It doesn't appear to be in there: Options: - ValidFor: - MP AutoMinerDepletion: false TurretUndergroundCheck: true DespawnEscapePod: true RegeneratePOIs: true DiffEscapePodContent: Easy DiffPlayerProgression: Faster DiffDegradationSpeed: Low DiffFoodConsumption: Low DiffOxygenConsumption: Low DiffRadiationTemperature: Low DiffAmountOfOre: Rich DiffNumberOfDeposits: Plenty DiffAttackStrength: Easy DiffEnemySpawnRate: Low DiffDronePresence: Low DiffDroneBaseAttack: Easy DiffConstrCraftTime: Faster DiffBpProdTime: Faster
thanks for the great tool i just love it. One question thou where can i add my rules and texts that i want to be post every x time on the server.. I can't find where i could add my texts.. thanks again Barthy
Because its the default setting: To check if the game really has a bug enter it manually. Then start the server and stop it again. The entry should be gone = default setting. If the game still does not do what its intended to do then the default setting of the game is broken. You can set up a timetable entry "Chat". See the example "Welcome to the Server" in the screenshot in this link:
I had admin rights previously when running server from a batch file. Since I started using EAH, I can't get the rights. What am I doing wrong? I have an adminconfig.yaml file in my Saves folder and my Steam ID configured. It is the same as I used previously.
Hey, EAH should not be the cause. Just make sure EAH starts the right yaml and game. But I guess that should be so. Besides that EAH has no affect on it. If its in the adminconfig,yaml then the game does the rest. You could try to give you rights over EAH (or check what role he says you have in the player-list). That way the game will add the entry in the adminconfig.yaml again. Maybe there is a typo or so.
I think I will have to delete my server files and start over. I set admin for myself in EAH and now I get continuous "Internal Error" in the game. It happens every couple of seconds. Log is full of this over and over: Code: Parameter name: index at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource) at EmpAdminHelper.clsPlayer.Get_NextPosition(clsBinary_File BinFile, Int32& Position, eSp_Aufbau& AufbauType): Further Infos: Get_NextPosition: prefabDir Position: 16777703 - 08.09.2018 19:32:43.441 E Last Errors: Error: mscorlib: 5 : Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index 08.09.2018 19:32:43.533 E Error: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource) at EmpAdminHelper.clsPlayer.Get_NextPosition(clsBinary_File BinFile, Int32& Position, eSp_Aufbau& AufbauType): Further Infos: Get_NextPosition: prefabDir Position: 4584 - 08.09.2018 19:32:43.534 E Last Errors: Error: mscorlib: 5 : Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index 08.09.2018 19:32:43.542 E Error: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource) at EmpAdminHelper.clsPlayer.Get_NextPosition_PlayerVar(clsBinary_File BinFile, Int32& Position): Further Infos: Get_NextPosition_PlayerVar: Position: 1898 - 08.09.2018 19:32:43.542 E Last Errors: Error: mscorlib: 5 : Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index 08.09.2018 19:32:43.543 E Error: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Hey, no don't delete the adminconfig.yaml About EAH: Did you set it while you where online? And do you use the current EAH Version. It looks like you used an old one which does not work with the playerfile anymore. Just delete or take your playerfile out of a backup, update EAH and set the role while you are online.
It wasn't the server that was corrupted but only my player file. I deleted it and started over in a pod and was finally able to get myself back as admin and faction leader, but I think another player in my faction is messed up. Although it shows him in the faction, his name is not there. In the server list, his name changed to a lot of garbage characters (looked like code). I think this happened trying to edit him before I updated EAH. So every update of Empryion requires updating EAH? Is EAH officially a part of Empyrion or is it Third Party? If they are together, it would be nice to be able to update the server from EAH. I'm thinking he is probably going to have to reset his character too and re-apply to faction to clear this up. I guess I could boost his research points and experience from EAH to get him back to where he was.
Not every Game update requires an EAH update. But the last weeks the player file was completely changed. Therefore the old EAH is not able to edit that file when the player gets offline. That explains the crazy name full of signs. This change was actually made so that in the future this problem will not happen anymore.
Hello, I would like to know more about Events. I see some people on their servers have a PVP event where everyone gets a cv and tries to kill or capture something, I see on the EAH Empyrion Admin Helper there is a page in the options to handle an Event, like starting positions, starting ships, starting guns, ect ect. So my question is how do I run events on my dedicated server?
Well I guess I figured out how to start an event. says event running on the server, but how do I join? I tried ev:start, ev:warp, ev:list, but does nothing, how do you join?
"For now the Eventmanager just starts/ends and plans the next start of an event. A Player can apply for a event, get warped, get a new inventory if selected (old is saved) and if they leave the event (manually via ev:exit, or when event ends) get their inventory back (if selected) and get warped back." As Jascha said its very basic atm. U cant do much with it yet What u see on other servers are own written scripts or mods. Its not done over EAH Many big servers dont make there mods for public. Either w8 till its fully implented in EAH or write your own mod with the API
The EAH doesn't have anything to do with this. Please post the question in the Planets & Playfields forum.
Any reason that I can't get my dedicated server to use the diffconstrcrafttime setting. No matter what I do it always reverts to normal even though I've tried faster and instant.
Ok I'm new to this server stuff and am learning as I go. Searching out answers and watching vids. I've got a problem I have not found a solution to. I have my server running on a separate computer. Static IP...router has ports fowarded. My server shows up on the list but I cannot join it. If I type in my ip address and port then it joins fine. Also if I disconnect my gaming computer from my network and connect to the internet through my iPhone's internet then I can connect through the menu. I only cannot connect if my gaming computer is on the same network as my computer running the server. I'd really like to be able to join my own game without having to type in the ip address each time. Anyone know what is going on? Thanks