SCENARIO - Feedback: DEFAULT Singleplayer Scenario

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Global changes:

    - Omicron / Masperon: The atmospheric density has been increased, reducing your effective weapon range and those of drones and POI turrets to around 50% to 60% of the weapon’s full range.
    - Omicron: You will start with Light Armor on all difficulty levels
    - Akua: Reduced the average amount of Copper and Silicon a bit
    - Moon (Akua and Omicron): The atmospheric density is now nearly non-existent like space
    - Moved Portal to Taipane instance from Omicron to Aitis
    - Eleon anniversary cake for every new game start :)

    - Omicron:
    * Reduced the amount of ore for Iron, Silicon, Copper and Promethium
    * Removed the chance that resources spawn next to the wreckage building
    * A Xenu alien robbed the wreckage building. There’s less starting loot in it now.
    * Added the Ore Scanner as starting gear on Easy setting; also reduced Biofuel amount as starting gear on all difficulty settings on Omicron a bit
    * Increased stock of drones

    - Akua:
    Added the Ore Scanner as Escape pod starting gear on Easy and Normal setting as well as to the "Fresh Start" setting

    Resource/Ore change
    • Reorganized ores on all planets
    • Cobalt can be found in the orbit and on the moon of starter planets
    • Sathium and Neod. can be found in planets within 15 AU of the starter planet
    • Magnesium has been moved to planets further away from the starting positions as it's required for late game ammo only
    > Please also read here: Alpha 7 - FAQ and Feedback: GLOBAL REBALANCING & CHANGES

    New Instances / Missions:
    1. Top Gun Mission: fight in a fast paced battle with your SV against massive space drones and capture the Enemy Base to escape
    2. Elemental Space Race: a PDA driven space race through 15 checkpoints with a big reward - in case you are fast enough and get rid of your Alien followers

    Changes to the Difficulty Setting
    • Setting the ore amount to “hard” now yields 50% (previously 6%) of ore in every deposit compared to the normal setting
    • Setting the ore amount to “easy” now yields 200% (previously 800%) of ore in every deposit compared to the normal setting
    • Setting the ore deposit numbers to “hard” now spawns 50% (previously 40%) of ore deposits compared to the normal setting
    • -Setting the ore deposit numbers to “easy” now spawns 150% (previously 200%) of ore deposits compared to the normal setting
    Default scenario - known issues
    For now we only use Akua and Omicron as starter planets. Masperon will come back as our toughest challenge once we are done with testing the new system. We are currently discussing if Ningues or a new planet will make a comeback as a starter planet and how.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2017
    binhthuy71 likes this.
  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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  3. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Good news! Ningues gets my vote as a starter planet. Its climate type would nicely round out the choices.
    monktk, Gary Parkin and Sephrajin like this.
  4. redbaron

    redbaron Lieutenant

    Feb 6, 2016
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    I just did the update, noted in the drop down for the single player default that there are only 2 planets Akua and Omicron. Was this by design or are we not to have any other planets to start on, including any new ones for single player offline?
  5. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    In an earlier post Hummel mentioned that they're looking at which planet to add next to the starter planets. I suspect that they will be creating handmade terrain for it so it will take some days.
    redbaron likes this.
  6. redbaron

    redbaron Lieutenant

    Feb 6, 2016
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    Have not looked at earlier posts for this too many to sift through. I will begin research now thanks!
  7. redbaron

    redbaron Lieutenant

    Feb 6, 2016
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    yes should have read it all, Thanks again!!
    binhthuy71 likes this.
  8. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Rarity of Kavae plants on Single Player Akua Default Scenario: imo Kavae spawn needs a 10x increase for Akua.

    Searched quite a large area in 3 different seeds now (2 in exp, 1 in 1302) seeking Kavae. I only find 1 or 2.

    I honestly don't understand the benefit to such a reduction. I'm specifically addressing Akua. Out past Akua if the design is to have to grow your own, okay.

    I'm not intending to 'carebear' the new player, but I am selfishly interested in not chasing them off; so you guys keep getting paid and working hard :).

    You can already make a bike after a few boulders w just the Survival Constructor. For coffee they have to gather the Kavae, make a Water purifier, wait for jugs, build a Food processor, then 'make' water, all before they can brew their first cup.

    And it's not like Kavae coffee is really over powered, right?
    Ranger likes this.
  9. SmaugBR

    SmaugBR Lieutenant

    Oct 20, 2017
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    Hey guys! How are you doing?

    Please, bring back Hoth... I mean, Ningues, as a starting planet ;)
    (nothing more needed to be said, lol)

    Thanks a lot! :D
    Gary Parkin and RDNt like this.
  10. SmaugBR

    SmaugBR Lieutenant

    Oct 20, 2017
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    First of all, as you may know, great game. One of my favorites, in fact.

    I'm here to give a feedback about an specific situation: a deadly O2 vicious circle. I'm presently playing a game in Omicron (I know it's supposed to be hard), but since I cannot find Promethium anywhere, the little fuel I can get comes from rotten food I'm producing from collected food. The problem is: since promethium is nowhere to be found (I've explored A LOT), my hopes were I could stay alive by producing small amounts of O2 in that emergency O2 generator, but I discovered it doesn't take BioFuel.

    I'm presently living in a small direlict base I found nearby and I can use some biofuel to keep it running. Since it came with 2 agicultural plots, I started to plant duran in hope I can split production in two: one part to nourish myself, the other to let it spoil and produce more BioFuel. My survival plan: little by little expand the agricultural part and keep myself alive through fresh produce and spoiled food for Biofuel. Eventually, I could build a SV, power it with LOADS of Biofuel (oh, my... hard work and lots of patience ahoy) and fly into space, in order to find Promethium in a moon or asteroid.

    This would be my solution, but none of this can be achieved. I just discovered the emergency O2 generator doesn't accept biofuel. My base does, hopefully the SV does too, but I will die in a few more moments as soon as all my portable O2 bottles are used up, with no hopes of keeping playing this game because it will became barely playable - I'll die and respawn and die again due as soon as my suit O2 depletes, and this will keep going on. I'll have to start another game from scratch to generate another planet.

    The solution to promote the "hard way" without receiving the easy way (such as having more promethium generated near me):

    1- Make sure SVs accept BioFuel into their tanks, even if they get very unefficient in terms of energy output of a Biofuel can - as we see happening to bases, where Biofuel fuels for a very little time, just enough to say "I haven't died for another hour";


    2- Let emergency O2 generators accept BioFuel as energy source, at the same unefficient energy rate (just to ensure we have, say, another couple of O2 bottles to barely keep us alive another day).

    This would still force us to explore further and produce MORE food to have a big part of them spoil and generate a significant amount of BioFuel, even if this amount if not enough to even near small Promethium fuel cells.

    Thanks :)
    Sephrajin and StyleBBQ like this.
  11. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    It kind of depends on what POIs are on the planet. Some of the neutral POI's are growing it.

    Y'all must make coffee much more than I do. I never seem to make it. Y'all must be sprinting a lot, or something.
    StyleBBQ likes this.
  12. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    :) ha, yeah, need my lifer juice to get going :D

    It's actually because I'm one of those guys who prefers to play as if I crash landed on an uninhabited planet. So no POIs for me. Well, except the crashed CV sections this game. After all the starts I did in experimental I'm really burned out on the early bit; need to get out and see other worlds :p.

    Also rp a bit that it takes a few days to cobble together that first HV, so stay on foot for an in-game week. Kavae is really nice to have not only to increase survival chances against hostile animal life, but it widens your foraging area quite a bit.

    Now that you mention it, it hadn't crossed my mind about Kavae in the neutral POIs, I knew it was there, but now I'm wondering if the extreme rarity of Kavae in the wild is actually intentional; another pressure point to use POIs. I really hope not. My preferred playstyle is already seeming quite masochistic as it is.... :(
    Gary Parkin likes this.
  13. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    I'm guessing that the emergency O2 gen not accepting biofuel is simply an oversight. Based solely on what we can now power using biofuel.
    You may already know this and choose not to 'exploit' it as is, and I can certainly respect that as there are a number of current 'mechanics' that I choose to not use myself.
    But, just in case; if you feed any power system with biofuel (that accepts them of course), then extract from it, it will return small promethium packs (30 unit size).
    Another potentially useful bit, though also likely already known; some of the neutral POIs have O2 Stations that you can use to refill your suit. The Admin Station does for certain (the Admin Station has the advantage of already being displayed on the map).

    On the subject of the emergency O2 genie; one tweak I'd really like to see is if they could remember their 'power' when picked up and then placed down again. I understand that they wouldn't be able to stack if that were added, like the player portable weapons. But since we can't craft them anyway it's not very common to have more than one. Same would/could apply to the Survival Constructor. And while it may be a bit 'exploity', if they could "store" their contents as well, that would be a nice QOL feature.

    Of course I'm sure others have suggested these before, and for all I know they're on the To-Do list :).
    monktk and Brimstone like this.
  14. sillyrobot

    sillyrobot Captain

    Aug 21, 2016
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    For now, put the fuel in the base and take out the same amount as fuel cells. Fuel tanks convert all fuels inserted into normal fuel cells upon extraction.
  15. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    If you're convinced its just oversight and that the O2 Generator will eventually accept biofuel, then fire up the "itemmenu" command. You can facilitate the exchange of power yourself.

    I hit a problem where I was unable to place the Water, Oxygen, and Hydrogen generators. I figure it is just a bug. (This reminds me I need to see if it has been reported, or not.) Using "itemmenu", I could prop up the game and keep playing.
  16. der Hausmeister

    der Hausmeister Ensign

    Jul 7, 2017
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    to mention it again: on some systems there is no warp-reactor rescource and if you don't come with plenty you can't warp back.
  17. Taniyama

    Taniyama Captain

    Apr 7, 2017
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    Morning all, being a big single player myself, mostly in survival mode.

    In fact, I prefer it to multiplayer.

    There’s many problems.

    1st, Fuel or lack thereof. In some systems there’s hardly anything and even in systems that have it. It soon runs out.

    2nd, Lack of alternative power sources. I’m sure this has been brought up before by other people. I hope you’re fixing it. Something like solar panels, nuclear or even anti-matter.

    3rd, The removal of magnesium, this is another problem. I hope it’s just a temporary thing, because it puts more pressure on finding promethium and I’ve already pointed out there’s a serious lack of that.

    4th, The planet patrol ships. A BIG pain, why are they even on starter planets? It wouldn’t be so bad if the planets were say five times bigger, but they’re not.

    5th, Drones, unless a planet is claimed by a faction, which should also be stated on the map, then they shouldn’t be on the planet. Why are they even patrolling civilian structures? It makes no sense, unless there’s some type of back story.

    6th, This is my hope. I hope you add a galaxy. Randomly generated, based upon reality and very large, exploration. I’d love to do some on the final frontier.

    Finally, I love this game and despite everything I’ve said, this game has a bright future. Just use you’re imaginations. Perhaps turn it into a full blown MMORPG, a ships NPC crew would be nice. A proper trading system. So you can go from system to system, buying and selling things with the NPC’s, by the way that also needs a major overhaul.
  18. Ninjato

    Ninjato Ensign

    Nov 5, 2017
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    Currently playing single player on Sienna and with drones set to normal they are attacking three to four times a day. I don't have time to do anything except defend and repair my base. After building the base I do not have resources left to build a Hover Vehicle and I am starting to run low on supplies. My only option seems to be to abandon the base, losing everything just so that I can go out to try to mine. Of course most of the mine sites are protected by POIs and I don't have a vehicle with which to assault them.

    The challenge of the cold temperatures while wearing light armor is, dare I say 'Cool". The new paradigm that you have to have a base to build a ship defiantly presents a challenge. I will see if the dead drones provide enough material to build a vehicle but the frequency of the attacks seems a bit extreme.
  19. ldog

    ldog Commander

    Oct 13, 2015
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    So as per my usual routine when I come back to this game after rage-quitting between major (or even sometimes not major) we let 7.x marinate a bit (while I found time to rage-quit SE again). On 7.6 eXPerI-MenTaL. Started new Akua easy and Omicron hard games.

    Leveling is still a mindnumbing fucking chore, even on easy. Pick up everything in sight. Throw it somewhere and let it rot because I'm out of room. Continue picking up **** because I need the XP. Spend points. Make bad choices (forgetting something I need) go pick up more **** I don't need.

    We already bitched about the new mining when it was new so we'll leave it alone.

    Robinson protocol on Omi neglects the fact that I cannot build an O2 tank before I build an advanced constructor, but thankfully flags it done somehow and lets you past it (there is no O2 tank for me to add the O2 to).

    Why are the Omi quests still gated behind Akua quests when I am starting on Omi? Especially on hard where hey, those rewards might just come in handy? At least you guys didn't seem to break all the quests for a change, so I guess there's something positive (because I really only come here to bitch apparently). Since I despised the promethium for bullets, I guess the nitrocellulose is good (remind me what was wrong with magnesium again since the initial reason for change was to simplify it, and instead you made it more complex, GG) While we're at it, chainsaw fuel use is still ridiculous, especially with it being the only melee weapon and all.

    Not really the right thread (cause this was noticed when trying to update my ships which seems a lost cause) but I'm going to bitch about this here anyway, WTF is with all the constructor changes? Cannon needs advanced really? Did you guys mix it and flak up? Just about everything needs E and Z. I know lots of people love AE2 but I find it to be like "If I need to prove to you that I no longer have need of this before I can build this then what is the fucking point???". If the solution for lack of end-game content is to make building a CV the end-game content then this game is never going to be any better than SE.
  20. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Just finished Titan Quest Anniversary Edition (bought a long time ago, never played). Was fun. Made me realize "again" what a rollercoaster ride most other games are compared to Empyrion : click on NPC, see quest added in list, hug left or right side of map and clear fog-of-war, kill everything killable and loot everything lootable, see quests updating on a random kill or pick-up, rinse & repeat.

    Can't wait to see new stuff in EGS. At least we can leave any planet when we (can) want and it doesn't "break the game"... :)

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