
Discussion in 'Official Eleon Server' started by RexXxuS, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. paxxo1985

    paxxo1985 Commander

    Nov 10, 2017
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    Thank you.

    I see offline protection delay is set to 5 minutes. I think is too low. Before the new patch was set to 20 minutes and was already too low in my opinion. I have played around 1000 hours in the official server and people when was attacked in pvp playefield just combatlog and you cannot take down a huge base in 20 minutes. Now with 5 minutes delay will be impossible considering the time to just navigate trought the planet. Pvp will be impossible. Just switch the whole server to pve. Pvp with 5 minutes delay cannot exist. I suggest to take it to 30 minutes to avoid combatlogging.
  2. Skavn

    Skavn Lieutenant

    Jun 19, 2017
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    It goes in both directions. If someone had just logged off and you came to attack the base and let's say the delay was 1hr, he would have no way of knowing. And when he returns the whole base is gone. I prefer it this way... doesn't mean that I endorse combatlogging. I don't. But a long offline portection delay defeats the purpose of offline protection.
  3. Doomtrooper

    Doomtrooper Commander

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Why do you have to wait for the base to be undefended to attack it? If no other player is involved then you're just PvE'ing anyway.
  4. vxsote

    vxsote Commander

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Waiting for someone else to log off just so you can attack their base is indeed PvEing, and people doing that fuels the argument for having short OP delay times. But that is completely the opposite of what the post you are replying to was about.

    "Combat logging" is when you attack someone who is online, and that person logs off to save his base. The point of paxxo's post is that the delay needs to be long enough so that combat logging comes at a cost and is ineffective at saving things that are not strongly defended.
  5. Doomtrooper

    Doomtrooper Commander

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Ah I bad. I didn't know what combat logging was.
  6. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    There seems to be problem with POI regeneration of "Abandoned Mines" on planets of type Kelt/Eris (mixed desert, volcano)

    I already told Taelyn before patch 8.2 that "Abandoned Mines" do not regenerate on Eris. Taelyn told me: perhaps a bug, perhaps they forgot to enable "regeneration".

    After Taelyn fixed all the POIs that got broken by patch 8.2, the "Abandoned Mines" were "online" again. After being emptied, they're now not regenerating any more. To make sure, that no one else raided them in the meantime, I destroyed certain blocks and did put certain items into loot containers, so I could definitely see, if the POI got reset. While starting on Kelt (shortly after the POIs got fixed by Taelyn) I found that "Abandoned Mines" (I found 3) were online. After I had emptied them, now they don't regenerate any more like on Eris. Other POIs (like Armory) do regenerate however.

    I asked a bit in global, what other players found out. From my personal experience all "desert type planets" (Mato, Valeo, M32) have working "Abandoned Mines". Other players told me, that "Abandoned Mines" on Plys are also working (so I guess Meldo works too, because more or less a copy).

    So it looks like "Abandoned Mines" on planets types Kelt/Eris are somehow broken. Don't know, if this is a server related issue, or a scenario related issue.

    This is not an urgent issue. Please could someone (looks @Taelyn :) ) check, if there is something "weird" going on on Kelt/Eris.
  7. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Can u place a core?

    See it already the Abandoned Mine on Kelt/Eris have no regeneration option.
    So ye they wont regenerate.

    Ill come fix that at some point
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2018
  8. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Thanks a lot for checking this!
  9. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    POI disease?

    After doing a fresh restart I noticed that a lot of POIs have vanished. The are completeley gone. No traces left. (expect a large more or less flat area) On Mato, all Civ POIs around Adm Starter, "Research Center", Advanced Outpost, Abandoned Mine - also some smaller ones: Hongo aso.

    Whats happening here?

    B.t.w - POI regen also seems to be broken...

    People are complaining also here:´s.41647/
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2018
  10. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Fixed in Alpha 8.3 (partially). Fixed 100% in the next Full wipe (Alpha 9).
    Exacute likes this.
  11. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Thx for the info.

    What does that mean for the current season? Any manual fix to restore them or will the current state persist until A9? Is there an estimated ETA for A9 known?

    Btw afaik you created the scenario "Invaders/defenders". Currenty the start on various planets except Eleen/Trader is quite "cumbersome". Yes, medium or hard difficulty should be not so easy as Eleen. But if you are smart and do not make any errors, it should be possible to survive without dying. Without great luck this is currently mostly impossible, because you are lacking the means to get your O2 supply running. If you are interested, I would write you my ideas for a concept how the start on different planets could be improved.
  12. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    No date for Alpha 9 yet.
    Any manual, real fix, would mean we wipe the whole playfield. Neither the players nor we want that.
    Yes, I made the scenario and yes, it will change for Alpha 9 with a lot of feedback we got. It's quite hard to balance so many servers perfectly.

    Any feedback how to improve the scenario is appreciated and will be considered.
  13. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    What I'd like to see in A9 personally:

    - a starter planet thats cold (like Trader was in A6).
    - a PVE planet thats volcano (no starter) -maybe keep one cold: Plys and change Meldo back to volcano like in A6

    Currently we have 4 types of starter planets:

    Temperate, Savanna/Desert, Desert, Desert/Volcano.

    For temperate planets, you start at a base (with full set of starter equipment).
    Everywhere else you start from an escape pod, with a rock and bottle of water...

    Temperate planets got surface ore rocks.

    Savanna/Desert, Desert planets got NO surface ore rocks (afaik). Never found one on Mato,
    please add a few - at least twice as much as currently on Kelt.

    Desert/Volcano planets got surface ore rocks, but so few you will die 5 times from lack of oxygen,
    before you find one (please increase the frequency at least by 3).

    Another thing to consider are the threats on each planet:
    Temperate got very few, and only mild intensity (wild life, radiation)
    Savanna/Desert - main threat is no Oxygen, medium wild life/alien, medium radiation/heat
    Desert/Volcano - main threat is no Oxygen, harder wild life/alien, hard radiation, acid rain

    My proposal would be that for each planet the starting equipment should point you to
    a different survival strategy that allows you to get a base running without dying,
    if don't make any mistakes.

    Survival strategies:

    Temperate - no change

    Savanna/Desert - scout for a settlement/oasis (a civ POI)

    To support this, you get a couple of water bottles (20?),
    that you can convert to O2 with your survival suit. You should be able to move faster than on other planets
    (maybe a light armor with movement booster, maybe even a bike). As civ POIs are important for this survival
    type it should be taken measures, that other players cannot permanently destroy civ POIs. Civ POIs should
    have an accessible O2 station, so once you reach one, that problem is solved. From that point you have a
    rather easy going to build up your base.

    Desert/Volcana - build a shelter quickly

    Because it can happen, that you land in a biome with very bad weather (acid rain, rad fog) you should be
    able to hide immediatly. Does the tent help to protect here? In general I would suggest, that your starter
    equipment contains also a couple of water bottles (50?), a base starter and a couple of building blocks,
    a door and some food. So you can build a small shelter in a few minutes to protect you from the bad environment.
    Then you can start to explore from here. Because it may take a while until you get enough ore to build a survial
    constructor and emergency generator AND find promethium to have fuel for the emergency this can take a while
    (alternative: find a trader to buy the stuff). I would say you should have an initial oxygen supply for
    about 2-3h play time.

    Another thing: Kelt has no fiber plant and no wood. This does not allow you to build farm plots (and ammunition) and get your
    own food production running UNLESS you destroy a civ pod and take out the plots there. The traders also do not
    offer fiber sprouts and afaik hardly any civ POI has this plant growing (maybe transport hub). So fiber plants
    should be more easily available (maybe simple change the farm having some spots where it grows) and add
    the sprout to a trader.

    Some other bugs / issues to mention:

    - Pentaxid roid in Eleen orbit. Surely this is a mistake.
    - Why do only the starter systems and Pandora have a moon? I expect, the moon on starter systems should be the source for the initial Pentaxid to leave the system.
    - it would be nice to have at least two other systems having a moon, with some more exotic resources (of course Pentaxid - maybe only meteorites on moons, maybe Magnesium, Zascosium). Moons are small enough that it is a feasible to search the surface.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2018
    RexXxuS likes this.
  14. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Could you please fix the abandoned mine on Mato south of Adm Trader - its not regenerating for at least 4 days. Maybe you could also enable regen for those on Eris/Kelt in the near future. So at least the existing ones, are also working ones.

    Thank you.
  15. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    I'd like to see a PVE planent that has heavy gravity. - I want a place to test things under high gravity...
  16. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    About 3 weeks and still the same situation. Could you please fix this soon.

    Another thing about the scenario itself: it seems Trader residence has no Trading station (access to market). Is this irony? I hardly can imagine this is intentional.
  17. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    When i have time ye….
    There are more places u can go to
  18. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    I'm not requesting this for me. I'm playing since end of June and have the means to raid any POI easily. But new players cannot. They are happy, if they can find a POI that has no defence (and has some loot).

    Last week I helped a player, who started on Mato after having a lot of fun in single player, which had the ususal problems: could not find any ore rocks, had no O2, no equipment. I gave him some hints, e.g. find a POI, got to Adm. Trading station aso. He did as he was told and was frustrated, because in Adm. Trading there is nothing to loot, no constructor, no O2. Then I remembered, that many of the POIs around the Adm. Station had vanished. Then I put some items into market on Mato for a few bucks, so he could at least get on his feet.

    I also told him: "go to the forums and report your problems". Then another player joined our conversion. He said: "complaining in the forums is pointless. Steam forums are full of complaints, but Eleon simply DOES NOT CARE! I tried 3 servers, everywhere the sitatuation with POIs is a desaster. I had hoped the the official Eleon servers at least are doing better. But its not better here.".

    Perhaps you think: this pompous guy again, who is always complaining. Check how many bugs I reported in the last time: I created videos, screenshots, built test situation to make it easy for your devs to reproduce the bugs. WHY? Because I like this game and want it to BE AS GOOD AS POSSIBLE!

    Maybe you are under such stress, that you could not find the time to fix this. Then maybe you should think about other ways how to prevent situations like I wrote above. Maybe disable some planets as starter planets and leave only Eleen and Trader. Maybe let "cb:survival" give players a starter package, or maybe disable new players in general.

    Final suggestion: get a person that is slightly familiar with Empyrion in single player. Let him start on Mato/M32 or even Kelt without any help and let him play one evening. Then ask him, if it was fun. Learn accordingly.

    Best regards,

  19. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest


    Ive fixed whole server. Took me 4 days to do both. Ive put my own server aside for that. I still havent done my own server.
    SO i decided to just wipe my server with 8.5 release. U can imagine i made allot of players angry with that...
    I have more to do then just run to the official server every 5 min.

    2 POIs that dont reset to bad. There more out there then just those 2. Even for new players.

    Steam forums? Bad place to point people to. Reason Eleon doesnt read it there? Because of the **** storm of
    bullshit that is going around there. Eleon does care but u cant keep every single player happy.
    There will Always be someone angry.. Iam a mod on the steam forum. Is a needle in a haystack.

    Disaster with pois on other servers? Why should that be ELeons problem? Thats the problem of the server owner
    Not Eleon. Very easy to Always point fingers. Lets just blame the devs because they dont speak anyway.

    What happens on other server is NEVER the devs fault. The server owner is responsible for that. Either reset them
    in a propper way, wipe the planet or w.e u feel needed. If a server owner doenst know how to. Well then he shouldnt
    be a server owner in the first place. With that there plenty of posts around where is explained a how to.

    if u read the disclamer of verfied servers it even says Eleon isnt responsible for whats going on a server.
  20. Treah Blade

    Treah Blade Ensign

    Sep 25, 2018
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    I really think you should disable Kelt as a starter planet. There is virtually no surface ore rocks to build the survival constructor and without it you cannot process normal rocks into ore. I started there along with another user and for 4 hours we searched the planet looking for deposits and the trader station. Had to die several times due to running out of air and using the cb:survival command is almost an insult as it gives you armor and a drill you cant use until you make it to the trader. Walking around on Kelt without even a bike just sucks trying to find a deposit to build literally the first constructor in the game.. At least have some mercy and put a constructor at the Trader station that can be used by players to convert rocks into ore so they can build the survival one.
    Narpason likes this.

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