Works perfectly for me with the standard scenario. I taught the 100% tank and all cells were used to fill it up to 100 again Maybe your scenario has changed something about the fuel or the tanks?
I am playing Reforged Eden 2 Beta, anyone else who plays this scenario having this problem? Edit: I just tried it in vanilla and same problem. Going to just reinstall everything and see if that works. This is obviously a me problem if it worked for Astic. Muffins
Reinstalling the mod fixed it not working at all. Still having the original problem. It looks like RE2 changed the values of the fuel tanks and the fuel cells. Is it possible to overcome this difference with a modification to the script? Or would this have to be a mod level modification? Also what coding language does this use? Thank you!
You can adjust the names and values of the items used yourself in EGS\Saves\Games\[Savegamename]\Mods\EmpyrionScripting\Configuration.json e.g. in the section "StructureTank"
Also running RE2, and I did not notice the fuel value being off before, thank you for bringing this up, BloodAngel099; else I might have missed it. Just did the adjust for the fuel in my config.
Hi, I'm new to the forum, I recently bought the game and I've just discovered the scripts. And the truth is that I love them, but I don't know how to make them. At the moment I'm using the ones that ASTIC and others have been publishing for years. Some I get them to work and some I don't, but that's probably my fault. I just want to tell you guys to keep up the good work, you do an amazing job that gives a lot of functionality to the game.
Maybe you can post your config here so that others can use it for RE2 or maybe we can build a config for RE2 together which will then be delivered via GitHub or by the mod itself
The three defaults works fine on my RE2 Code: "Fuel": [ { "ItemName": "FusionCell", "Amount": 300 }, { "ItemName": "EnergyCellLarge", "Amount": 150 }, { "ItemName": "EnergyCell", "Amount": 30 } ],
ItemsConfig.ecf : Code: { +Item Id: 218, Name: EnergyCell, Ref: ComponentsTemplate FuelValue: 50, type: int, display: true, formatter: WattHour MarketPrice: 125, display: true ShowUser: Yes Info: bkiEnergyCell, display: true Mass: 14.52, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram Volume: 2.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter UnlockCost: 3 UnlockLevel: 3 TechTreeNames: Misc TechTreeParent: BioFuel # FuelValue: 500 # Equals 10 kWh (=600 kWmin): with 1 energycell, a device that consumes 1kW can run for 10h # Example: generatorSS (= 600000W = 600kW) would run for 1min under full throttle with 1 energycell } # ID 239 is hard coded { +Item Id: 239, Name: EnergyCellLarge, Ref: ComponentsTemplate FuelValue: 250, type: int, display: true, formatter: WattHour ShowUser: Yes MarketPrice: 625, display: true Info: bkiEnergyCell, display: true Mass: 30, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram Volume: 4.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter UnlockCost: 12, display: true UnlockLevel: 10, display: true TechTreeParent: EnergyCell TechTreeNames: Misc } { +Item Id: 325, Name: FusionCell, Ref: ComponentsTemplate Mass: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram Volume: 10.0, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter FuelValue: 500, type: int, display: true, formatter: WattHour MarketPrice: 1250, display: true ShowUser: Yes Info: itmFusionCell, display: true UnlockCost: 25, display: true UnlockLevel: 20, display: true TechTreeParent: EnergyCellLarge TechTreeNames: Misc } FuelValue: 50 FuelValue: 250 FuelValue: 500 and my config: Code: "StructureTank": { "Oxygen": [ { "ItemName": "OxygenBottleLarge", "Amount": 250 } ], "Fuel": [ { "ItemName": "FusionCell", "Amount": 500 }, { "ItemName": "EnergyCellLarge", "Amount": 250 }, { "ItemName": "EnergyCell", "Amount": 50 } ], "Pentaxid": [ { "ItemName": "PentaxidCrystal", "Amount": 1 } ] },
Hmmm, looks like I should determine the “FuelValue” from the ECF and only let it be overridden by the Config if necessary ;-)
I am not sure what you were trying to show me here, but when I adjusted the values in the config file as you suggested it solved my problem. Thank you for the help.
I just installed your floorplan script Astic and was wondering if it is possible to combine the layers with out having to overlap a bunch of lcds?
EmpyrionScripting 13.3.0 Release Automatic Amount from Ecf files - Remove the StructureTank section from your configuration.json to get the new ones · GitHub-TC/EmpyrionScripting @me777 @BloodAngel099 Can now automatically determine the value from the scenario configuration using the “EcfAmountTag” if this is specified. e.g. for RE2 (300->500 etc.) Code: "StructureTank": { "Oxygen": [ { "ItemName": "OxygenBottleLarge", "Amount": 250, "EcfAmountTag": "O2Value" } ], "Fuel": [ { "ItemName": "FusionCell", "Amount": 500, "EcfAmountTag": "FuelValue" }, { "ItemName": "EnergyCellLarge", "Amount": 250, "EcfAmountTag": "FuelValue" }, { "ItemName": "EnergyCell", "Amount": 50, "EcfAmountTag": "FuelValue" } ], "Pentaxid": [ { "ItemName": "PentaxidCrystal", "Amount": 1 } ]
Awesome, updating my mod now. Thank you!. Do you know if tachyon ever posted his version of the floorplan script? I saw you two were working on similar scripts back then and I was wanting one that would show an overall image of the ship instead of just individual layers.
Unfortunately I do not know about a floorplan from tachyon PS: The possibilities of displaying a 3D model on a 2D display are limited ;-) That's why I rather followed the idea of an earthquake plan and then set up LCDs on each level
@ASTIC, is it possible for a script to count how many devices something has? For example how many T1 Shield Capacitors, how many T1 Shield Chargers, etc....?