Hi there, kind of new on this forum. I've translated most of the .csv file in french for my own use before I found this thread. This is a brilliant idea. I've checked it to see how my french-speaking fellows, translated some things. Especially growing plot, that was a tricky one for me ahah . And I don't mean to offend anyone but I think some french translations are not good enough, being too much vague / not specific enough. I don't know this webapp and don't want to screw up people work so I'm not doing anything, but is there a way to suggest another word/sentence ?
You'll see that I went through the whole localisation.csv, if you have better ideas, first register on webapp site to have access to the translation tool, then either modify the sentences you find inappropriate or use the message board on the left of the screen to propose a better wording. localisation.csv must be outdated as of version 6.0, I think it'll be better to wait for Dipi Evil to add the last version of the file. PDA.csv has not been implemented on the site yet. Dipi Evil has not been very active on this board lately.
As long as the new localisation file is not updated, no need to translate anything. Game changes have been so numerous in alpha 6 that most strings will need some work on them.
In fact, he had not paid any attention to it. Worse if he abandoned the project, then just starting over again?
I'd like Dipi to show up and say if he intends to continue the project. Once alpha 6 comes out, either Dipi updates the projet or we may as well start over again. I'm downloading the files from oneskyapp to have a backup.
I'm testing the Localization.csv file on version 6.0. Have you noticed that on the page "new game", the descriptive planets is not translated. This is also the case in German, I typed my French translation and even modified the English text but nothing does. I checked on the old versions of the game and it's the same. I do not know if there are other "impossible" translations like this in the game...
Some texts are hard coded into the game, devs will add them to the localisation.csv one day. Anyway, localisation.csv from the translation site has not been updated. Apparently Dipi Evil is no longer following the translation. If he doesn't show up after version 6 becomes mainstream, we will have to continue the translation project in another way.
In fact the example I quoted is already added to the localisation.csv file, but is still not translated. It looks more like a bug
Hi! I´m here... Just read an update that says the translations are done. No one ever contacted me about that.
i help with the translation to spanish, please provide me to group for collaboration for localization page, thanks