What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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  2. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    I never did post a pic of the results i got from EPD setting planet Manhar to have 80% water 20% land.
    It threw out a gorgeous water planet size 5 filled with POI goodness.
    Stunning miles of ocean to get lost in.
    Loads of beautiful little islands to explore, and even some large continent chunks remain further round.
    This is my dream Empyrion planet.
    My boats and this planet = peas in a pod.
    It would take a looong time to circumnavigate in that cruise liner.
    I test my boats usually on this planet spawning it from a dock then visiting islands in it, making sure its features are usable.

    Even with 80% water there are a million places for players to build and explore which leads me to believe that maybe size 5 planets should be mostly water else there is just far too much land.
    Players don't want the space to build they want the space for privacy and distance from other players builds.
    Opportunity for island claims with land claim devices in future me thinks.

    Previously Manhar was just a large river running half way around the globe.
    I have sailed here and there but not even scratched the surface of this world yet.

    I would rate this as a great home planet for players to reach and any server that had this planet in place would have me as a loyal follower for the rest of all time !
    I would never leave this planet.

    I generated it using default random scenario seed 2332555 i took the then size 5 manhar template and changed the water ratio.
    Unfortunately that seed no longer generates this planet after last hotfixes and instead produces a size 3 desert Manhar instead of a size 5 temperate so this is probably 1 of a kind now.

    Ultimate water home planet boating paradise retreat !

    Silwer, Na_Palm, Needleship and 10 others like this.
  3. falkenkopf

    falkenkopf Lieutenant

    Jun 25, 2018
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    I love this game, because you have so much freedom to build things in unconventional ways. You can even change the game genre by building and using entities in the way you want.
    Furious Hellfire likes this.
  4. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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  5. LeVentNoir

    LeVentNoir Captain

    Jan 26, 2017
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    I was flying my Strike Falcon, and exploring the planet I have set my main base up on. I've been flying wide and wider rings around my base and came across the drone base and two large comm centers.

    I proceeded to enjoy attempting to shoot off turrets while under sustained fire from two bases if I wasn't careful. On the other hand, I cleared the drone base, cored it, and am now going to come back with my CV so I can repair my ship inbetween the two other bases.

    That, and I found a perfect valley for a Thunderbird two style underground hanger base.
    Sephrajin and dpburke2 like this.
  6. falkenkopf

    falkenkopf Lieutenant

    Jun 25, 2018
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    I've played on a multiplayer server lately, where newbies have access to a public planetary base with all comfort. So i've build a operative hoovercraft for exploring, harvesting and storaging. It looks far better then my other attempts to create things so far.

    The Harvest Operator:


    derrentnertreff_2018-08-03_09-21-44.png derrentnertreff_2018-08-03_09-21-15.png
    I've played a little bit with round shapes and colored textures this time.

    It comes with much comfort, too. Harvester, Minigun Turret on the bottom for ground defense, a constructor, of course a fridge, ammo box, storage for spare parts and harvest products and another large container for your additional stuff (since it serves as a depot too, while not having an own base). There is a low energy mode, that only runs the fridge and the non switchable consumers. With the two build in feul tanks, it can be run for 48 hours.

    I'm not happy with the reling, but it keeps you from falling on the ground. The purpose is to harvest/manipulate things from the walkway surface or start your drone, without beeing exposed to dagerous creatures. The forward thruster isn't exactly in a good place, because of burning up the turret. And the spotlight is hidden behind the harvester, but will still enlight the way in front of you. So some things to improve at future designs.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2018
  7. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Updated a couple of my HV for Alpha 8.

    [EDIT: Corrected myself as the Faith did not get a detector. This was meant to be cheap. Honestly, I usually find the deposits with something else such as a SV first and then later return with my mining HV. But I think my other 3 mining HV are getting detectors--2 not in the workshop yet.]

    The Faith is my economy HV miner. Moved the thrusters so less likely to get a little cooked when exiting the cockpit. Improved its vertical climb while I was at it.

    A8 IT Creative_2018-08-02_20-35-33.jpg

    The Nymph gets a detector and closed cockpit now that hostile weather and locations are more common on a starting world.

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    I know I have a bad habit of bouncing around between projects. With a couple updates finished, can I add a new vessel to my WIP? Having learned that for proper SI on a larger base that you need to be "hovering" over the middle when placing from the "factory", well, I can either use a CV to hover over the target spot or a SV. Most of my SV are not suitable for this. I suppose a couple might work but you risk falling off the SV and onto the ground far below. I was thinking something enclosed with enough space to summon your personal drone. None of my current SV have enough space inside to spawn the drone, so I doodled something up and then started a blueprint based on the concept.

    This will be the Red Darner, a part of my Dragonfly Industries collection. Here I was hauling it to another world for some redline testing in creative. There are two armored glass windows there. It looks a little strange from the cockpit seats to see the extra panes of glass, but in anticipation that the outer window will be breached I wanted the second layer underneath.

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    There is five blocks open space from floor to ceiling in this spot. If I stand to one side with my back to this space, there is enough room to spawn the drone.

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    Last edited: Aug 3, 2018
  8. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    And one more HV updated.

    The Desire also gets a closed cockpit and detector. Up until recently, this was my only unarmed HV. However, now I have at least one racing HV for each of my collections. So the Desire gets a turret for the first time. Almost forgot the ammo box for that.

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    Last edited: Aug 3, 2018
  9. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    The WET Dreams of anyone who wants to built his or her castle with a flooded ditch around it:p:D
  10. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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  11. typhoon01

    typhoon01 Captain

    Sep 12, 2017
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    Greetings :) This building is ready :D
    As I have already mentioned, the exterior of the building is taken from this building by permission:
    _______ :rolleyes:____

    And this made me look like this when finished: :D

    For steam frends:


    I hope that at least one of you will like it :rolleyes:

    One BIG problem :(:(:(:(:( When I plant the plant in a designated place on 5 floor the whole building will collapse :(:(:(:( I'm sorry to find out now Survival mod... I thought it would keep it when the flower had lasts ... But as suddenly the flower is over :eek::(:(:(:(

    I started the mod of statics of building blocks ... Everything is green and I put plants ... Everything is OK ... the building is fine o_O;);)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 5, 2018
  12. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Spent 40 minutes today tearing up tanks and walls looking for an oxygen leak in my CV after texturing/painting the interior.
    Result: Must be a bug. There are no leaks. Even the oxygen that is there isn't behaving like a normal leak. Instead it simply stops when it reaches certain areas, yet putting a Ventilator in those areas pressurizes them fine.
    Though for some reason, corners of the hangar and some rooms aren't filling with oxygen. Everywhere except the corner blocks.
    Note: These rooms were pressurized perfectly fine yesterday.
    typhoon01 and dpburke2 like this.
  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Is there any of the blocks a "half-Block" with open Space behind it? Last time someone had that issue the "leak" was such a thing. Also Staircases that are touching to the outside. Have you used that "Airtight" visualizing button? How about temperature? What does the P Menue say about how much O2 is needed to fill?
    Also watch @spanj 's video about O2 issues. maybe you find something usefull
    typhoon01 and dpburke2 like this.
  14. LeVentNoir

    LeVentNoir Captain

    Jan 26, 2017
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    Well, I got my paradigm base down on the lava planet, got about 6 small cannon bases around it for drones, then got a proper defence and a satallite base set up on my home planet. All in all pretty good.

    Oh, and I still hate the abandoned factory, but this time I cored it with an HV because it's a bad design. Then I looted it.
    Sephrajin and typhoon01 like this.
  15. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Did you even look at my post? That screenshot says it all.
    If there were a real leak into space, those O2 diamonds wouldn't be there. They'd be against a ventilator. I also said that this corridor was fully pressurized yesterday and that nothing has been changed aside from textures.
    Temperature means nothing to pressurization. When you pressurize an area, the temperature automatically changes to 22C.
  16. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    If I hadn't looked at it I wouldn't have made suggestions. But as you are full of self confidence that no error could have happened its useless to point out possibilities. Hopefully someone else can offer help that you are willing to accept.

    Germanicus out
    Sparrowhawk65 likes this.
  17. GoldDragon

    GoldDragon Captain

    Jan 25, 2017
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    As a matter of fact, there are several partial blocks that are blocking airflow. They are colored black in the pic. What I can’t tell, due to the angle of the shot, is how wide the hallway is.
    Sephrajin and dpburke2 like this.
  18. Max Archer

    Max Archer Commander

    Sep 27, 2017
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    I'm experimenting with the idea of putting a pressurized "outdoor" courtyard in a base. I'm sure somebody's done it before but I haven't seen it. In case anybody's wondering, there's a floor a few blocks down and you sink the blueprint when placing it. I went with a pseudo-Japanese theme since that seemed appropriate for a courtyard like this.


  19. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Anyone remember the Mallard CV I had started on when I participated in the Akua Racing League? The BA and racing HV entries were finished back then in time for the deadline, but I had started a bonus CV to go with them. Something that didn't belong to the challenge proper. Well, I finally got the interior done to a point I find satisfactory, so I hope to have this up to the workshop in the next day or two.

    The back of the HV garage has a decent view out the back of the CV.

    A8 FTB Creative_2018-08-04_21-25-29.png

    One of the two engineering sections. Warp drive is on the other side of the vessel.

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    Weapons hot.

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    Weapons sealed.

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    Parked on the display BA. As you can see, it kind of hangs off the back a bit.

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  20. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Ok, hot temperature aside I worked today on a Center Piece for Imperial Bases including Outposts and Tactical Centers.
    The Imperial Turret is somewhat a "blank" with no Gun mounted so anyone can do as she or he pleases. Structure is made Arm. Concrete and contains T1 Generator, 4 T1 Fuel Tanks and a small Ammo Box.
    The Turret is only the SMALL Version of what I have in mind;)
    NewGame_2018-08-05_12-07-05.png NewGame_2018-08-05_11-30-21.png NewGame_2018-08-05_11-30-17.png NewGame_2018-08-05_11-30-04.png
    Silwer, Sephrajin, binhthuy71 and 9 others like this.

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