Custom playfields

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by Xango2000, Dec 1, 2016.

  1. Xango2000

    Xango2000 Captain

    Jun 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I make custom Playfields.
    Tell me what you would like to see and I'll make it, add it to Tinkercity server and send you a copy so you can use it yourself.
    Justin Olson likes this.
  2. Cra2ytig3r

    Cra2ytig3r Commander

    May 20, 2016
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    how about a smog planet. low visibility while flying and things spewing gas out of the ground. also would like green acid water that glows. Dead tree forests with ugly barren areas. Are you seeing what im looking for? just an ugly planet.

  3. Xango2000

    Xango2000 Captain

    Jun 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I've got one similar to a smog planet:
    Lava planet covered in ash with steam vents all over the place and a very thick ash cloud (fog bank) covering everything except the mountain peaks. I can easily do the same thing for smog.

    Ugly planet:
    Like a temperate planet after global warming, I like it.

    Sure, I'll post both as soon as I finish making them. Probably tomorrow.
    XeroTerragoth likes this.
  4. Cra2ytig3r

    Cra2ytig3r Commander

    May 20, 2016
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    Dont forget glowing green water, if possible. Thanks! looking forward to what you make!
    XeroTerragoth likes this.
  5. Our Grid

    Our Grid Captain

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Sounds like fun, is it going to be called "Hell for EPA Agents?" :D
    XeroTerragoth likes this.
  6. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Wow. Surprised there are so few threads for playfield customization. Ah well, one is enough!

    So! I opened up some "YAML" files, (never heard of such a thing, but doesn't look too bad . . .), made a back up copy of "Temperate 1" and started fiddling with numbers. So far I'm:

    1. Very pleased with how easy it is to mod the game.
    2. Stunned at how much better Akua looks with an extra zero behind the size numbers.
    3. Impressed by how much better I like it when all mineral deposits are at least "1" deep.
    4. Loving the more "dark clouds" that look like they are full of tropical rains I gave my alternate Akua
    5. Wondering if the higher drone counts, higher "difficulty" etc. will actually do anything . . .

    Thinking I might just create a backup of my entire Playfield directory and mod every single one of them so that they are all an order of magnitude bigger . . . to start with . . . then make additional changes from there. Interested to chit chat with other tinkerers about what they are doing. I think Eleon has been way too cautious with the planet size so far; I suppose I cannot blame them on that ,but WOW! Akua is SOOOOO MUCCHH Better at size 13,000 instead of 1300. The progression of time even seems better (I suppose the sun actually transits the distance of the planet surface so even without the "day length" field changed a bigger planet will have longer cycles).

    Few of these variables / data types are a bit obscure. Looking forward to putting heads together with other tinkerers and getting some cool stuff going.

    Attached Files:

    XeroTerragoth likes this.
  7. Xango2000

    Xango2000 Captain

    Jun 15, 2016
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    XeroTerragoth and dichebach like this.
  8. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Thanks bro. Joined. Not a server owner but I'm a programmer so I take an interest in the stuff.
  9. Xango2000

    Xango2000 Captain

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Ugly Dead Planet

    # Playfield Configuration
    # IMPORTANT: YAML files use spaces as indentation. Please don't use TABs - tab indentation is forbidden:
    # For more detailed explanations of the different parameters, see examples in Empyrion\Content\Playfields\ExamplePlanet and ExampleSpace
    # Playfield Characteristics
    RealRadius: 1303.797294            # Please don't change
    ScaledRadius: 1300                 # Please don't change
    Gravity: -8.25                     # Gravity on planet                    
    AtmosphereDensity: 1.217           # Please don't change
    AtmosphereO2: 0.1                  # Oxygen level of atmosphere
    AtmosphereBreathable: False        # If player can breathe without helmet
    Temperature: 30                    # No functionality yet
    TemperatureDay: 50                 # No functionality yet
    TemperatureNight: 11               # No functionality yet
    DayLength: 24                      # No functionality yet
    PlanetType: Barren                 # No functionality yet
    Moons: 1                           # No functionality yet
    Water: WaterBrown                  # WaterBlue, WaterGreen, WaterBrown
    SeaLevel: 42                       # Sea level of planet
    PvP: False                         # Set to True to allow PvP in this playfield, default is False
    #Seed: 123456                      # If set overwrites main Seed
    #UseFixed: False                # If set uses fixed POIs + resources
    # Playfield difficulty (has impact on experience gains)
    Difficulty: 2                      # Between 2 and 5: larger values indicate higher difficulty
    # Planet or Space
    PlayfieldType: Planet              # Please don't change
    Description: Akua is a temperate planet with vast oceans, volcanic islands and large continents with mountain ranges. It has a breathable atmosphere. Choose this planet as the survival start if you are a beginner. 
    # Sun                              # SunFlareBlue, SunFlareWhite, SunFlareWhite2, SunFlareWhite3, SunFlareYellow, SunFlarePurple
    SunFlare: EnvironmentalEffects/SunFlareWhite
    # Special Effects                  # Please don't change
      - Name: Grime
        Biome: [ Ocean, Islands ]
        Time: Day
        InitialDelay: 1     # in game hours
        Delay: 4            # in game hours
        Lifetime: 600       # in realtime seconds
        PlyDist: 100
        SpawnY: 30
        Struct: True
    # Atmosphere and Sky
    AtmosphereEnabled: True              # Atmosphere True or False
    AtmosphereColor: ".88, .9, .85"      # Color of atmosphere seen in space, default is white "1,1,1"
    SkyColor: ".88, .9, .85"             # Color of skybox, default is white "1,1,1"
    # LightZenithColor: "1, 0.95, 0.92"  # Color of light if sun is in zenith, default is almost white "1,0.95,0.92"
    # LightHorizonColor: "1, 0.6, 0"     # Color of light if sun is on horizon, default is orange "1,0.6,0"
    # Light
    DayLightIntensity: 1.2               # Between 0 and 1: larger values = brighter, default is 0.6
    NightLightIntensity: 0.25            # Between 0 and 1: larger values = brighter, default is 0.6
    DayShadowStrength: 0.95              # Between 0 and 1: larger values = stronger
    # Fog
    AtmosphereFog: 0.5                  # Distant fog, between 0 and 1: larger values = stronger
    FogCloudIntensity: 1                # Waft of mist in air, between 0 and 1: larger values = stronger
    FogIntensity: 0.5                   # Near Fog/Atmospheric Scattering Intensity, between 0 and 1: larger values = stronger
    FogStartDistance: 1               # Near Fog/Atmospheric Scattering Start Distance, in m
    GroundFogIntensity: .5               # Ground Layer Fog, between 0 and 1: larger values = stronger
    GroundFogHeight: 0                  # Ground Layer Fog Height
    # Clouds
    CloudsDensity: 0.4                     # Between 0 and 1: larger values = more clouds (coverage)
    CloudsSharpness: 0.9                     # Between 0 and 1: larger values = less dense clouds
    CloudsBrightness: 0.3                  # Between 0 and 2: larger values = brighter clouds
    # CloudsOpacity: 0.9                  # Between 0 and 1: larger values = more opaque, default is 0.9
    # CloudsZenithColor: "0.87, 0.92, 1"   # Color of clouds if sun is in zenith, default is light blue "0.87,0.92,1"
    # CloudsHorizonColor: "1, 0.76, 0.56"  # Color of clouds if sun is on horizon, default is light orange "1,0.76,0.56"
    # Wind Speed
    WindSpeed: 7                        # Between 0 and 10: larger values = faster moving clouds
    ### Fixed Resources for Seed=0      # No functionality in Seed>0 games
    # pos, radius, name
        # - Name: IronResource
          # Pos: [ -1132, 55, -425 ]
          # Radius: 6
    ### Randomly distributed resources    # For Seed>0 games     # Please don't change
        - Name: IronResource
          CountMinMax: [ 3, 3 ]   # range of number of resources to distribute on planet
          SizeMinMax: [ 5, 5 ]  # range of sizes of resource depots
          DepthMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]   # Range of how deep to bury depots below terrain surface (e.g. 0 = partly visible, 3 = top of depot starts 3m below surface)
          DroneProb: 1          # probability that the resource is defended by drones
          MaxDroneCount: 1        # if at all, 1..n drones will defend the resource [default = 1]
        - Name: CobaltResource
          CountMinMax: [ 3, 3 ]
          SizeMinMax: [ 5, 5 ]
          DepthMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
          DroneProb: 1
        - Name: CopperResource
          CountMinMax: [ 3, 3 ]
          SizeMinMax: [ 5, 5 ]
          DepthMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
          DroneProb: 1
        - Name: SiliconResource
          CountMinMax: [ 3, 3 ]
          SizeMinMax: [ 5, 5 ]
          DepthMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
          DroneProb: 1
        - Name: GoldResource
          CountMinMax: [ 10, 10 ]
          SizeMinMax: [ 5, 5 ]
          DepthMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
          DroneProb: 1
        - Name: SathiumResource
          CountMinMax: [ 3, 3 ]
          SizeMinMax: [ 5, 5 ]
          DepthMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
          DroneProb: 1
    ### Resource Asteroids
        - Name: IronResource              
          Threshold: 0.5
          Amount: 0.3
        - Name: CobaltResource
          Threshold: 0.5
          Amount: 0.3
        - Name: CopperResource
          Threshold: 0.5
          Amount: 0.3
        - Name: SiliconResource
          Threshold: 0.5
          Amount: 0.3
        - Name: GoldResource
          Threshold: 0.5
          Amount: 0.1
        - Name: SathiumResource
          Threshold: 0.5
          Amount: 0.1
    ### Terrain and Decorations
    # Terrain and Local Decoration
        Name: Temperate2b
        PoleLevel: 30                      # Pole level of planet
        NoiseStrength: 0.1
            YFadeCenter: 80
            YFadeRange: 20
            YFadeMin: 0.1
            YFadeMax: -0.0
            - [ CliffBrown, 1 ]
            - [ Cliff, 4 ]
            - [ RockBrown01, 0 ]
            - [ Bedrock, 2 ]
            - [ RocksmallA02, 0.35 ]    
            - [ RocksmallC01, 0.35 ] 
            - [ RockA01, 0.25 ]
            - [ RockB01, 0.25 ]
        - Altitude: 25
            - [ Grass01BrownCliff, 23 ]
            - [ RocksmallA02, 0.2 ]
        - Altitude: 80
            - [ RockBrown01, 74 ]
            - [ SandBeach, 1 ]
            - [ RocksmallA02, 1 ] 
            - [ RocksmallC01, 1 ]
            - [ RockA01, 0.5 ]
            - [ RockB01, 0.5 ]
    # Biome Definition and Main Decoration
    # Underwater
       - Altitude: [ 10, 40 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 45 ]
             - Name: "Ocean"
               Id: 1
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ RealRock8Water, 0.5]
                   - [ RealRock9Water, 0.5] 
                   - [ CrystalsPyramidBlue, .1]
       - Altitude: [ 65, 75 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 35 ]
             - Name: "Ocean"
               Id: 1
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ RealRock1Water, 0.2]
                   - [ RealRock5Water, 0.2] 
                   - Name: "GrassBrown02"
                     Density: 12
                     YScale: .2
                     Preset: "GrassDense"
                   - Name: "GrassGreen01"
                     Density: 5
                     YScale: .1
                     Preset: "GrassPatches"
       - Altitude: [ 75, 88 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 35 ]
             - Name: "Ocean"
               Id: 1
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
       - Altitude: [ 0, 96 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
             - Name: "Ocean"
               Id: 1
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
    # Flat Beach  
       - Altitude: [ 75, 106 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 12]
             - Name: "Ocean"
               Id: 1
               ClusterSize: 30
               NbOfClusters: 80
                   - [ CoralStone04-03, 1]    
                   - [ AridRockBrown01, 0.01]          
                   - [ AridRockBrown02, 0.01]          
                   - [ FingerSponge03-01, 0.5]  
                   - [ RealRock1, 0.05]
                   - [ RealRock10, 0.05]
                   - [ Boulder1, 0.05]
                   - [ RealRock5, 0.05]    
                   - Name: "GrassBrown02"
                     Density: 8
                     YScale: 0.1
                     Preset: "GrassDense3a" 
       - Altitude: [ 75, 106 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
             - Name: "Ocean"
               Id: 1
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ SeaWeed02-04, 0]
    # Higher altitude flat
       - Altitude: [ 80, 135 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 12 ]
             - Name: "Islands"
               Id: 2
               ClusterSize: 150
               NbOfClusters: 30
                   - [ RealRock10, 0.05]
                   - [ RealRock3, 0.05]
                   - [ DeadTree02b, 3]
                   - [ RealRock5, 0.05]    
                   - [ DeadTree01, 4]
                   - Name: "GrassBrown02"
                     Density: 10
                     YScale: .3
                     Preset: "GrassDense5"  
                   - Name: "GrassGreen01a"
                     Density: 8
                     YScale: 0.2
                     Preset: "GrassPatches5"  
             - Name: "Islands"
               Id: 2
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ Cactus1, 0.3]
                   - [ DeadTree01, 4]
                   - [ RealRock5, 0.05]    
                   - [ AridRockBrown01, 1]          
                   - [ AridRockBrown02, 1]          
                   - [ AridRockBrown03, 1]  
                   - [ RealRock10, 0.05]
                   - [ AlienPlantThorn1, 0.5]
                   - [ SkeletonMammothTorso, 0.05]
                   - [ RealRock5, 0.05]    
                   - Name: "GrassBrown02a"
                     Density: 8
                     YScale: 0.2
                     Preset: "GrassDense1"    
                   - Name: "Plant01Brown"
                     Density: 2.5
                     YScale: .4
                     Preset: "GrassPatches3a"    
    # Higher altitude steep (only grass)
       - Altitude: [ 75, 135 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 25 ]
             - Name: "Islands"
               Id: 2
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - Name: "GrassBrown02a"
                     Density: 8
                     YScale: 0.3
                     Preset: "GrassDense1"    
                   - Name: "Plant01Brown"
                     Density: 2.5
                     YScale: .2
                     Preset: "GrassPatches3a" 
       - Altitude: [ 80, 135 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
             - Name: "Islands"
               Id: 2
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ DeadTree01, 1]  
    # Higher altitude steep (no grass)
       - Altitude: [ 135, 250 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
             - Name: "Mountains"
               Id: 3
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ AlienPlantPod1, 0.5]
    ### POIs
            - GroupName: Albatros
              CountMinMax: [ 4, 6 ]         # range of number of POIs of this group to distribute on planet
              DroneProb: 1.0                # probability that a POI is defended by drones
              DronesMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]        # range of number of drones that defend POI
              ReserveCount: 3
              TroopTransport: True          # if troop transport will be sent
            - GroupName: Albatros
              CountMinMax: [ 10, 11 ]
              DroneProb: 1.0
              DronesMinMax: [ 2, 2 ]
              ReserveCount: 5
              TroopTransport: True
            - Mode: Debug
              Pos: [ -596, 104, -1063 ]
              RotY: 125
    ### Drones
    # PresetStyle:
    # -> 0 = no drone attack base,
    #    1 = day + 2 triggers,
    #    2 = night + 2 triggers,
    #    3 = at once + 2 triggers,
    #    4 = night + turret trigger
            - GroupName: DroneBaseAkua
              DronesMinMax: [ 2, 3 ]        # range of number of drones that defend drone base
              ReserveCount: 3               # number of drones that will be replaced when defending drones got killed
              DroneProb: 1.0                # probability that drones will defend drone base
              Difficulty: 5                 # 0..4 -> 0 = no drone attack base ... 4 = max difficulty level (5, 6, 7 = low, medium, high difficulty but with infinite drone waves)
              PresetStyle: 3                # 0..4 -> see comment above
              # BaseAttack: DroneSmallAttackBase
                  - Name: DroneSmallFast01Plasma
                    Amount: 20
                    Extra: 0    
                  - Name: DroneLargeSlow01Plasma
                    Amount: 20
                    Extra: 0
                  - Name: EnemyDroneV2Minigun
                    Amount: 30
                    Extra: 0
                  - Name: DroneSmallFast01Plasma   # Base attack drones
                    Amount: 60
                    Extra: 1  
                  - Name: EnemyDroneV2Minigun      # Base attack drones
                    Amount: 40
                    Extra: 1                                
                  - Name: DroneTroopsTransport
                    Amount: 1
                    Extra: 2
                  - Name: ZiraxMale
                    Amount: 100
                    Extra: 3
                  - Name: AlienAssassinGrey
                    Amount: 50
                    Extra: 3
                  - Name: Overseer
                    Amount: 50
                    Extra: 3
            - DronesMinMax: [ 5, 10 ]
              CenterX: -2500
              Radius: 1500
            - DronesMinMax: [ 5, 10 ]
              CenterX: 2500
              Radius: 1500
    ### Creatures
        - Biome: Islands
            - Name: TotalHorrors
              Period: Day              #  Night / Day / Always
              Amount: 2
              Delay: 0
            - Name: Hexapods
              Period: Day
              Amount: 2
              Delay: 0
            - Name: AlienBug04
              Period: Night
              Amount: 2
              Delay: 0
        - Biome: Mountains
            - Name: GolemsDesert
              Period: Night              
              Amount: 2
              Delay: 0
        - Biome: Ocean
            - Name: AlienAssassinGrey
              Period: Night
              Amount: 2
              Delay: 0
  10. Xango2000

    Xango2000 Captain

    Jun 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Smog Planet
    all life died off due to the smog

    # Playfield Configuration
    # IMPORTANT: YAML files use spaces as indentation. Please don't use TABs - tab indentation is forbidden:
    # For more detailed explanations of the different parameters, see examples in Empyrion\Content\Playfields\ExamplePlanet and ExampleSpace
    # Playfield Characteristics
    RealRadius: 1303.797294             # Please don't change      
    ScaledRadius: 1300                  # Please don't change
    Gravity: -11.21                     # Gravity on planet
    AtmosphereDensity: 1.425            # Please don't change
    AtmosphereO2: 0.05                  # Oxygen level of atmosphere
    AtmosphereBreathable: False         # If player can breathe without helmet
    Temperature: 53                     # No functionality yet
    TemperatureDay: 62                  # No functionality yet
    TemperatureNight: 44                # No functionality yet
    DayLength: 24                       # No functionality yet
    PlanetType: Smog                     # No functionality yet
    Water: WaterBrown                   # Water / Lava
    SeaLevel: 27                        # Sea level of planet
    Emissive: False                      # True if planet has emissive texture (e.g. Lava)
    PvP: False                           # Set to True to allow PvP in this playfield, default is False
    #Seed: 123456                       # If set overwrites main Seed
    #UseFixed: False                    # If set uses fixed POIs + resources
    # Playfield difficulty (has impact on experience gains)
    Difficulty: 4                       # Between 2 and 5: larger values indicate higher difficulty
    # Planet or Space
    PlayfieldType: Planet               # Please don't change
    # Sun                               # SunFlareBlue, SunFlareWhite, SunFlareWhite2, SunFlareWhite3, SunFlareYellow, SunFlarePurple
    SunFlare: EnvironmentalEffects/SunFlareYellow    
    # Special Effects                   # Please don't change
      - Name: SnowLight
        Biome: [ Lake, Beach ]
        MaxHeight: 250
      - Name: SnowMedium
        Biome: [ Lake, Beach ]
        MaxHeight: 250
      - Name: FireFliesOrange
        Biome: [ Lake, Beach ]
        Time: Night
        MaxHeight: 80
      - Name: Grime
        Biome: [ Lake, Beach ]
        Time: Day
        InitialDelay: 3.5   # in game hours
        Delay: 5
        Lifetime: 60
        PlyDist: 200
        SpawnY: 100
        Struct: Avoid
      - Name: ThunderAndLightningPurple
        Biome: [ Lake, Beach ]
        Time: Night
        InitialDelay: 1.5  
        Delay: 4
        Lifetime: 300    
        PlyDist: 100
        SpawnY: 500
        Struct: Avoid
    # Atmosphere and Sky
    AtmosphereEnabled: True              # Atmosphere True or False
    AtmosphereColor: "1,0,0"       # Color of atmosphere seen in space, default is white "1,1,1"
    SkyColor: "0.2,0.2,0.2"           # Color of skybox, default is white "1,1,1"
    # LightZenithColor: "1, 0.95, 0.92"  # Color of light if sun is in zenith, default is almost white "1,0.95,0.92"
    # LightHorizonColor: "1, 0.6, 0"     # Color of light if sun is on horizon, default is orange "1,0.6,0"
    # Light
    # DayLightIntensity: 0.5             # Between 0 and 1: larger values = brighter, default is 0.6
    # NightLightIntensity: 0.45          # Between 0 and 1: larger values = brighter, default is 0.6
    DayLightIntensity: 0.35             # Between 0 and 1: larger values = brighter, default is 0.6
    NightLightIntensity: 0.3            # Between 0 and 1: larger values = brighter, default is 0.6
    DayShadowStrength: 0.95             # Between 0 and 1: larger values = stronger
    NightShadowStrength: 0.5            # Between 0 and 1: larger values = stronger
    # Fog
    AtmosphereFog: 0.4                  # Distant fog, between 0 and 1: larger values = stronger
    FogCloudIntensity: 0.5              # Waft of mist in air, between 0 and 1: larger values = stronger
    FogIntensity: 0.4                  # Near Fog/Atmospheric Scattering Intensity, between 0 and 1: larger values = stronger
    FogStartDistance: 40               # Near Fog/Atmospheric Scattering Start Distance, in m
    GroundFogIntensity: 0.4               # Ground Layer Fog, between 0 and 1: larger values = stronger
    GroundFogHeight: 80                  # Ground Layer Fog Height
    # Clouds
    CloudsDensity: 1                       # Between 0 and 1: larger values = more clouds (coverage)
    CloudsSharpness: 1                   # Between 0 and 1: larger values = less dense clouds
    CloudsBrightness: 0.2                  # Between 0 and 2: larger values = brighter clouds
    CloudsOpacity: 0.3                      # Between 0 and 1: larger values = more opaque, default is 0.9
    # CloudsZenithColor: "0.87, 0.92, 1"   # Color of clouds if sun is in zenith, default is light blue "0.87,0.92,1"
    # CloudsHorizonColor: "1, 0.76, 0.56"  # Color of clouds if sun is on horizon, default is light orange "1,0.76,0.56"
    # Wind Speed
    WindSpeed: 8                        # Between 0 and 10: larger values = faster moving clouds
    ### Fixed Resources for Seed=0      # No functionality in Seed>0 games
    # pos, radius, name
        - Name: IronResource
          Pos: [ -333, 72, -552 ]
          Radius: 10
        - Name: CobaltResource
          Pos: [ 1859, 94 ,1042 ]
          Radius: 9
        - Name: MagnesiumResource
          Pos: [ 86, 32, 638 ]
          Radius: 6
    ### Randomly distributed resources
        - Name: IronResource
          CountMinMax: [ 13, 13 ]
          SizeMinMax: [ 5, 5 ]
          DepthMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
          DroneProb: 1
        - Name: SathiumResource
          CountMinMax: [ 13, 13 ]
          SizeMinMax: [ 5, 5 ]
          DepthMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
          DroneProb: 1
        - Name: PromethiumResource
          CountMinMax: [ 13, 13 ]
          SizeMinMax: [ 5, 5 ]
          DepthMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
          DroneProb: 1
        - Name: GoldResource
          CountMinMax: [ 13, 13 ]
          SizeMinMax: [ 5, 5 ]
          DepthMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
          DroneProb: 1
    ### Resource Asteroids
        - Name: IronResource              
          Threshold: 0.5
          Amount: 0.1
        - Name: SathiumResource
          Threshold: 0.5
          Amount: 0.1
        - Name: PromethiumResource
          Threshold: 0.5
          Amount: 0.1
    ### Terrain and Decorations
    # Terrain and Local Decoration
        Name: Alien
        PoleLevel: 28                       # Pole level of planet
        NoiseStrength: 0.3
            YFadeCenter: 80
            YFadeRange: 40
            YFadeMin: -0.05
            YFadeMax: 0.2
            - [ RockBrown01, 1 ]
            - [ RockBrown03, 4 ]
            - [ Stone, 0 ]  
            - [ BedrockLava, 2 ]
            - [ RocksmallA02, 0.3 ]    
            - [ RocksmallC01, 0.3 ]
            - [ Rocks05, 0.1 ]
        - Altitude: 40
            - [ RockBlack, 1 ]
            - [ Boulder3, 0.1 ]  
            - [ Boulder4, 0.1 ]
            - [ Boulder5, 0.1 ]    
    # Biome Definition and Main Decoration
    # Plains
       - Altitude: [ 40, 95 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 20 ]
             - Name: "Beach"
               Id: 1
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   # - [ "AlienPlant11", 0.2]
                   - [ "AlienPlantThorn2", 0.5]
                   - [ "BrainFungusSnow", 0.2]
                   - [ "DimpleDome", 0.2]
                   - [ "GasEmitter1", 0.02]
                   - [ "RealRock2Dark", 0.02]
                   - [ "RealRock4Dark", 0.02]
                   - [ "RealRock10Dark", 0.01]    
             - ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ "AlienPlantPod2", 3]
                   - [ "MushroomBellBrown01", 3]
                   - [ "MushroomTallBlue02", 3]
                   - [ "AlienPlantReef2", 3]
                   - [ "AlienPlantSpike1", 3]
                   - [ "AlienPlantSpike1", 0.3]
                   - [ "AlienPlantMushroom2", 0.3]
                   - [ "ConfettiMoss", 0.2]
                   - [ "AlienPlantThorn2", 0.5]
                   - [ "AridRock01", 0.015]
                   - [ "AridRock02", 0.01]
                   - [ "AridRock03", 0.015]
                   - [ "GasEmitter1", 0.05]
                   - [ "GasEmitter2", 0.03]
                   - [ "RealRock4Dark", 0.02]
       - Altitude: [ 40, 95 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
             - Name: "Beach"
               Id: 1
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ "AridRock01", 0]
    # Mountains
       - Altitude: [ 95, 150 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 20 ]
             - Name: "Mountains"
               Id: 3
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ "AlienPlantThorn2", 0.7]
                   - [ "GasEmitter2", 0.05]  
                   - [ "CrystalsPyramidBlue", .8]
       - Altitude: [ 95, 250 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
             - Name: "Mountains"
               Id: 3
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ "RealRock1", 1]
    # Lava Area
       - Altitude: [ 0, 40 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
             - Name: "Lake"
               Id: 2
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ "AridRock01", 4]
    ### POIs
            - GroupName: Albatros
              CountMinMax: [ 10, 30 ]         # range of number of POIs of this group to distribute on planet
              DroneProb: 1.0                # probability that a POI is defended by drones
              DronesMinMax: [ 10, 12 ]        # range of number of drones that defend POI
              ReserveCount: 3
              TroopTransport: True          # if troop transport will be sent
    ### Drones
    # PresetStyle:
    # -> 0 = no drone attack base,
    #    1 = day + 2 triggers,
    #    2 = night + 2 triggers,
    #    3 = at once + 2 triggers,
    #    4 = night + turret trigger
            - GroupName: DroneBaseAestus
              DronesMinMax: [ 4, 5 ]        # range of number of drones that defend drone base
              ReserveCount: 6               # number of drones that will be replaced when defending drones got killed
              DroneProb: 1.0                # probability that drones will defend drone base
              Difficulty: 7                 # 0..4 -> 0 = no drone attack base ... 4 = max difficulty level (5, 6, 7 = low, medium, high difficulty but with infinite drone waves)
              PresetStyle: 3                # 0..4 -> see comment above
              # BaseAttack: DroneSmallAttackBase
                  - Name: DroneSmallFast01Plasma
                    Amount: 20
                    Extra: 0    
                  - Name: DroneLargeSlow01Plasma
                    Amount: 20
                    Extra: 1
                  - Name: EnemyDroneV2Minigun
                    Amount: 30
                    Extra: 0
                  - Name: DroneLargeSlow02Cannon
                    Amount: 20
                    Extra: 1
                  - Name: DroneLargeSlow01Plasma   # Base attack drones
                    Amount: 60
                    Extra: 1    
                  - Name: EnemyDroneV2Plasma       # Base attack drones
                    Amount: 20
                    Extra: 1                        
                  - Name: DroneTroopsTransport
                    Amount: 1
                    Extra: 2
                  - Name: ZiraxMale
                    Amount: 100
                    Extra: 3
                  - Name: Crawler
                    Amount: 50
                    Extra: 3
                  - Name: TotalHorror
                    Amount: 50
                    Extra: 3
            - DronesMinMax: [ 50, 100 ]
              CenterX: -2500
              Radius: 1500
            - DronesMinMax: [ 50, 100 ]
              CenterX: 2500
              Radius: 1500
    ### Creatures
        - Biome: Beach
            - Name: AlienBug02
              Period: Day              #  Night / Day / Always
              Amount: 5
              Delay: 0
            - Name: AlienBug03
              Period: Night
              Amount: 5
              Delay: 0
        - Biome: Mountains
            - Name: GolemsIce
              Period: Always
              Amount: 5
              Delay: 0
        - Biome: Lake
            - Name: AlienBug04
              Period: Always
              Amount: 5
              Delay: 0
    Deltran 2 likes this.
  11. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I don't know the extent of whats possible, but I'd like to see a planet completely covered with a dense tree canopy.
  12. Xango2000

    Xango2000 Captain

    Jun 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Doable. I once created a world with so many trees some of the trunks overlapped.
  13. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Yeah, ideally the trunks don't overlap all that much and there is enough room to walk around on the planet surface, but maybe it's darker and or foggy or something down there. Landing a ship should be problematic... hence landing platforms and structures extend above the canopy.
    XeroTerragoth likes this.
  14. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I've done a lot of playfield.yaml editing, albeit more geared towards Drones and Drone Base stuff, making things MUCH harder. I didn't realise the size setting actually worked though! I've wanted larger planets since like day two of getting the game but, unless I did something wrong, thought that playing around with the size parameter broke things.

    I'm off to edit the .yamls for planet yet unvisited in my current SP game...

  15. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Curious what impact the planet size (and the billion of other things that go along with it) has on performance, both server side and client.
  16. Our Grid

    Our Grid Captain

    Nov 2, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I am not ready to go there with as many players as I have in and out of our server on a regular basis.

    In order to do it right, you would have to increase everything else too. Resources, POI's, etc.

    I think you can have many varied planets, or fewer larger planets, without bogging down your server.

    If someone out there increased every planet by a factor of 10 and has 16 people playing, please enlighten us. :cool:
    XeroTerragoth likes this.
  17. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Would you? Why not just have a bigger planet with the same resources, or even fewer resources, sure, things would be sparse, but it might lend itself to a little different game-play?
    XeroTerragoth likes this.
  18. Our Grid

    Our Grid Captain

    Nov 2, 2016
    Likes Received:
    If you wanted more real estate and an environment for pilots to fight over fewer resources it would be perfect I suppose. There's always meteors.
    XeroTerragoth likes this.
  19. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I smell what you're stepping in. I'd like to see biomes completely devoid of resources, and others rich. Atmosphere that requires massive amounts of fuel such that flying around in a space ship all day just isn't possible. In PvP, ships could do a bombing run or two on a POI, but then be forced to land, and/or head back into space to re-fuel.

    ... make HV's fuel efficient and heavy weapons REALLY heavy. HV's would then be more useful to explore and carry resources like fuel around.
    XeroTerragoth and Agent0024 like this.
  20. Our Grid

    Our Grid Captain

    Nov 2, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Looking forward to seamless planets (no red zone) and larger sizes, as well as more variation as you suggest.

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