Alpha 7 - FAQ and Feedback: Mining

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Yes, but totally different.
  2. brianmi

    brianmi Ensign

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Yes, unfortunately HARD is completely unplayable now. Can't tell you how many CAVES I've dug that encircle the "supposed" location of the mineral, and guess what? NO MINERAL.

    Secondly, you have to dig twice as deep as before to get to the "PILLS" of mineral.

    Third, after digging a giant hole that yields roughly 70 stone, you then dig out a tiny pill the size of a suitcase and you get, wait for it, 70 mineral??? Think about that a second. giant hole, tiny pill; same yield... lunacy.
  3. brianmi

    brianmi Ensign

    Oct 24, 2017
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    "Learning this skill is worthless . I still think the ore veins looked better and made sense more originally."

    Completely agree:
    a. you were LOOKING AT THE MINERAL YOU WANTED AND WERE COLLECTING, the majority of the time spent mining. Now, you stare at stone and with NO SCANNER search in vain and even miss the tiny "pill" of mineral NEARLY EVERY TIME, or, almost as dumb, with a scanner you dig towards, wait for it, a BLUE OUTLINE IN THE GROUND. Really??? This got past a whole bunch of people approving this idea??? and then BUILT with no one even questioning it???

    Seriously??? Under IDEAL tool conditions, we now MINE FOR A BLUE OUTLINE????

    And then MAGICALLY we score as many units of material from that TINY PILL as the ENTIRE GIANT HOLE IN THE GROUND REMOVED IN ORDER TO GET TO IT???????
    Mulac likes this.
  4. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    I'm playing the Shadow of Starlight scenario. Tried to put an auto-miner on a silicon deposit but it continually reads "Auto-miners must be placed near a resource."

    Is there a trick or is it just broken?
  5. der Hausmeister

    der Hausmeister Ensign

    Jul 7, 2017
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    Hey, one thing in particullar: The ore scanners is nearly invisible for people who don't have a good eyesight. I barely manage to see the blue outlines of the ore and mining gets frustrating. Could you please make the outlines (ore the whole ore) more visible?
    Mulac likes this.
  6. der Hausmeister

    der Hausmeister Ensign

    Jul 7, 2017
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    another thing: the Ore Promethium or Pentaxid (i mean the ore you use for warp !) is not found in every system. I searched for hours in some systems and couldn't find any, so i was stuck. It would be nice if you could find depots on POIS (it would be very nice if the loot wasn't as randomized as it is right now and you find things on POIS like the names implied)
    Mulac, dichebach and xenjay like this.
  7. xenjay

    xenjay Lieutenant

    Oct 20, 2016
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    While I appreciate the motivation in palce to explore our star systems different orbits, I agree with Hausmeisters view. Every system should be stocked with the necessary resources to leave that orbit without fighting RNGeezus. I believe this will become more game breaking if not adjusted once additional solar systems are introduced.
    Mulac and Taniyama like this.
  8. Taniyama

    Taniyama Captain

    Apr 7, 2017
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    Hiya all after reading your comments.

    I’ve come to this conclusion.

    Mining is broken.

    I agree with Der. The biggest problem is fuel, Promethium & Pentaxid. It wouldn’t be so bad if you had alternative power sources, but you don’t. You’ve got to rely on the generators, they go out and you’re stuck. What’s needed is for deposits to somehow reset themselves after a certain time period. Just like some crystals do.
  9. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    It is not broken, it is just different. It is an alpha game, they are trying different things to find the sweet spot.

    Yes, mining without a scanner is very slow and tedious, but you can still yield some ore. Besides, there are other sources of ore that are in some ways BETTER than mining (rock breaking, drone killing, POI exploitation).

    You guys with the histrionic all-caps are wasting your breath. If you really want to contribute worthwhile feedback, leave the drama and all-caps at the door and provide terse, rational commentary.

    What do you even mean by "Hard?" There are two settings that effect mineral deposits abundance and density, right?
    Ibrox likes this.
  10. Taniyama

    Taniyama Captain

    Apr 7, 2017
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    The thing is Diche, the game is a work in progress.

    You’ve got to give the developers honest feedback. So they can improve it. What I’ve typed above is the honest truth from my point of view, with 1,055 hrs on record, in mostly survival mode. I know what I’m talking about, because I’ve run into these problems.

    I also know what makes a good game. I’ve been both a beta and alpha tester. Just has you’ve got your point of view. You can’t write off other people’s opinions, because sometimes they do have a valid point and currently mining and ore extraction needs work.

    And yes, sometimes people also put it in a way that would be considered rude, but you’ve still got to listen, because like I’ve said above, sometimes they do have a point.
    dichebach likes this.
  11. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    The most critical aspects of my previous post were not really directed at you Taniyama, but rather at some folks who made liberal use of All-Caps fonts on the previous page.

    Even so, to me as a developer in training (and about 34 years of gaming experience) "broken" is a word that should only be used in extremely judicious (else flippant, else highly-focused) frames. Broken implies that most user (95%?) are not, or will not be able to experience the intended game play.

    I for one (and I believe there are plenty of others around too) have been ENJOYING the new mining changes, so that invalidates an appropriate measure of that standard for "broken" right there. You can be as honest as you like, but if what you are saying is vague, lacks context, or is dependent on your personal assumptions and preferences then it is only of limited use to the developers.

    You say it is "broken." I have explained what that word means to me "Doesn't work as intended." My own experience (and I'm confident I'm not alone) is that it IS working as intended, though it is also working differently than it worked previously too. So I cannot accept your claim that it is broken based on my own concept of what "broken" means.

    Maybe you misspoke when you said "broken" or maybe your conception of "broken" is different than mine?

    You say
    Okay fine, but what do you mean by that? Are we specifically talking about the fact that pentaxid is not available on all celestial bodies (and so a player can get "stuck" on a celestial body without any)? I am not sure if that is true or not. I would think Pentaxid is available in all systems, though not on all bodies, and so getting "stuck" on a body without Pentaxid is not so much a function of there being no pentaxid on that body as the player failing to plan ahead and have a sufficient reserve of power to get back into space and to one of the systems bodies that have pentaxid.

    Likewise, I fail to understand why pentaxid should even be required to occur in all systems. It is a game, not a guided tour! You gotta have risks and "punishments" or there is no "game over," and without game over, we are not playing a game we are merely engaging in a charade.

    Don't want to get stuck in a system without pentaxid? Simple solution: plan ahead. Do not take the trip until you have two or three times the required pentaxid to go there in the first place. See how simple that is when you actually approach it as a GAME, i.e., a challenge in decision-making.

    If what people honestly want is to just make space ships (or download BPs of space ships and spawn them) and then blow them up, the Creative game mode affords much of that experience, and judicious use of "changemode" console command allows for any singleplayer user to enjoy most of the benefits of creative and survival mode in serial fashion: go into creative and give yourself a bunch of stuff, go back to survival and play Pew Pew. Server admins can set up their servers largly as they see fit. In sum, if what some users want is essentially a "tedium free" experience, the game already offers ample opportunity for that through varying game play modes.

    The discussion at hand is about the core SURVIVAL game mode. Survival needs to be in all-caps because that is the point of the game mode: it is a challenge to survive, much less to thrive. This means that acquiring resources needs to be challenging too.

    Perhaps I'm arguing with a straw man and no one who is calling the new system "broken" or otherwise engaging in hyperbole actually wants to kill the survival experience, but that is my perception.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2017
  12. Zaflis

    Zaflis Commander

    Sep 15, 2017
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    There is 1 thing that reduces the need for prometheum that is the fusion cells. Sure it's up a bit later in the game, level 20 or so but if you can craft them it should be the only kind of fuel you ever make from that point on. Hydrogen is made to be a bit like a catalyst that supercharges prometheum's efficiency, so you need to mine less for same amount of power.

    - New mining system with ore chunks feels better than old system when using the robot. I think the tutorial should teach player to use the robot actually, it should be the preferred method always. Some people may think mining is hard, and sure it is if they jump down in the vein physically.
    - Balanced amount of mineable pentaxid on Sienna and meteors on many planets/moons. After we started grinding it with 2 players, the stockpile of refined pentaxid was in 2000+. And that's just the way we like it. However it was more difficult to get started, because the collectable pentaxid crystals are so rare now. Sienna was completely different though, crystals are everywhere and you get 2 from each one. Maybe balance this resource more throughout the star system instead of piling most on 1 planet? Pentaxid meteors are RNG and one has to be a bit patient to find one.
    - Prometheum seems a bit too rare on some planets. On Omicron we started on medium difficulty, there was just a few deposits with 900 ore in them or so. It feels weird that iron on the otherhand is 2-3 times more. You need prometheum more than iron, because all the steel you need you can salvage from broken POI's anyway.
    - Should meteor loot be made bigger too? It seems each one gives about 900 ores.
    - HV mining is not useless. It is the way to mine meteors right now, the T2 drill doesn't even compare. Ore veins don't last long on any planet, the primary way to mine is meteors with a base planet that has lasted a few days. Still i know it's a work in progress, and looking forward to its changes.

    I think ore veins could be made wider instead of deeper. Not in sphere shape, more like flat sphere. Or if you do want to make deep mining, maybe make another rich layer under that would have double the amount of above.
    dichebach likes this.
  13. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    That's an interesting perspective. In Single Player, I never really see meteors. I should probably arrange to make that happen so I can see what you mean.
  14. Eagle01

    Eagle01 Ensign

    Oct 3, 2017
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    I like the new mining dynamic and all. But there is one module left mostly neglected and almost forgotten. The HV Harvester module. CAn that please be updated to something more useful than just gathering wood? Let it actually "Harvest" food from plants and/or harvest pentaxid crystals on the planet or moon's surface.
  15. Taniyama

    Taniyama Captain

    Apr 7, 2017
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    Quite frankly at this point in time mining is “broken.” Why? Simple, the "removal of magnesium" for one. My guess this is just a temporary measure, using promethium for both fuel and production of ammo pushers the resource to the limit. It goes quite quickly.

    Pentaxid, is not available in all places. How do I know? Because I’ve had characters stuck on moons and even planets. The lack of alternative power sources is a serious problem in game. Too much relies upon one substance and one system to generate power.

    The simple solution to all of this?

    Add solar panels, geo-thermal power plants for lava planets, nuclear reactors, fusion and even anti-matter for ships. Alternative power sources would solve a lot of these problems.

    Another resource they could consider adding, gas pockets, a gas powered generator.

    A simpler sort term solution would be is to add a low powered generator using biofuel. Something like that could be added in the next patch.

    I’m not talking about the mining of the substance. Quite frankly the new way is a lot quicker, especially with the scanner, even though it makes hover crafts virtually useless in that respect. "That's another flaw in the new system," but there’s a serious problem that too much relies upon one substance.

    Hence, why I say “mining broken,” but maybe you do have a point. Perhaps I used the wrong wording. I should have said. "They need to rethink the usage of promethium and pentaxid for power generation and faster than light travel."
  16. Gary Parkin

    Gary Parkin Captain

    Aug 10, 2015
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    I like the new mining style. The drill seems faster, especially when you get the T2 drill. I don't mind not having the remove soil feature because it seems to drill faster and I get rock dust for concrete blocks. Mostly everything I build is out of concrete, except ships.:rolleyes:

    I'd love it if there were just a bit more boulders in the ground to mine though.

    And why would you have to build a Ore Scanner? I got mine when I entered the game.
    I'm playing the new co-op version with a friend instead of using my dedicated server.
  17. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    That's a difference between the Akua and the Omicron starts.
  18. slash64

    slash64 Ensign

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Ok, I'll be less vague. It's not fun. The whole point of games, even survival games, is fun. Digging blindly without an ore scanner hoping to find ore is not fun. Burning tons of fuel to get to a nugget is not fun. It's discouraging. It's disheartening, and I no longer recommend this game to friends. My playgroup has stopped playing.

    I understand if the devs want to try something else, but my honest feedback is that this is frustrating to a new player.
    Taniyama likes this.
  19. Kosmic Kerman

    Kosmic Kerman Commander

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Is mining boulders not an option? I can only speak for SP but you can mine rocks/boulders and get more than enough to get you started on your first base/vessel and build an ore scanner.
  20. sillyrobot

    sillyrobot Captain

    Aug 21, 2016
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    It's more than just planning ahead though. The game allows events like death/clone activation to occur. You may have planned ahead and brought sufficient for 3 additional trips, but when you entered the atmosphere it was directly over a tough base and your ship is destroyed before the controls are released back to you. Now what? You can hope you will be sufficiently blessed by the RNG to gather enough pentaxid to get off this rock. You can hope there is someone on the rock willing to sell it and that there is somewhere where you can collect cash. Or you can realise how screwed you are and quit.

    Games with complete failure points (true character death, bad endings, game over screens, whatever) can be fun. Games where such things only occur in edge cases get frustrating and generally are poorly designed -- that's why the edge case exists.

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