
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Spirit_OK

    Spirit_OK Captain

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Flashing lights could be made with simple Timers that give On and Off signal every N seconds, that would comply with "no feedback" rule as it is now. All Timers and Delays on an entity could be syncronized to 1 full second time periods and fire simultaneously for the ease of the calculations. That would make possible to illuminate the runway with running lights, a great immersion feature from my point of view.
    Bollen likes this.
  2. ReconJ

    ReconJ Ensign

    Jan 10, 2018
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    did they change how and where pentaxid spawns is it still ore deposits or has it changed we have been to all the moons and can not find any since the update so was just trying to figure out if we are looking in the right spot
  3. Redchemlight

    Redchemlight Ensign

    Jun 24, 2017
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    I haven't paid attention to this in a couple months as my recent ships haven't had railguns, but are the new requirements meant to be that high? 4 Cobalt and 20 Sathium for 10 railgun bullets seems excessive. It almost seems like a decimal got misplaced (2 Sathium instead of 20, or 100 bullets instead of 10).
  4. Manu

    Manu Ensign

    Feb 4, 2018
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    Hello dear Empyrion Team,
    I would like to bring in a few suggestions for improvement in the game.

    1. Multiplayer
    There are not enough players in multiplayer and too many servers
    I hardly meet any other players, which I think is a pity as I like PvP games.
    Unfortunately, the "full" servers are usually too big to meet other players.
    120+ playing fields and 35 players online and 30 of them in PvE mode.
    I think it's a shame that PvP and PvE are mixed, because as a PvP player you did not have much fun.

    In addition, there are far too many resources in multiplayer (PvP), as it should be a survival game, I do not understand that.
    I do not have to make an effort to get a lot of resources and so it gets boring fast.
    I would find it much more exciting if I had to fight and collect for every little resource.
    I want to be grateful if I could build a SV, HV or even a CV.
    But currently it is not a survival game but rather a construction simulator.

    I would like it if there was a hardcore PvP survival server, with territorial battles and land use.

    Many Thanks
  5. Arrclyde

    Arrclyde Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2015
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    I see what you mean and i am a pvp player myself. But there is no way of really balance that. If you would suggest to have more pvp playfields and/or no pve playfields i have somehow bad news for you:

    The majority of the players that voted are more PvE players. And those results are pretty much in line with many major studies about gaming. Even though pvp games like COD, LoL and the like are pretty popular, in games that offer both, the PvE people outweight the pvp people by far. So if you shift in favor of the pvp crowed you'll piss of tje majority of the playerbase.
    But luckily the game has a lot of privat servers and they can all make their servers according to their likings. And as a very last straw, you could make your own only PvP server if you want.

    Depends on the server you are playing on. Some have plenty of resources some have only very little. I don't know if there are hardcore pvp survival servers out there, bit i fear that the people it atracts is a very small number.

    I know there are games that are hardcore in terms of resources and PvP (and will be on the future). But as far as i see it those won't really be "overcrowded" with people. There will be more safe zones than planned, because you can not leave that to the players.
    On the resources them self: it can and will be changing some time. In this game with 8.0 with the way larger playfields probably.
    monktk likes this.
  6. Jᴧgᴧ

    Jᴧgᴧ Rear Admiral

    Sep 6, 2017
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    To extrapolate on those numbers...
    • 47% of the voting player base plays Single Player (PvE)
    • Of the 53% that play Multiplayer, 84.36% of them (44.71% of all players) prefer PvE
    • Total PvE percentage of the population = 91.71%

    So it's not just a majority that prefer PvE, it's a vast majority.

    I think over the last ~12 years the percentage of online gamers that like PvP has gone back up. Back in the 90's with MUDs, PvP was very common, since you had to pay to get connected online, and almost everyone gaming online was mature (griefers essentially didn't exist). But due to not having a ton of people gaming on the internet, the overall numbers were smaller.

    That changed in ~2003/2004, when griefers started to run rampant due to cheaper internet services. And the fact that MMOs were getting more and more popular (DAoC, AC1, WoW, etc). Pretty soon the online mantra was to "cheat early, cheat often" in order to get ahead of PvP peers. Numbers of people playing games increased, while percentages of the gamer base PvPing declined due to cheating, griefing, etc.

    Today games tend to be designed with better anti-griefing in mind, PvP has been available in many games so is much more widespread, and it's much easier to ban griefers from both games and communities. The PvP numbers are slowly climbing back up... but they aren't anywhere near the percentages we saw in the 90's and early 2000's. I would have guesstimated that for a game like Empyrion, they were around 5%. Hearing they are 8-9% is refreshing.. as long as we eventually have some great anti-griefing tools for admins to use post-launch.
    eLLe, Tyrax Lightning and monktk like this.
  7. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Funny how 10% of the Population can be responsible for 90% of the Whining Volume. :p
    geostar1024, Cleff, eLLe and 2 others like this.
  8. Arrclyde

    Arrclyde Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2015
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    Well, when it comes to griefing and "ruining other peoples days" those are the smallest group in every game that offers both, PvP and PvE, that has potentially the biggest impact on the games community.

    Uncotrolled pvp trolls and griefers drive more people out of the game than they do any good for the game. Because they tend to always target people they can't lose to.... and who can't defend.

    So i actually think, having PvE savezones are important for the game. And trust me, a griefer feels exactly the same way when not being able to attack someone, as their victim feels when gettinf steam rolled. XD
    runlykhel, ldog, Spirit_OK and 2 others like this.
  9. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Yep, there's lots of Cowards in PvP Games. One of the reasons I hate being a Human & wish I was a Lightning Breathing Dragon instead.
    SilvRav likes this.
  10. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. vladesch

    vladesch Ensign

    Aug 9, 2017
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    Game is stupid hard at the beginning. I'll get attacked every 100m sometimes 2 at once. Sometimes I win. Sometimes I die. Run to nearest rock to jetpack if there is one. By this stage I have 3 or 4. Loot corpse with drone. Kill mobs if possible, probably die again. Now I have more to kill. Even if I kill them all, I go another 100m an another pack is on me. And I;m supposed to mine 3 metals before I can really build anything. Riiiight.

    My death counter is at 60 and so far I have one type of metal and a little promethium.

    Just gonna give up. Id like to enjoy this game but it's not possible.

    I have got past the hurdle of building your first ship, and after that it's a piece of cake.

    I like ssurvival games but this isnt survival. Its just dying over and over and over. meh
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    You are learning quickly soldier, you will go far, after getting to the stage where you can build a CV after 4 re-starts, you are going to find all this stuff dead easy, and the complain that its too easy. the community did that inversion 5, so 6 got harder, then 7 got easier. But you can now set the hardness, welcome on board @vladesch !
  13. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    attacked by what?
  14. DrBossWatson

    DrBossWatson Ensign

    Feb 10, 2018
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    Will ships ever be solid while moving?
  15. db_1973

    db_1973 Ensign

    Dec 26, 2017
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    Couldn't find an appropriate thread but I kinda have a simple idea for making the current solar system to act more like a galaxy. So with new play fields being much larger, I think i saw 100x. Would this make it possible to have a solar systems in one play field. ie. maybe 4-7 planets/ asteroid clusters in a field? Make current sun a black hole that you can't place on and then make play field icon a star icon to represent it as a star system. If the solar system map was bigger this would be even better for this. I am not a coder but this seems like it could be done with just a few cosmetic changes providing the new larger play fields can handle at least 4 planets, and planets could be placed further apart too, so there was more of a space feel to the game. I came from SE, and I did like the fact that sometimes you had to travel for an extend period (15min or so) of time to get to an other planet. All in all guys, great job on this game, I really enjoy playing and can't wait for alpha 8.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    There may well already be many MP Servers out there pulling these kinda stunts. How they do it, I have no clue though.
  17. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    There's a Death Counter??

    Ah, Life & Death in the Empyrion Galaxy. Takes me back to to the beginning with plant monsters waiting outside the escape pod. Drilling a cave to hunker down for the night to avoid drones and spiders. Remember the suicide button? I used it a many times in the beginning. @zaphodikus is correct. It's a steep learning curve in the beginning. After two years and 3600 hours, I'm still learning, but I don't die nearly as often. At some point you'll decide where you want this game to take you. Some folks can't seem to die enough, while others find pleasure just exploring and building.

    As you will often hear (read), "This is Alpha!" The game is developing, changing, maturing. This is an opportunity for you to offer opinions, ideas, to give support and, if need be, criticism (they don't necessarily get it right the first time). You have begun a marvelous journey into the unknown (literally). You're still young, so enjoy the roller coaster ride. It will be worth it!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    my general review of the game:

    So the game as of 7.5.0 will be my review since im only in creative now:

    The game has been in ALPHA for a few years but thats pretty normal for a steam game and dosent bother me. The games state is a rollacoaster with each patch and large updates are full of bugs the experimental testers always miss, tho they do a pretty good job dont get me wrong. Each update brings more and more content, witch really shows this game is progressing, slowly if that. The graphics of the game are no issue to me in fact i could rather not care if they stay this way but its the unity engine final release you should try to upgrade graphics for the larger crowd. I heard in steam forums that people been complaining on the Devs making updates and changes to the popular few that pissed the rest of the community off, from what i investigated i have zero issues with there changes even the O2 changing into the constructor, i just have issues with how player servers are set up to be 90% pvp, witch pvp should be a end game thing only in my opinion, thats the only time i start pvping, leave all my mats in pve space and live in pve space, then take a CV in pvp space to fight but thats just me so.

    pve seems to be the highlight of the game at its current development pvp seems to be a laggy mess and unplayable,
    the game overall is my favorite game on steam and kicks space engineers ass in content and survival modes, the only challenge i ever saw for empyrion was Duel Universe but after talking about it to my game developer friend that works with Blizzard he says its another no man sky scam witch frankly i was looking forward to duel universe too but not anymore.

    so my ratings for empyrion

    graphics: 5/10
    gameplay: 8/10
    game development progression: 6/10
    content: 7/10
    pve: 7/10
    pvp: 1/10
    Track Driver and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  19. spacefarmer

    spacefarmer Captain

    Feb 28, 2018
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    Two things I'm wondering about:

    1.) Will the global wall ever be developed out? As in, will we ever have totally spherical planets, or is the wall a permanent feature in the game?

    2.) Will we ever actually have different solar systems, which make up an entire Galaxy, rather than just one solar system with a whole bunch of planets?
    Track Driver and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  20. wildboy

    wildboy Commander

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Yes they are still planning that, have to say it is not a easy task..check some youtube how minecraft did it.

    this was the youtube about round voxel planets
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2018

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