The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration Scenario - Over 200 playfields.

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by piddlefoot, Jun 5, 2017.

  1. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration Scenario has taken me around 9 months to complete, there are over 100 customized POIs , and over 200 playfields, almost all of them custom.

    Like to Explore ?

    Explore the Kepler and Hubble range of planets, these maps have custom POIs and some are alot harder than the standard POIs your used to ingame.

    The Lost City Of Sol ?

    Can you find the lost city , find the alien technologies to advance your travelling abilities to greater distances, resist the enemies , pillage the villages , and generally be a persistent pest to your rivals ? !


    The Zirax have invaded some of the Human planets in the Sol system causing a war and Humans to split into 2 factions, one hell bent on the destruction of ALL Zirax and Explorer Humans, in ALL humans colonies, planets and areas of space.
    The other faction [ Explorer ] is more dedicated to hiding from the invaders and exploring new places for Humans to settle, both factions are not friendly with each other and skirmishes often break out between the two Human factions, the Explorers and the Humans.

    Humans and Explorers however share a common enemy and some say only the combined strength of both factions can defeat the Zirax thread once and for all.

    How Did This Happen ?

    It is the year 2471 , its a moment in time that will decide the fate of the Human race as a species.

    High command recovered 2 partial logs from the remains of what was the spy ship Spookabar.
    The Spookabar remains top priority to be found so the black boxes can be recovered.
    A huge reward is offered for any information on its location.

    Captains Log 30-03-2471

    This is Captain James T Popoloficus reporting from the spy vessel spookabar.
    At 16:00 hours there was a massive burst of Tacheon particles somewhere around the sorthern cross, we are
    still trying to track this Tacheon energy burst, we suspect its Zirax or Lucian weapons technology.
    The Zirax invaders have apparently enlisted one of there allies to help exterminate the Human race, the Lucians, no one has actually seen a Lucian, but the rumors of reports from the outer rim Hubble Station report skirmishes in the Southern Cross sector, of coarse this cant be true because we Humans cant even travel that kind of long distances through space yet, our newly invented Warp Drives just cant punch that sort of distance.Yet.
    I would surely know of such a technology if it existed, high command would not keep such a thing from me.

    We have been ordered to look for a secret Facility the Zirax have apparently discovered, intel recovered from a POW that was taken in a hostile raid on one of there drone Facilities a few months back, we have been out here looking for this mysterious building called the Icarus base, whats believed to be some sort of advanced
    technology housed inside the building, that I believe is somehow connected to the Southern Cross system we
    keep hearing rumours of.

    We have updated our advanced weapons array to counter the Zirax Plasma Turrets, but in our first encounter the array didnt do as well as we hoped, we still took multiple hits to the hull, causing all sorts of electrical
    problems that we have only just been able to get on top of, we are going to try and double the output of
    the Plasma Injector Nosle's so we can......ZZTTT ZZTTT ZZZTTT

    Engineering Officers Log. Spookabar. 27-03-2471

    This is RadioScope Officer Jacob Skinner, we have been tracking 4 rogue planets for a few months, upon closer inspection of these rogue planets through our long range telescope we can see these planets have been terraformed and have weapons facilities all over them, 2 of these rogue planets line up to go into geosynchronous orbits, one in the Sol system and one in the Kepler Belt system, we are at a total loss as to how the Zirax have propelled these planetoids into these very precise co-ordinates, but the Sol system is going to end up with a sister planet and so is the Kepler Belt System.
    It is of great importance to ensure the Zirax dont use these planets as bases of operation, that we should invade them and take these planets to ensure the survival of the Human race, we have named these planets Ziraxus and Lucia.
    They must not be permitted to launch operations in the Sol sector, I cannot stress enough the threat of these rogue planets.

    The Spookabar has taken some serious damage, our Captain got the intel but I feer we wont make it back to the Sol system so I am launching this Homing Pidgeon Probe in a few minutes to ensure the data makes it to Earth in the Sol system.

    The Spookabar cannot handle another stand up fight.

    This is Jacob Skinner signing off.


    DATA LOG RECOVERED FROM Homing Pidgeon Probe -

    Engines Engaged.........79 second burn...........warp drive Engaged.........jump.
    Warp drive shut down 14:32 hours...........Engaging Hyper Velocity Drive.....Engaged.
    Entering Sol system.........Pluto...107-763-8872........Jupiter...298-993-764.......Mars - 884-2874-5543..............
    ...Applying Hyper Velocity Ion Brake............Receiving signal from Jupiter 1 Relay Station

    Detected anomalies in multiple systems on journey .... Amara Orbit Anomaly Detected.
    .... Ziraxus Orbit Anomaly Detected.
    .... Wookie Orbit Anomaly Detected.
    Corrected course to avoid detection....check.....


    The Spookabar hasnt been seen since.
    Can you find her ?

    Your Mission, to find the Lost City Of Sol.

    Sub missions that help to achieve that goal are to find the Spookabar and read ALL LCD screens on the Spookabar.

    The Spookabar is the key to the Icarus base location, it has been spotted in multiple systems with an Alien Warship Escort and is suspected to have had repairs done by the Aliens and may even be hostile to Humanoid vessels, EXTREME CAUTION is urged when engaging this target.

    The more information you can gather about the Icarus base the more likely your overall mission is to succeed. Good Luck Soldier !

    Human faction can start on Earth , Mars , a rogue planet or 2 Hubble planets, and the Explorer faction can start on any of the other planets in the Sol system and one Hubble planet or a rogue planet.

    BE WARNED- The start conditions on some of these planets is Extremely hard, the difficulty settings are currently set by me to default to easy backpack in drop pod on start, if you edit the planets playfield YAML just the difficulty up in the top section you change the load out in your backpack you start with in drop pod.

    The easy setting backpack is the same equipment as what was default for the last few months in 5.5 so 400 iron, cobolt, silicone and copper etc, to make this change to less change the difficulty setting as explained above.


    There IS a separate version for people that want to play it on there own or in a small Co-Op, it has its own thread, that I will release tomorrow as Im doing final checks on the SP version still.

    To run a Scenario on a server you need to edit the Dedicated YAML file.

    For MULTIPLAYER Dedicated Servers.

    Address to where you place the 3 folders are as below for manual Instal.

    C / Programfiles86 / steam / steamapps / common / Empyrion Dedicated Server / content / scenarios / THIS IS WHERE YOU PUT THE FOLDER. The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration 7.0

    If you have any serious issues you can report it here or you can contact me on Steam if its urgent.

    Good luck, I hope you all enjoy it, I have enjoyed putting it together and testing it out and look forward to visiting a server somewhere running it soon !

    There is a Technical Data sheet with all the details of planets, there faction, what enemies are on them, what POI set, all the mysteries and answers to the story in the scenario are in this data sheet so I can not post it here so if you would like a copy of it, and for server operators its really handy, tells you in seconds if a planet is PvE or PvP or CV allowed or not and many other things rather than opening 40 YAM files to find out.
    If you want a copy of this data sheet contact me on Steam and I will give you a link to it, this way all your players cant just read the answers !


    Thanks to OneHundretMoons for this information.

    The Content of "945796566" needs to be copied into a newly created Folder named exactly as this: The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration.

    Make a copy of your original dedicated.yaml file and alter the dedicated.yaml file to your liking which resides inside the "The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration" Folder Structure.
    Once the changes are done, copy it over to the root folder and overwrite the original dedicated.yaml file.

    Launch your Server and Enjoy :)

    UPDATE ! 7.0 Scenario End Game has been done, Zirax await you at there Homeworld !

    Ok, havn't tracked the bug down stopping me from updating the scenarios, so what I have done is load them onto my daughters upload them from a different account and PC, this has got around the immediate problem.

    As this update requires a fresh start it shouldn't effect anything anyway, you can still transfer stuff [ ships/bases] from your old game via file swapping and you can still put your PLY file in the player folder to keep level and inventory.

    So the new MP version of this scenario completes the MP version of it, there is now an end game, a Zirax homeworld to invade and defeat and a party in there Orbit waiting for you, you will need some serious firepower to take em down.
    It will be much easier in a faction and being Organized, but its an epic fight on your own !

    There are a few new planets half a dozen or so that complete the scenario, these planets are located around the Zirax Homeworld, where players end up after completing the scenarios main story, these planets have regen on there POIs and Orbital Ores so players can play the map for as long as they like after finishing the main story.

    The NEW LINK
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2017
  2. StoneLegion

    StoneLegion Captain

    Oct 20, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Great job mate I will have to check it out sometime. I assume it's no going be Quite 6.0 ready with all the seal stations / oxygen etc?

    Edit maybe not it is called 6.0 after all hehe :)
  3. Xelot

    Xelot Ensign

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Very cool, trying to set it up now, but server doesn't stay running. Nothing in the logs either. Did you see that in your testing? (edit not meaning did you not catch it, but if you saw it, what did you do to fix it. ) Starts up for a few seconds then dies.

    I suppose I should mention I am trying this on latest experimental build.

    Looks like I missed the glaring error in the logs. Nevermind. =)

    Just an FYI, had to delete DiffDegradationSpeed and DiffRadiationTempurature to run it in my experimental build server.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
  4. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    I havent had that error, it maybe a version issue, I started fresh game today and had no issues.
    Theres 4 people on the server playing with no issues so Im not sure what the error your getting is sorry.
  5. Xelot

    Xelot Ensign

    Jun 1, 2017
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    It was the inclusion of these dedicated.yaml entries. DiffDegradationSpeed and DiffRadiationTempurature

    It is running now. Thanks for the hard work!
  6. Yrth

    Yrth Lieutenant

    Nov 18, 2016
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    I think there is an error in one of the 50Caliber entries in Earth\playfield.yaml FixedPlayerStart: Items: 50Caliber is set to 150 but I assume it should be set to 250 .
  7. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    /move to scenarios forum
  8. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    No its set to 150 bullets cos Earth is easier mate.
  9. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Multiplayer has ALL pod starts and all starter kits are in the players inventory, Single player has multiple type starts.
    The Single Player version has NO regeneration of asteroids in space or POIs, the Multiplayer version has every second asteroid set to regenerate after 24 hours.
    They are the main differences.

    Next update all the playfields will be PvP in the single player version.
  10. Sixara™

    Sixara™ Ensign

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Thank you again for this mod! Very nice! One problem though that some players are having on our server is landing on Venus moon. I tested it out myself and the moon will teleport me to planet Venus instead of the moon. The error is "Entity name with id 12122 is out of the Playfield reposition to x coord"

    Can you help?

  11. Bakkur

    Bakkur Commander

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Piddlefoot there is a Problem whit the Asteroid Field and the wormholes you can go there over ziraxus but you cant go back "Solved" i used the Playfield gen to move some Planets

    But i have the Same Problem whit the Venus Moon as Sixara have i moved the moon to but that not help if you wanna enter the moon you are back on the venus

    Kepler 501 puts you to the Moon if you enter it
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2017
  12. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    They are set up so its a one way trip to set places.

    So you might find the lost city for example, there is only one way to get to that sector, but if you explore and follow all the planets you will find one where you can warp back to the Sol/Earth system, you can never warp from the earth system to the lost city system, or it would ruin the fun of the hunt for that city/planet.

    Not sure whats going on with Kepler though, it shouldn't put you at the moon, rather odd, wonder if sector file has them in wrong order maybe.
  13. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Scenario uploaded to steam done.
    rainyday and 2yysforu like this.
  14. Sixara™

    Sixara™ Ensign

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Hey Piddlefoot, had some players go to the Kepler system via Ziraxis. They then went to the closest asteroid field and were unable to warp lock onto anything going back towards earth. Essentially trapped in the asteroid field and the Kepler system. I was able to reproduce this issue. I looked in the sectors yaml and it looked like it is set to allow etc. Is there something we are missing?

    Last edited: Jun 11, 2017
  15. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    There has been a few bugs with the sector file allow deny commands, we saw that in testing on a few versions, it maybe a regressed bug.
    But other than that I will take a look on my server today and see if I get trapped at the asteroid field, if so, I will send the logs in to the devs and see if we can get a correction.
    Sixara™ likes this.
  16. Supertechkev

    Supertechkev Ensign

    Jun 11, 2017
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    Has anyone tried to upload this to an online server provider such as Nitrado, and if so, what is needed for the server to recognize the 'SOL' scenario? Any help is graciously accepted. Kevin
  17. 2yysforu

    2yysforu Ensign

    Jun 13, 2017
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    Any word on how to resolve this piddlefoot yet? As of now I have play stuck every where the wormholes are.
  18. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Yes Im testing a solution to it now, if its sorted I will update the scenario this arfternoon, its 1pm here now.
    2yysforu and StoneLegion like this.
  19. 2yysforu

    2yysforu Ensign

    Jun 13, 2017
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    Thank you for the quick response!
  20. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Ok I have a small update that corrects the wormhole issue, I found an issue with 2 other wormholes also, and they are all now working in both SP and MP version, I have added a new space playfield while I was at it, Vulcan, where the remains of a destroyed planet are !

    So there are changes to the sector file, theres an added playfield, and theres and added prefab, the trade station for Vulcan space.

    MP link.
    2yysforu likes this.

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