YOUR top 10 survival starter tips for NEW players!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 25, 2018.

  1. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Really? Most of the levers i've pulled are traps or self-destruct buttons.
  2. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    In modified PVP, PVE or scenarios that might be true, very rarely SP. That might change of course, so might some of the tips along changes in the game.
  3. Ravis

    Ravis Captain

    May 17, 2017
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    I've hit switches that have systematicly destroyed all valuable boxes and devices in a poi. So I would confirm the tip if you don't know what it does, don't hit it.
    Vermillion likes this.
  4. JinM

    JinM Lieutenant

    Jul 12, 2016
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    • 1. Rocks can be crafted into the other 3 ores copper, iron and silicone. Wood gives you fuel for your early game mining tools.
    • 2. Don't build your base too early, just go for an early small hover vessel instead, the early game tools are all in a mobile constructor. Just go to the community content and download a very cheap and low level hover vessel with mobile constructor. If you can't find one that suits you go to creative, and slap that thing together yourself, and then load it up in your survival world.
    • 3. Unlock cannon turrets as fast as possible, and dont forget to build an ammo box on your base, or the turrets dont work.
    • 4. The early missions are very usefull to get cheap items, loot every poi carefully. You basically get 2/3 of the needed ressources out of the pois from the missions in early game.
    • 5. It's efficient to use and upgrade the shotgun, you only need half the ammo to shoot through a poi door. Combine it with the rifle, and you only need that low damage pistols if you are running low on ammo.
    • 6. Don't explore without care, drones and even only one turret armed POIs can kill you within seconds in the early game. You loose all your loot if you die near those objects, as they simply kill you again when you try to approach your dropped backback items.
    • 7. Prefabs are easy to use, but are often very expensive. Just slap together the most basic vessels early on without any hulls, to get around quickly, until you got enough ressources to build your own vessels.
    • 8. Don't settle near the poles, as the days are very short there.
    • 9. Build some small 3x3 farm when you can afford it, pumpkins yield the most vegies. :) You need around 50% vegetables on your farm.
    • 10. Build your first CV in orbit and not on a planet, its easier to assemble it without gravity.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2018
  5. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    When you die in space set a way point to find your backpack.

    Never fly a HV over water on a server.

    Always have an escape SV ready to spawn on a PvP planet.

    For the hardest challenge in Empyrion attack the civilian bases and fight the walking droids with 50 cal rifles.
    Find a recess position and head shot them, fast level up.

    Never leave a HV within weapons range of a POI under ground and log out, when you log in the ground renders after the character and thus the POI sees it and destroys it before you spawn.
  6. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    The first weekend I played the game, I restarted several times before I figured out how to do enough stuff to get going. (I did not read forums or follow any tutorial or tips, so it was like a month before I even knew the suit had a light.) The first time I tried to build a base, I did not defend it and learned about drones the hard way. My neat looking structure was obliterated, and with it went my resources (all of which were in a constructor that was blown up.) So I restarted again, this time I decided to build a turret early.

    So my next time, I thought I was smarter, and would be ready this time. I placed my core, generator, tank, and large constructor, and immediately started making a turret and ammo. (I did not realize I also build on the other side of the mountains from a drone base so it was really close - this is relevant.)

    I was almost immediately attacked by drones. I placed the turret, and then tried to load the ammo into the turret. Wait, how do I stick ammo into it? I'm carrying the ammo, reload isn't working... drones are on me right now.

    So I had to fight the first wave with a sniper rifle, at close range. (Sniper rifle was just my preferred weapon at the time, I didn't have a shotgun.) It was very "exciting" to say the least. It isn't something I'd recommend to people starting out, although I will admit I was proud to have survived that comedy of errors and did eventually figure out how to build an ammo box. And so began my first long-term playthrough (which lasted until 8.0 EXP).
    rainyday and ion_storm like this.
  7. TRMancer

    TRMancer Commander

    Apr 19, 2016
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    Just a few random ones:

    1) If you pick up Natural Stimulant on the first day or so, it's handy to make energy drinks. This is one of the two times where the stuff is really handy - while you're still on foot and likely burning stamina to get around. The other time is when your vehicle gets shot out from under you, you don't have anything ready in the factory, no motorcycle is handy - and your base/CV is on the other side of the planet.

    2) If you're nomading around the planet early on and don't want to build a base yet, consider the humble "L" shaped tunnel in a cliff face. Make it wide enough that you can pull your HV into it if need be (around the corner), set up a few worklights, place your emergency condenser and get a few extra portable constructers turning out biofuel or refining ore. It's not a base and doesn't have half the benefits of a base - but it will give you a spot to return to for gas and oxygen and it doesn't invite drone attacks.

    3) It's a good idea to set aside a cargo box on your vehicles to carry emergency gear and extra supplies you might need. My usual setup is to have a small cargo box that carries a few spare parts (thrusters, cockpit, a few cores, some blocks, etc.), basic medical supplies, emergency rations if you have them, a bike, extra fuel and oxygen, a weapon or two and ammo (in case of death and respawning), energy drinks. drill/multi-tool charges, portable constructor, etc. For larger vehicles (HVs and SVs with cabins or CVs), I tend to split the gear between several boxes - general gear, tools and weapons.

    Note the the spare parts are just there to get you back somewhere the vehicle can be fixed up; you don't need to carry duplicates of everything. You just want to make sure you won't end up having to fly home from the moon going sideways the whole way because all the aft thrusters were destroyed.
  8. 7thScar

    7thScar Ensign

    Sep 18, 2018
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    1. When you are a fresh start pick up everything. Slow steady increas of exp is better than waiting to have the guns and armor to take on the big guys. That'll come anyway, but this we you got a decent head start by that time.
    2. Do not understimate the value of crushed stone. With random starts you may find yourself very far indeed from resource rocks (iron, copper, silicon). You can make these ores from crushed stone in the small ammounts needed to get that first bike, detector, and ore scanner (once you build a constructor that is).
    3. Kill cute little critters. Do not let peaceful animals off the hook...they are you early exp boosts. If you start with a pistol great! if not as soon as you have a chainsaw start with the hacking.
    4. Walk, don't run. Be thorough. You'll miss less stuffs which beats going nowhere fast...which increases hunger loss and depletes stamina for when you really do need to run away.
    5. Run away (if you obeyed rule 4 you'll have the stamina)!!! Your survival tool is a weapon. Use it while you run/jump backwards away from those early nasties (spiders) while you give em 'what for'! If you start with a suit even better, your jet pack is as quick as running and replenishes faster than stamina!
    6. Your drone is your best friend! Use it to scout ahead of you, scout high and wide and often. You will get more stuffs in those precious early game hours.
    7. Your drone is your BEST friend!. You can equip your drills, survival tool, etc. while using your drone and it can use them for you! You don't have to walk to every rock to mine it. Use your drone! It's faster and does not use stamina or fuel :)
    8. Look for soft POI's like abandoned mines, reactors, and factories. You may not have what you need to core the place early on but you can sneak about and empty cargo containers easily enough for those first precious ores to get your early stuffs (emergency constructor, O2 generator, shotgun, ammo)
    9. Harvest villages as arenewable resource. If you are lucky enough to find one early on this is your golden ticket. They have crops, alien containers (full of goodies), crawlers, and easily reached high spots to kill them from with impunity. Do not destroy their spawners. Mine the crawlers for exp, pick crops for food, raid the alien containers. The Talon Guardians are hosipitable enough (don't kill them plz).
    10. You will die...horribly...often if not early then later on. Stay brave. Do not be afraid. It's only a game. Death is but another learning oppurtunity when you can clone yourself endlessly. The in-game kill record means nothing. Do not let it hinder you from trying, failing, and trying again.
  9. Xango2000

    Xango2000 Captain

    Jun 15, 2016
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    1. Turn off the music, it's just a distraction. Turn up the volume so you can Hear the move more clearly when they announce that they see you... And are probably on their way to attack you.

    2. Unlock items in the tech tree As You Need Them. There may come a time when you go to build something but you can't because you spent all your upgrade points and have to level up before you can unlock the tech.

    3. Never use up all your stamina, save it for running away from something trying to kill you.

    4. Know your priorities:
    1= oxygen
    2= food
    3= medicinal plants
    4= ammo/weapon
    5= a vehicle (motorcycle at the minimum)
    6= shelter

    5. Choose your building location wisely, I recommend either on top of a mountain or at the water's edge... Water's edge gives you a safe place to run if you can't take on what is attacking you.

    6. Learn to swim. Most mobs don't chase you into or out of water. There is currently only one underwater mob and it stays on the bottom but can chase you on to shore, it is hostile.

    7. Construct all the devices you need Before starting assembly. As soon as you power up a base the drones start coming.

    8. Drones are easier than most players think. Get under them and shoot up, they will try to move away so they can target you. If attacked by several at once your priorities should be
    *Stand under the biggest minigun drone and kill the smallest minigun drone first.
    *Dodge incomming fire if possible: plasma and bombs are dodgeable, don't forget your jetpack.
    *Kill minigun drones first because you Cannot Dodge their attacks.
    If taking on more than three while on foot you had better have something more powerful than a t1 pistol... 3 drones is doable but very tricky.

    9. Know your keybinds, especially:
    J for jetpack
    L for suit light
    I for auto-brake in vessels
    O for auto-level... Pro tip: rebind this to something easier to reach (I use mousebutton 4)

    10. Construction priorities:
    1= survival tool (see survival constructor, tab key)
    2= portable constructor
    3= emergency o2 generator if planet has no breathable atmosphere
    4= portable heater/AC, just in case
    5= motorcycle
    6= base Components (base starter, generator, fuel tank, large constructor)
    7= a Base
    8= basic HV... Don't use a prefab, they use too many resources to get you mobile quickly.
    9= upgrade HV as you can, a turret will help but a harvester and harvest container would be best (it kills mobs too).
    10= basic SV, to get to moon for resources not available on starter planet.
    11= upgrade SV to warp capable.
    12= warp capable CV.
  10. Fuzzlewhumper

    Fuzzlewhumper Ensign

    Oct 1, 2018
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    Love the suggestions people have put forth in this thread.

    Shotgun vs tree has been the most fun change to my play style. When I upgraded the shotgun though it stopped one shoting the trees. So I just use a basic shotgun for that stuff and opening doors/destroying cores (4 shots usually).

    Farming a village (specially with a hovercraft with harvesters) is a great way to go from level 3-5 to 25 in about an hour or two of spawn camping. I didn't even feel bad. I think I was laughing insanely.

    Finding those engines on the titan ships had been a chore, then I learned I could core the place and on the devices menu click the "Show on Hud". That's code for show it on your map and dig straight to each engine. Brilliant! Thank you!

    Thanks for the tips, made the fun more fun. :)
    Deadalready and Spirit_OK like this.
  11. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    Yes all good suggestions except for everyones number one pick.

    1) The first thing you should do is watch some youtube vids about the game especially creative mode. Also decide if you will play PVE(player vs enviroment) or PVP (player vs player), if playing pvp join a faction and get on discord

    2) Go into creative mode you need to build a very cheap sv , a small launch pad base, a small cap ship, all with the cheapest resources possible they don't have to be pretty, pretty comes later.that u can spawn in quickly and with the fewest resources possible, I never bother with hv's just too slow for me. To save your creations stand and look at the vehicle and press right "alt" and" o" keys at the same time. Later on becareful not to over write your creations down the road.

    3) when in game level up by picking up everything, get better weapons and kill everything, once you reach lvl 7 get your sv in and then put mini guns on it, and lvl up more.

    4)if playing in pvp start build your base in space(20k out at least), set as home, always look behind you and make sure your not being followed.

    5) hit poi's to level up and to farm resources, I rarely mine anything, I mostly do poi's for all my goodies. People who mine are generally targets, think about I'm hitting poi's and lvl'ing to 25 in about 2 hours max, if your mining your not really leveling up

    6) get your cv spawned in, and start scouting the galaxy, your looking for systems that have all the resources hopefully on one planet or at least split between two galaxies that are a short jump between them., Set up new space base.

    7) go back into creative or search the work shop for sv's, hv's and cv's that can be used for battle. Typically you will not find good pvp ships on the workshop but there are a few if you look close enough. Typically everything will need to be huge(sadly)

    8) gather resources so you can spawn in fighting ships,also keep a spawn pad(small base) and a start sv, always in your bp(blueprints) ready to go

    9) Spawn your fleet in and gather resources to arm them

    10) SEARCH AND DESTROY !!!!!!!!!!!!

    The Zip has spoken
  12. Buuuh

    Buuuh Commander

    Sep 7, 2018
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    Depends on the settings, at least in multiplayer there is a setting, that you can't use BPs without having a base with a constructor. Don't know if there are similar settings for SP.

    If you use cheating-like (;)) BP-System you can build a fully equipped base from a BP like you already did with the HV before. With the same additions as before: If the prefabs are to expensive, look in the workshop for cheap starter bases or build your own in creative.

    If not using BP:
    Prepare EVERYTHING what you need for your base, before starting to build it. You should have at least enough concrete blocks, a constructor, a fuel tank and some fuel already in your inventory.
    If you started building your base, place the constructor und fuel tank as early as you can and start building a gatling cannon, amunition box and some 30mm ammo immediately. Place the stuff, turret usually on top of your base so that i has 360° fire angle. A starter base is this way usually up before the first drone wave comes in, and your turret will handle that.

    Does EGS already have implemented tilted planetary axes? Haven't seen any planet yet which had seasons (even if only affecting day length). I currently have a base almost at the pole and days/night is still 12h.
    The only thing is, near the poles the sun moves in a low angle, what makes it more difficult to use solar panels, and the time during day where they are really producing power is much shorter.

    Especially on Low-G Planets just run-jump, don't keep pressing shift for running, while in air, and it won't use stamina but even start refilling stamina. You can also make your jumps longer using the jetpack. This way you'll never run out of stamina. Works on 1G, works pretty well on 0.8G and on 0.6G it is even faster then using the motorcycle.
    7thScar likes this.
  13. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    If you've lost or forgotten to add thrusters to your ship or HV and can't stop, turn the power off (Y key). Even in space, your ship will come to a stop if there's no power.

    Remember to use Shift in an HV to flip it right-side up if you're stuck on your roof on in a crack.

    Press O to align your ship with the "galactic plane". This will line you up in space with the floor of any POI as they all generate flat with this plane. On a planet, this will align your ship with the ground, allowing you to flip your ship right-side up anywhere and achieve a hovering state without drift.

    It's much easier to target a waypoint in space than trying to blindly fly towards a POI using your map.
    Additionally, you can align your ship using your minimap/radar using waypoints or the POI's icon for a reverse burn for rapid deceleration if your reverse thrusters aren't good enough by making sure the icon is directly over your own on the radar (indicates that the target is directly behind/in front of you. Though if you can see it, it's obviously in front of you).
    Syncretos likes this.
  14. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    A small starter tip: Have 2 survival tools, one on attack (also works for wood) and one on rock mining. Faster to switch and no need to keep changing modes. Or 3 if also want to salvage wreck parts. Costs no materials, so just throw away when not needed anymore.
  15. Deathlemming

    Deathlemming Ensign

    Sep 22, 2018
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    Hi i'm about 3 weeks in to this game.
    Game can be started in many ways. I call this start: Trade your way up
    Your starter planet only have the 3 most basis materials iron,cobber and silicon. So this approach to a start is based on an alternativ way of getting the other basic materials in a short time. these are Cobalt, Magnesium and Neodymium. Promethium can be found on your planet, in orbit and can be bought cheaply in trade stations.

    So in short if you start on easy

    Be very carefull with your saved games. When you reenter one it gets deleted so always copy. Save game at regular intervals.

    Get familiar with use of:Survival tool, map, planet map, pda (part of robinson mission)

    Be carefull eating some raw foods some might hurt you. Make energy bars and juice for food and health.

    Follow robinson mission until you get your starter package things.

    Hunt and gather your way to XP level 7 asap.

    Make a concrete base but not before you have made all possible components + fuel. Make and place 2 cannons + ammo and ammobox made in Large Constructor right away.

    Gather materials from shot down base attacking drones.

    Make a light amor and cheap SV and go to the trade station in obit and trade your way to better tools weapons and ores not present on starter world.
    If you choose the version with 2 gatlings you can use it for hunting more dangorus high xp critters hovering safe in the air.

    Learn to replace core in alien POI's and wrecks and gather blocks/items with t2 multitool (bought at trade station).
    Throw hardened steel items in Blueprint factory to get enough sahtrium for at t2 SV made of hardened steel.
    Use salvage mode to gather steel for ammo production

    Use t2 SV to go out and shoot the base attacking drones down for lots of XP (and for the fun :) )

    Use creative mode to try out designs before you build in survival. You can instabuild any BP there. You can also Alter things and save new personal BP. Just press H and you have all you want for free.

    Have fun

  16. leo1954au

    leo1954au Commander

    Jan 24, 2017
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    I gather the resources to build an HV called Explorer made by a guy called sasquatch I found in the blueprints of steam then add a couple of shutter doors to the top for mining from inside the HV using the drone and use it as a mobile base before building a more permanent base { in SP}
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2018
  17. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Another small tip (in SP): Can get extra resources and weapons by doing side missions (F1 PDA). You can do parts of one and then switch to another and back. What rewards and what to do are easy to see, for the most. Some might not work due to still EA and a patch can interfere, where depend on starter planet and any scenarios.
  18. Deathlemming

    Deathlemming Ensign

    Sep 22, 2018
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    Yes people often miss the small extra missions on the second tab witch are actually the real starter missions like gather certain food items and such easy tasks
  19. Rekalty

    Rekalty Ensign

    Oct 11, 2018
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    Yeah, I totally missed those on my first playthrough, I really wish stuff like that would automatically track, and then just let you redeem the reward whenever you had completed one. Either way, I'll add some stuff to this post if I come up with something that hasn't been posted before.
  20. Andreykl

    Andreykl Commander

    Apr 9, 2017
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    1. If you get killed by animals or POI turret and have no way to get to it, you can use drone (F5) to gather dropped gear.
    2. If you killed something but it is hard to reach (high/low/near hostiles), you can use drone (F5) to gather loot
    3. F5 drone is amazing way to recon something and to provoke/detect anti-personel turrets (seriously... they need to be nerfed in some aspects)
    4. When reconing POI with drone, select multitool as active slot - you will be able to detect hidden spawners and trap-doors.
    5. There are tall (like 7+m tall) rocks in some biomes (irradiated), those can provide from 50 to 300 'crashed rock', they can be very efficient way to gather resources for your first base if you found no suitable/likable wreck.
    6. Place a core in wreck/poi to be able to retrieve blocks instead of their components (there are some CV wrecks with intact turrets)
    7. Reinforced Concrete blocks can have higher HP, but their armor rating is low enough to be damaged by handhelf weapons, so don't make space around external doors from concrete - you are likely to shoot at door and material around if animal wanders 'in' or gets stuck in a door.
    8. Production related devices consume a lot of power even when idle, I suggest turning them off when not needed.
    9. Bases don't need doors to protect you from some environmental conditions - as long as you are fully surrounded by walls you will be fine
    10. Most things can't swim and in some cases wont even shoot if you are under water (but you can't shoot as well)

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