Hmm. I will try the change tool, but in my experience it just allows rotation of the block without pulling it? (which granted has proven VERY handy - texturing blocks behind a placed adv constructor for example!) Thx for replies . ;-)
I haven't read through the whole thread... my apologies. I'm thinking the Mobile Constructor could add a few more items without unbalancing the game. Things I'd like to see it make: - 12.7mm, 15mm ammo - Non homing rockets for HV, SV and handheld weapons - the explosive device - SV starter block - The open cockpit, which now unlocks at Lv. 3 - Purified water - Small Medkits - A way to turn small o2 bottles into O2 bottles - Possibly the ability to construct emergency O2 generators, or perhaps there could be an HV/SV mounted 02 generator that harvests atmospheric o2 when powered and on planets with breathable air? My reasoning is that a mobile constructor would aim to provide as much field self sufficiency as possible. One should be able to build a simple SV piece by piece from the mobile constructor on an HV - the only thing missing is the starter. Such vehicles would be able to resupply their own starter weapons in the field, as well. The same idea applies to o2 - it isn't an easy way to keep yourself breathing but I think it should be possible. That would open up a sort of stealth/recon roleplaying option if one is trying to avoid the attention that placing a base brings. One will still need to place a base to build a CV so it isn't going to bypass drone attacks, but it would allow for slightly longer and, in my opinion, more realistic low level play.
I can agree with most of the above, except the ability to start a whole new vehicle with the mobile constructor. While I do agree the mobile constructor should contain all the 'basic' parts needed to fix / jury rig your broken vehicle so you can fly it home... I cannot get behind allowing it to make a whole nother vehicle entirely (starter blocks).
How about a smelting device? I just broke down and npc alien base and now have 7k of steel plate . . . It would be nice to melt that back down to ingots and use in something else . . .Maybe at some loss?
Constructor inventory size needs to be increased or allow the constructor to pull from cargo box inventory if attached to the same building/cv/hv/sv as the constructor. Im assuming the latter would be much more involved as far as development goes. Or increasing the stack size of ore/bars in general.
PLSSSSSSS DO anything that O2 cant Stack higher or a Switch to deaktivate O2 produktion in the O2/H2 generator!
The only reason I can think of for the O2 Imbalance is if someday O2 will be used a LOT harder then it is now when the Air Pressurization for stuff like CVs & No Breathable Atmo Planetary bases & other such gets Implemented someday... but until then...
I started yesterday! The crafting system seams very, easy - very simple. "Crafting possibilitys" was (one of) the most important thing that attract me to this game here and I was dissapointed how simple it seams to be. I crafted my motorbike yesterday ... it was soooo simple and quickly done. I would love a crafting system a bit in the direction of the MMO "Star Wars Galaxies" (just the direction, not the same system of course). Attention: I'm new. I don't really know the system, it's just my first impression! And my english is really not good. Sorry for it. Thanks for a great game!
Motorbike is the easy starting vehicle to get around. For the actual vessels (hover, small, capital) you have to manufacture each component separately so there's definitely more crafting included. Welcome to the game!
Fresh new player here. I mostly stick to single-player mode, so perhaps this is different in the "multi-verse," but I'd like to see the advanced constructor go away. I love this game, and have been playing it like crazy, slowly learning the ins and outs of it. That being said, the advanced constructor feels like an artificial obstacle. You already need certain components (namely ores) in order to progress. Having to use some of them to simply build a different constructor to replace the one you already have (and then transfer all the components from the old to the new) feels a bit like red-tape or unnecessary bureaucracy. For new players it's also incredibly frustrating to level up and grab that next weapon or component that you've been eyeing in the tech tree, only to discover that you can't find it anywhere in the constructor menu. It would have been nice to at least have seen the item in the constructor and realize that I needed some new kind of ore or component for it. Also frustrating is when you find a laser pistol in a residential complex, so you level up as fast as possible to reach the item in your tree, only to discover that you can't build ammo for it. In short, I think removing the advanced constructor would help make the crafting system more approachable, improve "quality of life" in game, and make things all around more fun and less convoluted. OH! Quick add: if the food processor could be renamed (didn't know it did medicine as well), and please have it connect to the fridge for components (like the turrets do to ammo boxes). Also would be a great quality-of-life improvement. Thanks for listening! And for this amazing game!
There's no need for replacing, just upgrade with the multitool with the components it requires in ur inventory.
Smacks self in forehead. Oy. Of course. I'd still like the advanced constructor to go away though. Or at least make it more clear somehow what items require the advanced constructor as opposed to just the large constructor.
Would it be possible to draw a line (red or some other contrasting color) down the tech tree right before the 12 column so newbies like myself could see that?
That would be a question for the Devs... ya can submit such in the General Discussion - Suggestions Subforum.
I like the bike except it needs to steer a lot better. I use it mostly to get from one side of my base to the other w/o using up all my energy. I wish we could run over the critters. That would be a cool way to get meat. "Watch out little rapter, you sob, HAHAHA, Road kill for supper!"