YOUR top 10 survival starter tips for NEW players!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 25, 2018.

  1. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    1. Read your PDA
    2. See #1
    3. Your Escape Pod is your friend. You can store things here, you can sleep here. It’s like a tiny base ready to use, so use it.
    4. Refrigeration keeps food fresh. Pay attention to how long things last.
    5. Night is not your friend. Sleep at night.
    6. Don’t provoke Triceratops. They don’t just look like tanks, they are tanks.
    7. See #6
    8. If you think you have enough blocks to build a base or a ship, make more.
    9. Always carry Oxygen.
    10. Whoever controls the Spice controls the universe. No, really, Spice and Natural Sweeteners are the two most useful food/medicine items you can pick up.
    11. Cores - find them, kill them. Take out the core of a structure or wreck and you can salvage or repurpose the whole thing.
    12. Use your drone.
    TK85 and Ballard like this.
  2. kolyana

    kolyana Lieutenant

    Jun 29, 2018
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    This doesn't seem to be the cse anymore. I core POIs and get parts from retrieved blocks maybe one time in 10; sometimes much less.
  3. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Might depend on the tool or tool mode you’re using. A T2 Multitool set to retrieve blocks tends to retrieve more whole blocks when targeting structural blocks and nearly always components when targeting things like decorations. Setting to Salvage seems to give a good yield of components - at least for me.
  4. kolyana

    kolyana Lieutenant

    Jun 29, 2018
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    I think I'm still using T1 (new game) so I'll try out the T2 and will get back to this thread; my T1 at least has been 90% NOTHING from POI harvesting.
  5. GoldDragon

    GoldDragon Captain

    Jan 25, 2017
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    Even a T1 MT, if set to retrieve Blocks on an Owned structure should be picking up entire blocks, structural or deco. Or did this get changed?
  6. Tbosh

    Tbosh Commander

    Dec 16, 2016
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    1. Activate the Robinson protocol!. It gives you some basic knowledge of the game and will point you towards a few nice points of interest.

    2. Craft your survival tool, survival tent and motorcycle. All are imperative when first landing, from gathering resources, escaping the dreadful night and getting around the planet without draining your food.

    3. Collect all the things! Ores, vegetations etc. Not only do you need these to build items but you will also gain XP in the process to unlock items from the tech tree.

    4. Unlock necessary items first! I recommend the following items: 1. shotgun! For the only reason that you can make shotgun ammo in the mini constructor and you can use the shotgun to chop down trees! Yep! Who needs a chainsaw. 2. Ore Scanner for obvious reasons. 3. Detector, to help you navigate these new large planets. 4. The mini constructor.

    5. The village is your friend! Don't destroy the spawners in the village. Killing the tribes people and batdogs are a great way to lvl fast and gain valuable resources ie meat, sprouts, energy bars etc.

    6. Build underground! Worried about those pesky drone attacks? Build your base underground or even better...underground below a body of water and never worry again about drones destroying your base.

    7. You only need a basic vehicle at the beginning!. Don't worry about weaponry or other fancy things on your first few hv, sv, CV etc.

    8. Plan accordingly! Bring enough fuel, ammo, food, bandages etc for every trip. Nothing is more frustrating than running out of supplies while on a mission.

    9. Build with purpose! Build for the future! Build in a way that additions will fit in fine. Ie room for more fuel, generators, storage, weapons etc.

    10. Send the drone in first! Nothing is more exciting then taking on a poi, but do know that danger usually lurks around every corner. Use the drone to take that first look for you so you know what you are stepping into.

    And here's my last tip.....

    11. Know your stand off distance! Know how far you need to be away from any poi you find. 800 meters is my safe distance to observe a poi and make a plan of attack.
    garath likes this.
  7. Javarox87

    Javarox87 Captain

    Oct 19, 2016
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    If you can get that HV early on, get a harvester on it, especially on servers that love to double or triple up on spiders & bad guys on start planets.... you can the HV to mow down the critters and talon guardians for seeds, meat, bandages etc. not to mention all the quick XP especially if you mow down a tribal village with it. Keep in mind those first hours are important, the sooner your in an HV, the quicker you can level, get resources, and get into a warp SV. Never worry about building a big or permanent base before level 10. Especially with how drones go these days. HV’s can at least run, an early stage base, not so much.
  8. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    1. When first landing, try to start off closer to a lake in either a clear or swampy area. Stay away from the forest, it is full of critters you may not be ready to face. You will need water to make certain kinds of food, and it is also a source of oxygen.
    2. Avoid combat in the early game. Even the simplest creatures can kill you easily, either directly or by disease/ailments. You can kill stuff later when you have armor and better weapons; for now stockpile ore and food, and just stay away from scary stuff.
    3. Use the chainsaw. The chainsaw can help you collect wood, which can be converted to bio-fuel. Wood is a cheap starting material for simple bases. More importantly, the chainsaw is really the best starting weapon to defend against early game threats; the pistol is weak and most aggressive creatures get into melee range very quickly.
    4. Use the drone. It can help you build, it can help you mine, it can help retrieve your backpack after you die. Even if you don't use it often, you should at least try it so you know what it can do and use it when appropriate.
    5. Pick as many plants as you can. You get experience from them. Some are food, others can be turned into food or medical supplies.
    6. If you're short on ore, go to the mountains and take rocks from the lower elevation areas.
    7. Try to build an HV as early as possible. You will eventually outgrow this HV, but in the early game it will prove invaluable. They are much faster than walking and can cross water. They can suffer a lot more damage than your armor. You can start exploring the world more quickly, identifying where ore deposits and POI are located. You can mount weapons on it, and the mobility of the HV makes it easy to kill swarms of creatures that were previously terrifying. You can mount a turret on it that can automatically defend you while you are mining.
    8. Put a harvester on the front of your HV, and put collected wood into a mobile constructor and have it constantly making fuel. It is a slow way to make fuel, but is particularly useful when promethium is hard to find. You can keep the HV running 24/7 with nothing but wood. Like the chainsaw, the harvester also can be used as a weapon.
    9. Delay building a base until you have a substantial supply of iron, copper, and silicon (several hundred of each), and have explored enough of the world to pick out a good defensible location. As soon as you power up a base, you will start getting attacked by waves of drones, so you do not want to show up on their radar prematurely. You are ready to build a base when you have a core, a power source (solar or fuel-based), a constructor, an ammo box, and a cannon turret, and some ammo for that turret. You can't build the turret and ammo until you build the base and put the large constructor on it - making them should be THE FIRST thing you do as soon as you power up the base. Don't worry about aesthetics initially, get the minimum components working and the turret loaded with ammo. You can move stuff around later and change the base using the multi-tool.
    10. You will find that you need a base in order to construct certain components for your HV (such as turrets). If you're not really ready to root yourself somewhere, you can build a temporary base by just putting a core, a solar panel, a capacitor, and a large constructor on the side of any wreck that you find. Build the stuff in the large constructor that you need, then use the multi-tool to remove the constructor and power devices (remove the core last, since once you do that you no longer own the structure so you'll no longer get intact devices back).
    Spirit_OK, Fractalite and Hicks42 like this.
  9. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    I quite literally could NOT have written this any better with 3200 hours in the game.
    I also have nothing to add aside from:
    Kudos dude. Rock on. :D

    P.S. Printing and Laminating this for my problem children friends.... all 2 of them.
    Sephrajin likes this.
  10. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    Are you sure that's just because of solar power? I thought that coring a public structure (like a wreckage) would never generate drone attacks. I'd hesitate to recommend it because while true, it seems more like a bug/exploit they will eventually fix.

    If a generator is the actual trigger for drone attacks, it should be changed so a capacitor should do the same thing. I thought it did, because I've done bases that were solar first and I really thought drones paid me a visit, but I can't rule out that I may have put a backup generator on there too. Don't recall.
  11. Bluemage

    Bluemage Ensign

    Jul 26, 2018
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    Play on another server.

    Eleon Official Server, Officially Sucks.

    Asteroids never regenerate. Chat text spam with discord address that doesnt work.

    Latest thing, your stuff will be removed from starters but resources never respawn.
  12. Nobody 2

    Nobody 2 Commander

    Feb 25, 2018
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    Its a temporary problem that the Asteroids and pois dont respawn.
    The personal 7 day wipe on starterplanets was a need, to many structures = new players get stuck
  13. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    Couple tips here

    Make a survival tool and go hunt packs of spiders with it, learn how they operate as a pack, hunting night raptors with it is cool too, its like your spraying lipstick on their face as they stand in front of you helpless.

    Get used to attacking them before they attack you.
    Chainsaw is a lot of fun too you can fight good with that, get a bit of a psycho sensation.

    Remember 90% of the time a critter cannot hit you when your spamming him in the chops with a survival laser beam or the teeth of a chainsaw.

    This way you will learn to dominate the environment fast and wont be scared of critters of any kind.

    Oh and those plasma torpedo launching alien bugs, run at them as fast as you can with some side stepping if it helps, better if u got jp, and bury that laser into em don't give them time to force you back and under cover...
    Sometimes 2 will spawn, all i can say is good luck and have fun haha

    Pick plant protein mostly from underwater used to be seaweed, you can eat for free and kill all critters with survival tool, as far as im concerned thats survival and you have completed the game haha

    Oh and consider for a survival start, HV boat, out on the sea away from danger, clone chamber and medibay inside, its a base that dont get attacked by drones.
    Then when you need some large constructor stuff, make a quick base on the shore to brew some goodies then dismantle it to keep the drones away.
    This method worked perfectly for me in the multiplayer servers I joined.

    Save weapons and ammo for drones and use that surv tool for critters where possible.
    binhthuy71 likes this.
  14. Reznik75

    Reznik75 Lieutenant

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Most everything here is spot on... one thing I didn't see was dealing with drones early game with light weapons... similar to Furious Hellfire tips above, which I'll have to try, run straight at the drone, dodging as much fire as possible, and get directly under them. Even with a pistol or shotgun you can take them out very easily and they cannot shoot straight down. And they're an excellent source of XP and valuble parts.
    Even if you get a base up and running without a turret and ammo in time you can run out (or ride on bike) and take them out usually before they can even get a shot off at your fresh new base.... just make sure you have a couple clips worth of ammo per drone first. If not RUN AWAY!
    binhthuy71 likes this.
  15. Daveroski

    Daveroski Lieutenant

    May 11, 2018
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    If you are gathering wood with your chainsaw and get attacked by spiders, don't change to a weapon.
    Slice and Dice. :)
    binhthuy71 likes this.
  16. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    1. Keep a water bottle near your computer. You need to stay hydrated.

    2. Pause the game when you take a bio break or need to make food. If nothing else, park your avatar somewhere safe. The night raptor doesn't care if your avatar is unmanned.

    3. Get some sleep. You still have to go to work or school.

    4. Don't ignore your wife and family, even if they are holding you back from conquering the universe.

    Oh, not those kind of tips? Sorry. ;)
  17. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    5. Take brakes, preferably do some physical exercises.

    6. If SP then do a save now and then.

    7. In MP preferable log off if to take a longer break. Enemy factions normally do no time-out.
    Sephrajin and zztong like this.
  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    1: The Survival Constructor is your best friend. Make at least 3 and dedicate most of them to making Biofuel. The survival constructor consumes no power, so it's ideal for making biofuel when you're doing something else.

    2: Set up camp. Do NOT make a base first. As soon as you place your first base block you will be targeted by drones. Your portable constructors work as item storage until you make an HV. Always make an HV first. Preferrably a mining one as it's the one thing you can't do effectively on your own.

    3: Your character is right-handed. If you use a scoped weapon, you'll lean right. This will allow you to fire around right corners without being targeted.

    4: Know what blocks in POIs can be broken. The black grate-like walkways, non-armored windows and regular doors can be broken by shooting them. Armored Doors should only be destroyed with explosive charges (shooting at it takes around 200 bullets). Anything else takes too many charges.

    5: Check above doors in POIs and keep an eye out for sensors in the walls. Sentry guns can often be found on the ceiling or above doors and can be easily missed. Especially if it's above the door you just came through.
    Metal walkways are usually used to cover air vents in bases. Vents usually have loot crates or access to locked rooms through them.
    Sensors in POIs are always bad. If it hasn't seen you, shoot it so it will never see you.

    6: Auto-Brake (i button) is the sworn enemy of your fuel tanks. Unless manuevering through a forest, tight spaces or landing your SV/HV/CV, Auto-brake should always be off. Especially in an SV in the open. Your vertical thrusters will always keep you in the air, so you'll only need to pulse the forward thrusters every 10 seconds or so to keep yourself at top speed.
    Auto-Brake is pretty much necessary for fighting in atmosphere as pointing at anything on/near the ground with auto-brake off will throw off your vertical thrusters and you'll end up faceplanting.
    In space, it makes it easier to manuever against turret targeting with it off though. A few random thruster pulses while "drifting" will throw turret fire off by several dozen meters. With auto-brake on in space you'll need to press more buttons to avoid a stable trajectory and consume more fuel in the process.

    7: Honestly, don't even make a chainsaw. It's a waste. Your Survival Tool can cut down trees just as fast, and as a weapon the chainsaw deals about the same damage as your survival tool, except without the range.
    Make a shotgun when you can and use that to cut down trees. It works and can do it in a fraction of the time a chainsaw can. The ammo is cheap too.

    8: Something. I'll put something here. Later. Yes, later.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2018
  19. StuardBr

    StuardBr Lieutenant

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Version 8.2.4 (SP and MP)
    -Craft you survival tool as first weapon. With some practice and strategy, you can kill everything in the starter planet (except drones). Survival tools uses stamina as ammo, so be smart, know when to fight and when to run. The two things is nearly impossible with the survival tool,. A good way to speed your leveling is find a Village and stay killing the natives form a safe distance. You will gain levels VERY fast,
    -Harvest everything you see on ground. 100xp isn't too much, but in earliest levels will be a great amount,
    -Craft portable constructors to refine the basic minerals. It's fuel friendly
    -Craft you motorbike ASAP. So, go to a HV ASAP to boost you survival rate and to boost your ore mining (with drills),
    -Put harvesters on your HV. You can get woods to make bio fuel to keep you HV powered AND can kill monsters in the safe of your cockpit. You still gain xp killing with the harvester,
    - Even with the HV, maintain the bike with you.
    - Use the factory (F2) to keep some "backup blueprints" like small HV, SV, platforms and a small CV, ready to spawn to escape from problems causes by bugs, fights in PVP or other annoying situation,

    Specific for MP:
    -Exit the starter planet ASAP. Many servers wipe the starter planets every week, so build a small CV to be able to exit and back all times needed
    -Don't let the core of your builds at sight. Is easy to put down a door with a hand weapon, destroy your core and put a new core,
    -An easy way to hide a CV or even a Base in pvp space is fly at least 50KM from the main planet in orbit. Is hard to find this type of thing,
    -Caution with your bases. Before start a big project of a super duper base, look to see the wipe schedule of the server,
    -Stay alert on pvp planets. Some times, the rendering time of the bases and another CV is slow and you can be hit without see when or what are shooting you. When scout this planet, stay from a safe height to avoid be hit.
  20. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Addition to @Vermillion (hope it is OK, maybe said in other tips posts, but just in case):

    2. If a core is placed on an existing POI structure, current game mechanics do not trigger attacks. The structure itself can be removed after the core placement, building your own. Can also keep it and select (N) and choose to "Connect to base" and build a bit away.

    4. Where some of those blocks meet in corners, like shutter windows covering a core, there will be a tiny opening possible to shoot the core.
    Shutter doors also have a little opening, sometimes you can reach a lever or shoot a hidden turret. Explosives placed correctly can take out a core without wasting a lot of them or bullets on blocks protecting.

    5. Most levers in Zirax POI's helps opening doors and turning off turrets, even destroy the core.

    8. Use your F5 Drone to as much as possible. Mining, building, looting, scouting, multitool. Last one can be used to detect traps and spawners.

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