Next Part of the now renamed Tactica Base - Tactical Center was only the Structure in the Center of it - tha not completely unnecessary Green house. 54 Concrete Growing Plots, a FP, two Fridges and space enough to extend the Farm by many more. 14 SP on top.
I got a neat idea, and I"m trying to work it out. So basically I want to do a SV inspired by the mustang from star citizen, and with the same idea behind it. With a compact interior with living quarters for one person. So far the one thing I'm happy with is the cockpit and entry ramp, so feedback is greatly appreciated! The wings and enormous thruster jets are all placeholder, just to get ideas for a shape. I thought I'd make a different way to get into the ship, so I put the enterance underneath. Here's the interior, very basic but I like the shape, and the cockpit is really great.
The dusk and dawn fog is really beautiful. My settlement is in the last days expanded. A CV landingpad got nearly finished on the right. On the left is the halfway done O2 factory (greenhouse) and on top of the lake began construction of an firebase to defend this valley.
Finished up the Draconian Marauder today. I think that's enough Buck Rogers replicas for now. I already have another design picked out for my next ship(unless I get distracted again).
Well, first time since several Days now that day on my Arid Planet starts relatively clear So that I could take some pics of the Tactical Base at daylight Just 6 more Buildings and and the Base is done One Night shot to show the U-shaped red and yellow marked retractable Turrets (Red Plasma/Yellow Rocket)
Been working on so many projects! I built a new Sports HV today, The Demon-X! Also its been awhile but Project Daedalus is still in full swing. Been some months but slowly making progress~
I've been wondering how you were doing on that. Glad to see you're still plugging away at it. It looks absolutely amazing!
I've made more progress on my long range fighter SV. It really helps if you got something to take inspiration from, and I found such a thing. Spoiler: Inspiration
Got distracted again. This is what happens when I can't sleep. Too many ideas rattling around my head. Must. Build. Them. All. Anyways, I was thinking of giving the Argos Explorer a bit of makeover. One thing lead to another.... Then I thought what it really needs is an HV bay. It's...kind of tall. Not sure how I feel about it yet. Another thing I've been working on. Kind of Star Warsy but it's my design. Going to be an update to a ship on my workshop. Gutted the interior, added a small HV garage, changed a bit of the exterior structural design, etc.
You forget how fast small builds go when you're used to making large stuff. I present: The T4-Falcon! It's both cheap, fast, agile, well armed and decently armored. I hope you like it.
After quite some time I could finaly make the final step to release the ERA-S Cout. A small, light, AAA (agile, armed armored) vessel, main features are the warp-core and the 2 passenger seats. A friend of mine has made a wonderfull SV, with which I instantly fell in love. However, while it is/was agile n' such, I wanted more… and small… As a result, I present you the 'Lil Manta':
I couldn't sleep so I'm working on another project(which still isn't the one I planned to do next) and it...kind of....looks like a giant bullfrog. Not the look I was going for! At least picking out a name for this one will be easy.
If your..err.. Bullfrog is female(CV) make a male SV clinching to its back ->