Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Talking recipes... Do the various constructors have a fixed power consumption regardless of what they're crafting, or does the recipe influence this in any way? I assumed fixed, but I do see power consumption vary as my constructors work their way through the various items, with some seemingly drawing more than others, so it got me wondering.

    Related to this, and I've posted topics on this previously, I was hoping it would be possible to create either a new type of Constructor or a "special" recipe where power consumption is particularly high. Basically, I'd like to be able to create a type of fuel cell that takes slightly more power to produce than the fuel cell yields. Sounds silly, but if you consider it being crafted from solar power, we've got our Solar "batteries". This would make those large orbital solar-powered player bases true "fuel stops" so to speak. Is something like this at all possible?

    I'd though of perhaps a new "Solar Cell Fabricator" (or something like that) device, that makes this new fuel cell type. Obviously we cannot say "just use solar" hence ensuring it's not efficient to craft from regular fuel. It's a shame the game doesn't have logic to enable us to automatically turn devices on and off based on battery level, but perhaps that might be a future possibility.

    An alternate of course would, perhaps, being able to withdraw fuel cells from a Solar Capacitor, as if it's a Fuel Tank... but I suspect that's not doable.

    Anyway, have pondered this for ages, considering how good orbital Solar Arrays can be. I rarely build space stations, though I'll occasionally capture one. It'd be good to have such stations have a more specific use case possibility for refuelling. Another option for the player outside of mining Promethium to fuel their vessels and bases.
  2. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Not possible to create a new constructor. There's a fixed set of constructors in the game; the only way to add a "new" constructor is to replace an existing one; which means removing all of one constructor's recipes so it's empty. The problem is that all the constructor classes are currently used, except for the outdated constructors (which are still in the game), but they no longer work and throw errors if you try to craft anything with them.

    Power consumed is determined by the constructor's power input while active * crafting time.
    That makes it impossible to "craft" batteries because crafting time is a game setting. Anyone using instant or fast craft time would be duping infinite power.
  3. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thanks for explaining. Hopefully the devs can "free up" some additional constructor-class devices for modders to use. I think the lack of crafting batteries from Solar is a significant gap in the gameplay options personally. I don't know how receptive the devs are these days to things that help modders directly, rather than their own vision for the game.
  4. dkersten

    dkersten Ensign

    Sep 27, 2022
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    I run a private RE server for my friends and I am hoping to find some ways to improve performance. I am currently on the latest 1.8 version of RE. This is the third RE server I have hosted for my friends. Usually we have 3-4 players playing at once, never more than 6. It is run in a Windows 10 VM on an unraid server, with 10 cores and 16 gigs of ram dedicated to the VM, which I would think is plenty of horsepower. I could throw more at it if it would help. The network is 1000/1000 fiber internet, so plenty of bandwidth, and most of my friends see 30-40ms, maybe 80ms pings max. All clients run pretty stout computers with decent internet, and in my case I am on the same internet connection so my ping is usually 1ms but I still have the same issues. I never see the server using anywhere near all the resources I gave it.

    The main issue we see is teleporting failing often (90% failure rate when going to progenitor space, about 30-50% for any other teleporting). The only way to fix this failure is to alt-f4 and restart the client, and usually you end up just outside the space station you were teleporting to. This issue seemed to start with 1.7, it never happened with earlier versions. Is there any setting to alleviate this issue, sort of like how the TimeoutBootingPfServer setting made warp fail less often in previous versions? When this happens I have checked the logs both on server and client side and see no errors, but I also don't know where an error log might show up for this sort of thing, or if I even need to turn on logging or something.

    The other major issue which usually leads to us abandoning the game is invisible ships during battles. I'm not sure if this is a sync issue with the server or not, and I have no idea if this is specific to RE or the same with any Empyrion server, but it is somewhat game breaking when you are trying to engage a tough ship like a dreadnaught or a decimator and it shows it is 2 miles out and suddenly you are taking fire from an invisible ship. Even I experience this and I have a 1ms ping to the server. And if there are 2 or more people in the fight, usually at least one person can't see the ship they are attacking or being attacked by. Again, any server settings or adjustments we can make that could help with this would be appreciated.

    Other complaints I get (and make myself) that I assume are just inherent with the game design but was hoping could be possibly improved with settings (server or client side) are:
    • the elevator issues (glitching, camera changing direction, getting stuck, etc.)
    • ships getting stuck together even though they weren't touching to start
    • ships that are turned off in space suddenly driving away by themselves
    • ships that you destroy that are still moving so you can't interact with them
    • blocks that aren't really there
    • the massive delay before turrets will start to attack a target (or stop after it is destroyed or killed).
    Any advice is appreciated.

    BTW, great work to the mod devs for RE, it makes this game so much better.
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Everything you listed is likely a base game issue sadly.
    Best i can suggest is to report the issues using a vanilla save game so they can get fixed. A lot of those are new with 1.8 versions of the game so any reports would probably help. But it has to be in vanilla just to rule out anything with the scenario.
  6. Abe G

    Abe G Ensign

    Sep 22, 2022
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  7. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Thanks but you'd need to submit this to the devs in the building forum.
  8. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I'm experiencing an odd issue this evening. I started on the Ocean planet and have just flown to the primary Moon for the first time. However, the terrain textures are not loading properly, only those immediately below and in a small radius of my ship. Accompanying this are VERY poor frame rates. I've tried saving (SP game) exiting the game fully before going back in and reloading, and it's still the same.

    The starting Ocean planet worked just fine. Would a copy of my Save be of any use to identify the problem? Here is a copy of my save.
  9. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Are you in, or did you ever change, the game mode to creative or vice versa, and/or were you ever in a different save game without quitting the game all the way?
  10. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    No, nothing like that. I started the game with the current (not Experimental) version of Empyrion and the latest RE on the 13th of September. I've since just continued that save. So, zero time in Creative, zero time in another save.

    FYI: I get constant "Terrain height map cannot be found" spam in the console.

    I've just flown to "Oscutune Moon 1" and that appear to be rendering just fine, it's only "Oscutune Moon" that's affected. I'd not visited either moon previously.

    Edit: Hmm, I do however get instant "Continue" errors the moment I attempt to mine anywhere on Moon 1. This generates a console error of:

    "IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array."

    Game really isn't happy!

    Edit 2: Back on Oscutune its self and I get the CoQ errors there when mining too now. I notice that the RE updated today (not played for a couple of days) and this particular issue is new since this update. base game hasn't updated since I last played, only RE. You can load the Save I linked to above, as all of the issues are able to be recreated from that for me.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2022
  11. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Is this a game bug?
    I have multiple ships docked to a carrier, f4 worked on the ship i used bevore it docked to my carrier.
    can not even acces a cargo container unless im in a pilot seat. constructors and o2stations work.
    already tryed goin to differen solsystem and a normal sector.
  12. Ravlain

    Ravlain Lieutenant

    Dec 26, 2017
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    Appears to be a bug with the new release, Eleon know about it.
  13. Homunk

    Homunk Lieutenant

    Mar 22, 2020
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    Just finished the mission in Sienna. The new Derelict Station is very good. It's a very nice building with many new ideas and a good mixture of enemies. Although also very hard at the end. At least for a single player in a MP game. Too many spiders, scorpions and other beasts running around, mostly with an incredible speed. But.. finally I killed them all and finished the mission. :)

    Whoever built the new Derelict Station did a fine job. :thumpUp:
    Slam Jones likes this.
  14. Ente

    Ente Commander

    May 20, 2021
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    Just to be sure it doesn't get missed from the discord discussion: If you have a blueprint in your library that includes one of the new Reforged Eden lifts, the game will crash if you open the library in a Survival game that has Block limits turned on.
    Myrmidon, ravien_ff and Garaman like this.
  15. bbk.3164

    bbk.3164 Commander

    May 17, 2016
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    Dear developers of the RE mode,
    a game is a game in which a person spends several hours of his personal free time ... but at the same time - the game SHOULD NOT BE a permanent part of the player's life (!)

    Now in the game - the maximum speed of the CV for the planet = 70 m/s, for space 100 m/s.
    I think this is a very low score for a game (!)

    Because due to the low speed of the flight = the person is forced to spend extra time of his personal life ON THE GAME in order to complete some gaming tasks...

    Because of this = a person has less of his personal time to complete his tasks in real life (!)
    I don't think this is allowed (!)
    Playing is a game, but the game SHOULD NOT keep a person longer than the time it takes to complete the game tasks (!!!!!))

    Therefore, I ask you - PLEASE, increase the flight speed for all ships (small ship and capital ship) by 300-500%
    (for the planet = from
    300 m/s, for space = from 500 m/s, and also increase afterburner (acceleration, boost) by 10-20%)

    This will allow a person to quickly complete game tasks for reconnaissance of the location, and quickly return to his real life to his family, children, work ... (!!!)

    Thanks for understanding ! :)
  16. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Are you stu***? It is a engine limitation, nothing a scenario can change. (Vermillion already told you)

    Go nag eleon, they have to change this in the base game.
    (probably impossible altogether because how games over the internet work)
  17. xtended2l

    xtended2l Commander

    Oct 23, 2020
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    While I am absolutely agree with you, of course the game is slow like snail, and it is my biggest complaint about the game too, but as stated previously the mod cannot do anything to this. I also do not think they should increase speeds of any vessels, they should add some turbo-mode, like over-burn, which in its turn increases the speed to 300-500%. This mode could be impossible to activate while you received damage to hull or shield for some time, for an instance for 10-15 seconds.
    Anyway these changes require base code change, so you should request it from Eleon. But god please change your tone if you will. Developers are sensitive people ;)
  18. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I probably made an oopsie in the config. I'll get that fixed soon!
    Myrmidon likes this.
  19. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    We cannot make any changes to the maximum speed of ships.
  20. xtended2l

    xtended2l Commander

    Oct 23, 2020
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    I have a question, at derelict station quest, warning spoilers:
    In the end of the station, there is a room where a lot of enemies spawn and you should activate 6 switches. Then "Stand for 5 seconds" text with an arrow pointing downwards appears in two corners, and some shield activates and deactivates in front of the door. So, I moved to the point, but when I did, a lot of enemies spawned, so I moved away, and killed all insects, and the guy with powerful gun, that was staying inside the shield. But the door is not opening now, only woman voice says "shield offline", "shield restored", etc. indefinitely... And the text to stand in the corner is not disappearing. Is it because I moved away from the point too fast, or the quest is not finished yet? After several tries I surrendered and moved to the next room using godmode, but the text there says "you should not be here"... Sooo I am confused a little...
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2022

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