Vertigo Cluster 9.x (abandonded, discontinued)

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Sephrajin, Jun 13, 2018.

  1. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Updated to Alpha 9:

    * 2018.12.18 - 0.5a
    - Fixed: Welcome Center, has now SI:Off (issue was the plant growth)
    - Fixed: Welcome Center, doors to garden are now public
    - Added: Welcome Center, now has boxes at parking and constructors

    * 2018.12.17 - 0.5 - ALPHA 9 - INTIAL RELEASE
    - Updated & Changed some blueprints: Community-*
    - Updated to Talons, Zirax & Polaris
    - Fixed: Position of findable/regen cv: ERA-C Alapalo
    - Fixed: Space Access to Evolutionary Horizons & Babylon 5
    - Fixed typo: Server Safezone -> Server Savezone
    - Migotzu Orbital Hub, is this how it is supposed to be?

    * 2018.12.14 - 0.4a (alpha 9 exp releases)
    - Changed: Welcome Center, no longer an ugly block and has another groupname
    - Fixed: B5-Shuttle position coords by 5 (decreased first number)
    Germanicus and ravien_ff like this.
  2. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Look who's here :D...Great to see you;)
    Sephrajin likes this.
  3. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Thank you, but it's not how it looks, I had some parts prepared - but it also is not how that sounded. ;)

    Anyway, i'm not 'back' yet, that Empyrion just is borked since I released the scenario is just one of the causes… :mad::confused::eek:o_O
    Doing all the updates until the release worked fine, but since that moment, EGS wont start… invalid Content file…

    The issue survived 2 fresh installations after deleting ALL (remaining) files within the install dir after a backup.

    Updated: Happens when one is in discord with 'too many people' :D
    * 2018.12.19 - 0.5b
    - Fixed: Actualy copied the updated Welcome Center to the scenario
    Germanicus likes this.
  4. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Another hotfix:
    * 2018.12.21 - 0.5c
    - Added missing teleporters to Babylon 5, DS9 & PvP Warzone
    - Added missing planet 'Event Horizon'
    - Fixed 'selected boxes' in Welcome Center (Food)
    ...M-o-H... and [BB]Drifter like this.
  5. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    * 2018.12.30 - 0.5d
    - Moved SEA Space Mining Hub in Vertigant Orbit to the asteroid field again (due to portal issues)
    - Added missing neodymium on Vegan Delta
    - Fixed: Welcome Center core now admin
    - Fixed: Welcome Center : Shooting Range (You NEED a JetPack to loot PlantMonsters and Zirax, as the Elevator doors are closed!)
    - Added: Welcome Center : Armor Locker
    - Added: ERA POI TSO Ace : Armor locker
    - Fixed: ERA CivHub A : Armor locker got code 0
    - Fixed: SEA Thermal Energy - spawners
    - Fixed: SEA Defence T1 - spawners
    - Fixed: TSO distance values to 25k in ammery, Argintaris, auske asteroid, brandt pi, cladex gamma, dagobah, Dendrode, dhrupad mu, doules, dra, girriuhah, girivar, gopesh, hades asteroid, heka, kinsath asteroid, meratorius pi, muhyotii, nilesh, onina, optune asteroid, scelet asteroid, taras asteroid, taslia asteroid, theanid, tulmarea asteroid, vardhaman asteroid, vegan delta, vertigant, vertigo prime, yavin
  6. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    * 2019.01.11 - 0.5e
    - Fixed: Typos in Dagobah description
    - Changed: Removed regen of all listed TSO's of 0.5d and of TS on Vegan Delta, Vertigo Prime
    - Fixed: Added 'static' to ERA Civhub A (aka ERA Trading Station) spawners
    - Updated: Edi's Garage has opened!
    - Fixed: Verified Welcome Center and ERA TS have admin cores.
    - Fixed: Removed 'static' from shooting range spawners
    - Fixed: Reset the Food processor connections of the Welcome Center @ thx hopefully to 9.1 release
    - Fixed: Portals heading for Vertigo Prime and Vertigant Orbits.
    - Fixed: Deconstructors & Furnaces have now their own boxes
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2019
    StyxAnnihilator and ravien_ff like this.
  7. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Assume "*2019.01.11" (can delete this post when corrected).
    Sephrajin likes this.
  8. playlessNamer

    playlessNamer Lieutenant

    Jan 15, 2019
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    Hab das Spiel bei euch aufm Server zum ersten mal gespielt und dachte es wäre normal, dass die Planeten in kleinen Galaxien gruppiert sind, dass Planeten näher an der Sonne Wüste und dann Lava sind und je weiter weg mehr Eisplaneten kommen. Is ja vollkommen logisch.
    Dass die Stargate Center zwischen den Starterplaneten Standard sind, sehen absolut original aus. Alles so schön und sinnvoll aufgebaut ist...

    Dann war ich auf anderen Servern und dachte die haben das Spiel iwie kaputt gemacht, dann hab ich mir die Workshop Scenarions angeschaut, dann im Singleplayer mal alles vanilla spawnen lassen.... dann hab ich realisiert das Spiel ist das garnicht sondern das wart ihr!

    Alles andere ist unspielbar, die ganzen anderen Scenarios sind eine sinnlose Aufeinanderfolge von einzelnen Planeten mit noch sinnloseren Verbindungswarplinien.

    Bitte bitte bitte bleib am Ball und mach das weiter! Die Devs nehmen oft Mods ins Hauptspiel auf und euer Szenario muss ins Spiel als Standard vanilla system! Ein völlig absurder Gedanke das Spiel ohne euer Sonnensystem anzufangen!

    Verdammt geile Arbeit, vor allem aus meiner Sicht welcher bei euch zum ersten mal gespielt hat und dachte das wäre ganz normal.
    ...M-o-H... and Sephrajin like this.
  9. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Wow, vielen danke für die netten Worte!
    Ja das wäre ein super lob (seitens Eleon), aber weder bin ich fertig, noch zufrieden so wie es jetzt ist.

    Ich bleib dran! :)
    playlessNamer likes this.
  10. ...M-o-H...

    ...M-o-H... Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2018
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    Du weist ja wo du uns findest ;-)
    playlessNamer likes this.
  11. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    * 2019.01.27 - 0.5g
    - Changed: Uln & Hemnath are removed from starter planets, and have become 'habitat planets'
    - Updated: New players now start directly at the Welcome Center, within a password protected box.
    - Added 3x T1 Autominer for player start easy & medium, 0 for hard
    - Welcome Center & ERA Trading have much slower regen, to avoid double Vendors
    - Updated: Welcome Center has now Creepy's instead of PlantMonster
    - Updated: Welcome Center enabled Zirax again
    - Updated: Doors & Elevator to Zirax & Plant Monster/Creepy work again
    - Added: Starter Room with rules (Admins, please edit the 'Server Welcome Center.epd' in creative before starting the scenario on your server, helps to reduce the hazzle)
    - Verified: Made 200% sure that spawners are set ACTIVE in shooting range (3x 4 spawnplates flat)
    - Added missing Trader Config for EDI's Garage (Vertigo Prime) & Yavin TSO

    * 2019.01.11 - 0.5f
    - Fixed: Resources on PvP Planets
    - Added: PvP Planet Rescue Adm station
    - Added: Combat Zone playfield near Event Horizon
  12. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Allthough I said i'd remove it.. I'll leave the last uploaded file there.
    Juts in case, also, so no other can claim my work as theirs.

    Ah yeah, I stop workin on the Scenario, it's not worth it..
    I wanted to stop in october, but I kept going for the community - in december.. but now… nah.... not worth it...

  13. Luzillus

    Luzillus Commander

    Aug 17, 2018
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    Oh, das ist aber sehr sehr schade! Du hast da wirklich ein großartiges Szenario erschaffen! Ich nutze dass Szenario auch sehr gern im Solo-Modus und mir machts immer noch Spaß. Wenn die Frage nicht zu persönlich ist: Was hat Dich dazu bewegt es nicht weiter zu entwickeln?

    Gruß und gutes Gelingen weiterhin
    Sephrajin likes this.
  14. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Better wait until game is close to finished before making larger scenarios, never know what changes that give a lot of extra update work.
  15. playlessNamer

    playlessNamer Lieutenant

    Jan 15, 2019
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    This scenario is the only playable one out there. All the other vanilla style systems are ruining my immersion completly!
    I searched around but cant find any compareable scenario. Its all just random planets in a line... no clusters, no galaxys, no sense...
  16. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    @playlessNamer Probably anyone can keep updating the scenario and put on workshop, preferable credit the original creator and any other contributors. It can be a lot of work ...
    Mia likes this.
  17. Joew

    Joew Ensign

    Apr 2, 2018
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    I'm working on this incredible work for my MP Server and im having some questions, so could anyone help me, please?

    I got some errors:

    1) Biome 'Any' referenced in 'CreatureSpawning' could not be found (deleted?).

    Those errors occurs at a lot of planets:

    - Biome 'PolarSnowEdge' referenced in 'CreatureSpawning' could not be found (deleted?).
    - POI 'EpsilonMain' referenced in the 'Spawn near...' section of POI 'EpsilonAuxT1' could not be found anymore (deleted?).
    - POI 'EpsilonMain' referenced in the 'Spawn near...' section of POI 'EpsilonDefenceT1' could not be found anymore (deleted?).

    I'm going at the references and just delete those. Is it okay or it could break my game and don't spawn any POI? I'm confusing if its better just delete the references or create the Biome 'PolarSnowEdge' and POI 'EpsilonMain' . If u suggest i create, how could i create? I don't understand this yet.

    Thank you!

    Another question is that i notice some POIs at one planet:

    - SEA POI Greenhouse :
    I can't enter the POI by door because it says at its from another faction.
    How to fix it, please? I want that all players can use those POIs, but can't get them for himselfs. I want all those public for all players.
    And it spawns A LOT on the planet. Where at EPD could i change this for example 3 at max, please?

    - SEA POI Furnace:
    Have 2 furnaces but don't have any container, so i can't use them...
    Have I just add any container, save as BP (alt + o) with the same name to replace it? Is okay i just use GodMod, add the containner and save?

    - Server Welcome Center:
    You always spawn at ground on starter planets inside this POI.
    I want to respawn at capsules not ground.
    The right way is use EPD, load started planet, go to Tab POIs and remove: Survival [Server Welcome Center] in Fixed PlayerStart ?
    I noticed that i can add at this place the EscapePod, but it ask me for coords. How i place escapepod spawns instead ground but at random points of the planet?

    All those 3 POIs are showing on the map. How could i hide then? I want those be on the map only after discovered by the player.

    Thank you, sorry for n00b questions. Its really confusing and i already read a lot, but those things are changing a lot since alpha 6, so if anyone could help me with those it will really help me.

    Have a nice day!
  18. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    I know very little about fiddling with creating scenarios and config files. Too much to learn at the time being, I rather play the game.

    If I wanted to be good at it, I would start reading forum posts and search for info and trying out stuff, before do it the lazy way and ask someone to repeat info already available. (General speaking).

    A main issue is that the game keeps changing, creating even more work to get stuff to add up. One of the main reasons the creator of this scenario stopped (I assume).
    Maybe some have a fast answer ...

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