For more information see here Bug Report Template Build:4137 Mode:Survival Mode: Multiplayer SERVER NAME: Multiplayer servers SEED-ID: If applicable: MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: Reproducibility: Always Severity: Low Type: Bug Summary: Autocomplete player names for private messages doesnt work. Description: When you start typing a name to send a private message you get a lot of player names back and not just the one that match what you typed. Steps to Reproduce: 1) Join multiplayer game 2) Open chat and go to private tab 3) Start typing a name Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links: None
You should only see names that starts with “the” right? You see other names now as well that has no match at all like “macdoctor”. Ive used it a lot before 1.9.10, but after that update it was giving totally unrelated names back
It gives names now what contain "the" no matter if it starts with it or not. This is done because before you could not find certain names