Is it possible for an inventory management script to delete items? I was setting up some inventory management scripts on a new ship and now a bunch of my constructor input box items are missing.....
There are several fallback backups in case the transaction of items did not work out. However, if a playfield change occurs in between, even these may no longer work. But I haven't heard anything like that so far. As a rule, the script creators have made a mistake so that other containers may even have received the items on other structures.
I have all the container names setup up right and each ship get a unique 3 digit code with anything script related so that it doesnt even look at other containers. I had a backup I was able to roll back to get most of my stuff back. I am used to using this in single player, but didnt opening a container lock it so that scripts couldn't use it even on servers? I find my inventory sorting gives me lots of lag when im trying to open containers while its working. It used to lock the container which seemed to stop scripts from using it.
The API functions are unfortunately not very good in single player mode. If your computer is powerful enough, it is better to run a local dedicated server and install the mods there. But of course you always have the possibility to unlock the “h” function via console command “im” to get lost things back.
I am running it on a dedicated server now. Got tired of the scripts stopping when changing playfields. Is there a way to revert the mod so that scripts wont affect containers that players are in?
Something is wrong then. For weeks now (maybe longer, my ability to play hasn't been consistent for awhile) I can be inside of a container and watch as inventory scripts are taking items out/putting them in. It didnt used to do this. I have hated it because it causes a lot of lag when it happens.
Or do you (still) have the mod installed in both SP and dedicated server, then you MUST delete it in SP
This wasn't the case in the past either, as the game deactivated the local mods when EAC was activated with a server. But for some time now the game simply loads all mods and executes them :-(
Oh, gotcha. I thought I remembered not having to do that before, but just figured I must have been remembers wrong. lol Thank you again!
Hi Astic, whats the meaning of "#" in front of a command {{#setcacheblock ... {{setcacheblock ... Both work to my surprise
Astic, is there a command that will show what scripts are currently being executes, or list active scripts that are in que? Essentially anything that could be turned into a readout for what the mod is doing?
I am working with this script now but cant figure out what the difference between the purple and green is. I know that it is using NeedsMainThread to determine what color to choose, but dont understand how some of my inventory management scripts are green while others are purple. They are practically the same script, the only difference being what containers and items they are working with. I was also wondering what is RunningInstances?
The API of Empyrion is not multithreaded. Nevertheless, the scripting makes the read accesses in parallel and only if write accesses to the containers are necessary, these scripts are executed in the “MainThread” synchronously with the game and result in a direct “delay”. Therefore, these are limited and timed so that the game does not “stutter”. RunningInstances is the number of scripts that are currently being executed