available that can convert web code to let's say C# code but that would be a too big pledge nobody would pay me for ;)
    Taelyn and Hardage like this.
  9. Hardage

    Hardage Lieutenant

    Sep 17, 2021
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    Don't get me wrong. I don't need an offline tool.
    It was a suggestion how to get your costs then.
  10. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    You are very generous of your time. Just hold on, I'm sure at some point this generosity will come back to you in some way. It always does, just sometimes it's not in the form or shape we were expecting... ;)
    Hardage and RexXxuS like this.
  11. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hi Creators ,
    With a new game patch you can now use GotoAndReset (similar like Return) to jump to a new _init state. It's like closing and opening a new dialogue state. That way you can merge multiple dialogue states with a lot of variables.
    There is now also the new CDATA execute tag, that allows you to write C# code better, without the issues about single/double quote issues (e.g. .Split()).
    Additionally 2 great additions came in: AddItemsFromContainer, which can distribute reward items like containers do via the Containers.ecf and OpenHtmlWindow, which opens the ingame embedded web browser. Make sure to read the updated docu about all of this.

    Last but not least there are big features also available via pledge now. Just click at the top right "Support eWCCT".

    22.02.2022 | v3.20.0
    • Added Import foreign Dialogues to the Pledge page
    • Added Token Image Chooser / Gallery to the Pledge page
    • Add new Dialogue under the current dialogue to the Pledge page
    • Implemented new game feature: GotoAndReset. With this you can jump to a new _init state without the need of inherit the previous init variables. That way you can kinda avoid the 30 Variables Limit.
    • Implemented new game feature: CDATA. It allows you to write C# code in a better way without dealing with single/double quote issues.
    • Implemented new game feature: AddItemsFromContainer. Giving a player reward items that are specified in Containers.ecf.
    • Implemented new game feature: OpenHtmlWindow. Opens the given url in the ingame web browser.
    • Implemented new game feature: IsPdaTaskActive.
    • Improved Performance of remember scroll position CTRL + SHIFT + S feature.
    • Fixed double quotes were exported on Option Executes and Legacy Executes.
    • Fixed FINALLY CTRL + S not exporting files, because the cursor had still focus on an input field. I blur it now before saving.
    • Fixed style issues here and there.
    • Updated docu.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
  12. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    05.03.2022 | v3.21.0
    • Reworked the whole modal popup plugin.
    • Changed IF input field appearance to have a bit better differentiation and thus different syntax needed.
    • Changed some styles.
    • Fixed CDATA import issues.
    • Fixed CDATA format issues.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    Taelyn, ravien_ff and Germanicus like this.
  13. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hi Creators,
    Thanks to one hardcore eWCCT user, there are many new convenience pledge options available, that boost the tool usage through the roof.

    Some examples:
    Inline Documentation

    Better visual sidebar grouping

    Create / Delete Loca CSV keys

    It took couple of days to program all of that into eWCCT. If you like a win-win, I appreciate any support you can give.
    Otherwise those are of course only convenience features.

    31.03.2022 | v3.30.0
    • Added Better visual sidebar grouping to the Pledge page
    • Added Display Option and Next Count to the Pledge page
    • Added Text Editor Buttons facelift for the Token and Loca Tool to the Pledge page
    • Added Setting to hide Legacy Execute to the Pledge page
    • Added Collapse / Expand Sidebar to the Pledge page
    • Added Import Color to your Palette (Colorpicker) to the Pledge page
    • Added Inline Documentation to the Pledge page
    • Added Create Loca CSV key / Delete Loca CSV key to the Pledge page
    • Reworked some styles.
    • Fixed text format buttons not working in edge cases, literally.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
  14. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hi Creators,
    A lot of pledge options got implemented with this patch! This will improve your eWCCT workflow a lot. Thank you so much for the support. It motivates me seriously to continue working on the tool and keep it alive.

    The _Init is the trigger word to get the better sidebar grouping. I enforce only this word.
    _Start is not valid, because this describes an *action*. Init however is where variables / nexts should be declared.

    Regarding the Legacy Execute:
    It is in the settings menu as you know.
    If you somewhere used the legacy execute, it will still display of course.

    The colorpicker should be easy to understand. I'm sure you will like it.

    23.05.2022 | v3.36.0

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
  15. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hi Creators,
    eWCCT got also some goodies from Patch 1.8. Some good one...

    18.06.2022 | v3.38.0
    • Added new dbglobalpoi_int variable.
    • Added new AddToGlobalPoiVar function.
    • Added new SetGlobalPoiVar function.
    • Added CloseHtmlWindow().
    • Reworked auto-size function for textarea fields.
    • Updated new syntax for OpenHtmlWindow().

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    Hardage, ravien_ff and Taelyn like this.
  16. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    20.06.2022 | v3.38.1
    • Fixed Enter button was possible on new added array objects (e.g. option or next state).

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    Hardage, ravien_ff and Taelyn like this.
  17. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hi Creators,

    apart from a new variable, there is a huge new Pledge available for the tryhard mission creators out there. After 2 years my most loved feature: Added Code Editor Extension to the Pledge page


    06.08.2022 | v3.40.0
    • Added Code Editor Extension to the Pledge page
    • Added Show dialogue ID in Sidebar to the Pledge page
    • Added hotkeys for the Code Editor Extension.
    • Added new variable type: dbplayerpoipos_int to prevent new entity ID mismatch in the db.
    • Added yet another better auto-resize textarea solution.
    • Improved over-time-use performance of eWCCT.
    • Improved big workflow when deleting a CSV Key Helper input field not all CSV key input fields are emptied now. They maintain the original value.
    • Fixed wrong format for bold + colored text after copy paste for Token / Loca Tool
    • Fixed comments have breaklines after import.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    Taelyn, Vermillion and ravien_ff like this.
  18. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Thank you so much for the update! This tool is invaluable.
    RexXxuS likes this.
  19. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hi Creators,

    a big convenience pledge is available to copy paste whole Variable/Options/Next objects to other states with 1 click. Check it out here: Added Copy / Paste Objects to the Pledge page


    10.08.2022 | v3.42.0
    • Added Copy / Paste Objects to the Pledge page
    • Added second optional parameter to dbplayer vars "param2: steamid" to force using the steamid instead of the player entity id. The steam id will not get reset if the player wants a fresh start (cb:reset).
    • Slight redesign
    • Added some more information to the documentation.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
  20. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    25.08.2022 | v3.42.4
    • Added more generic information related to the Dialogues. Click on the ? above the Filter in the left sidebar. For example the ds reload commads.
    • Improved performance of scrollHere() function
    • Improved performance of eWCCT Documentation (pledge)
    • Fixed some style issues.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    jmcburn, Germanicus, Taelyn and 2 others like this.

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