What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Oh, yes, of course.

    You might try it with those "type 3" fridges, those medic type looking ones. If they are turned on they look like 3 Monitors in a vertical row.
    The Tactician[ Λ ] likes this.
  2. Pharao2k

    Pharao2k Lieutenant

    Apr 21, 2018
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    Nice, you tried to do a sort of VR environment command room, I like it.
    I created a partially similar room as a stellar cartography, in full black with all non-reflective textures, like the same-named room in Star Trek: Generations or like Cerebro from X-Men, but the colored way has its own merits :)
    The Tactician[ Λ ] likes this.
  3. Arrclyde

    Arrclyde Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2015
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    I am actually trying to find time to update my little collection of vessels to the newest standarts (thx a lot Eleon for all the new goodies).
    Building 8.2_2018-08-15_23-33-54.png

    While i am not sure if i ever finish those two CVs i created (one being a HV originally and one started as a SV) they are kind of nice projects i can sink lots of time in. Who can spot the good looking prefab tier 4a SV? ;-)

    Building 8.2_2018-08-15_23-48-37.png
  4. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Good looking? Yes, it is! but moving inside is a pain in the Ass;)

    Nice Collection btw:)
    Arrclyde likes this.
  5. Arrclyde

    Arrclyde Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2015
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    Yeah i know that problem to well. The ARRC Atlas in the back (first pic) is up on the workshop. Feel free to try (trust me moving that thing is a pain as it feels as heavy as it looks) but you'll see what i mean with knowing to move in a vessel can be a real pain :-D

    Somehow my programing (signal logic) doesn't seem to work correctly and some vessels animations don't work (shutter, ramps) on mostly the left side of the vessel. You can't even point at them to make the cursor change its look to indicate you can use F to interact.
  6. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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  7. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    ZeroG Spitfire: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1481011924
    Recently, ZeroG aquired some assets from the former, now shutdown, Pystonworks shipyards. They were divided up and the assets were auctioned off. Naturally due to the resources involved, ZeroG place a bid and aquired a lot. This included resources and a storage house with an assortment of items from the former offices. As luck would have it there were some computer hardware that our ZeroG engineers were able to reverse engineer and found some interesting items.

    Some of the data recovered gave us a glimpse into the inner workings of Pystonworks and ended up raising some questions to why they abruptly vanished. We also found a handful of Blueprint designs for some former designs. As with the previous XYU, we have also been able to create yet another blueprint. But due to the blueprints being incomplete, we had to do our best to recreate and fill in the missing pieces.

    The Spitfire is the next design that ZeroG was able to put together. Curiously it wasn't titled under the Pystonworks branding, but under another brand. Atlas Driveyards was the branding attached to the Spitfire. Some people might recall that Atlas Driveyards was around not long ago. They also had a high standard to their builds. Seemingly coming out of nowhere and then gone just as quickly. Just as Pystonworks had vanished without a trace, Atlas Driveyards suffered the same fate. So naturally the question was raised, are these two ship manufacturers related? If so what is their connection?

    I started by searching the public archives for any data but this came with no results. This then lead me to contacting the Akuan Archive and Records department located on the main city of Tranesh. I was very hopeful that there was a lead somewhere but alas, this was also a dead end.

    So I am back at square one again. I mean what seemed to be a harmless assortment of resources and equipment has now opened into a much larger story. Was there some internal workings going on over at Pystonworks that we didn't know about? At this point I have dispatched some engineers to work on uncovering any data they can find to solve this puzzle. It appears that there might be a link to both Pystonworks and Atlas Driveyards. Only time will tell.
  8. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    There is a lot to do on the inside of the Create CV, but I think the outside might be done. Of course, I will continue to contemplate the outside a bit while I work on the interior.

    When I first drafted up the Create CV, I was going to make two versions using the same hull. One would be filled with constructors like this is. The other would be configured for mining. I ended up redrawing the mining version so I could have more variety in my creations without adding even more to my schedule. Though, the Create does have plenty of room to add turrets as well as a couple harvest boxes that might work nicely with a mining turret / multi-turret arrangement.

    A8 IT Creative_2018-08-15_21-20-23.png

    At one point I was considering creating a larger CV with a similar body shape. Don't get me wrong. I do like the Create, but I have taken that future CV back to the drawing board to try and come up with something different. To me this feels like I took the belly of my Pelican CV and inverted on top of itself to make a box, and then I put a cabin up front and engines on the back.

    A8 IT Creative_2018-08-15_21-21-02.png
    Jenniphurr and Sparrowhawk65 like this.
  9. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    Last night, me and a friend happened upon a rados patrol ship, so we used our sv to take it down.
    It was only a small one though like a dropship design and had no interior.

    We were not satisfied with the fight and went off searching for something else to attack with our sv.

    I suggested we find a freighter or something in orbit.

    We eventually saw a cruiser in space and decided to go for it.

    The battle lasted less than a minute, the cruiser had several plasma drone escorts.
    The first hits i took resulted in huge explosions, apparently my pal had his closed cockpit and core shot out pretty much right away.
    I spent all of 45 seconds killing 2 of the drones and fired a couple of shots at that cruiser before i realised it was time to go.

    Just about managed to get away with what was left of my new sv build FH 1500.
    The insurance company tells me it is a write off, and I agree, I wont be putting this humpty dumpty back together.

    Those side nacelles really did what i said they would do when i released the ship, they absorbed all the attacks and my cabin stayed pristine with the exception of 3 missing windows in the cockpit and a few chipped glass panels.
    And the vessel retained enough devices to fly me home.
    My warp drive did not even get popped.


  10. falkenkopf

    falkenkopf Lieutenant

    Jun 25, 2018
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    I read that thread. So at least you have a backup ship and planet to live for now.
  11. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    The Tactician[ Λ ] likes this.
  12. ron.smits

    ron.smits Ensign

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I landed on a new planet with the mb.miu and decided to make a new base there as the planet is class4, has O2 and most of the stuff that one needs. So this will be an extra home base. While building it I decided to try out if I needed to make a huge plateau to land the CV on to do repairs or if I could just make a single line of blocks that end with the repair bay T2. I found out that just the single line works perfectly. This means I need way less blocks :) which is a good thing.

    After mining a lot I have something like 10K crushed rock. Dont know yet what to do with it, apart from just dumping it in a container and letting it gather dust. Maybe I should build a castle?

  13. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I went looking for my commandeered Radoz Patrol CV.
    It appears to be stuck below the bedrock. Where it is, a weird Admin Structure appeared above it in the air.
    It consists of a glowing ring with floating grow lights over steel farm plots growing natural stimulants.
    Naturally, I took all the coffee.
    dpburke2 and ron.smits like this.
  14. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Nice Report.
    Starting with 4:30. I thought of it when seeing your pictures.
  15. cnicht

    cnicht Ensign

    Aug 16, 2018
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    Engineer's log,
    day 87 since our shuttle crashed on Tallodar. Discovered at the trade station that the materials we need to finish our luxury CV are on an ocean planet. Took the warp bus SV out to find it in our system; can only be reached in a CV warp ship. Returned to base, built a tiny, ugly warp sled CV we have named Junebug due to its boxy shape. It is hideous. Our captain thinks it is hilarious, yet I am a good engineer and it flies like a dream. Snappy.
    One of our crew tries to land his fighter jet sv on the Junebug. Where the ship should have docked, he instantly dies. His backpack falls beneath his ship. Captain orders me to go try to land the sv correctly. I get in the cockpit, hit the docking button, and instantly die. Captain laughs his ass off.
    The other pilot and I take our mini miner up to retrieve his ship and our bags. I am instructed to jump out of the ship onto the Junebug. I do. I grab my bag. Somehow I fall over the front of the Junebug and the captain continues to laugh as he watches me plummet. Somehow I survive the fall with only a broken leg. Captain begins to land the Junebug as I limp into our base to the sickbay. Pilot's backpack plummets to the ground. Captain is laughing. finally we are able to dock two sv's on the Junebug and leave Tallodar. Captain pauses the ship and asks us to get out of our chairs and walk to see if it's possible. I get out and fall onto the ceiling--our gravity simulator is upside down. Captain bemoans incompitancy of crew then moves the ship. This just in; Captain wants us to die for Science.
  16. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    A total refurb of the palace west wing living space.

    Now with a larger downstairs living room:

    A larger bathroom:

    And upstairs bedroom:
  17. Silwer

    Silwer Lieutenant

    Nov 22, 2016
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    Messed around with SI. 8 14x7 doors with only the outside of this floor of doors laying on a solid block.


    dpburke2 and Sparrowhawk65 like this.
  18. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    lot of help by friends giving advice and teachings helped a lot, you never stop really learning i know i havent still trying to get better. :)
  19. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    Corrected a huge design flaw on FH 1500

    Fuel tanks were placed on the wrong side of those thrusters taking splash damage from initial battle hits to the side.
    have swapped the sides around now so the tanks are on the inside edge closer to the main cabin.
    Also recessed back 1 block and covered front of them with hard steel after this pic was took.

    The FH1500 has rear located fuel tanks also, rear tanks were already in the correct place but 1 of those areas was completely blown out too so also recessed the rear tanks further into the nacelle from the rear perspective and fronted those with hard steel also.

    Should last a little longer next time I go against a cv haha
  20. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    @Jenniphurr I like the new appearance of this ship very much. So much that I spawned one in my SP-Game. Only question I have:
    Is it intentional to have TWO types of Showers in my Quarters?;). Its also a bit difficult to move a HV into the Hangar of the Ship, not impossible, but tricky:)
    Jenniphurr and dpburke2 like this.

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