Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    reply to Scoob:
    (Its still the Problem withg walking over a window)

    (my english is not good enough to explain better... so i made a video ;))
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2024
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Sorry could you upload it to YouTube and try to give a brief explanation first?
    Even if you have to use Google translate.
    Thank you.
  3. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Sorry I was replying to Scoob, its still the problem with walking over a window placed flat on a surface...
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Ah that can happen depending on the gravity and what armor you're wearing.
  5. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Oh, I see. I thought you meant you were walking over a Window block that was flush with the surface and getting stuck. It's pretty normal for even a very thin block - like a Window - to impede movement, especially if gravity is high. I don't think it should be that way, I mean, the player avatar should readily be able to step up onto it, but it's almost second nature for me to have to do a little jump in such situations.

    Indeed, it's perfectly possible to get stuck on 100% flat blocks after landing from a jetpack aided jump. Happens all the time to me. I'll jetpack jump, land on flat blocks and cannot move until I tap space to jump again.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  6. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    I tried.

    This organization can't accept donations right now.
  7. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Donation info is in the PDA (if you're running an old save game it will be under the project eden section of the Empyriopedia).
  8. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hi, random question...

    Amongst the many suggestions and ideas that have been bounced around while discussing the future of RE, were things like personal shields and melee weapons. While there are damage immunity "shields", are things like regular recharging suit shields and melee weapons now implicitly off the cards for RE now Eleon has implemented these in the DLC? I mean, I'm assuming you cannot be seen to be giving a feature for free that Eleon charge for, even if the implementation is different.

    While you've mentioned that RE will never require the DLC, what if Eleon continue to add features just for DLC owners that align with ideas you had? Or perhaps they implement some framework as part of the DLC that more readily supports something you'd like to add?

    I've not bought the DLC, don't plan to either. The one thing that'd make me is if it became a requirement for RE. You should get some commission if that happens lol.
  9. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    We cannot add new game mechanics and right now we have no plans to add the dlc to RE2.
  10. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    A couple of questions if that's ok...

    1) Are there any sort of dynamic Base attacks for space bases? Something similar to a Ground base attack, but making use of actual SV's and CV's perhaps? I've "faked" such things before, by deliberately building a space station near where I'd previously seen Pirate or Zerax patrols for example, was quite fun.

    2) New block: An enclosed and air-tight Elevator block. I.e. four of six sides are either glass or solid metal. I often find myself sealing up exposed parts of Elevator blocks with glass for example, having them self-sealing - if using the appropriate block variant - would provide more build options. Possible?

    I captured a small Pirate outpost to use as a temporary base - set it up as a farm as my CV doesn't really have the room without some major changes. By chance, there's a Polaris Destroyer buzzing around the area, which is pretty cool, it's already engaged a few random enemies within it's patrol area. However, it'd be great to see some hostile ships "discover" my little Space Station and have to fend them off, perhaps with the help of that Polaris ship.

    I'm usually on the move constantly once I get a CV with jump capability, it's very much a mobile base. It's good at fending off smaller attackers, escaping anything that's too scary, while also having basic ground assault capabilities - think taking out turrets on smaller POIs. However, I sorta wanted a reason to have a space station.
  11. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Neither are possible.
  12. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    That's a shame, but thanks for the answer. I'm assuming such things are only doable by the devs themselves then.
  13. Peter Conway

    Peter Conway Commander

    Jan 28, 2022
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    On Scoobs reason to have a space station base, I like the idea of having a home space station base somewhere, but it's just too damn lonely there, the idea of a populated station appeals even if i have to buy people to put in it, but I don't just want dancers* and guys working at pretend consoles, it would seem more lively if folks are just walking round and going to bed/sitting/eating etc, is there a way to get the 'roamers'

    I have my own 'lifer' ship that can deal with wildlife, drones and interceptors, but I have to scoot when a CV turns up, I faced a Corvette and gave him my full beans and watched his shields going down to 96% and took a glance at mine... 50% ouch! I'm outta here.

    *Dancers clip through walls and dance in space... kinda spoils the 'murshun'
  14. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Random bit of feedback:

    I'm just assaulting a "Zirax Defence Tower" POI - ID=6789 'Defence Tower', BP "BA_DeepSpaceRadarTurretA' - which has a single Missile Turret.

    I took out the turret on my way in, then entered the POI on foot. A tricky little POI, but I eliminated all internal turrets and guards just fine, despite using the basic AR T2. A passing Plasma Drone tried to snipe me when I was on the (partially exposed) top floor, but I evaded just fine.

    However, after clearing out this POI, I was surprised when multiple Zirax respawned on the top floor, despite this being a POI with invisible spawners. Other than taking out the Core, which I will of course do, is it intended that this small POI is able to respawn Zirax like this, barely a minute after they've been eliminated?

    Usually, I'd want to secure a POI by taking out any internal turrets, visible spawners and of course any troops. Usually with invisible spawners, outside of very specific cases (lots of spiders coming through a "crack" in a wall) they DON'T keep spawning enemies. So, once a POI is cleared, the player should be able to explore and look for any secrets without too much of a problem.

    So, is it intended that this POI keeps respawing Zirax troops after they've been eliminated? It was a little irksome for me as, more than once, they spawned right on top of me, I was only alerted due the the Zirax gurgling sound effect.

    To be clear, the Zirax have respawned on this POI several times at this point, I've sorta been hanging around waiting for it. They'll readily spawn right on top of me and potentially be shooting before I even know they are there. Additionally, the walkway around the top of the POI seems to be prone to NPC's clipping, allowing them to fire through solid blocks and hit the player.

    Btw: what's the view on Cored POI's still able to trigger traps such as explosives? I took out the core - and any visible sensors on a generic space wreck (Cargo) but, when I got closer, hidden sensor still triggered, causing the entire thing to blow up. How can we counter such a POI if: i) Destroying the Core doesn't stop the proximity trigger, ii) Destroying any visible sensors doesn't stop the proximity trigger? Are POI's like this a pure trap, with no way to counter it other than recognise and avoid?
  15. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Also not possible.
  16. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    We are working on reforged Eden 2 now where we can actually fix issues with POIs because we're removing all vanilla POIs. So that poi won't even appear anymore in RE2.

    In reforged Eden 1 we cannot fix any vanilla poi.
    Wellingtoon likes this.
  17. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Cool. I actually though the POI I mentioned was one of yours for some reason. I'll look forward to RE 2 :)
    Wellingtoon likes this.
  18. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    If it starts with BA or BAO it's vanilla.
    RE2 is currently in alpha testing and will go to beta very soon. I don't post updates here I'm mostly on the Anvil discord.
    Wellingtoon and Peter Conway like this.
  19. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I've been spending a little time in the RE2 Beta, liking it so far... shield penetration was a surprising one (yeah, I don't read release notes properly lol).

    I do have some feedback for a POI though, namely "R2BA_XenuOxygenStarter". This is an interesting POI on a Starter planet, so I didn't anticipate too many issues. Using a bespoke SV, I took out all external turrets easily enough - SC took a little damage, even though it's shielded, but it went well. I next moved in on foot, and it was here I suffered from a few "cheesy" spawns.

    Approaching the rear (opposite side of the door I eventually used) Zirax spawn between the tank-looking structures, no warning, just "pop" and they're there. No way to not be hit when they spawn right in front of you already firing. Having them spawn behind cover would be better, giving the player time to react as they round the structure. A Zirax's ability to be instantly firing the moment it spawns in is a bit of a headache when spawners are placed this way. If they took a moment - just a couple of seconds - to orient after spawning (aka, teleporting) in, that might allow player skill and situational awareness to play a part, rather than just how tanky the player is.

    Entering the structure proper from the other side sees additional cheese. Opening the door (for me) saw a Zirax already spawned the other side of it, so that was a good surprise. Stepping through that door however was a particularly cheesy moment... I entered, looked left and right, before moving slowly to the left door. As soon as I started to move in that directly a Zirax appeared in front of me and another immediately behind me. The definition of cheesy spawning. Player reaction makes little difference, only player tankiness really contributes to survival chances here when you're alone.

    Moving through into that left-side room saw troops and robots already in play - this is good - and a decent firefight erupted. Sentry Turret spoiled the fun a bit, but in a legit, non-cheesy way.

    I've not proceeded any further at this point, but those "surprise" spawns near the player - particularly the one in front / one behind spawn once inside really doesn't add to gameplay at all. A tanky player (I've not found a Medium or heavy Suit yet, nor armour boosters) can shrug off such a surprise to a degree, they have ample time to react. Empyrion's positional sound issues (aka, it doesn't have working positional sound) make it particularly difficult when something is firing out side of LoS, making a spawn behind the player double cheesy. Myself though, who prefers to go a more nimble route - plus I've found no better armour or boosts over several POI's and much looting - has a particularly hard time here.

    Cheesy spawns like this really don't add to the POI, they just frustrate and take the fun away. Even if the player has done the POI previously - I have not in this case - and know exactly where an enemy will spawn, it's still tricky. IF I were part of a team attacking this POI, I'd always have covering fire, if we proceeded properly, making such encounters far less irksome. A lone player however, will always fall foul of cheesy spawning tactics like this, unless particularly heavily armoured. I can only deal with one attacker at a time.

    Tell me, are POI's like this one built with multiple players taking part in the assault in mind? Many of the issues I face are trivial if the player has backup from even just one additional player. A larger squad can just rush through these POI's with relative ease. Does the game have any tools to alter the balance of a POI based on the number of players? I think we spoke on this before but, IIRC, at the time no such ability existed. Empyrion needs an ability to scale, to avoid difficulty extremes - i.e. trivial for a group, frustrating to a solo player.

    Anyway, loving RE2 thus far. Slow turrets are a pain as always, but that's a vanilla issue of course, and POI spawn placement is proving sometimes frustrating as a lone player. Also, it might be RNG luck to a degree, but progress seems a fair bit slower. I've so far been unable to source the materials needed for a CV-class Warp Drive yet, so I'm going around raiding some of the tougher POI's now.
  20. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Were they spawned from visible spawn pads? If so destroy the pads.

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