What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Tested the "Nova" in a little battle scenario, to see how she performs (and to see how I manage :))
    ( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1623820202 )

    NewGame_1_2019-01-22_19-02-58.png NewGame_1_2019-01-22_18-54-35.png NewGame_1_2019-01-22_18-54-28.png

    I must admit, i haven't played EGS for a while and i always avoided Space battles in this game.
    Now i remembered why....

    I used to play lots of other Space based games over the last few decades, but i have never seen space battles this unmanageable and unhandy anywhere.

    You don't have any information about your ship (damages, energy status and so on) or the target(s) whatsoever.
    You need to asses your own situation purely by visual observation of the parts that have been damanged...
    You have no control about your own turrets, nor can you set a primary target they are supposed to attack. At least not without sorting each one out individually in the "devices" menu, which is rediculus in a combat situation.

    Why space combat for CVs hasn't been a subject of a major update is completely incomprehensible to me.

    Btw, i think i need to rebuild the ship, because its too craped inside (turret positions, Hangar and Engineering room).
    Jenniphurr, AlbaN, Sephrajin and 13 others like this.
  2. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    So, continuing on the vein of taking the new physics concerns in to account I worked on a cargo Lighter.
    Really just a flying cargo van with minimal defenses, 2 miniguns and a fairly thin hardened steel skin.

    It ain't much to look at.


    Carries a fair amount


    And still has good stats.


    This is the Most space I could pack in with the minimum concerns for defense and my own, rather excessive to be honest, minimum concerns for thrust.

    1 detector, 1 ammo controller (by its self), 1 cargo controller (expanded to 12,125 suc) and a fridge.

    Comfortably carries 3.64 kt with no appreciable change in performance (Inertia is still felt though in controls in my geuss-timation)

    Again just another test bed.
  3. downwood0

    downwood0 Commander

    Jan 19, 2017
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    Sketching out the start of a new experiment. :D

    9.2.1 dev_2019-01-22_21-13-54.png
    Tyrax Lightning, Neal, AlbaN and 11 others like this.
  4. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    An even shaped Hex...NICE!
    Tyrax Lightning and Sephrajin like this.
  5. Ann|e Noa|m

    Ann|e Noa|m Captain

    Oct 21, 2018
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    That looks a lot like when i made the sketch for the Darkstar that im currently building.. I made a circle in the middle first (became a dome eventually) and also had the hex around it, but that turned into 4 major hangars as time passed on :D Good luck on your "journey".. it's quite fun building structures that way..

    Outside... hard to see on pictures since its black though:

    One can see the domeshape of the inner circle somewhat here:

    Hangardoors (with ominous red lights ofc :p :

    Inner dome:

    I have spend last several days placing stuff, painting and doing some decor. Got a lot of it finished, but i don't rush to get it out on workshop until i'm more satisfied with the overall look.
    Will leave a few rooms empty for peeps to fill with whatever they feel like, but i wont upload a empty shell.

    Just painting the rails/glass and naming cargo/equipment took me a whole evening :sigh:

    And it will not be exactly cheap to build..
  6. Donbingo

    Donbingo Captain

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Had some fun with it today. here is the result. (all the trucks are being posted to the WS later this week.)
    20190123205956_1.jpg 20190123210026_1.jpg 20190123210132_1.jpg

    Edit: the Crane Truck used as cargo, is made by Isaac Dark.
  7. Taniyama

    Taniyama Captain

    Apr 7, 2017
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  8. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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  9. JDaremo Fireheart

    JDaremo Fireheart Captain

    Oct 10, 2016
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    I like that one better myself. LOL
    Think I can Make the jump?

    @Furious Hellfire , I checked it out today. Great little ship . . . and she does present a wide profile from the back. LOL
    @Germanicus you can use Light Barrier blocks. They're in the right click menu of the Switches
  10. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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  11. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Working on the interior of the Millenium. It will take longer than I originally surmised. There's a lot of space to fill up and it's almost doubled in class size since I started on the interior.
    12 Terranigma_2019-01-23_15-24-05.png
    Here is one of the interior corridors. It stretches about 3x this length behind me and there are 4 decks of similar corridors, with 2 corridors to each deck. There are more decks above and below those, but they use different layouts.
    Doors on the left side go to the Mess Hall, Kitchen, Men's toilets, Women's toilets, Men's showers, Women's showers and laundry. Small store rooms and various military and maintenance rooms are off the right side. Crew housing is on the other side of this deck.
    ... I still have to figure out what to stick in the other decks.
    Interior structure in non-vital areas is made of carbon fiber due to weight and construction cost. (omfg, 127k sathium for just the outer shell)
    12 Terranigma_2019-01-24_15-07-09.png
    Clearly not finished, but this is the engineering decks. Located at the rear. Unlike the previous decks, which are 2 blocks high, engineering decks are 3 blocks high. Each deck in engineering is devoted to handling different stuff (including purely aesthetic stuff like shields and power distribution).
    This thing's gonna need a LOT of fuel tanks as it eats through power at an insane rate. When idle thrusters must be turned off as the passive drain of simply having them turned on and not doing anything will deplete a week's worth of fuel in about 2 hours.
    Taking this ship into atmosphere is a no-no. It can fly in atmo fine, but it eats so much power doing so that it's simply not worth the trip. I didn't even give it a landing gear.
    Despite being a battleship it has 5 seperate hangars for ships of varying size. The large hangar on the bottom could easily hold 20+ large HVs and if I could be bothered landing it on a planet, it has ramps to load/unload them easily. It has 2 decks devoted to cargo and ship storage.

    Current class size: 28
  12. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    im at a loss on what to build, thought about a HV or BA but idk what type of design i should try hurmmm
  13. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    That engineering section is AMAZING.
  14. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Today I learned that version 9.2 does not replace the ramp blocks on CV's with the new ones when spawning old blueprints, and that your blueprint will go red if you save it without manually replacing them.
  15. elmo

    elmo Captain

    Sep 26, 2017
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    On Ningues last night collecting resources to build our tanks to take on bases. Son @jlego hops on bike to go collect from couple of drones he shot down. Me waiting in SV and what my son didn't realise was where I was standing and he runs bike right up the ramp into SV and right into my little character.. result is me dead from severe impact.. Lesson learned lol don't stand in path of bike.
  16. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    lol didnt know bikes hurt now :D
  17. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    You are a rear admiral, perhaps it is time to make a fleet of boats haha

    No but really though, I need to build combat boats, too many yachts, not enough guns, i built one dedicated combat boat hv, perhaps you would consider making a combat boat hv if your looking for something different to try :D

    You could also then build a naval base on the waters edge with a dock or perhaps even a hangar stretching out over water designed for boats to slip inside on the water surface.

    You probably wont get much fame or recognition for it, but you will be helping to add something unique to the game that may become more and more useful as time goes on.

    This is my only combat boat, so far it has destroyed an entire zirax base cluster on HWS server planet paragon single handed.
    Losing only a couple of blocks.
    Even though the thruster setup is designed to be sloppy and useless over land, she still manages to drag her ass over some land.


    RexXxuS eventually wants to organise some pvp games with combat boats on HWS, the more variety we have the better but they need to be closely matched for speed and weaponry.

    Also there is the idea of a fleet v fleet battle, each fleet has warships, repair ships, smaller gunships.
    I have started a standard for the warship, I have not started any standard for the gunship/repairship.

    The repairships would support a warship with live repairs even during battle.
    The gunships would support both warship and repairships.

    If your interested you can build any of the above 3.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2019
  18. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    Yeah that is still catching people out on HWS too.

    It had me last week.
    Tyrax Lightning and dpburke2 like this.
  19. Maverick241

    Maverick241 Captain

    Jan 26, 2017
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    I love the design quite much.
    Your design of the StarLite inspired me a lot and I could not resist, tearing it apart, reassembling and modifying it. I wanted to keep as much of the basic design as possible while at the same time achieving a more compact design.
    And I think I succeeded. I am very satisfied with the result. Screenshot 2019-01-24 15.19.10.png
    Screenshot 2019-01-24 15.19.43.png Screenshot 2019-01-24 15.19.56.png Screenshot 2019-01-24 15.20.02.png Screenshot 2019-01-24 15.20.13.png
  20. paxxo1985

    paxxo1985 Commander

    Nov 10, 2017
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    I want to see your pvp cv guys! Show me what you got!!!!!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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