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Rear Admiral, Male, 35, from [REDACTED]

Is it just me or are the Empyrion Forums exceedingly slow lately? Oct 4, 2020

Vermillion was last seen:
Today at 2:00 PM
    1. Anakhim Rising
      Anakhim Rising
      Is there a document or something that lists the data for Reforged blocks and weapons? I'm trying to build with the SV bomb launcher and it says the firing direction is blocked, how does that block operate?
      1. Vermillion
        There is currently no external information on the scenario.
        If a weapon says that the firing direction is blocked, it means that there's an object in front of the weapon preventing it from firing. Any block will stop a weapon from firing.
        May 26, 2022
      2. Anakhim Rising
        Anakhim Rising
        Might by something to release.
        May 26, 2022
      3. Anakhim Rising
        Anakhim Rising
        If I wanted to add a short-range, within-playfield jump drive for my own scenario, where would I start?
        May 28, 2022
    2. SGT Jumper
      SGT Jumper
      sorry , searched forums- issue with invisible ghost blocks - block or outline before placing is not seen... only green axis "line" - cleared some old saves, seems to have "infected" all my emp saves/ when it wasn't that way before - googled this but not sure what the issue is... known issue? difficult to find anything. is there a setting? do i have to reinstall the game, ugh? can you help?
      1. Vermillion
        Open steam, go to Empyrion and go "Verify Files" and it'll check if you have any missing or corrupted files and replace them with the current version if there is one.
        Feb 4, 2022
      2. SGT Jumper
        SGT Jumper
        (i edited my post and it didn't take) - this apparently only happens under water - guess that is not a glitch but before that water "improvements" update - I was able to build up to - and below the water line, with out the above issue....
        Feb 5, 2022
      3. Vermillion
        I believe that's a known bug.
        Feb 5, 2022
    3. Ugsquish
      I have a quick question about the new derelict mining ship. I died in there and the shutter door back in seems to now be closed. Is this place a 1 chance to win or be screwed? Or am I just missing a "re entry" switch in the little bit of the ship I have access to? I have tried a bunch of bombs to break back in too.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Ugsquish
        The 2 doors there are locked. Is there a switch? And thank you so much for getting to me :D
        Mar 15, 2021
      3. Vermillion
        Door should be unlocked by default. Unless a certain staff member changed it without knowing why it was there in the first place. In which case, not my fault.
        Mar 15, 2021
        Ugsquish likes this.
      4. Ugsquish
        Ok. Thanks again. Very much.
        Mar 15, 2021
    4. Vermillion
      Is it just me or are the Empyrion Forums exceedingly slow lately?
      1. Ephoie likes this.
      2. Germanicus
        Its overall slow it sometimes gets even worse and freezes up. I noticed the starting slowdown about 2 weeks ago
        Oct 5, 2020
      3. Taelyn
        Noticed this too..
        Oct 7, 2020
        Ephoie likes this.
    5. BigMike
      i have got to say, i love reforged galaxy. i know your only contributing 50% but i like the challenge. Problem is, im an evil bastard too.. so i can see why you did some of the changes you have LOL... keep on being evil bro! and if i can contribute in any way, please feel free to ask. also feel free to join us on our server if your ever interested ( shoot me a message and ill give you the details)
      1. ravien_ff likes this.
      2. ravien_ff
        Reforged Galaxy is 100% Vermillion. :D
        Sep 20, 2020
    6. Vermillion
      It's getting annoying with chrome constantly telling me to translate german whenever I come in here.
      1. Fractalite
        Was ist das für ein "Chrom", von dem du sprichst?
        Aug 30, 2020
    7. Vermillion
      My computer has died. No more updates to RG until I get it fixed.
      1. Germanicus
        That's a bummer! Sorry to hear.
        Jul 31, 2020
        Vermillion likes this.
      2. Vermillion
        Won’t be repaired for a whole week.
        Jul 31, 2020
      3. ravien_ff
        Ugh. Never fun!
        Aug 1, 2020
    8. Vermillion
      1. Ephoie and ravien_ff like this.
    9. Vermillion
      1. Ephoie likes this.
    10. Vermillion
      I encourage any reasonable players to ignore anyone telling them to speak out against a feature they haven't tested.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Vermillion
        I agree with that, but they're not willing to change it at this state. Especially since they want to hit the A11 release date by the end of december.
        The CPU system should've stayed in CA until it was ready. CV CPU values are a mess because they didn't get that far before releasing it.
        Nov 3, 2019
        Arkudo likes this.
      3. ravien_ff
        "I don't like this feature and it should be removed from the game."
        "I don't like this feature because of reasons A, B, and C. This feature has flaws X, Y, and Z."

        Way different feedbacks. We need a lot of the second. :D
        Nov 4, 2019
        Ephoie, Frigidman and Vermillion like this.
      4. Frigidman
        I've not tested the feature, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that adding building blocks to CPU points = stupid idea that should be adjusted. The rest of it looks fine on paper.
        Nov 4, 2019
        Vermillion likes this.
    11. Vermillion
      Why isn't there some kind of auto-filter for blocking these korean spam threads?
      1. Ephoie and ravien_ff like this.
      2. ravien_ff
        I'm sure they're working on it, if anything else to save the headache the mods must get. :D
        Jun 28, 2019