What is the LEAST FUN single-task action in the game right now?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. Russell

    Russell Commander

    Oct 5, 2016
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    Having to replace missing blocks during a vessel repair. Easier to dissemble and re blueprint.
  2. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    You don't need to remove blocks with the multitool in creative, just point the block and (run button) + right mouseclick, works with symmatry.
    edit: you have to hold something in ur hand (like a block)while doing this, forgot to mention.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2017
  3. joemorin73

    joemorin73 Captain

    Aug 24, 2016
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    Go to the Alien Outpost and find the Pentaxid Asteroid.
  4. joemorin73

    joemorin73 Captain

    Aug 24, 2016
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    Are you not using Right-Click to remove them?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  5. Russell

    Russell Commander

    Oct 5, 2016
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    Finding out via a random post that there's a Pentaxid Asteroid, rather than thru official documentation :).
  6. joemorin73

    joemorin73 Captain

    Aug 24, 2016
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    On/Off switch on the survival constructor. Many times I forget to turn it on when I place it on the ground. Is it really needed?
    Jazz0411, FRAGGEDALOT, Albert and 9 others like this.
  7. MorganPrice

    MorganPrice Ensign

    Jan 26, 2017
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    Gathering non farmable resources like fiber or Pentax it crystals in late game. Some sort of harvesting device for hv would be nice.
    Jazz0411, Dimitri, Yama and 2 others like this.
  8. joemorin73

    joemorin73 Captain

    Aug 24, 2016
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    Well, there is enjoyment in discovering things though.
  9. Russell

    Russell Commander

    Oct 5, 2016
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    I agree, although I suspect you could visit that asteroid field many times and not stumble across it.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  10. Russell

    Russell Commander

    Oct 5, 2016
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    Naming convention for pentaxid is a bit awkward now imo, usual convention is iron ore and iron ingot, so why not Pentaxid crystal and Pentaxid gel or whatever.

    Also is there any reason why Pentaxid crystals cannot be farmed in growing plots?
    Tyrax Lightning and medicineman like this.
  11. Brett

    Brett Lieutenant

    Sep 24, 2016
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    After hundreds of hours of playtime and seeing the direction you're taking this game, I'd have to agree with the comments about texturing/painting.

    For example, if I'm building a landing pad for a large vessel like the Kirov or Hakon where it's 100 blocks long by 30-40 wide and I want it to look like asphalt, I have to use the texturing tool on 3,000-4,000 blocks, then go back and use the painting tool again. It literally takes about an hour to texture and paint a landing pad. On a large base with three large pads, we're talking about an entire evening.

    Taking that a step further, if you wish to customize the look of a stock blueprint (like the Hakon), getting consistency on either side of the ship with a paint job is a BITCH. To the point where it's almost not even worth it.

    Implementing symmetry for texture/paint would help a lot.

    The other pet peeve I have is the placement limit of 11 blocks in a row or roughly a 10x10 square. If you're building an elevated structure that's more than 11 blocks in the air, Structural Integrity will kill you. The "attach to base" feature has helped this a lot by being able to place columns on the ground and "build up" rather than building down from the structure toward the ground, but I should be able to build a column more than 11 blocks tall in one shot.

    Likewise, filling in a framework. If I build out a grid of columns and a framework, then go back to fill in the spaces in the grid, I should be able to place squares larger than ~100 blocks (or whatever the limit is) in one shot.


    - Need paint/texture symmetry
    - Need to be able to place more than 11 blocks in a row in one placement
    - Need to be able to place a square area of blocks more than the limit of ~100

    Cheers and great job, guys!
  12. Castiel

    Castiel Ensign

    Jan 14, 2017
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    - Alien get stuck in Structures, Like Drones too.
    - Could have in space a big Cruiser, like Star Wars Imperial Cruiser, to attack and loot. (if they dont kill u first)
    - A Repair Bay for CV? Allow more than 1 Repair at CV/BA
    - More customization of small devices, (1 ou 2 more) like O2 tank, generator, to look diferent, flashing lights to add at bays, maybe diferentts colors of Fuel, not only blue.
    - A way to create a simples server, like lan server in our own pc, with a painel in screen to change config of levels and permissions, like password.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. StuardBr

    StuardBr Lieutenant

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Well.. Let's see some points for me:

    We need a efficient way to terraforming. Sometime s we want to build a huge base, but the terrain need be prepared. Terraforming with the Drill T2 is painfull as hell.

    -Base Rape
    I know, only don't do this, but is hard to not explore the vulnerability of the bases. We need stronger bases, best armed, best defended.

    -Progression level
    I think we need more levels. Every time i go to Workshop searching for a CV i see more and more hyper mega master blaster HUGE ships. I thing we need a more slowly progression. Example:
    1- Survival
    2- Base
    4- Needs to stole or learn a tech from the aliens to build powerful thrusters to build a SV that can go out of the atmosphere and near moons and asteroids
    5-Stole or learn a tech to build bigger ships like CV that can go to near planets (like omicron)
    6-Stole or learn a tech to build Warp Drives T1, that can do the CV warp trough SOLAR SYSTEMS (other stars and planets)
    7- Stole or learn a tech to build Warp Drive T2 to go further

    - Bigger planets
    I don't know if this is possible, but bigger planets (maybe 2x size) will be good to maximize the time needed do advance the progession and to accommodate the new POI

    -Animal breed
    Maybe a way to breed animals to harvest meat and others materials that can be droped by

    -Mother Ships
    A system to smaller CV (Class 2,3,4) can be docked on huge CV (Class 7,8,9,10...) that using bigger thrusters that are more fuel efficiently

    -Blueprint restrictions
    A way that, a blueprint that need a tech that i don't open yet, won't be able to build until i research that tech

    Some updates greatly improved the performance of the game, but recently, the new updates do the reverse. My rig is a i5 (4° generation), 16 Gb RAM and a gtx 970 and my FPS with some CV spawned go lower than 20.

    -Overpowered Constructor
    I don't like the way the constructor works. I think that we don't need a only thing that build EVERYTHING. I think that depending of the material, we need specific machines. Ex: A forge to build large hulls; a "plataform" to build the blueprints, no just "plim" and spawn they; Machines to refine the fuel

    -Control small devices in the panel
    I think we need some ways to "control" the devices on our ships and bases. Some way to put a automatic door in a manual mode, some way to manual close hangar doors, shutter doors and ramps.

    -Energy Weapons
    Maybe a way to add energy based weapons. A laser gun that uses energy in place of a cartridge. This will be possible using the "capacitor" decorative to store the energy needed for a shot.

    To defend against a energy gun, a energy shield. A way to protect the hull of the CV against projectile ans energy shoots. Again, draining energy every time to maintain and draining more when hit.

    We need a way to cultivate ALL the plants that are useful in some way. is very strange that we can grow a alien orange, but not a plant that provide fiber.

    -More Repair Blocks
    A way to add more repair blocks in BA and CV. Some CV had hangars to MANY SV, only 1 repair is unacceptable.

    (When i remember more things, i come here and edit the post to add more things)

    For now, it's all.
  14. Deltran 2

    Deltran 2 Lieutenant

    Jan 2, 2017
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    Organizing containers.
    From constructors to storage crates, a simple sort would go a long way. One step above that would be a way to have resources you have queued up in constructors to automatically be placed in specific recepticals -- like a crewmate sitting there saying "Is the pentaxid done? Then I'll put it in the warp tank" Or even if that just happens techno-magically. but I like the crewmate idea because my huge ships feel empty :(
  15. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    The single action I hate most is taking damage from invisible bullets shot by aimbots who have perfect accuracy at all ranges and zero reaction time.

    A close second is firing hundreds of rounds at a turret to destroy it, without any indication that my shots are hitting or doing damage.
    Jazz0411, Jacoviz, Eclypseon and 14 others like this.
  16. krakken242

    krakken242 Lieutenant

    Oct 12, 2016
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    That bike. I hate it. I love to hate it. It loves to hate me to the 234th power. It knows the pain it causes me and it revels in glee. It goes down hills sideways, it can't climb hills out of spite. It can't steer - handles poorly. Picking it up and hunting it down to replace it in your power tray is tedious. (hint: quickbar!) It can't jump, it has no brakes, it burns the toast, You can't paint it, it orders pizza 5 minutes before closing time, it drinks from the milk carton and it leaves the lid on the toilet seat up. At night.

    It laughs at me. I can hear it.

    Jazz0411, Yama, GammerThumbs and 21 others like this.
  17. joemorin73

    joemorin73 Captain

    Aug 24, 2016
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  18. Russell

    Russell Commander

    Oct 5, 2016
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    Further to this, if the aimbots line up behind each other, it is impossible to survive as it appears they all shoot thru each other to hit you. It will take me a long time to recover from the trauma of dying about 40 times in a conventional assault on the Masperon Xeno Fortress. :(
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2017
  19. Gusfraba

    Gusfraba Commander

    Nov 14, 2016
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    Smelting ores/crystals/stone, and farming crystals. huge slowdown, but to re-iterate what someone said on the facebook post regarding this, along with the response from eleon, a dedicated smelter for ores and such would be fantastic to allow for less bogging of constructors.

    spent 3 hours in single player bouncing between planets for the fabled 'pentaxid asteroid', but to no avail.
  20. joemorin73

    joemorin73 Captain

    Aug 24, 2016
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    Only one place for it right now.

    Alien Outpost.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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