Separate names with a comma.
I'm running a server (with the latest patch 10.0.1 2507) on Windows Server 2016 at home. (edit: text was written before latest patch ;)) I cán...
You mean a 'different' dedicated server? Nice, at least you did gain some trouble shooting experience! ;) And maybe others on this forum as well.
Indeed. UDP is setup and forwarded correctly. Now I'm at a loss honestly... Bug report to Eleon perhaps then?
It could be those games only use TCP ;) Or those specific ports are opened on both protocols. As far as I found, UPnP is not (yet?) used with...
I have spent about an hour searching for a good UDP test tool. (you need the server and client because UDP is one-way traffic only) I have found...
You are correct. Timeout = the client knows it gets through, but gets no response. Connection timeout = The client does not know if it's packets...
Are you connecting through a VPN of some sort? Or over the internet? If over the internet, ask someone else to try to connect. Maybe it's your...
I've seen cases that disabling the firewall causes connections to be blocked, so I never turn it off anymore. Seriously.
I've read here: "If you are using 30004 as your game port, you also need to forward 30005, 30006, 30007 (and 30008 if you want to use Telnet over...
I've got my own hardware at home with Windows Server 2012R2, and no problems with that port... But great it's working for you! :)
I guess it still does not work? I see in the last post that EmpyrionDedicated.exe is listening. In the post before that, the executable (not the...
Can you reach you server with both UDP and TCP at port 30000? (as stated by En_Ma before) In my firewall at home, I forwarded (DNAT) ports...
Laser fence. -> A fence (block) which has about two or three 'lasers' as wires which does consume power. But maybe damage NPC's or players...
For future reference, you could upload the file to This is a industry wide recognized tool for re-checking for viruses. I've...
Yesterday I wanted to finish my borgcube-esque Capital Vessel (vehicle?) with the last of the walls and then move all already placed devices the...