Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Stupid question: is the range of the laser turrets on planet as intended? (123m for heavy and 114m for normal)
    Some ships are longer than the guns can shoot...
    I have to headbump a poi to get the turrets to start doing something (even the anti personal lasers start to hit me when im this close), but most poi happyly throw plasma my way from like 1km away.

    (disclaimer: I used to have plasma allowed on planets on my game and it felt just right, the poi could hit me and i could hit the poi, but now i switched to lasers to play more "like intended")
  2. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    CV weapons are not typically allowed on planets. Lasers were allowed with reduced range.
    If you enabled plasma turrets on planets and it "felt right" then you're wrong. Being able to hit and be hit back is not the same when you're packing 20 plasma turrets and a POI has 4. That's kicking puppies, not playing a fair game.
    spacegal, Abe G and malrose1 like this.
  3. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Look, I want to have fun in a game, not play a damn rogue-like or have untouchable enemies I have to run away from (damn dreadnoughts).
    I understand it should be challenging, but at some point it becomes impossible and no fun.
    Would you think about the non-endgame player? (especially as the endgame player just uses zirax turrets and snipes the core)
    Also games are fun sometimes without being fair.
    I think there even is a saying "only fools fight a fair fight" or the like?

    Even if I put 20 plasmas (isn't the max-count 12 for lasers+plasmas?) on my ship i would have to go back on the shield boosters and probably the poi wins. (the poi can not run away, so to be fair i can't, too, right?)

    Or are You talking aa-turrets and fuel-depots? Those I don't consider real poi - if those would be hard dronebases would be impossible...

    unrelated: is there a area with more abandoned poi? those are allways fun and mostly don't need defanging to enter.

    ps: i edited this so often now, i don't know annymore what i want to say. Main point is fun is more important than fair.
    Myrmidon likes this.
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    And we make the scenario the way we have fun, but you have the option to save a local copy and edit that so you can have fun too.
    But it doesn't mean your idea of fun is going to be balanced. You CAN run away, the POI can't. Planetary POIs are designed with the idea that CV weapons will be limited. Bringing in a CV with 20 plasma turrets to take on a planetary POI is not my idea of fun, it might be yours but it's not mine. To me it's so boring as every single non-admin planet based POI in the entire game will melt in about 20 seconds under that kind of fire power and if there's no challenge there's no fun. Again, for me.

    Nothing wrong with that, and everyone's idea of a challenge will be different so we make it for our idea of challenging, not other people's. It's meant to be harder and require more game knowledge than vanilla (though ironically in many ways it's actually easier than vanilla now).
    malrose1 and Vermillion like this.
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    New trailer video!
  6. yeyu_216

    yeyu_216 Ensign

    Dec 29, 2022
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    In My Server, if the player dismantles the Cruise Missile Launcher (POI), he will receive the Alien Cube (POI) used in Project Eden. How to deal with it?
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2022
  7. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    Guys I have a terrible problem. I had the insane idea of trying Reforged Eden.

    Basically I don't like mods so my plan at the beginning, was: ok, I'll try it, I'll say for sure good mod and that's it.
    Unfortunately since the first minutes of playing I discovered it was exactly the EGS experience I was looking for and I've even found in RE a lot of topics covered here, in this very forum.

    Furthermore the mod is to me a huge wonderful magnificent endgame for EGS: the main feature EGS was missing.

    Now I need an antidote: please tell me how is possible to stop playing to it. I've a finite numbers of days in my holidays to play games and I'd like to play more than one... but just at looking at the next mission: lost colony exploration... OMG how can someone resist?

    I'm even a fan of the Alien franchise :(

    Please: tell me the secret to stop playing RE... is it possible? I do not know :)

    ...and they say WoW is a game which gives addiction, they didn't know RE.

    Sreiously... is there something? Maybe some huge very blocking bug... or maybe the story is not yet finished and it ends like the main EGS game with a window saying TBC and please restart from scratch each 6 months to see maybe something new not guaranteed? Nothing like that? That could aid me in stopping playing after all :)
    ravien_ff likes this.
  8. Peter Conway

    Peter Conway Commander

    Jan 28, 2022
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    Restart again and only allow yourself one life, you'll be a lot more cautious with every hour that you invest, then when you finally die before getting your CV... which you undoubtedly will, you can then rage quit:mad:
    And the following day start again, and again... :confused:
    Slam Jones and spacegal like this.
  9. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    Ahahahah :)

    That's an idea you're right: I cannot even remember the number of deaths for the damn Zirax cutter... I do not know but in RE it seems more evil. Well easy to attack the poor spacegal when he's armed with a prehistoric knife but then one day it met my guided missile turret and it was immediately love. Now it is on vacation in HELL :)
    Peter Conway likes this.
  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I mean the story isn't finished in RE either, but there's still a lot of hidden missions, exploration, combat, progression, trading, etc to do after the main story missions. I've tried to put a lot of random and cool stuff to find out in the galaxy.
    Just look at the galaxy map. :D
    Wellingtoon, Stampy and Peter Conway like this.
  11. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    ...but that's one reason to play RE :( not to stop with it :( and there is a loading screen too, just in case, that reminds that.

    Hmmm, now, speaking about the story: the first time the Polaris gave me the suggestion about Project Eden, I remember going to the workshop just to read a huge warning in the notes saying something like that -> Be advised that plot and quests are still in WIP.

    Now that warning is no more there or maybe I wanted too much to look at the mod that cannot see it anymore even having it in front of my eyes :) well the story is not yet completed but I guess we're at... 80%? 90%? 95%?

    Apart from that just to be sure about the overall quality of the next game: have you and Vermillion received a job offering from EGS guys?

    If I were a manager of the company for sure I' would have thought to that. After all you should consider that in modern top games the plots are written by teams of 20-30 people so it would be perfectly normal... ok let's say also that maybe Eleon needs some hiring in the marketing area: it's not possible to have just 1.5 million copies sold for a game like that especially with mods such as Project Eden.

    A lot of times people here in the forum answered my posts saying: please you must consider Eleon is a small team formed by the cutest people and to me it was fine... one year, maybe two, but after 1.5 millions copies I'm expecting an upgrade.

    Uh I almost forgot, just one more question please on RE: have you thought to create a dedicated Internet domain for RE? My idea is something like Sim Settlements for example: that would have a huge echo and a wider voice than the Steam workshop.

    What do you think?

    I'd like to see a dedicated domain appears on top of google search.

    I want to be honest with you Ravien: RE IS the way EGS is meant to be played and it works perfectly also with AMD cards (I've one ;) ).

    Sooo a dedicated Internet site is just something RE deserves.
  12. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    sorry bothering... I was completely in hype for RE but it seems now I've found my Moby Dick to leave the game: it's the third time in my whole experience with EGS that happens to me this thing.

    So it just happened, again, the arch historical bug (well, I guess polishing the model was after all the huge priority of EGS v1.9 - sorry but I'm in rage quit mode now and I guess it's not a RE bug): the damned yellow bullet doesn't appear on the archdamned map. I've tried everything: reload, exit and reload nothing, reboot reload...

    The quest chain is the Talon faction chain, the one with the weapons to be delivered to Talons: a very nice quest chain. The issue is that after talking with the shaman Dolmac IDA tells me that she/it has updated the display with the damn yellow marker but it doesn't appear. Of course I know where to go: I've already explored the whole planet but even by entering into the burial chamber nothing is triggered.

    At the first step of this quest chain I had a similar behaviour: no yellow marker but I tried to visit all the initial planets and I found that the marker were put on another planet without any hint on where but well as of now I've some experience with EGS and I tried that thing. This time I hoped it was the same... unfortunately now I have not any single yellow marker in any starting planet.

    Please note that on youtube there is a video of a guy, Stephen Silverbeard, playing with RE v1.8 and the yellow bullet to him appears immediately at the end of the speech with Dolmac. Before you ask I've tried both with the appeal shaman or appeal captain.

    Hope you can fix guys this thing because the quest chain is locked. Now I can change game because I'm still in fury mode... an historic bug and in the v1.9 Eleon polishes models... yeah right... no words.

    If it's a bug in the core EGS engine I do not know how many quests it may break: possibly each one of course. In the past I've opened a defect too on this topic... but the bug it's still here strong and furious.

    Really, no words.

    UPDATE: I've tried just now to change active quest and then to reactivate the Talon quest. The quest line successfully restarted from the right step but upon talking with the shaman still the yellow bullet marker doesn't appear. I guess it's really broken. I've no more ideas just now.

    UPDATE 2: tried to uninstall the game and reinstalled it even changing HD. Tried reload the save: same bug no yellow marker. Tried anyway going deeper into burial chamber and IDA repeats the last message like it was stuck there but it's not triggering anyway the yellow dot on map.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2023
  13. Peter Conway

    Peter Conway Commander

    Jan 28, 2022
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    I did the restart recently and the yellow dot was delayed for the tower quest, but it did turn up in the end and I was able to get on with the mission without delay really, for me though, I break so many games I tend not to notice and blindly carry right on figuring it's my fault, again, but only with your post did I remember that it occurred to me too, but really I'm still not that bothered.
  14. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    Yeah as of now I evolved into depression phase so, no more angry ;)

    Well to me it's very frustrating to follow a story and suddenly blocking it for a bug I've already reported years ago: ok fine it's a regression whatever but to me it's a blocker. Furthermore who can guarantee us that it will not corrupt any other quest chain? No one if it's still in the game core.

    About my status well on the next Monday I'll return in office and then on February the 5th I'll be on leave till maybe April who knows it's job... so my RE time window is about to expire till I do not know when. Well anyway I hope that my experience will be useful for the community.

    Please let me know if you need the savegames to check... something I do not know.

    Good luck guys and thank you because with RE you made a really top notch mod, to me even better than the original game.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2023
  15. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    I've made some Internet digging today and I've found this post:

    So the issue was already there 8 months ago. Just to be sure I've made a clrchap command from the console to trigger again the whole quest: I thought it was a smart idea at least to trigger the same conditions. Then as Vermillion suggests I've looked at the console and indeed there is a problem with the random location of the POI as I reported in the screenshot.

    Basically the WA suggested by Vermillion If I understood correctly is to go to another starting planet, disable the quest and re-enable it: at that point the check location will trigger or not the yellow marker.

    Now it's the same thing I've already done to find the guy Khalad but... as far as I remember I didn't have any other burial chamber but I guess yesterday I was in rage quit mode so maybe better look for it today.

    I guess this WA can be put in some sticky notes in the forum, if you agree, just to give to everyone a solution: I'll go looking again for another chamber and I'll report later just to confirm the WA because now I fear that if the random location failed also on another planet... how this quest can be closed/solved? Have you ever managed things like that?

    Well let's be positive: probably I've a perfect chamber clone in the exact 3 black boxes I've left on some planets :)

  16. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    Hi again,

    I was remembering well: the game hasn't spawned another burial chamber: I've tried all the 5 starting planets and to be sure also some Beta planet.

    So maybe for some people the WA of looking on different planets will work but not for some others.

    The doubt I have now is that whether or not we may consider this one a bug of RE: as Vermillion said the POI have constraints on their location to be valid for the quests. Now, maybe the quest's parameters/constraints are too strong? Maybe we can I do not know set a wider area to look for or something similar?

    As of now there is no way to continue with the quest line unless triggering a global respawn of POI on the entire planet... but again it's not guaranteed that the new respawn will respect the x, y, z of the quest.

    Can you please check this thing? If you need a bug to track it please let me know.

    Please note that this is a blocking bug.

    Thank you: I think user side I cannot do more than that.

  17. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    You're going to space.
    You need to go to the planet itself. The default planets like Haven, akua, roggery, omicron, etc .
  18. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Also what seed did you select at the game start, and which planet did you start on?
    I believe if you use the stats command it will tell you the global seed for your save game.
  19. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Stupid Question, but is it still possible to kill legacy ships a solo-player?
    Some time ago (1.6?) I managed to beat them in a relatively weak ship, but now I lost a Soul Siphon without really harming the legacy ship.
  20. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Yes, but it's done with a specific build of ship.
    Ships reliant on dodging with flimsy armor will die very quickly. Combat Steel and Xenosteel tanks are what's needed to take them down as legacy weapons cannot be dodged and deal high shield damage, but comparatively low block damage.

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