
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. migisan

    migisan Lieutenant

    Aug 3, 2015
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    Some resources are in no was reasonable.

    I don't speak about some fantasy ore the developers created for an alien power source. I'm talking about silicium. Silicium is one of the most common elements on any rock planets surface. SiO2 is Quartz. Most rocks and sand deposits contain a high amount of Quartz. So if you need 'Silicium Ore', bend down wherever you are and get as many as you need.
    A few crafting recipes would change a little when there is no silicium ore deposit:
    rocks -> crushed rock - We already have, where crushed rock is equal to sand with lots of quartz in it.
    crushed rock -> glass panes
    crushed rock -> silicium bar
    it also would be nice to get sand directly from sandy ground like a beach or a dune. A vacuum cleaner would be nice, that also would collect all the ore that you break loose with your drill.

    On an ice planet, you walk on ice. So silicium is no longer the easiest to reach resource. Instead, it is ice. the drill should be able to break it into raw ice. O2-Generator and Water Generator should be able to process raw ice. There is no need to create lakes of liquid water on an ice planet.
    Raw ice should melt once you move it to a desert planet or lava planet without putting it in a fridge ;)

    The other resources are okay. I interpret it in a way that the scanner shows deposits that are directly at the surface of the planet and therefore easily reachable for our shipwrecked Robinson.
    blooddragon606 likes this.
  2. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Silicon for glass doesn't have to be especially pure, true. Silicon for electronics does, it's perfectly reasonable that deposits of higher concentrations of silicon show up on your hud and be prioritized for mining before you start trying to process rocks and sand.
    blooddragon606 likes this.
  3. Turboxide

    Turboxide Commander

    Aug 10, 2015
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    What do you think about the current resources?

    The current resource system is a good start! It's straight forward and drilling seems to be fairly simple. Over time, as we fix terrain issues and optimize the game I think it's going to be a fantastic way for players to get out, explore and gather resources! I hope, in the future that we see new resources like water, gas (nebulas or methane pockets) that can be harvested with machines that slowly draw them up into containers for fuel or oxygen creation.

    - Number of deposits

    I feel this should be based on the planet, it's makeup, ecosystem/biomes and the type of resource in question. To better understand this, let's classify the resources based upon where they may naturally be found. For instance...

    1. Iron Deposits - Common Mineral - Found in sedimentary, low lying areas. High quality iron deposits may be found in smaller pockets at higher elevations due to volcanic activity and have an exceptional resource quality.

    2. Copper Deposits - Common Mineral - Found in a variety of areas where ancient activity may have once been taking place under a sea bed. Copper deposits are also commonly found with or near magnesium deposits. High quality deposits can be found in small quantities near cobalt deposits.

    3. Magnesium Deposits - Less Common Mineral - Found in a variety of areas where ancient volcanic activity may have once been taking place under a sea bed. Magnesium deposits are also commonly found with or near copper deposits.

    4. Cobalt Deposits - Rare Mineral - Found in small pockets in various terrain features. Cobalt deposits are often found close to copper deposits and high quality cobalt can be found near meteor craters and impact sites.

    ...this is just an example but this information could also be added to the tooltips and included in the wiki for new players. It gives the players a hint as to where to look and it gives the unity engine some parameters to spawn it.

    - Size of deposits

    See previous question "Number of Deposits" and extrapolate here. The size can also be influenced by quality whereas poor quality = larger spawn and high quality = lesser spawn. Adding a random number generator (RNG) to each resource for "surprise pocket" could also be effective. I also think it's reasonable to have a mixture of 1 or 2 ores in the same pocket. RNG could determine the percentages of each.

    - Drop rate of resources

    See previous question "Number of Deposits" and "Size of Deposits" and extrapolate here as it applies equally.

    - Other feedback?

    I would categorize resources with qualities and let that be the guiding factor for number, size and drop rate for each. It would solve an immediate problem of classifying resources and also lay the foundation for advanced crafting later. (Please see my long post in the crafting section about resource quality and research.) In the meantime, resources should be an important part of the game, but I don't think we need to make it overly complex just yet in regards to crafting. For now though, it would be nice to have a better idea of where to find "x" resource and know that the size of the deposit = the quality of the resource.

    Let's talk about the current planets, resource pockets and terrain regeneration. I may be wrong here... so correct me if I am, but as I understand it, what we currently have is all we have. As in, after a few days of mining on Omnicron, I'm not going to load up the save and suddenly find new pockets of resources anytime soon. IE: Once it's gone, it's gone. There is some merit there, but I think we could solve this by implementing a resource spawner and terrain regenerator that works on the day/night cycles of the planet. Let's use Omnicron:

    Player spawns into the world (new game in survival), heads over to the iron deposit and drills roughly 75% of it out. He then runs back and starts crafting and never returns to that site. Each day/night cycle the drilled hole the player left slowly starts to fill back in naturally. After, say, 14 day/night cycles, the player drops by that iron deposit and sees that the hole he made is completely filled in again with rock! This not only helps to "heal" the terrain on the planet but it also gives the player an incentive to mine ALL of that resource. There will still be a little iron down there, but he will now have to drill through all that rock to get to it. The same applies to impact sites from weapon damage... natural erosion would slowly fill that in. The one difference or modifier would be where the player uses the filler/flatten tool to remove terrain. You could make that fill back in 2-3 times more slowly or not at all.

    This feature also support resource regeneration for the planet. Every "x" day/night cycles, new resources are spawned in to replace the lost resources. This process would continue, ad infinitum giving "life" to a planet in regards to resources and terrain. One other feature I'd like to see in the game are resource probes that the player can deploy and monitor from a datapad. These probes could detect and report on a resource's location, size and quality. That information is then, also displayed on the map when you hover over it with your mouse.
  4. PopeUrban

    PopeUrban Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2015
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    You're missing the point. This isn't a sim, it's a survival game. Would you feel better if all the resources were just given made up names? in the end it doesn't really matter what they're called. What's important is how they play.

    That said, i think the current mineral rates are just about perfect, especially in regards to building capital ships. people asking for it to be easier to build interstellar craft, by yourself, with hand tools aren't getting the point I think. It should be hard and it should take a long time. Small CVs are fine for a solo player, but a large CV really is a group effort.

    If you're playing just to build massive spaceships, creative mode exists for that.
  5. Gary Parkin

    Gary Parkin Captain

    Aug 10, 2015
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    More resources everywhere would be my vote. Every player may not want to go to space right away. I'd like to hang out on my planet for a bit and gather.

    When a resource is emptied, then the map point should vanish. maybe have the pointer display the amount of resource that is left.
    migisan likes this.
  6. Eredain

    Eredain Ensign

    Aug 14, 2015
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    Now build fortification on planet for defence is useless. Deposite deplite is very fast. But you cant nerf drills it is negative for gameplay dinamic. Need automating drilling. Deep mining. Hard, long but profitly deep mining. But you cant hide all deposites in deeep this is make start game is very very hard and create another problem. Need deposits on surface and deep.

    Mineral scanner for comfort searhing ores on surface and posibility sarch deep ores is good idea. Two tiers for hand drills good idea too.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2015
  7. Nvara

    Nvara Ensign

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Few thoughts on resources.. (~ 1 week playing)

    1) Please consider area-loot or auto-looting for drilling. So far balance of minerals seems fair. Pressing T 800 times.. not all that fun.

    2) Would like to be able to farm fiber at least. Actually would really like to be able to farm any plant we can find. But we have to find it first!

    3) Worried if I build a large space station my little solar system will run out of promethium. More planets may solve that but could consider renewable source like a bio-fuel.
    HeadHunter likes this.
  8. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Agree agree agree. Thanks for posting this.

    12. Lead
    For projectiles. Steel (iron) bullets and shot are less dense and thus have lower kinetic energy. Steel rounds also do not expand nearly as much as lead when they hit a target.

    13. Zinc
    To make a galvanized hard metal for a tier 2 set of blocks.

    I would like to see the player character become thirsty and tired as well.

    Now, if you'll excuse a dumdum moment, I need to ask: I have only a few hours gameplay and I have not found an in-game use for neodymium. What is it for?
  9. Vale902

    Vale902 Ensign

    Aug 11, 2015
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    What do you think about the current resources?
    The current resources are not so bad, but with a little adjust can be so good (i will explain in other feedback).
    - Number of deposits: for now they are good. because anyway there will be a random generated galaxy
    - Size of deposits: i think you can make them a little more big, just a little
    - Drop rate of resources: not bad
    - Other feedback? As Player i suggest to introduce a vehicle with mining drill too , putting in every planet deep deposit and not only in surface because it can force in future a player to play different role : like miner who want to focus to build a mining complex for mining deeply, explorer for who like to travel, soldier for who want to kill different type of mob(i hope you will introduce boss mob for give to us achieve to pursue with drops)farmer and etc.
    With this way you can make nice commercial complex too between players- faction and make this game living in that area too .

    I don't agree for who want regenerating resource because: there is creative mode if you don't want to play hard you can play creative.. or just tell me where is the difference if you make easy the survival game too (they are making a random generated galaxy the resources will be infinite, just you have to move from where you are sitting)
  10. Neil

    Neil Captain

    Jul 1, 2015
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    I'd like to see resource veins not always go straight down. Why not at any angle or direction? If other vein directions exists I'm yet to find them!
  11. Rogue

    Rogue Ensign

    Aug 20, 2015
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    Small change,
    Rather than basing the size of ore by a number, why not just use small/medium/ large/huge. You will then be able to increase the amount mined the deeper in the current resource. Eg edge, normal deeper compressed, where you get more resource per piece.
    One thing I find a pain. Is? You don't know when the current resource has exhausted. I know this will be corrected later.
  12. 98cafe

    98cafe Ensign

    Aug 13, 2015
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    I like the idea of removing the numbers and just labeling them small, medium, large, huge, or omfg!.
  13. CapitanSurrender

    CapitanSurrender Ensign

    Aug 16, 2015
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    We need a drilling vehicle.
    We need headlamps on our suits.
    We need longer lasting jet packs.
  14. CapitanSurrender

    CapitanSurrender Ensign

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Lighting system.
    Real working lights like torches in Minecraft.
    Make it possible to tell apart resources from just stone.
    They are too much alike and impossible to differentiate in darkness.
  15. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Worklights are in game, and you can make all kinds of lights to place on vehicles and bases.
  16. CaptainFortune

    CaptainFortune Ensign

    Aug 23, 2015
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    Nope, work lights are useless when drilling. It's not currently possible to point them in any direction
  17. RobDog

    RobDog Commander

    Feb 27, 2015
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    I found a size 12 promethium deposit on "hoth :)" that I ran 3 drill packs through and I've only scratched the surface.

    I do agree that solar or bio fuel would be a welcome addition.
  18. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Geothermal on Aestus, solar on Omicron (and in space), and wind on Ningues. By the way, food on Ningues should not spoil when left outside.
  19. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Good point about Ningues. I'd go so far as to say food shouldn't spoil in cargo containers either. The place is one big walk-in freezer...

    Does this mean meat on Aestus should come pre-cooked?
    blooddragon606 likes this.
  20. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Solar panels and batteries should be part of the resource system as well, and a viable option of saving energy another, and by that I mean, thrusters for example don’t have an off state, it should also be easier to turn off and on unnecessary systems, if I want to turn off lights I need to do so one by one, we should be able to group devices and manage them as one.
    blooddragon606 likes this.

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