Ahh, oh, yes - space... sorry, was still wondering about that POIs with SupaDupaPowers... Yes, you are right of course. Is this new with rc1? i remember shooting with my SV in space up to 700m ?
It came with the latest Alpha experimental. SV weapons range has been nerfed drastically too. Rail gun: 530m (Space) Gatling Gun: 460m (Space) Pulse Laser: 500 (Space) Plasma Cannon: 460m (Space) Rocket Launcher: 460m (Space) Rocket Launcher (Homing): 460m (Space) I'm still trying to find out what's the point of it though. I mean ok i see that on planets Weapons should have a shorter range for the sake of gameplay. But in space, it doesn't make much sense to me to be honest. To me it seems everything gets made to fit with small vehicle combat. That's not why i play this game.
I finally managed to complete the yacht's hull and exterior! The rear end went through around fifteen iterations great and small, and I'll miss the antenna tower on the back, but it's a small price to pay for style I suppose. All told, the ship is about 90% complete - only some interior design in the cabins and other compartments to finish up. However, I was eager to see how she handled and decided to try a warp. Postcards from Zeyhines! Other than rigging up a couple more interior lights (and the sensors for them), everything is ready and wired. All doors except private cabins are motion-sensor auto, including ramp/shutter arrays for the exit (twin exits actually, left/right in the tail). Four Omni-bays for weapons of your choice, and an empty internal bay in the rear for ammo boxes. While she's hardly suited for knocking down POIs, I didn't skimp on performance either - thrust values are on par with the Sabre, and RCS/handling is actually superior (180 RCS units - I may cut that down some, she actually feels a little too twitchy). Also, thanks to a chat with @Fractalite , I finally managed to figure out a name! ...now I just need to finish up the last few details in time for the 19th...
Haha! That's funny! Actually, THOSE are funny! No, this and that is/are funny. Wait... they're funny? Oh fuck it! I laughed. As to that challenge: why would you want to? The ship will end up lighter I suppose, but have half the hitpoints. Half blocks in my mind are like bullpen pitchers. They'll get you out of a jam sometimes and great for finishing things up but ya don't rely on them til late in the game if ya can help it. I actually rather felt this design was MORE cohesive than Fandango. the shape is easily repeatable so the ship can be expanded by removing a few blocks and repeating the pattern. I personally agree with you about the gooseneck cockpit, hell, the whole thing is just - well, lets just say I'll never use it myself. Something about @Fractalite 's influence just seems to bring these sore-eyed creations to life. Doesn't it look just like a fat goose? With one leg and a broken wing? Where's the stuffing?
For the same reason people climb tall mountains I suppose. Also because I'm a contrarian bastard and if someone tells me "it can't be done," I have a compulsive urge to do it just to prove them wrong.
Most projectiles are slow anyway, and may miss a moving target. I may need glasses, because I have to get my nose on the target with railguns! If at least we could know the reasons behind these changes, we could think of alternatives ; if it is a rendering problem choking systems when lots of weapons are fired simultaneously, than speeding up the projectiles could reduce the time they show on screen, but then... complainers will complain... So ships are slow, projectiles are slow and have short range, I guess this is aimed at making bases "better" ? And when shields come in the game, they will have to go through another round of nerfs and buffs I guess.
My station has a new computer core/data center. It took up more room than I thought. Between that and the new general warehouse/armory room next door I didn't have space to add anything else but that's ok! I gotta say I love a couple of the new xenosteel textures. They are seriously badass and I can paint the lights without changing the base color! Which ends up making pretty lights for my computer core. I'd dearly love to have that texture added to the metal texture options. I'm still working out textures/materials for the detention block but it's coming along.
Me too! It's possible to get soft lighting effects with hidden lights because of the light leakage. It's hit and miss at best though.
Yep. In Siege Inc. picture, the floor would integrate better with nice soft blue & red tints. To have a similar effect with regular lights would require too many of them.
wow, grandios! (I think I lack imagination... just by looking at some textures I barely can see what they could be useful at... now look at what Siege could achieve... wow!) (need to copy that...)
added two more vessels in Steam (four but two are hidden ) for the Rugged & Rusty Collection to fix some advancement gap... Closed SkyRocket Variant, The Rugged Scout =============== (for harsher Environments; and yes, with Spikes, Rust, and... little screens ) When Reapers meat Mad Max... The eRAZOR =========== Full Gatling and Rocket launcher armament...
Haha! This made my morning. I am honored sir, and amazed that you not only took up the challenge, but made it into an ASYM as well. That is taking an already tricky challenge and making it even trickier. I love it. Your interiors are inspiring. I love the fearlessness along with the compactness. They remind me of the T.V. show Firefly and the ship Serenity. It is likely that is what some ship designs will look like for the smaller groups of travelers someday(in between now and reaching the point of Startrek the TNG.) I cannot help but ask, you have the sprightliness of a writer, the willingness of the ASYM designer, have you ever considered trying your hand at something diviner? Say, an Alien ship BA? Maybe a ship? It would be interesting to see you take one of @Siege Inc. 's array of buildings(the link for which escapes me as it is buried in the "What did you do in Empyrion today" thread) and convert it into an "Abandoned Structure." If that is too confining, try something more tangibly and thoroughly Alien. That ship is such a goddamn marvel. WOW. I am speechless. And I told you.... half-block only ship; it cannnot be done... There is no shame or humiliation here, it is just not feasible.
You are a **** stirrer. It could be done, but you throw in all other kinds of multi-colored noodles of questionable origin into the pot as well. Do you want a half block ship, which already makes no sense whatsoever, or do you want a dream ship made of half blocks? I'm half tempted to take this on, and half tempted to let you go without!
Perhaps the illustrius Mr. @Siege Inc. would be so kind as to provide current links to the works in question so I may peruse them and give inspiration a chance to strike.
I was just looking at this yesterday, to get some infos on the setrotation commands... Post 5030 from this page : https://empyriononline.com/threads/what-did-you-do-in-empyrion-today.2826/page-252#post-142111
ah this modular base... it's the same principe I actually do with my "Fort New Hope" Base I've shown a few preview pics already...