"Behaviour" in chat...ANNOYING

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by PinHead66sick, Dec 30, 2016.

  1. PinHead66sick

    PinHead66sick Ensign

    Dec 29, 2016
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    i will show you, in small parts,how some people do in chat, its a real insolence and there should be action against...

    for sure, its a multiplayer game and a bunch of nationalities and diverse tempers are loaded, but its like in stoneage...

    besides, players admit there bug abusing (only on half way but still) and accuse us to use bugs like drilling under bases on pvp to affect structural integrity...THEY ARE REALLY CONVINCED TACTIC IS A BUG, lol

    have fun reading it (important things are underlined....)

    ChatReport1.jpg ChatReport2.jpg ChatReport3.jpg ChatReport4.jpg ChatReport5.jpg ChatReport6.jpg ChatReport7.jpg

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  2. medicineman

    medicineman Captain

    May 20, 2016
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    People who are easily offended and angered shouldn't play MP. I'm sorry but you have ZERO right to expect people to be nice to you or to say pleasant re-affirming things to you. Fact is the world is full of cretins and by logging onto any game server anywhere you are letting those cretins into your home.

    And just to be clear I'm not trying to insult you here. I try to NEVER play MP because of this very issue. Frankly people are annoying and the purpose of video games is to get away from them. Not spend more time with them.
    Ballard, LiftPizzas and oojimaflip like this.
  3. PinHead66sick

    PinHead66sick Ensign

    Dec 29, 2016
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    so, at the end of the day i agree with you, and NO i dont feel offended

    its not because i am weak or so, but a lil bit of decency could be...
    at least it doenst affect me in personal, but its not necessary at least on the Official Public Test Server...
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
    medicineman likes this.
  4. Dionysos

    Dionysos Commander

    Jan 24, 2016
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    True, at least on the test server there should be some admins taking care of. While you have to expect idiot behaviour in MP one can and should expect a certain degree of respect and manners. Even some newspapers start to monitor their forums because of hate posts. And from my eperience in online fps i can say punishing people is a good thing and admins who dont end up with empty servers over time.

    Who never came online after a shitty day and ranting something angry may throw the first stone. But there is a difference in being pissed and grumpy and being offensive and primitively rude. I think its a bad thing to surrender to such a behaviour. But of course one has to check the logs to see the whole story.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2017
    PinHead66sick likes this.
  5. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    The way I see it, most of the people on public servers are playing with strangers, because nobody wants to play with them on private servers. The chances of encountering a decent human being on a public server is like finding a needle in a galaxy sized hay stack. To each their own, but back in the day, a lack of respect and manners got you the belt, as many times as was needed until you learned some common decency. A lot of folks now days are cruising through life without any notion of discipline, manners, or respect, and public servers are their playground.

    While I agree that admins should police their servers, policing a public server is a losing battle.
  6. medicineman

    medicineman Captain

    May 20, 2016
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    I think you are being a little bit extreme. I've been gaming online off and on for years and generally I find the average person is at least ok. Sort of neutral. It's just that there is always this 10-15% of loud obnoxious griefer types who ruin it. Fact is I suspect if an adulthood verification were employed that number would drop drastically.

    The couple of times I've tried to MP with Empyrion most of the people were ok, some even helpful ,some even TOO helpful. But it doesn't take many griefers to ruin a gaming environment. It really just takes one. And if the admins clamp down and eject people who they even suspect or who might be griefers they'll created such a toxic environment nobody will want to play. At least I wouldn't. I need to be free to speak and act as I like and if I feel like I don't have that I won't hang around. As I need freedom I must give it to the griefer and then things start to go downhill. Haven't found an answer to it yet.
  7. PinHead66sick

    PinHead66sick Ensign

    Dec 29, 2016
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    In fact i know there are many ways to offend other peoples/players, but how a bout a strong language filter in the chat?
    at least combined with a 24 hour ban?

    for example: shut your fuck up -> instant ban, try it again 24 hours later

    i agree with all of you who say its a mankind problem, by the way i hate humanrace, and i agree with all of you who say its the price to play on mp and you have to calculate with those idiots, but in the end NO NO NO...

    you dont have a selection with your coworkers, passengers in train, customers in shops and so on...so i come home from work, take a lil bit of chilling by playing a fantastic video game and then a flamewar will start...its mostly a problem with players under a certain age like 30...for sure, there are cool kids and annoying matures too, but not that much...

    at the end of the day?
    dont know either, but sth must change
  8. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    This isn't a personal attack, but many people feel as though they are entitled to that kind of behavior, and that simply isn't the case. In a public place, online or not, people need to be aware that there are other people around. When people start doing and saying whatever they want, simply because they can, without regard to the persons around them, it's insulting.
  9. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    And this is why its best to play with trusted people on trusted private servers. And why PVP ruins all.
    Kieve and Captain Jack II like this.
  10. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    and how many times have you said that? lol!
  11. medicineman

    medicineman Captain

    May 20, 2016
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    Terrible idea. Being able to say curse words is one of those intrinsic freedoms of adulthood. I like to curse. Studies have shown that people who curse are more honest and also that cursing alleviates pain. When my base blows up my SV because I forgot to change the faction you can bet the expletives will fly. I shouldn't have to moderate myself for the dainty little flowers of the world. Insta ban for cussing?!! This is one of the worst suggestions I have ever heard.

    You guys you can't go around demanding that people behave ACCORDING TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS for good behavior. I have different ones. Yes I very much do feel entitled to communicate as I like. Maybe that is because I'm American and freedom of speech is a right here. Maybe I'm just a low class jerk raised by poor people. Either way don't you dare try and tell me how to talk or what to say. It makes me frigging crazy.

    Honestly.. if you are so sensitive then you should not play online games at all. Or grow the skin of a human if you can.
  12. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    yup, and knowing when it is appropriate, and when it's not, usually comes with adulthood as well.

    It is, but that right does not include going to a public place and shouting profanity, as that infringes upon the rights of others.

    You don't have to, no, but out of common courtesy for your fellow man, it's not such a terrible idea to exercise a little self control.

    lol, that doesn't make it ok to behave like a jerk.

    So... you have the right to say whatever you want to whomever you want, but nobody else can?

    I guess we'll just have to disagree about what is acceptable behavior. We all have different thresholds.
    Pantera likes this.
  13. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

    • Developer
    • Moderator
    Aug 15, 2016
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    In planetside 2 there is a filter for this, which is optional, you either tick the box for profanity to be filtered or leave unticked for no filter. Maybe this could be done here for those that want to use it ? Just a thought.
  14. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    I mod on a a public server, and I will tempban out if you I notice you doing it in a way that is intended to provoke a comment. Some jokers do log in and stick it out, but if they get ignored they stop. If not I will just hit the little enter key. It takes no skin off my teeth.

    Thc console commands for ban and find are a bit pathetic and so much of a pain when users have long names or unusual characters or the server is so busy that listings get long. THe game needs a mute command and a proper local chat command too, but all off topic really.
  15. medicineman

    medicineman Captain

    May 20, 2016
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    I don't have a problem with what people say Jack. Maybe there is a miscommunication on the issue. I don't care what people say in chat rooms. It doesn't touch me. So just to be clear I don't need or want chat moderation of any kind. Beyond maybe the optional filter Pantera mentioned.

    I would never for one single second dare to try and infringe on the right of another to speak their mind. What makes me want to push back or fight is when people start to mess with my in-game assets. Then I get territorial but that is how online games are played.

    Honestly I would rather play with griefers all day long if I meant I could play on a server where I don't have to worry about puritans getting their ruffles and hat buckles twisted up if I durst accidentally bespeaketh myself foule tongoine. Yes I literally choose griefers over chat sensors. Any day.

    On the other hand, I choose Single Player mode over both.
    tehmashby likes this.
  16. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Filters are a problem and frustrating to everyone.
    Only the console logs would let moderators know what really was said if it got filtered and judge it as joke or not, No fan of filter or censor.
    Swearing is fine, personal attacks are the thing that you have to defend for. I think thee whole reason some people come online is to contribute, some to just chill, some to troll, and some to play the game.
    Most people want to just play, but others want to just build stuff and not get bothered by global chat filling up their little faction chat window. The breakdown is that these people go to steam chat/teamspeak/discord/skype and others to get way from the spam. And suddenly you actually have no channel as a server owner to reach the audience anymore. You have little bubbles. So admins need some power to drive the conversations, so long as they do not let that power go to their heads or use it in a propaganda war or as a tool. I've been there, guilty of that too.
  17. medicineman

    medicineman Captain

    May 20, 2016
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    How about an ignore function? Like on the forums? If people want to launch personal attacks then the person being attacked should just be able to click a box and the offending text goes away.

    You are talking about filters being a problem because administrators have go back and investigate things that were said and judge them? This isn't some kind of crime thing. It's a frigging game. Stuff like this sucks all the fun out of it.

    Also you say, "give powers to admins," and then say, "as long as it does not go to their head?"

    Since when does power not go to peoples heads? When has it ever not gone to somebodies head? Frankly giving somebody power is more like cursing him than helping him frankly.
    Captain Jack II likes this.
  18. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    mute <playername/steamid>

    Yeah filters are a headache and the more work you leave admins to do and dealing with complaints because some buy got banned because every single line they type gets filtered when all they were saying was something in russian that happens to trip the filters. Life is never simple, hence I am no fan of filters or the judging thing. It takes too much time and basically makes admins want to run away.

    Power as in power commands , not as in permissions, instead of the mickey mouse commands that are pretty much useless when you have 200 entities in a playfield. wildcarding and so on, like actually fixing the find command to filter using wildcards and entity classes. Clarity like the ban command should have a message field. And log the message in the config. Personally I do like the rogues who come to disturb the peace, they are often the only honest people.

    Power goes to your head, only until you realise that, that is the way all laws work. Who sets the laws for the lawmaker? It is just a game, but depending on what server you are in, it can be a project/research, or a chatroom/social/hangout, or just a game. And then folk want different "rules" that further their missions/goals.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2017
    Captain Jack II likes this.
  19. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Pretty sure that's racist, and I object to being called a Flower Girl earlier. Don't think I won't remember that.

    So it's pretty well decided that IF filtering were to happen, it would have to be strictly client-side. In that case I object. I don't want my computer chugging away on some chatroom while I'm already popping every last capacitor, just to get a decent frame rate.
    medicineman likes this.
  20. EbolaNinja

    EbolaNinja Ensign

    Apr 16, 2016
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    Go home people are shitty.

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