What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Slickzter001

    Slickzter001 Ensign

    Aug 23, 2017
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    yea, i turn those sideway doors around so their opening into block, thou it wouldnt be a flush door., The side doors open the fastest i perfer the airtight ones or the glass un airtight ones. You can place them normal on a flat wall, then add those super thin ramp angleblocks to the door, thus making the door even more flush to the curved wall an covering the door wings as well.
    monktk and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  2. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    What's a "gravity cannon on the bottom for fun"?
    dpburke2 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  3. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Just taking the new ship out for a spin.

  4. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Last night and this evening started one new project and did some work on existing projects.

    With only about 0.5 g on Ningues, I was able to use boost to get the Naiad on top of one lower sections of the Star Cruiser and then make my way along the various surfaces until I reached the pad on top.


    I don't actually have a smaller CV capable of carrying the Thunder Naiad. The Star Cruiser was the only one with a lower level bay big enough with included ramp. While I was flying it around, I decided to take a little of what I had learned from @Kieve and applied it to the bridge of the Star Cruiser. The refit is still far from complete so none of the changes are uploaded to the workshop, but now it doesn't have to be parked flat or tipped forward for me to climb the stairs up to the pilot seat (not visible from where I was standing for this pic).


    When I spawn in my Nymph Rest in survival, one of the first things I do is dig out under the pad and customize. So I decided to build a nice variant in creative that I could spawn in with most of my preferred custom work already included. And being in creative, I find it a bit easier to plan things out and fix the flaws that bother me.

    Solar panels are only a new extra for when I customize the base, and certainly not connected like these are under the ground. I did a little work in space before bringing this down to surface for a better look and a few snapshots.


    Being in creative I wasn't quite motivated yet to find the perfect hill, so I was okay with the slope I found for now. Survival would have been a different story. In survival I would want the slope for the hangar door under the pad to be clear, yet sufficient clearance for the turrets relative to the hill to have a good shot on most approaches for drone attacks.

    The hangar. Normally I just work around the central pillar, but here I stripped it out and put two smaller supports offset a bit to each side. Difference of playing in creative versus survival. I am less stressed about SI during the alterations.


    The blank half of that back wall marks where the expansion for fuel tanks and O2 is located. Balcony is there to break up that blank wall visually. The upper windows are where the storage room begins. The lower windows are where the grow lights are for adding a garden.

    The last time I spawned the Nymph Rest, I marked off a spot to add a furnace for refining ores.


    Lots of storage. The Dragonfly Industries collection might not have a storage theme to it, but when I am playing survival I have found that I need lots of storage eventually.


    And it seems I am always upgrading the Nymph Rest to 4 constructors as soon as I can manage it.


    All these extras more than double the build time, but if I am not adding all this by hand in survival, it might be worth it. I debated adding some of the fancier stuff as well, but I decided I would keep with the original restriction to iron, copper, silicon and stone dust. This will be a lot of work yet, but I think the basics might be just the way I want it.

    Now the Limpkin is one of my bigger CV. Originally I wasn't liking the way the "nacelles" joined to the main hull. It just looked too Star Trek. With four fins sticking out, it wasn't looking good together either. But the little voice in my head said that the fins were the correct choice, they were supposed to be there. The nacelles seemed to belong. My problem is that they weren't coming together properly at all. So I left this blueprint floating in space untouched for weeks while I worked on assorted other blueprints. Then sometime last week I hit upon the idea of actually having the struts for the nacelles coming off the four fins instead of the main hull. The first strut didn't look right to me. Just awful. The next idea I dabbled with didn't look any better. But I had actually left both of these tests on the same hull. So as I backed up from the vessel trying to figure out how I could do a strut, it dawned on me that individually I did not really like either strut but together I loved how they looked. The only problem is that they were in the wrong places. So this evening I carefully relocated the struts and finished them, stripping out the ones I thought made this freighter look too much Star Trek.


    Debating entering the current CV challenge. I really could use a smaller CV to transport the Thunder Naiad, and I was already thinking of making it a starter CV too.... but I also have so many other projects I have started but never finished yet.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
  5. monktk

    monktk Captain

    May 20, 2017
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    I absolutely love that your hangars are at the front!

    As for me, I've done some texture work on my UFO CV. It still needs a touch-up pass and its turrets reinstalled (just plain forgot before I went to bed), but it's mostly there.


    There's an airtight door behind the ramp door. I wanted a secondary entrance and viable, if small (it's 5x4), docking space on the top since it's faster to land on than working an SV into the obscured hangar underneath, and gives very fast access to the pilot seat. Besides, this way a small HV can be carried in the hangar if desired, too. I'm thinking I might make a little green one to complete this series. The ramp door follows a signal from the interior door, which makes exiting the CV through this entrance a lot faster. Entry is still fastest by manually opening the ramp, but it will also open if you walk up it a bit ;) And it'll close behind the player when the interior door closes automatically.

    A few interior pics:
    It's not wise to walk around Engineering, even some of the corners of the fenced-in area aren't great in this regard. It's kind of cramped in Engineering generally and felt like a game of tetris squeezing everything in while trying not to make it look like it was all just squeezed in wherever.

    There is some very minor radiation leakage from the fuel tanks through the windows at Engineering, next to the stairs between the two decks (and behind the captain's closet, I've also got a fuel tank tucked behind there), but any suit should provide enough protection to cover that, and the player is probably not spending long standing staring at the pretty fuel tanks anyway ;)


    Pretty sure I cribbed the docked ship status display next to the repair bay from some of Jenniphurr's excellent work. It's a very nice kind of detail and I liked the symmetry it provided with the elevator label on the other side.

    The hangar is very much designed with the Invader in mind. This hangar would be rather tiny to some of you, but tbh the Invader's by far the largest SV I've ever personally used ;)

    With the exception of the unpictured captain/crew quarters, which are frankly more decorative than anything, showers/extra storage aside (and I'm seriously considering tossing a shower into medbay anyway), it was important to me to have multiple routes to everything for fast movement through the ship :)

    There are a few hidden (and not so hidden) fuel tanks throughout the ship. I had wanted to get to 30 hours of idle/parked full-power, but I think it's at 26 atm. It can fly for 37 minutes at Omicron under maximum thruster usage.

    I also just realized I can fairly easily modify this (the biggest task would be changing engineering to close off the fuel tank radiation - not what I wanted for the floorplan but very doable) to make it compliant with Robot Shark's current challenge! Since he's indicated that existing ships are okay, I'll probably do that once I finish this version ^.^
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
  6. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    lol @Robot Shark , looks like you implemented a meteorite into your ship xD
    @monktk , I love it! Specialy the little pinky one, so cute lil sv, just like its dad/mom cv :p
    @Jenniphurr cant help it but your (and only this last specific one) screenshot reminds me 100% to Payday 2 xD
    Wish I had (re-)figured the copy-paste a bit earlier than only for the last 2 'lamellen-segmente' ('hard hull rows/lines segments ???'), it is soooooooooooooo helpfull!

    Ok ok ok I admit, since I've never built so hughe, I'm going to need (well i guess 'want' is still better term) some input to feel comfortable again ;)
    General speaking, my ship is done -> everything i had drawn is applied -> even those extras i didnt pre-draw.

    However, there is still a bit on the todo list.
    * Crew quarters
    * Captain quarters
    * Either cinema (passenger seats) or swimmingpool
    * Room for (more) RCS
    * Medic room, just for RP -> medic stuff is in hangar

    However, my biggest issue are the colors, outside...

    Name : Hull, Contrast, Lights....

    Combo A: White, Orange, Grey
    Combo B: Black, White, Orange, Red

    Either way, i miss neo-green :D
    The current color is only for the working process, and the nose is in the process of beeing re-done.

    Note: The pipe's will be colored, im just no that 'far' yet.

    Either one of the 'what now..'
    What now is yellow (outside) shall become either black or white.
    What now is white (outside) shall become either orange or red (but the 'rows' providing the 'lcd' will be white on black)


    This ship has elements that were inspired by:
    * Xen'uan Carrier
    * TDN Glacier Star
    * TDM Heavy Metal
    * Warchain
    * SEV-Celestial
    * 021-Typhon

    Any additional similiarities are plain chance.

    Soo back to my questions:
    1) which color packet do you see/feel would apply more? -> A or B? ;)
    2) Any additional comments you think might be of help to reduce hazzle?

    @Tyrax Lightning Yay, found your 3d tyrax deathmaw now, yeah the 3d should have ringed a bell, but i was too tired :p It has a denser use of space-weapons, but at the end of the day, you can park inside :p
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
  7. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Eeeeee! Invader Barbie RV! Does it have a pool!? ;)
    dpburke2, monktk and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  8. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Awesome looking ship!
    You might want to rethink your background for a screenshot, though. At first glance, I thought the asteroid off the starboard bow was part of the ship (which still looked awesome!). The ship is great, but a different background would have enhanced its greatness. Just an opinion with no offence intended from an old guy with crappy vision. :)
    Tyrax Lightning and Robot Shark like this.
  9. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Hm have some problems with size and perceptions...
    and I'm normally someone who build smaller than expected...

    The new ship should be somewhere between the Challenger LX (left one) and the Iron Duke Scout (3. one).
    Result: It's even longer than the BaseStar One...
    Seems this One I can't get into the Challenge; nevertheless I like the Shape :)
  10. Cleff

    Cleff Captain

    Mar 23, 2017
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    I've been tinkering with a build I have been passionate about for a little while now, but I ran into a quite annoying problem. It is a size 6-7 BA (fluctuates as I keep modifying it but I think it'll end up size 7) that I assume will not be spawnable in any normal save game file, sadly. But, the real kicker is Structural Integrity. No matter what I do the back end of the BA shows vibrant red as if it isn't being supported. I have tried godmoding under the ground to add more blocks as support, which works sometimes but is not viable as replacing the blueprint causes it all to go red again, and also making the entire structure a lot short in both length and height, but this also has no obvious affect on SI.

    Is this due to the SI bugs plaguing us? I would really love to know if any of you have had this annoyance. I thought those were ironed out but I guess I haven't built anything large in a while to find out. I want to know if this is a SI issue with the current implementation, a size class issue since the BA is a red colored 7, or it is something on my end with build quality (I doubt this one [me being conceited]). Anyway, once I fiddle with the project a little more to pretty it up I plan on releasing it to the forums in case anyone has an interest in using it.
    dpburke2 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  11. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    'Best workaround' SI I'm aware of is this:

    1. Before sending the blueprint to factory, double click the entry and toggle the 'flatten spawn area' kind of thing.
    2. fill the mats
    3. place the bp
    4. fill the space with building blocks/columns
    5. fill earth around the 'created' space


    EDIT PS:
    However, this only works with your own bp's!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    I found adding well spaced 'pilings' to the bottom of a BA structure BP seems to help me... haven't tested it enough to be willing to say that is solidly the case though.
    Tyrax Lightning and binhthuy71 like this.
  13. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    The one second from the right Left looks a bit like a Cardasisan Galor parked backwards.

    Good lines on all of it though. Quality as always.
  14. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Yeah and not, it helps, but not enough.

    I had made a Duckingstation for the Duckverine, but 25-50% were red ALWAYS.
    And that while i had built the Duckingstation (private) on the exact terrain I was going to place it.
    Regardless whether i tried to use the columns i had added, or nudge it down the be covred in earth, 25-50% were red :(

    Though, the base was something like 100x200 blocks and the towers something like/between 50-75 blocks high.
  15. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Know how that feels all too well... I too am sometimes staying up later then is good for me. Gears in the head can get real slow at 2 - 3 am. :)

    The Deathmaw's top jobs is Loading & Unloading SVs & HVs to & from Planetside, & Active Piloting Space Combat. In-Planet Combat or self defense was not a priority... wanted to pull it off, but then said 'screw it, can just blow up Ground Threats with Ground Vehicles & I can also just never park far from what I wanna Mine or Attack.'. ;)
    dpburke2 and monktk like this.
  16. JDaremo Fireheart

    JDaremo Fireheart Captain

    Oct 10, 2016
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    Dang, Rucky. Some great looking ships, and the Iron Duke looks like one I would actually use. Iron Hawk is also one I might use, but with all the turrets I'd be spending half my time crafting Ammo. LOL

    I've done that a couple times. You have to watch what ones you do that for. The gap under them can cause issues as soon as you start filling the space. Had more than one crumble on me . . . ouch
  17. monktk

    monktk Captain

    May 20, 2017
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    I decided to just go ahead and make my ship fully compatible with Robot Shark's challenge outright rather than doing 2 versions :) Lost a small amount of thrust in the name of avoiding hotspots that were a little too close to the ground for comfort, but that's okay.

    Biggest change was to engineering, I actually am a lot happier with how this turned out than the old layout.


    And now to do all the Workshop...work.
    Jenniphurr, Theurgist, rucky and 5 others like this.
  18. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Ya make that sound like a bad thing. Pew Pew is one of the most worthwhile uses of Resources in the game! :p

    Arceus knows, i'll always consider Ammoing up my stuff, especially my Deathmaw & my Hover War Tanks, a Labor of Love! :p
  19. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Today I got comfortable enough with the functions and where everything is at to post my logistics base. Strictly a pvp PvE world thing for storing stuff and making food. I liked the shape even if it wasn't what I was trying for.
    The UCMC Logistics Base.
    Try it out lemmie know what you think.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
  20. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    I drafted up a few possibilities for the one large T1 CV challenge.


    A couple of my drafts actually had something to do with rules questions I had. But when I started building a CV, I found myself wanting to build one that didn't have a qualifying hangar and I am not even sure I could get it to fit in the rules. I suppose if it doesn't work then I build one of the others. I did put together several doodles of different possibilities.


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