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Discussion in 'Official Eleon Server' started by RexXxuS, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. Ken-Lurky

    Ken-Lurky Lieutenant

    May 9, 2018
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    I know you all do this much next to real life job :) I did just give a hint to add some fan players to maybe join as a admin on a server. It would help. Anyway the Public server did runn a little. but Now when game did update to 8,0,1 the server did not. So we are stuck one more time. But its offline now tho , so something is happening. you all are doing a good job anyway! keep it up.
  2. Ken-Lurky

    Ken-Lurky Lieutenant

    May 9, 2018
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    Info update on Public server

    - POI do not respawn
    - Astroides in space do not respawn
    - Pentak , is out of deposit. info say iron will dropp, well it do. But only 1 iron at the time. and detectors do not find them. maybe add 1 or 2 more. ?
    - No need to get rear ors in pvp any more like before? = no good pvp war then.
    - escape pod's , remove time? is it any? its a huge amount of them around.
    - playfield ( Astroid field ) do not have any Astroid to mine. ?

    (the info may have issiues in it or wrong from my side. But this is things thats on going in the chat in the players on this server. )

    Thanks , Keep up the good work!

    Add more info!!

    There is NO Cobber meteroits on any planet!! So in basic! we are out of cobber total on the whole server! Some admin must take action and re edit some minerals here! if not player will stop use this server.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2018
  3. Ken-Lurky

    Ken-Lurky Lieutenant

    May 9, 2018
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    Hummel-o-War - told me to post here ant not in pm or hes profile. But is anyone working on it. ?
    its 25 players here who's not so happy.
  4. Ken

    Ken Ensign

    Apr 8, 2017
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    playing on the NA official server, name OysterRock, I logged on and my registry was empty and the ship I was in that was previously mine and set to private is now 'other faction'. The map areas I had previously explored were greyed out as if I had been to orbit (versus blacked out on starter planet). This is on Alien Planet.

    Everything in my registry is gone, its blank. I lost all my factory ready to spawn blueprints at some point as well when I was logging in and out and verifying steam files to see if it would clear up the problem.

    This was Monday at around 7pm PST. I can get the logs if needed. The ship I am in is CV-HCCV-AT01 Midway, I think thats the correct syntax. I can log in and use debug info to get the ship # id if needed, but my character is quickly running out of oxygen stuck in a ship that cant be escaped (PVE) so I am trying not to log in till I can get some help with this.
  5. Ken

    Ken Ensign

    Apr 8, 2017
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    Hey again, specific info I was able to get using 'di' in console

    player ID=985574 Pos=6824.2/159.3/2297.4

    my nearby base that I can see the name is red, so somehow everything in my registry is now some other un allied faction? please help
  6. Ken

    Ken Ensign

    Apr 8, 2017
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    No help at all? what info do I need to provide? I can't move anywhere in game to take screen shots or anything, I am stuck in my old ship the faction was changed somehow, I didn't change it.
  7. Ken-Lurky

    Ken-Lurky Lieutenant

    May 9, 2018
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    Hey , Sorry to say but they are very slow to help at all this days. They do not have that much time to runn the server I have a feeling.
    Its lots of problems on the Eleon public server as well. More then 20 players here are stuck in a world where things do not respawn ect ect.

    I'm here and thinking, wait on them to fix it, or pay and start a better server, where there is people to maintain it.
  8. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hello Ken(s),

    Thanks for the feedback.
    The fact is following:

    I am the "new" Admin of the Eleon public server which means I administrate now 6 Empyrion servers.
    I have to do some priorities obviously and check first what is the current state of the public Eleon server.
    Today I saw that it is not properly updated, which is reflected by your feedback.

    I don't know if a full wipe would be justified to fix everything but for now I can only help here and there.
  9. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Did you do a cb:reset?
    Some of the hotfix patches cleared all ready to spawn blueprints. Nothing we can do about that.

    Regarding your private structures I see them in the Structure List


    However it makes no sense if they are not accessible anymore, if you didn't do a cb:reset.
    I could set them to your MBT faction if you want.
  10. Runningwithhamster

    Runningwithhamster Captain

    Oct 5, 2016
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    I've tried to start to play on an EU official server today, and was unable to find any ore rocks on a "M32" planet, aren't those required for new players to start? (Yes, I can mine regular rocks for crushed stone and then extract ore from them, but that process is absurdly time consuming)
  11. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    We know. And we fixed it. But it requiers a wipe i think before they will be placed.
    And i dont think were doing that atm
  12. Runningwithhamster

    Runningwithhamster Captain

    Oct 5, 2016
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    Well... adding a few items into starter equipment may help improve the situation. Consider adding: motorbike, chainsaw, handheld detector and maybe few oxygen bottles.
  13. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Also requiers a wipe :) to be effective
  14. Runningwithhamster

    Runningwithhamster Captain

    Oct 5, 2016
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    Is there any chance of this happening soon?
  15. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Dont think so. Ill talk with Rex about options
  16. Ken-Lurky

    Ken-Lurky Lieutenant

    May 9, 2018
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    Hey there !

    Yes I understand you have to much work to do. =) Is there no other fan's out there or skilled person to take the admin job. 1 server with 1 admin. And In my eyes i play on the official eleon server and I can only find 3 of them on my server list. So the other 3 your admin on do not consurne me or the game providers privet servers. But do your best , and In the mean time we wont plat as the server anway do not work or will be wiped in a short time as it need to be fixed.

  17. Ken

    Ken Ensign

    Apr 8, 2017
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    I haven't logged in in a while, i'll try again to see if my registry is empty/ship accessible then report back.
  18. Israel

    Israel Commander

    May 8, 2017
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    The new Repair bay doesn't work right; Lets say i have a 5 hour plus repair time to repair my pvp cv it won't repair if i'm out of the area or log off. And i really don't want to spend 5 plus hours staring at my ship. Also if you go out of area or log off and come back the timer resets. So if you stayed for two hours starring at it like a bozo and have to log off or go out of area when you come back you'v got to start from zero again. pffs wowowowow :d
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2018
  19. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Report it as bug the the bug thread
  20. Ferg0naut

    Ferg0naut Ensign

    Jul 5, 2018
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    383120_screenshots_20180706081638_1.jpg Hi guys,
    I need to request support to solve a cluster fart Ive found myself in.
    Player name: ferg0naut
    Server: Eleon US
    Problem: I was previously the owner of 'cro' faction in defenders. I cb:reset my char earlier today to help a new player learn to play. I did not leave my original faction before reset and now the other members have no power to accept applications or manage the faction.

    My ghosted char is still listed as owner. Can admin promote raptor draconis to owner?

    Also, after this fumble I started experiencing constant server connection losses.

    Every now and then i will get an EAC not running error. Loading in takes 5 to 10 mins if successful as connextion drops keep occuring then as well.

    I have reinstalled the game from a fresh start, deleting all user profile data but no change.

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