Been a few days since i last tried but the container was called Loot As i say though, the destruct scripts work (with the same container) removing those scripts and using the recycle scripts (aimed at the same container does not) tried a few times on ships. Is the server your trying it on hosted on Gportal? wondering if its something there end
@MrGReaper No, its a custom server. Mind to post both scripts of yours - the recycle and the decon one? In [ code] ... [/ code] tags please without those spaces.
We reset the server a couple of days ago, but it was identical to the one on github, will try it again in a bit and get back to you incase the reset has fixed it
@ASTIC I've prepared some ID lists (New + to update) which include Eden & Atlantis items. Also, for some reason, it seems to miss some vanilla items, like medics (included in the update section) List PS: On another note, could you please update your Readme to include these additional id lists? I tried to look in the source, but could only find the "handler" which returns the id from the keys, but no id (key) list as such.
EmpyrionScripting 11.2.4: contains these lists/changes remove the configuration.json or the Id list section to regenerate the lists
I think we've got a misunderstanding. By updating the Readme for the current id lists, I was refering to: * * Because last year I've sent you an ID list regarding Eden (EdenComponents), its not listed there - and with all these ID lists I've just sent you now, it might be worthwile to list them in the readme, so I thought.
bei der VoteReward Mod geht der Reward für Food, Stamina und Oxygen nicht. Ich vermute schon fast das ich ein Fehler in der config gemacht habe, oder ist das nicht mit implementiert? des weiteren wenn ich health auf 2000 setze wird das nicht bei /vote help angezeigt. dort bleibt die 1000 bestehen. wohl möglich kann mir da sicher jmd helfen
Vermutlich hat du einen Fehler in der configuration.json so das er auf seine Standardwerte zurückfällt (schau mal in die Logs vom Dedicated...). Ansonsten funktioniert das wie gewünscht.
er zeigt mir keine warung oder so an. das mit den 2000 hat geklappt. vllt war ich einfach zu schnell ^^ muss man die einträge mit komma trennen oder nicht? beides geht irgwie nicht "StatsRewards": [ { "Type": "Health", "AddCount": 50, "MaxCount": 1000 }, { "Type": "Stamina", "AddCount": 50, "MaxCount": 1000 }, { "Type": "Food", "AddCount": 50, "MaxCount": 1000 }, { "Type": "Oxygen", "AddCount": 50, "MaxCount": 1000 } ],
ja dann sollte es do so funktionieren.. nehm ich alles bis auf den health eintrag raus. geht alles. schreib ich es so dann geht es nicht. dann geht auch kein vote help mehr EDIT: jetzt geht fast alles... wieso auch immer aber es geht. was nicht geht ist das erhöhen von oxygen. man bekommt die meldung dass es um 50 erhöht wird aber es wird nichts erhöht
Stimmt habe ich vergessen zu erwähnen für "Oxygen" funktioniert die API von Eleon seid einiger Zeit nicht mehr :-(
i dont understand what i did wrong ewa dont add mods/ewa folder (with xstart file) to savegame directory
sorry my fault and one more thing, i cant add items to inventory and bp factory. is there a problem with the program? i am using 1.10 exp
It only works if the player has selected a BP for the factory. PS: But I haven't tried it with 1.10 yet.
I am running the mod, but when i place item in the backpack and close it. the items do not save in the backpack. Did I miss a setting?
are you talking about WebAccess? weird but i cant even add an item "add item" for backpack and factory just open small empty panel on the left
Hello Astic, Thank you for all the good work. I am having trouble finding my EWA password / resetting it How do i go about doing so? Also, I couldn't get API for voting reward to work. I have been trying to change the configuration file and couldn't get it working. Here is what i have so far: { "LogLevel": "Message", "CommandPrefix": "/\\", "VotingApiServerKey": ">HiddenAPIKey<", "Cumulative": true, "RewardTestPlayerName": "", "ServerVotingHomepage": "", "GetUnclaimedVoteUrl": "{0}&steamid={1}", "GetUnclaimedVoteMatch": "1", "ClaimedVoteUrl": "{0}&steamid={1}", "ClaimedVoteMethod": "POST", "NameIdMappingFile": "Saves/Games/Empyrion/Players", "StatsRewards": [ { "Type": "Health", "AddCount": 50, "MaxCount": 1000 } ], "VotingRewards": [ { "EveryXVotesGet": 1, "Rewards": [ { "Id": 4346, "Name": GoldCoins, "Description": "Gold Coins", "Count": 100 }, { "Id": 4346, "Name": GoldIngots, "Description": "Gold Ingots", "Count": 100 } ] }, { "EveryXVotesGet": 100, "Rewards": [ { "Id": 7224, "Name": Voidiumdrill, "Description": "Voidium Drill", "Count": 1 } ] } ], "VotingLottery": [ { "Id": 5995, "Name": PlatinumCredits, "Description": "Platinum Cards", "Count": 100 }, { "Id": 4346, "Name": GoldIngots, "Description": "Gold Ingots", "Count": 1000 }, { "Id": 2936, "Name": GWTeleporter, "Description": "GWTeleporter", "Count": 1 }, { "Id": 1254, "Name": AlienBlocks, "Description": "AlienBlocks", "Count": 5 }, { "Id": 2796, "Name": EdenAlienBlocks, "Description": "EdenAlienBlocks", "Count": 5 }, { "Id": 5099, "Name": Fertilizer, "Description": "Fertilizer", "Count": 50 } ], "PlayerVotes": null }