Is it possible to merge buildings/blueprints?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Xzanron, Sep 13, 2018.

  1. Xzanron

    Xzanron Lieutenant

    Apr 25, 2018
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    I started building a base recently and it turned out to be really modular.

    I was wondering then if I could split it up to make it easier to build as part of level and tech progression.

    Blueprint 1 would be a really simple hub
    Part 2 might be a farm
    Part 3 social/housing area
    Part 4 SV hanger
    Part 5 HV hanger

    etc etc, e.g. simple power, advanced power, storage areas etc.

    and then I could merge them all together, and only summon the section of the base that I need at that time.

    I've not found a mechanism to do that. Is it possible?

    As an aside, is there a good tutorial video for the advanced construction tools, e.g. the copy/paste of blocks? I'm struggling to figure out how it works.
  2. RedBaron97

    RedBaron97 Commander

    Aug 24, 2018
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    Xzanron likes this.
  3. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Build helper menu "n" (by default), has a copy paste and save bits... you could copy an entire building, then go paste it onto another where you want it.
  4. Xzanron

    Xzanron Lieutenant

    Apr 25, 2018
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    Yeah.. I'm trying to figure out how that menu works, but that's not really what I'm asking. I'm after a scenario where in the game I send blueprint 1 to the factory and place it. Then when I'm ready/levelled I want to "attach" blueprint 2 to my existing base. Basically allow me to build my base as modules in creative, and the spawn them from the factory in the actual game.

    I'm suspecting it won't be possible because each "module" would need it's own core, and this sort of implies you can have blueprints without cores. Can you have more than one core? I.e. could you connect two bases to each other and make one big base?
  5. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Gotcha. Sorry, thought you were doing this all in Creative mode (like we did with some modular POI designs).

    You are correct, in Survival, trying to spawn in a base part and sticking it to an existing base, is not possible (without cheating per say). If you are by yourself, playing Solo (not on a server or co-op), you can get away with it by using Console (~), and the 'mergestructs' command (which should work in Survival mode... there may be another command to allow it). Which eliminates the extra core (and any other clashing 1-allowed devices). Its a clumsy command, but the only way to do that.
  6. Xzanron

    Xzanron Lieutenant

    Apr 25, 2018
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    Thanks, that's really useful.
  7. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    If you want to do this in a repeatable way, with no console commands or "cheating" necessary, it is possible to do stuff like this if you "think outside the box". Secret lies in this picture:


    This is testing on the new swamp planet so it is kind of green and ugly, but here's a base. It is built like a skyscraper and has 4 stories. Kinda blocky, yes, it looks better on the inside. (And there's kind of a reason for the "plainness" of the outer design.)

    But is it a base? Next picture:


    Whoa, what's that? It has panels with thrusters in it and can take off? Oh, that's a CV that just looks like a building! One switch and it transforms into flight mode.

    I built a modular system of these, and in fact they can even stack (the top has a stairwell in it so it can seamlessly go between stacked modules). I have plain platforms, and platforms that have furnaces & deconstructors. This one even has a warp drive so I can take it between planets.

    Anyway, although you do have to manage power and oxygen tanks for each module separately, you can stack things, land them adjacent, and do all sorts of weird stuff.

    It is also quite possible to make blueprints out of CV's that don't even have thrusters and spawn them on cheap platforms as a form of modular building. (If it doesn't spawn "straight" just put an RCS in it temporarily and turn it, then take the RCS back out.)
    Myrmidon, zaphodikus and Xzanron like this.
  8. eggofevil

    eggofevil Ensign

    Jan 16, 2023
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    May be not in time...
    1. spawn module blueprint (so it must be created with core).
    Then, in console if in survival:
    1. cm - change mode to creative,
    2. mergestructs will work, so merge module to main base.
    3. cm - return to survival mode.
  9. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yes very late, and you never want to do this in a survival game you care about.
    Better to just create and spawn a new Blueprint after combining them in creative mode with copy and paste.

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