What is the LEAST FUN single-task action in the game right now?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    @LeVentNoir @Xzanron :
    What I do (now with the large planets), is entering the planet where it seems i'd be close to my target.
    Now if that isnt the case, i turn towards the waypoint of my Destination, head back to Orbit and 'follow' the planet for a 'bit' towards that direction, then enter planet again.

    Furthermore, on planets with less than 0.7 G you can almost fly indefintable by turning AutoBreaks off (i-key).
    Thivik likes this.
  2. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    The main problem with the repair mechanic is that interrupting it cancels the entire repair, where progress should be saved at intervals. I definitely like the ideas of faster repairs consuming nonlinearly more power (not sure if the amount of materials required should go up or not), and multiple repair devices speeding up the work.

    As far as mining is concerned, I very much like your idea of "easy to start, hard to finish" ore veins. As one goes deeper, one should have access to more ore, but it should require more effort (equipment, energy, time) to extract it.
  3. Aulus

    Aulus Ensign

    Aug 6, 2017
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    There are so many things I could list here but I would have to say one of the most monotonous tasks i've ran into recently is transferring items from the ship to the base. This may seem like a small thing but you can only hold so much at once and after a long drill run there can be many trips required to get everything in for processing.
    Automation features for monotonous tasks such as this would make a big difference to how fun the game is.
    For this example i'd suggest something that, when docking also links ship and base cargos together and transfer items through this connection if enabled/activated. Something like the connectors in space engineers, although I admit without something like there conveyor system, to allow easy transfer of items between cargos, as well i'm not sure how well this idea would work.
    Thivik, old_guy and geostar1024 like this.
  4. Arrclyde

    Arrclyde Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2015
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    Sure it is even realistic: They repair those ships with the bay using rays. so it is some kind of ray emitted beaming repair molecule by molecule method. Speeding thinks up introduces a lot of heat witch also vaporizes some of existing molecules. So to make up for the the processor calculates the missing molecules beaming more in place, using more materials in the process of auto error correction..... ;-) see pretty good explanation.
    But i am on your side and go a little further. The repair should not only safe in steps, there needs to be a background calculator that stops time and repairprocess when player leaving the playfield and calculates how much of the process has been done after the play reenters the playfield. Than it doesn't matter if there is somebody in the playfield or not.

    Glad you like it. :-D Would you believe me when i tell you that this one was a more or less "spontaneous" idea while writing? It felt natural so i kept working it out as a sketch or pitch.

    i actually had another idea for autominers: As a base device they can be placed only on a very static spot with a lot of work, materials and energy (to produce and run that thing). How about expanding those ideas about harder to break rocks the deeper you go onto them to while giving Bedrock a real meaning: Bedrock could be a more or less molten / half solid metal ball inside the planets core. And autominers could work like you have to "mine" bedrock to get all kind of ores in small quantities but unlimited supply. To limit such operations, first of the autominer is a base part and needs a base to operate. Second the autominer base part needs to break all the rocks til it hits bedrock to actually get ores out of that.

    That way you prevent spam, don't have miners on top of small deposits, and it still takes time and effort before they actually get ore from the ground automatically. Plus gives drones and PVs (and on PvP worlds in MP other players) a much bigger target that is a9 worth attacking for the resources and b) needs to be protected / taken down.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2018
    Thivik and geostar1024 like this.
  5. Xzanron

    Xzanron Lieutenant

    Apr 25, 2018
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    That's the technique I use. But it's much nicer to actually have something to aim for. One of my main considerations for base has actually become how easily I can spot it from space, i.e. shape of lakes etc.
    Ballard likes this.
  6. Ballard

    Ballard Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Yes, my most recent base is on a small island in the middle of a big lake. It's easy to see from space.
  7. IronCartographer

    IronCartographer Captain

    Sep 27, 2017
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    This was already added in 8.0... ;)
    dichebach likes this.
  8. Arrclyde

    Arrclyde Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2015
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    I knew there was different materials in the voxel layers now. Didn't know they had significantly different densities. I must have missed that info in all those patch notes. :-D
    dichebach likes this.
  9. Starhawkprime

    Starhawkprime Ensign

    Sep 14, 2015
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    Cargo transfer of large amounts of ore is mind numbingly boring right now. I fill up my ship with tons of ore then fly back to base and begin loading into my inventory then into base inventory rinse and repeat over and over and over again. This occurs also with emptying water gens into constructors for making the tons of fusion cells for my big ships. Some kind of Gui transfer system which allows cargo to be sorted and moved through your base and vehicles would be absolutely awesome! Land your ship/hover and engage transfer and the cargo would go to where you want it.
  10. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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  11. Jeb

    Jeb Ensign

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Saving in singleplayer. This isn't a multiplayer-only game. Managing the save system in singleplayer gets in the way of gameplay. Not everyone wants to be in iron-man mode. Discard the persistent data saving from multiplayer. Just keep everything in memory, and when the user quicksaves, then dump it to file.

    My suggestions:

    1) Please give us a quicksave function: i.e. a save file called "quicksave" created from a user-definable hotkey, which always overwrites the same slot. This, naturally, should also include a quickload function, which loads the quicksave slot with no-dialogs, also enacted from a user-definable hotkey.​

    2)In singleplayer, maybe the save button on the 'Esc' menu could take us to a load/save menu, with the ability to load, save, edit, rename saves, etc. Like the resume game menu, but in-game.​

    3) Possibly give us an autosave fuction: maybe a single "autosave" slot, maybe 3-5 rotating slots ("Autosave-01", etc), maybe just using the current backup feature on a timer. These could be configured for frequency (e.g. every 5-30 minutes by a slider in options). Should definitely have the option to disable it - not everyone likes autosaves.​

    Personally, I think #1 is an absolute necessity; #2 would be nice but isn't so important; #3 I don't really care about, but autosaves go hand-in-hand with quicksaves and they can be a useful addition.
  12. Aulus

    Aulus Ensign

    Aug 6, 2017
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    Exactly this is the same problem I mentioned in my post. The conveyor / connector system I mentioned that exist in space engineers actually does all this. Making something very similar to that in this game would be awesome.
    old_guy and Clayton McClain like this.
  13. Clayton McClain

    Clayton McClain Ensign

    Jul 1, 2018
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    Oh, man! I Love automation. Huge Fortresscraft freak here. Love the conveyor system idea.
    Any new machines would be fine with me as well. :)
    There's a game, Total Miner, that won't put in trains because they're not really needed (teleportation). Hell, I'd like to have them in there just to build and play with them, needed or not. Love Fortresscraft's different and various ways of moving cargo around.

    Again, Great idea about the conveyors.
    old_guy likes this.
  14. Xzanron

    Xzanron Lieutenant

    Apr 25, 2018
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    The conveyor system in Planet Nomads is much simpler, basically it's fully automated so all you have to do is connect consumers and storage and it will do the rest for you. There's even a nice "outlet" feature where if you are in range of the outlet and you are building something it will also pull requirements from storage, so you don't need to have everything in your inventory or keep running back to your storage.

    It's a really nice simple system, but I do wonder if it's a bit too simple. The space engineers one just annoyed me when I last tried it, it was too complex, maybe Emp can find a happy medium.
    TDplay likes this.
  15. TDplay

    TDplay Ensign

    Jul 1, 2018
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    I think EGS will have a more "internalised" system if one is implemented, where you open the control panel and do stuff in a Logistics tab. On BAs, there would be only internal logistic options, such as where supplies are dropped off to, where a machine draws from, where its products go, logistics between nearby BAs, etc. HVs, SVs and CVs would also have an option to ferry resources.

    But that's just my thoughts.
    IronCartographer likes this.
  16. TDplay

    TDplay Ensign

    Jul 1, 2018
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    I find the least fun thing in the game is having to quit the world entirely to pause the game. I think pressing [Esc] (opening the menu thing) should pause the game.
  17. Clayton McClain

    Clayton McClain Ensign

    Jul 1, 2018
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    Just it the Pause button, man. It pauses the game. :)
    dichebach likes this.
  18. TastyChickenLegs

    TastyChickenLegs Commander

    Mar 17, 2018
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    IDK, half the fun of using conveyors is the challenge of designing and actually building them. Planet Nomads is very simple, SE is about right but they can get super confusing very quick. I however do like the sorters in SE and mods have extended the look quite well.
  19. TDplay

    TDplay Ensign

    Jul 1, 2018
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    What pause button? Is it a keybind, because I don't see a clickable button.

    Empyrion does use a more 'internalised' system with ammo and HV harvesters. I feel that a similar thing would be done with logistics.
    TastyChickenLegs likes this.
  20. LeVentNoir

    LeVentNoir Captain

    Jan 26, 2017
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    There is a pause button above page up on keyboards. It pauses things.

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