Separate names with a comma.
Debatable if Open Wound is less serious but good point. Only the Dermal Parasite and Radiation Burn Tier 1 injuries have this situation where...
I agree with this -- heavy armor should be more like Combat Steel for your body, and the armor buffs should also protect from creatures and injuries.
IMHO The Radiation Burn is unbalanced in when I get a Radiation Burn when I cure it I immediately get an Open Wound. Thus one illness requires...
I've been playing a few hours of endless sky too. Kind of like the [very] old arcade game Asteroids with trading and ship upgrades.
I know that are lots of trigger happy PVP players out there and lots of games for them, so feel free to start your own thread -- Disclaimer -...
thanks I waas looking for a "What to play while waiting fo 8.0" thread.
Cargo Handling! Tedious! Tedium! Tediest! Now that we have the Multiturret for our HV, it is realistic to disassemble an entire fortress,...
try the 6.5 motorbike! mo better!
Three things regarding storage: 1. How about being able to move cargo boxes as if they were on a container ship? I'm sure this has been posted,...