The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration Scenario - Over 200 playfields.

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by piddlefoot, Jun 5, 2017.

  1. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    At 8.0 the MP version of this scenario sector file will be changing drastically.

    A new game is advised as a lot of other changes will also take effect.

    In fact a new game is an absolute must because alot of the terrain files have changed and if you don't start a new game you will be constantly loading the wrong terrain on planets you visit, so 8.0 = new game for all.
  2. Bakkur

    Bakkur Commander

    Aug 12, 2015
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    The same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie?:D
  3. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    No far far more has changed, Ive brought the outer planets into one huge sector and made it so theres that off random chance you could find the Icarus base to the lost city, the map is no longer stretched right across the screen, and all of the planets have moved, well almost all, many POI corrections and loot changes.
    Even the PLY files will need wiping with 8.0, its like a whole new scenario but not, so same same but different so to speak !
  4. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Any idea on when the need to start a new game will not be needed anymore?
  5. ZzzSmileYzzZ

    ZzzSmileYzzZ Lieutenant

    Oct 7, 2017
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    Doubt it, every time they will change the build, people will need to reset there server, to many changes between builds, as @piddlefoot mention.

  6. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Well at 8.0 most of this scenario is finished, we cant account for what might change in the future with the devs though and all we can do is update it at the large updates to keep it working properly, after 8.0 Im hoping the only changes to these scenarios will be POI improvements, which you can sort out without starting new games, so with luck at 8.0, we should be ok for 6 months before any dev updates fubar us at all, the planets going round will be a new game I expect, dunno when that's due though.
  7. Takikardia_wow

    Takikardia_wow Ensign

    Oct 13, 2017
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    Hi, we are thinking in use this scenario in our server, if i understood, i must upload the secenio in the folder in our server, edit the dedicated.yaml file to use as custom scenario, and play, no?
    Well i failed a couple of times doing it, so i really dont know if i miss something.
    Thank you
  8. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    So what you do is copy the entire scenario folder from your client PC and put it into the Dedicated server folder for custom scenarios.

    Then yes you edit the dedicated yaml so it can find the scenario by its folder name.

    So dedicated yaml should have something like ''Lost City of Sol'' or whatever its folder name is must be precise, on it to find the scenario.
  9. Takikardia_wow

    Takikardia_wow Ensign

    Oct 13, 2017
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    About trader file, playing the scenario as single palyer i could see the sell prices for items, but playing as multiplayer i cant sell anything.
    I need to edit the trading NPC file? can I get an example about how to add the colum to the file using notepad++ or using EPD
  10. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    # Trader configuration file
    # Item name, price, available stock

    # Please do not change the name of the default trader
    { Trader Name: TraderDefault
    SellingText: "trwDefaultSellingText"
    SellingGoods: "trwFood"
    Item1: "CannedVegetables, 100, 3-5"
    Item2: "CannedMeat, 200"
    Item3: "CrystalWarp, 30, 300-1000"

    # You can change and configure the following traders
    { Trader Name: Bertrams
    SellingText: "Welcome to BERTRAM Weapons and Commodities!"
    SellingGoods: "trwAmmo,trwWeaponsBasic,trwFood,trwMedical"
    Item1: "CannedVegetables, 10, 3-5"
    Item2: "CannedMeat, 20"
    Item3: "Salami, 30, 8-10"
    Item4: "EmergencyRations, 2000, 2-30"
    Item5: "Medikit02, 50, 3-5"
    Item6: "Bandages, 20, 8-50"
    Item7: "Pistol, 1000, 1-5"
    Item8: "Shotgun, 2000, 1-5"
    Item9: "AssaultRifle, 3000, 1-5"
    Item10: "Sniper, 3000, 1-5"
    Item11: "MultiTool, 100, 1-5"
    Item12: "Drill, 100, 1-5"
    Item13: "50Caliber, 4, 50-1000"
    Item14: "ShotgunShells, 8, 50-1000"
    Item15: "5.8mmBullet, 5, 500-1000"
    Item16: "12.7mmBullet, 8, 50-1000"
    Item17: "SlowRocket, 5, 50-1000"
    Item18: "8.3mmBullet, 8, 50-1000"
    Item19: "MultiCharge, 10, 50-100"
    Item20: "DrillCharge, 10, 50-100"
    Item21: "BioFuel, 3, 50-100"
    Item22: "Flashlight, 5, 1-20"
    Item23: "OxygenBottleSmall, 5, 50-100"
    Item24: "PlayerBikeKit, 100, 1-10"

    Inside the scenario folder go to Content then Configuration and use notepad++ to open file.

    30 is price and 8-10 is how many the seller has to sell, in this case from 8 to 10 of them.

    Item3: "Salami, 30, 8-10"
  11. Takikardia_wow

    Takikardia_wow Ensign

    Oct 13, 2017
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    # You can change and configure the following traders
    { Trader Name: Bertrams
    SellingText: "Welcome to BERTRAM Weapons and Commodities!"
    SellingGoods: "trwAmmo,trwWeaponsBasic,trwFood,trwMedical"
    Item1: "CannedVegetables, 214-321, 3-5, 171-214, 5-10"
    Item2: "CannedMeat, 222-333, 3-5, 178-222,5-10"
    Item3: "Salami, 62-93, 0-10, 50-62, 10-20"
    Item4: "EmergencyRations, 600-900, 1-3, 180-600, 3-6"
    Item5: "Medikit02, 97-145, 3-5, 77-97, 5-10"
    Item6: "Bandages, 19-29, 0-10, 15-19, 10-20"
    Item7: "Pistol, 1529-2294, 1-5, 1223-1529,5-10"
    Item8: "Shotgun, 1552-2329, 1-5, 1242-1552, 5-10"
    Item9: "AssaultRifle, 3500-5251, 1-5, 2800-3500, 5-10"
    Item10: "Sniper, 5483-8225, 1-5, 4387-5483, 5-10"
    Item11: "MultiTool, 1529-2294, 1-5, 1323-1529, 5-10"
    Item12: "Drill, 1463-2195, 1-5, 1170-1463, 5-10"
    Item13: "50Caliber, 3-5, 50-100, 2-3, 100-500"
    Item14: "ShotgunShells, 5-7, 50-100, 4-5, 50-500"
    Item15: "5.8mmBullet, 2-3, 500-1000, 1-2, 1000-5000"
    Item16: "12.7mmBullet, 5-7, 50-100, 4-5, 100-200"
    Item17: "SlowRocket, 49-74, 50-100, 40-49, 100-200"
    Item18: "8.3mmBullet, 1-2, 500-1000, 1, 1000-5000"
    Item19: "MultiCharge, 25-37, 50-100, 20-25, 100-500"
    Item20: "DrillCharge, 11-17, 50-100, 9-11, 100-500"
    Item21: "BioFuel, 32-48, 50-100, 26-32, 100-500"
    Item22: "Flashlight, 42-63, 1-20, 34-42, 20-40"
    Item23: "OxygenBottleSmall, 24-36, 50-100, 19-24, 100-500"
    Item24: "PlayerBikeKit, 136-204, 1-10, 109-136, 10-20"
    Item25: "OreScanner, 1167-1750, 1-5, 933-1167, 5-10"
    Item26: "PlasticMaterial, 1-2, 50-100, 1-1, 100-500"
    Item27: "NCPowder, 1-2, 50-100, 1-1, 100-500"
    Item28: "MagnesiumPowder, 26-39, 50-100, 21-26, 100-500"

    As i knew here are 2 columns, taking salami as example:

    "Salami, 62-93, 0-10, 50-62, 10-20" you can buy salami from 0 to 10 units paying 62-93 credits and the trader can buy your salami paying 21to 26, or Im doing something wrong.

    I need to add a new line {BuyingGoods: "trwAmmo,trwWeaponsBasic,trwFood,trwMedical"} to say the file that i can buy and sell items?

    If my file was right, where i need to upload it, because i put on /sceneraio/content/configuration and inside /content/configuration

    Thank you in advance

  12. AManNamed2

    AManNamed2 Ensign

    Jan 23, 2018
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    Also getting selling issues for MP. Can sell loot to the traders & buy perfectly fine in SP, but first thing I try it on my server I can't sell but can still buy.
  13. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    I will take a look at the traderconfig today and see whats going on, sounds like the files updated from devs and I haven't done it yet for the scenario, should be sorted in next update, which is at 8.0, not far away now I believe.
    TK85 likes this.
  14. Takikardia_wow

    Takikardia_wow Ensign

    Oct 13, 2017
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    At the end I got the right file uploaded, now we havent any problem in MS, only thing, some times in some trader zones teh vendors are duplicated in same possition, you can see 2 vendors in same pixel :) they have 4 legs, 2 heads, jajaja, not a big problem.

    Thx for the time you are taking with us :)
  15. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Yea Ive noticed those traders also, they I ''think'', still testing it, are the result of the POI regenerating and the old entities failing to despawn, so it ends up with multiple of them in one spot.
    The other idea Im testing is that the spawner is spawning 4 at the precise same time and thus 4 end up in one position.

    Anyway theres a lot of POIs set up with multiple entities from one spawner so hoping its not that.
  16. Takikardia_wow

    Takikardia_wow Ensign

    Oct 13, 2017
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    I found something i think is not finished or is not working:
    How can i travel from Earth to Ricardo? no path avaliable, same happened from earth to south planets in sector , and to Andromeda.

    If there is no solution, we only can play 15 planets, no 200
  17. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Maybe installed incorrectly ?

    Icarus and Andromeda are alone on the sector map because the only way to get there is via teleporter, there a part of the story of the scenario.

    The only reason you wouldn't be able to jump from planet to planet, other than those two I mentioned above , is if you have an error in your game files.

    There are wormhole connections connecting all of the planets areas together.

    Are you the admin of server ?

    sectors reveal
    and hit enter , then press M and bring up map, now take a screenshot of the full sector map for me and post it here, and we can probably fix your issues then.
  18. Takikardia_wow

    Takikardia_wow Ensign

    Oct 13, 2017
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    Last edited: Jan 30, 2018
  19. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    OK I see the issue is your on an old version so heres an updated sector file for you that should correct these problems.

    Ive just tested this at home on the SP version, its all working though on a couple of planets threw an out of array error, but if that pops up just continue doesn't effect game in any other way, will be fixed by 8.0.

    So this micro update what you will need to do is either start a whol new game, which is easiest but a hassle, or you can edit the save folder with these files and continue playing the same game.

    Unzip files.
    Put all new playfields into your save Playfields folder.

    So Empyrion Galactic Survival / saves / games / NAME OF YOUR SAVE / Playfields

    Then open the sector folder

    Empyrion Galactic Survival / saves / games / NAME OF YOUR SAVE / Sector

    Delete your current sector file.

    Copy and paste the new sector file you downloaded in micro update into this folder.

    Last but not least, delete your prefab folder and paste the new one from micro update in its place, this goes in a different spot so.....

    Empyrion Galactic Survival / content / scenarios / Lost City of Sol / Prefabs

    Replace the sector file here also, this is in case you start a new game so it all works in the future. Take sector file from micro update and paste into this folder.

    Empyrion Galactic Survival / content / scenarios / Lost City of Sol / Sectors

    Now the playfields,

    Empyrion Galactic Survival / content / scenarios / Lost City of Sol / Playfields

    All new planets go in that folder so when you next start a new game it should all work.

    Dropbox link.....just unzip, only a small download. update fix.7z?dl=0

    You should not need to delete anything out of the saved shared folder as I have only added the raid missions so far, Im re-newing all the POIs in the game, at 8.0 the shared folder will need deleting and then all your POIs will be renewed but for now on this update you just need to add the files to the Prefab folder because there on the new sector file, so if you don't add them it will crash..
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2018
  20. Takikardia_wow

    Takikardia_wow Ensign

    Oct 13, 2017
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    Wow thank you for that update, nice work at the moment all Pois and missions we were played in your scenario, i will do all update you told tonite.
    piddlefoot likes this.

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